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353/61/2023-NT Government of india Ministry of New and Renewable Enerny (Wiyarogen Division) ‘Atal Akshay Urja Btawan, Lodhi ‘Road New Delhi 110003 Date: 15march 2024 T ‘The Pay & Accounts Ofcer, Ministry of Mew and Renewable Energy New Detl-130003 Subject: Scheme Guidelines for the implementation ofthe RAD Scheme under the National Green Hydrogen Mission Sir/Madam, | am directed to convey the sanction of the President of India for the Implementation of the Rescarch & Development (RAD) Scheme under the National Green Hydrogen Mision (NGHM), 2 Objectives: The Scheme has folowing objective: (0) Toincease he atfordabity of Green Hydrogen production, storage ransortatlon, and zation and to enhance the efficent, safety and reliably ofthe relevant systems and processes, (4) To build Industry academi-goverament parershis to leverage the opportunity to ‘stalin innovation eas)stem for Green Hydrogen echnologes (i) To facta scaling up and commercaiation ofthe techoologlal advancements by providing requisite peley and regulatory support 3. TheScheme wil be implemented as per the detaled Guidelines given at Annexure, 4. Theexpenditure on this scheme wil be met from the budget provisionsmade under the National Green Hydrogen Mission Head 5. This Issues in exercise of the powers conferred on this Ministry and with the Concurrence of ID vide thelr Diary. No. #58 dated 15.03.2024, 6 Thishasthe approval of Nonble Minster of Power and New and Renewable Energy Your faith, (Sona ScenistF elsed: Amenure Copy: All central Goverment Ministries and Deparoments All Members of the Empowered Group under the Mission AllMembers ofthe Advisory Group under the Mission ‘CEO, NTI AayogSansad Marg, New Del ‘Scentit Head, Climate, Energy and SustalnableTehnoogy (CEST) Divison, Department of Since & Technolgy (DST) ‘State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) ofall tates/UTS Major Public Sector Enterprises operating In Renewable Energy/Power Saar Principal isctor of Aut Scent Audit I, DGCAR Estate, Delhi-1107 Director General (Local Bode), fice ofthe Comptrolier & Auditor General Deendayl Upadhyay Marg, Now Delhi 10. Solar Energy Corporation of indi (SEC), 6th Moor, Plte-B,NBCC office, Blcktower2 East iden Nagar New Deh 110023, 11 Shipping Corporation ond, Shipping House, 245 Madame Cama Road Mambai ‘00021 12 ndlan Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA), 3rd flor, August rat Bhavan, Blea Cama place New Deth-110066 Internal ltt 1. PStoHon be Minister of Power and New and Renewable Energy 2. PStoHonble Minister of tate of New and Renewable Energy and Chemiclsand Ferliers 3, P50 wo Seoretary, MNRE loin Seretares/Advisors/Group heads, MNRE Al Siete F/Sletst E/Director, MNRE Al Scientist -D/Depuy Secretaries MNRE AllSclonits-C/Under Secretaries, MNRE AllScenie-B, MRE NIC, MNRE for uploading on the MNRE website 10. CA, MRE for eash Section 11 Hind Section of Hin Version 12 SanetonFoder ‘SuitPa) ‘Sees Annexure Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) Government of india [Guidelines for the implementation of the RAD Scheme under the Netional Green ‘Hyarogen mission 1. Introduction 4L1. The National Green Hydrogen Mision, hereafter mentioned a the ‘Mision, wat launched on 4 Janary 2023 with an outlay oF RS 1974 Crore with an alm to make tnd 4 Global Hub for production, usage and export of Green Hydrogen and its ervatives I wil contribute to Inds gol to become Aatmanlebha (slfllant) ‘through clean energy and serve as an inspiration forthe global Clean Energy ‘Transition. The Mission wil lead to sigoifcantdccarbonistion ofthe econony, reduced dependenceonfossl fel Imports and enable India to assume uehnology and ‘marketleadership in Green Hydrogen. Under he Mision, along with ternative, ‘he Ministry of Now & Renewable Energy (HNRE) proposes to promote research on Groen Hydrogen and its derivatives based technologies and application. Tis scheme provides detailed provisions, terms, and condtons for the approval and ‘implementation of RAD projects under the Mission. Objectives 1 Totnerease the afodabiltyof Green Hydrogen production, storage, ransprtation, nd tization, and to enhance the efficiency, safety and reliability cf the relevant systems and processes. |. To build industryacademis-goveramentpartaerslps to leverage the opportunity to ‘stabs an innovation eosystam fr Green Hydrogen technologies. 1, To ae scaling up and commertlzaton ofthe technolopcl advancements by roving requisite policy and regulatory support Fv202s.26 Buuigetary Outlay Rs. 400 Crore 4. Components ofthe Scheme 444. Broad areas for suppor under the RAD program Interaiasocude Hydrogen production, storage, compression, transportation, utliation, testing and techno Paget of 12 ik economic analysis: Te RD projects supported under the Mision wll be oa oviented time bound, and sutable to be sale upto achieve quantile returns. Support wil be provided under the Mision fr the following typeof posts: (0) Mission Mode Projects with short term (05 years) horizon: Under this mode focus will be on end-product development in partnership withthe industry lots walbe made to aggregate ad leverage existing capabilities and instar daring this phase. Projects ky tobe taken up under this mode may includ, among others, evelopment of indigenous modula elctroysers and PEM based fuel cls Biomass based hydrogen generation willbe saled-up for commercial applestion. {a0 Grand Challenge Projects with a mid-term (0-8 years) Impact horizon: These projects willbe nkted with a focus on etcal technologies to overcame kensng challenges and supply constrains, These projets are proposed tobe taken up In consort mode and would require augmentation of existing eapsbilies and Infrastructure. Component-specfic research focus wil be critical to futher upscale cvsting domestic manufaturingeapallts, improve efficiencies and drive down costs of eritcaltechnolopes. Likely Grand Challenge projects wil be bul around manufacturing of ce] eletrolyser and fel cell components ke Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEAs), eletrocatalyss Catalyst Coated Membranes (CCM). Gas Difuslon Layers (GDL), bipolar plates et. Component specifi esearch focus will be crteal to further upscale exsting domestic manufacturing capabilites, improve efcences and drive down costa erteal technologies (i) BlueSky Projects having a long term (015 years) horizon: These projets wil focus on establishing technical prowess and competitive advantage fo the Indlan Industry, Blu Sky Projects wil aim to develop and demonstrat cpatiites ofthe Indian RAD sectorin the green hydrogen actor: ue Sky projects willaim develop «capabilities of the Indian RAD sector within an array of sujet like development of Sed generation electroctalyts, reversible Solid Oxide Hlectrolysers(SOECs} and Solid Oxide Fuel Cols (SOFCS), seawater electrolysis, thermo-caalyte pyrolysis plasma pyrolysis, salt cavern surveys, high entropy alloys for reverse hydrogen storage ete () Centers of Excellence: The R&D program will also focus on ideniing and supporting Centers of Excellence, by balding subject expertise and research Infrastructure. A network approach willbe undertaken involving the academis Industry government to ensure seamless transfer and commerialintion of new # Page 2 0f 12 42. 43. 5a, 52. technology. 'm addition to industria and insttional researc, innovative MSMES and start-ups working on indigenous technology development and adaptation willbe encouraged under the Mission. ‘The prortzation ofthe research ares is specie in the RAD Roadmap for Green ydeoge, released by MNRE on October 7, 2023 and as amended from tine to time. Implementation Methodology NRE wil hold an annual conference with refearchinstutons andthe industry to dently areas of research. Areas of research denied in these cnferrces wll et the rors Submission of Proposals Research and Development projet propo inthe ares of Groen Hydrogen canbe submited fr financial support by Academic Institutions / RAD Institons/ Goveroment Insitutions / PSUs / Private Researe Istittons/ Industries having adequate infastructure/facities. Consortium of two or more entitles mentioned above can also submit proposal for funding. Prososls may be sited through any ofthe following four routes for consideration b he Minit: (© MNRE wit from time to tne, notify “Call for Propossls® for Research and Development projects through advertisement in sclentifi/teehnoligeal journals and the MNRE website. Proposals wil be lvited aginst dented challenges, esearch problems in fostering green hydrogen ecosystm for RAD ares. (i) Besides Cals for Proposals the Joterested istiutions/indvidals may also submit proposals in olvant areas of research at any time tothe MNRE. Such proposals wil be evaluate for financial support ona ease to-case basis according to thar relevance tothe Mnistys research priors and sult for financial suppor (iyBased onthe ned Ministry may alo consider sollng proposals Pom identi experts, institutions and Industry capable of implementing. technology development activites in relevant area. (@) The Ministry wills suppor setngup of Centre of Excelence fr strengthening the Gren Hydrogen ecosystem inthe county, onacase-t-case bad Page of 12 K ‘53. Appralsal ofthe Proposals: ntl Screening of the proposals wil be dane bythe MNRE to cheek relevance ofthe proporas withthe peor areas Werte in the ongultaton with the industry and the research nstutions Proposals snorted by -MNRE willbe placed forthe Sectoral Sub-Commites (SCs) constituted under the ‘Avtsary Group chaired by the Principal Slentife Advisor, Governmentof nda The experts in any ofthe committees shill nat evaluate thse projects whi pertain to thelr organisation, Conflict of Interests any willbe cary dstlood. Projects recommended by the SSCs, wl be considered fr nal assessment by ‘he Advisory Group 54. Evaluation Criteria: The proposals wll be evauatd by SSCs base on he following 2) Reevanceand quality ofthe proposal: 1b) Availability of clear statement of quantified objective and deliverables ©) Techn feasibility ofthe proposal 4) Technolgy Readiness Level ofthe proposed propsa/proet. 55, Project Approval: Proposals recommended by the Advisory Group willbe put up for the standard nancial approv process, Sanction will be fsued by MNRE upon obtaining nancal concurrence and sétlnstratve approvals as per procedure. The sanction letter wil clearly mention the approved objectives, head-wise budget with yearly break-up, duration, terms and conditions, deliverbles/ouput and other contion of Grant: and the projet gant shal be tized as pr the "General Terms & Cconaltions of the grant for Ressarch and Technology Development projets” at Appendix. 6. Financial Support: 6:1. The MNRE wil releage nancial support under the Scheme based on the flowing provisions 6.1.4, Quantum of Financial Support (0) Academie Insitetions, Universite, Government/Non-proft research organizations would be eligfblefor financial support upto 100% of th ttl project ‘ost, subject to a cap as decided by the concered Sectoral Sub Commiteo/ ‘Advisory Group under the Meson, The financial support to the private Inattutes/research organizations and industries woud belimited upto 80% ote x Pages 12 total project cost, subject to a cap as decided by the concerned Sectoral Sub CCommitee/ Advisory Group under the Mission. (4) However having focus on applied research, the Ministry wil encourage esearch nd development proposals from consortia comprising of academic stites/R&D labs and industry. The academia/ National RAD ab partner wil be prvided up to 100% funding of ts share ofthe project subject to a cap as decided by the concerned Sectoral Sub-Commitee/Advsory Group under the Mision. Industria partner should contribute tothe projec wth ther own contributors. 61.2. Disbursement ofFunds (0) The project proponents of he approved projects wil rceve financial support as or the approvalleter sued by MNRE upon submiting ncssary documentation, (i Tho Paton of rlease of FA will be on milestone basis up to 3C% ofthe tot sslstance excluding the institutional overheads would be released alongwith the sanction depending onthe regurement of equipment nthe projet. The balance ssltance excluding the institutional overheads would be sanctioned as per the annual allocation based on the progress/miletone achieved in te project. The uolzation erties ofthe rant released towards purchase ofequpment should be submitted within 1 year of dat of release; milestone based installments ofgrant ‘would be released after full utlization of previous release and submission of required documents (ti) The overhead charges wil be restricted up to 8% othe project cos forthe projects Costing upto Rs. 1 ror. tn ease ofthe project cost oFRS 1 tS Crorathe overhead charges willbe 6% of the project cost oF R25 lakh whichever le Incase of the projects cost of more than Rs § Crore, the quanta and overhead charges wil be decided approved by the MNRE on a case-o-case ba (le) Contingencies and Consumables amount wll be provide inthe projects where research work involves field work or/and project has many Investgatorsfinsttutions and need large manpower, basd on the recommendations athe concerned SSC (¥) The institutional ovrhesds woud be released only after sucessful completion of the project and review by the concerned SSC and on receipt cf the project ompletion report 2nd financial due dilgence as pr GFR Page 5 0f 12 k 61.3, Other Terms. Conditions for Release of Funds (0 ima collaborative project the partners wil submit a jint application and the projec il be funded in accordance withthe agreod funding pattern by diferent collaborators. (6) Forimplementation ofthe project the temporary manpower Le, SRF JRF and RA te may be hited fn the RAD project based on thelr expertse/profesionsl ualfcation in the relevant ld. The hiring ofthe manpower wl be purely on temporary basis as per DST gulalines with a condition that there will be no aby, what-so-ever, of uch staff on MNRE. The staff services stall discontinue Immediately after the project duration expres. The emoluments of ersomnel on ‘he regular roles in the participating Instttion(s)/organizatlon() will ot be ‘borne under he projet (QW) No reappropraton of finds i allowed between Capital Assets and Grantin-aid heads and any undertiin fands under these heads need to be refunded tothe [MNRE tthe end of financial year. (0) Honor perthe extant instructions/gudeines of Ministry of Finance, as amended from ine jm, siting fes and TA/DA tothe members/exprts willbe appa as totime 7. intellectual Property Rights (IPR) ‘7A. The granteinsuton(s)/ Inventor(s) s Property Rights (IPR) being generated through the rescarch projects under the Scheme as per the provisions given in Appendix to this document, including tbe responsible to protec th Itlectul amendment, ifany. Monitoring, Reportingand Validation . {4 Monitoring and evaluation of the research and development actives will be undertaken through the SSCs ofthe respective stream. FD representative may also participate in SC meetings, frouired The SCs wil be responsible For: (0) Continuously monitoring project plementation. (a). Recommending release of funds, mié-course corrections, bidet revisions realignment of objectives to enable dlvery ofthe envisaged projet outomes ‘natinely manner. ag Page of 12 {U)_ Assessing the performance ofthe supported projet, and apraing the annual ‘workplan forthe current year on the basis ofthe delvrabes outcomes, (0) Sralstion of the achievements of completed procs and ve recommendations for corrections and further work any. Project Completion Process 94, Alllforts shall be made to complete the projets in ime through goraus monitoring nd feedback, However, extension, subjectto contions, may be grants flows: (Extension up to 1 year based on justieation, without any incrsse in nana assistance, canbe granted with the approval ofthe concerned SSC (@)_ Extension up to 1 year based on justifcation, with requirement of additonal ‘nani assstnce, can be granted with approval of MNRE,on recommendation ofthe concerned St (li) On completion of the project. the Pencpal Investigators shall make a presentation before the concerned SS, followed by a presentation before the Advisory Group ofthe Mision 10. Awards fr Innovation 10.4. tn order to encourage innovation n Hydrogen RAD, the Mission wil award prizes on am annual bass. The award willonsistofa tation and cash rie Re kh, Rs 3 ak and Rs. 2 al A commit wl be constituted unde the chalmanshis of Secretary, DMNRE to formulate guldelines forthe awards and ac sa jury forthe selection of candidates forthe avard 11, Power to amend Scheme Guidelines 11.1. MNRE may make te necessary amendments in the Scheme Guldeline as and when _equlre, with the approval ofthe Honble Miniter of New & Renewable Eerey Page of 12 ra Appendix (GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE GRANT FOR RAD PROJECTS [Approval ofthe RAD/ technology development projet and the gant beng released isfor the specif projet sanctioned and should be exclusive spent onthe project within the approved ime duration. The grantee organization's rot permitted to seek ar utile fonds from any other organization (government. sem-government, autonomous and private bodes) for this research projec, unless specially approved fr Join funding by te $8, Any unspent Balance out ofthe amount sanctioned most be surrendered to the Government of India through an ECS/ crossed Demand Draft dawn {avour of Drawing & Disbursing Ofer, MNRE payable at New Delhi Full infrastructre facilities by way of accommodation, water, lectrcity,communteaton ete for stoth implementation ofthe projet hat ‘be given by the grantee organization at their cost or permanent, semi-permanent assets aequted solely oF mainly out ofthe prec grants, an audited recordin the form ofa register must be maintained The term Asses" incide (the immovable property equiredout ofthe gran; and, (©) movable property ofepltal nature where the value exceeds RS S0,000/ ‘The grante organization required to send to NNRE alist of assets aquired from the grant The grant shall not be tlie for construction of any Suing nlessspeifi provision made for that purpose ‘Asots acquired in the proect shall be shared proportionately between ‘overament of Inda and grantee organantion() i accordance withthe cost sharing pattem of the project The assets should not be dlsposa of or encumbered ould for purpose other than those fr which the grant ha been sanctioned, without the prior permission ofthis MNRE ‘on conclusion termination ofa projet the Government nda willbe ree to sell or otherwise dispose ofits share af the assets, which are the froperty ofthe Government. The grantee organization shall render tothe Goveroment necessary lacie for arranging the sale of thes asso The Goverinent may ‘exercise discretion to git its share of ase to the grantee organization oF transfer them to any oter organization itis considered appropriate Page of 12 6, Thogrante organization Principal Investigator wil furnish Progress Report ofthe work caried out under the project on six monthly basin the months of ‘Aprlland October during te project implementation period ina presribed format given at MNRE portal 1 Officers) of MIRE and MNRE designated Scentst/ Specials Expert Panel(s}/Commite(s) may visit the organaation periodically to review the progress ofthe work being eave out and to sugestsultuble measures to ensure ealzatin ofthe objectives ofthe projet Durngimplementzion ofthe project the grantee organization wil provide facies to such vistors in the form of accommodation, ste vss, et. 8, On completion othe projet ina consolidated ‘Projet Completion Report’ on ‘the work done onthe project will be prepared afte Incorporating sngestions, \€any, fom the reviewers of the projet and 5 copes of the same wil be suite to the MN, nthe prosribed format gven at MNRE port 9. The "Project Completion Report shall Include all relevant technical otals/speceaions, design drawings of the systems/equipmens and an Inventory of materials required 10. tthe time of tekng farther installment of grant and clsure/ termination of ‘the projec the grantee organization / Principal Investigator hast urish ‘he fllowing documents (©) Ustizaton Certitcate (UC) for MNRE grant and’ Statement of Expenditure’ (6.08) forthe total expenditure forthe previous nancial year (orignal or copy if sont earl n enclosed formats given at MNRE portal. (@) Latest authenticated “Statement of Expenditure’ including Committed Expenditure, forthe expenditure on the project including cost shared by ay other organization since 1 April of that nana year tlhe previous month and (i) Project Completion Report/ Progress Report 11, Compiler & Auditor General finda, at is discretion shall have te right of access tothe books and accounts ofthe grante organization mained in respect ofthe grant reeled from the Governmentf nda. 12, The grantee orgatzation wll maintain separate saving accounts forthe project Ina Bank itis found expedient tokoep apart or whole ofthe rantinabank Page 9ott2 x 13 16. v, 18. account caring intrest the intrest thus earned shouldbe reported to the NRE and shoud be reflected in the ‘Statement of Expenditure The ‘intrest thus earned willbe rfundedtoMinity atthe endo very nancial year ‘The grantee organization wall elther entrust the implementation of the workywhich he grants sanctioned to anther insti nor wilitvertthe rant receipts to other insttate as asitanc, Incase the grantee organization ‘snot ina poston to implement o complete the projet It should forthwith Intimate the sme to MNRE and refund the entre rant released under the project within a month of sue intimation. Alltne personel including Research personnel appointed under the projec, for the fll) part duration of the projec, are to e treated as project personnel on contact to the organization and will be governed by the administrative rules/ service conditions (for lave, TA/DA etc) of the implementing Inettte. They are not to be tested as employes of the ‘Government of tia under any etcumstances and the MNRE wil save no Tabi, whatsoever, forthe project personne fer completion ofthe project uration, ‘The Ministry reserves the right to terminate the project at any stage i I6 convinced that the grant has not been properly utilized oF sufficient progress has not been reported under the projector suifient effots have notbeen devoted, “The projectbecomes operative with immediate effect or within a maxim of ‘one month from the date on which the ECS/ Draft, / Cheque ls received ‘by the implementing Institution. Ths date shouldbe intimated by the grantee suthortes/ Principal Investigator to this Ministry: ‘The grantee organization shall asst aco Principal Investigator with the projec f nat already part of the project team. The coprinspal investigator ‘all function as Principal Investigator in his absence and shouldbe fully ‘conversant with the alles under the project. tthe Principal ivestigatr to whom a grant for pject has Ben enctionet wishes to leave the grantee organization where the projets sanctioned, he rane orgnization/ Principal lvestigatr wil inform the same othe MNRE, and ensure successful completion of the project through co-rncpa age 10.112 Investigator, before relieving the Pipa Investigator or appolnig another ‘employe as Principal investigator, 19. tnvestigator() wishing to publish technical) scenic papers hase on the research work done under the project should acknowledge the assistance recelved fom MNRE inating the project sanction no, under whlchgrant has been ven tothe grantee organization The Principal Investigator wil submita copy ofthe paper tothe Mins as soon sts published 20. ifthe results ofresearchar to belogly protected underlPR the rests should not be published without action being taken Secure legal protectin forthe sear esl 21, the esults ofthe work cared out under the grant require preparation of technical booklet/ guldes/ sotware/ CD ete; In such eases the grantee ‘organization wil publish prepare sufient copies (number of copes to be ecided in consultation with MNRE) and keep 8 portion for tein use/ Alsseminaion and submit the remaining opis to the Ministry fr isu and Atebuion, 22, the results inthe form of survey repert/produt performance eauaton for ter such actives which have commercial Impliations, the grantee ‘ongaization shal nt publish the result without specie written approval of ‘his Minis. 23, The grantee institution(s} Inventor(s) are required to seek protection of Intellectual Property Rights for the results/ output ofthe sanctioned RAD projects and shal share royalty proceed of sale of PRin accordance withthe ulin given below: | The BR wl belong to the combating partis (nlading the MNRE) ‘proportion wo their conrbutons. 1. The Government of India/Govt. bodies Ccudlng its PSs, Gov. autonomous socletes & ston 25 companies) shal have right to obtain a royaltysfee lense for the Inallectual Property for Aeployment/ase othe same. Page 11 12 Rk wt ‘The Union Government shall have a royalty-free eens Marcin Rights forthe useofthe Imeecal Property. Acorn, MNRE may rant the patent Ucense(s) to ater partes as decided by MRE Entities having eens to market he developed productin nda shall manufacture the product domestically. In cat, the grants ation s unable to flea patent, NRE or ts nominated institution may the patent. ‘The grantee snstution() shall provide a copy of the ‘ill Text Document athe Patent within one month ofits publication. ‘A portion of the benefits and earings sng out of he IPRInay be retained for plough back to pursue research/research related cvs inthe Green Hydrogen sector, ‘The grante instution(s) may submit the financial requieents for ‘Ang of IPR as part of he RAD proposal. The contingency hed under ‘he rant may be use with approval of MNRE fr provisioning of he expenditure or fling oFIPR with a celingoFRs, 1 ah forthe cost of intl ling, bt excudng te anal fe. international Patent Ming willbe prmited The Rights to use the technology may be sold to another institution/industry, for commeriazatio, on terms and eendons as mutually agreed to between the partis such transaction shall be done through formal agreement hetween the lnc owners the IPR nthe proposed licensee nd intimated to MNRE within period of ‘weeks rom conlusion ofthe agreement. Notwithstanding the above, MNRE reserves the right t tke over cwersip ofthe rights af the Intellectual property arising et of he projects under the Scheme, inthe national Interest, witout any compensation to the grantee instiation, 2A, tn case of any dispute the decision ofthe Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy shall be Bal K Page 12 0112

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