Determine Young

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Determine Young's modulus (E) and shear modulus (G) for a hybrid vehicle chassis material
that experiences a stress (σ) of 50 MPa under a strain (ε) of 0.002 and a Poisson's ratio of 0.3.

stress (σ)= 50 MPa
strain (ε) = 0.002
Poisson's ratio = 0.3

Young's modulus (E)= stress (σ)/strain (ε)

= (50MPa)/0.002 = 25GPa

shear modulus (G)= E/(2(1 +𝜈))

G = (25GPa)/(2(1 + 0.3)) = 9.62GPa

2. For a hybrid vehicle chassis element under plane stress, calculate the normal stress (σ’_{x}
and shear stress ( 𝜏’_xy ) given the original stress components σ_{x}, σ_y, and 𝜏_xy ) as 60
MPa, 40 MPa, and 30 MPa, respectively.


Use Mohr's circle transformations:

σ’_{x} = (σ_{x} + σ_{y})/2 + (σ_{x} - σ_{y})/2 * cos(2θ) + 𝜏_xy sin(2θ)

𝜏_’xy =- (σ_x – σ_y)/2*sin(2θ)+ 𝜏_xy cos(2θ)

Choose θ = 0 for plane stress.

sigma x ^ prime = (60 + 40)/2 + (60 - 40)/2 * cos(0) + 30sin(0) = 50MPa

𝜏’_xy =- {60-40}/2*sin(0)+30 cos(0)= 0 MPa

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