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ENGLISH 4 Week 5

News reports are found in newspapers or in online

publication and their purpose is to inform readers of
what is happening in the world around them. They are
found in the News Section of the newspaper.
Below is an example of a news report.

An opinion or editorial piece is an article, usually

published in a newspaper or magazine, that mainly
reflects the author's opinion about a subject. It is found
in the Opinion Section of a newspaper.

A feature article is a piece of non-fiction

writing about news. It is a descriptive
narrative article about something that the
author wants to write. Places, events,
lifestyles, individuals are just some
examples of a topic. It is found on the
Lifestyle Page of the newspaper.

A sports article is a form of writing that reports on

matters pertaining to sporting topics and
competitions. It is found in the Sports Page of the

Browse through the magazines or newspapers found in your home. Cut one sample
article for each of the types of journalistic writing. Put labels on it. Paste all on your
answer sheets.


Theme: 12-letter words

Read the following words with their meaning.

1. Achievements - The act of successfully completing or reaching a goal, demonstrating one’s
capabilities and dedication (accomplishments, triumphs, successes).

Example:“Her achievements in the field of medicine have earned her international recognition and

2. Championship -A competition to determine the best in a particular sport or activity, showcasing the
highest level of skill and dedication (tournament, contest, competition).

Example:“The team worked tirelessly all season to earn their spot in the championship, and their
hard work paid off when they won the title.”

3. Enthusiastic -Showing intense and eager enjoyment or interest, often leading to positive
outcomes and inspiring others to join in (passionate, excited, fervent).

Example:“The enthusiastic crowd cheered on the marathon runners, inspiring them to push through
the last few miles and cross the finish line with pride.”

4. Heartwarming - Eliciting feelings of happiness and contentment, often through acts of kindness or
love (uplifting, touching, inspiring).

Example:“The heartwarming surprise party brought tears of joy to her eyes.”

5. Impressively - In a manner that evokes admiration or respect, indicating a high level of skill or
achievement (remarkably, exceptionally, strikingly).

Example:“She performed impressively on stage, leaving the audience in awe of her talent.”

6. Kaleidoscope -A tube-shaped optical instrument containing mirrors and pieces of colored glass or
paper, whose reflections produce changing patterns when the tube is rotated, signifying a constantly
changing and diverse array of perspectives.

Example:“The kaleidoscope of cultures in this city is what makes it such a vibrant and exciting place
to live.”

7. Loquaciously -Speaking in a very talkative and chatty manner, often conveying enthusiasm and
passion for a topic.

Example: “She loquaciously shared her love for literature with the group, inspiring them to pick up a
book and start reading.”

8. Magnificence - The quality of being grand or splendid, often used to describe impressive beauty or
splendor (majesty, grandeur, brilliance).

Example: “The magnificence of the sunset over the ocean took my breath away.”

9. Neighborhood -A section of a town or city, typically comprising of residential areas and

characterized by its own unique culture and community, fostering a sense of belonging and identity.

Example: “I love living in this neighborhood because everyone is so friendly and welcoming.”

10. Organization -A group of people who work together to achieve a common goal, often
for a specific cause or purpose, promoting collaboration and teamwork (association,
institution, society).
Example: “The organization’s efforts to provide clean water to underprivileged
communities have made a significant impact on improving public health.”

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