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Ammonia Borane: A potential Hydrogen storage material

Vineet Tiwaria
a Ashoka University, Haryana, India

Example abstract for the astronomy and computing journal. Here you provide a brief summary of the research and
the results.
Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4

1. Introduction ric hydrogen capacity of 19.6 wt%, which surpasses

the 5.5 wt% of liquid hydrogen and rivals that of many
The global energy demand has risen significantly in
complex metal hydrides [2]. Additionally, AB exists as
parallel with population growth and industrial devel-
a white solid at room temperature and pressure, sim-
opment. However, the depletion of fossil fuel reserves
plifying its handling and transportation compared to
and the environmental impact of their combustion, in-
gaseous hydrogen. The allure of AB extends beyond
cluding the emission of harmful gases, have led to a
its impressive hydrogen content and physical proper-
pressing need for alternative energy sources. Hydro-
ties. Unlike most complex metal hydrides, AB exhibits
gen energy has emerged as a promising solution due
favourable thermodynamics for hydrogen release. De-
to its high calorific value and minimal environmen-
hydrogenation, the process by which hydrogen is re-
tal impact. The quest for a clean and sustainable en-
leased from a carrier, can be achieved through either
ergy future hinges on the development of efficient and
thermal (heating) or hydrolytic (using water) pathways
practical methods for hydrogen storage and utilization.
[3]. Thermal decomposition liberates hydrogen at rel-
Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe,
atively low temperatures (around 60°C) compared to
boasts exceptional energy density, making it a highly
many metal hydrides, suggesting a potentially less energy-
attractive fuel source for applications ranging from trans-
intensive process [4]. Furthermore, the dehydrogena-
portation to stationary power generation. However, its
tion reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat,
gaseous nature at ambient conditions presents signifi-
potentially simplifying system design.
cant challenges for safe and efficient storage and trans-
port. This has spurred intensive research into alterna- Despite these attractive features, significant challenges
tive hydrogen carriers - materials capable of storing remain in harnessing the full potential of AB for prac-
and releasing hydrogen in a safe and controlled man- tical hydrogen storage applications. A central hurdle
ner. lies in achieving reversible hydrogen release. The cur-
Among the numerous candidates out there, ammonia rent dehydrogenation processes for AB often lead to
borane (NH3 BH3 , often abbreviated AB) has emerged the formation of complex polymeric byproducts, such
as one of the most promising contenders for chemical as polyaminoboranes (PNBs) [5]. These byproducts
hydrogen storage. First synthesized in the 1950s by exhibit significantly lower hydrogen content and pose
Shore and Parry [1], AB boasts a remarkable gravimet- difficulties in regeneration, hindering the reusability

March 10, 2024

of AB as a hydrogen carrier [6]. Moreover, the de- ing complex chemistry. These routes are reported in
hydrogenation reaction often follows uncontrolled ki- the following subsections.
netics, releasing hydrogen in a rapid and potentially
2.1. Classical Pathways
unsafe manner [7]. Furthermore, while the dehydro-
Metathesis of ammonium and borohydride salts is the
genation temperature of AB is lower than many com-
most common and simple method to prepare ammo-
plex metal hydrides, it still falls short of the ideal range
nia borane. It involves the reaction of an ammonium
for onboard fuel cell applications (typically 30-80°C)
salt (such as NH4 Cl or NH4 F) with a borohydride salt
[8]. Lowering the dehydrogenation temperature while
(such as NaBH4 or LiBH4 ) in an organic solvent (such
maintaining efficient hydrogen release and reversibil-
as diethyl ether or tetrahydrofuran) at low temperature
ity requires the development of suitable catalysts. Ad-
(around 0 − 45o C). The reaction produces ammo-
ditionally, the release of ammonia (NH3) as a byprod-
nium borohydride, which decomposes spontaneously
uct during the dehydrogenation process necessitates the
into ammonia borane and hydrogen gas. The overall
development of efficient separation and potential rein-
reaction can be written as:
tegration methods to avoid environmental concerns and
maximize hydrogen yield [9].
NH4 X + MBH4 → NH3 BH3 + H2 + MX (1)
This paper aims to review the research that has been
done in the area of the synthesis, dehydrogenation and where M is Na or Li and X is Cl, Br or F. The yield
regeneration of ammonia borane. We start by looking and purity of ammonia borane can be improved by op-
at the various methods of the synthesis of the AB from timizing the solvent, the reaction time, and the molar
different routes. Then we move on to the most impor- ratio of the precursors. The addition of some ammonia
tant section, which is the dehydrogenation of AB. This or water can also enhance the yield.
section includes various methods such as thermolytic The second main pathway is based on a base displace-
and hydrolytic dehydrogenation of AB, along with dif- ment reaction, where ammonia (NH3 ) replaces the weak
ferent catalyst-induced processes used to extract hy- base L of (L−BH3 ) in an organic solvent at tempera-
drogen from AB. The final section of this paper has a tures below zero. The general equation is:
discussion on the potential strategies and challenges of
L−BH3 + NH3 → NH3 BH3 + LH (2)
the regeneration of AB by using the byproducts of the
dehydrogenation reactions. where the ligand L can be (CH3 )2 O, (CH2 )4 O, or (CH3 )2 S.
Higher temperatures favour the formation of diborane
2. Synthesis of Ammonia Borane B2 H6 , which can also react with ammonia to form AB
The fundamental idea behind the formation of Ammo- or diammoniate of diborane (H3 N−BH3 −NH3 −BH3 ).
nia Borane is a reaction between a source of H3 N and The latter can be converted to ammonia borane by sol-
a carrier of BH3 . This idea might look quite simple ubilizing it in diethyl ether or polyether with small
but it is not as straightforward as it seems. The chem- amounts of ammonia or diborane.
istry behind this can be understood in two pathways: B2 H6 + 2 NH3 −−−→ 2 NH3 BH3
the first being the classical pathway where Lewis acids (3)
(symmetric cleavage)
such as CO and Me3 N react with diborane to give the
monomeric donor-acceptor adducts, i.e. (CO)−BH3 This method involves passing diborane (B2 H6 ) gas into
and Me3 N−BH3 , respectively. With time, new alter- liquid ammonia dissolved in an organic ether (such as
nate synthesis routes emerged, in some cases involv- THF or diglyme) at -78°C. Depending on the solvent
and the ratio of B2 H6 and NH3 , the reaction can pro- The energy of this reaction is −64.7 kJ mol−1 . Am-
duce either AB or a mixture of AB and the diammoni- monia borane is obtained with a yield of 92%, the side
ate of diborane (DADB). product being hydrazine borane N2 H4 BH3 . The latter
is thereafter converted to ammonia borane in ammonia
B2 H6 + 2 NH3 −−−→ [NH3 BH2 NH3 ]+ [BH4 ]−
(4) borane in liquid NH3 at −77o C, heating up to 60o C
(asymmetric cleavage) for 24 hours, and cooling down to −77o C.
The diammoniate of diborane obtained from the de-
3. Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane
composition of NH4 BH4 in the solid state or the asym-
metric cleavage of B2 H6 and NH3 can further be dis- 3.1. Thermolysis
solved in diglyme solvent containing a trace of dib- Thermal decomposition of ammonia borane is carried
orane to convert DADB to ammonia borane without out as a two-stepwise exothermic reaction. There have
hydrogen evolution. been several experimental studies that suggest that the
first step releases about 1 mol of H2 , along with residue
[NH3 BH2 NH3 ]+ [BH4 ]− −−−→ 2 NH3 BH3
(5) mainly containing polymeric aminoborane [BH2 NH2 ] x
(in diglyme with a trace of B2 H6 )
with some aminoborane (BH2 NH2 ) and gaseous bo-
2.2. Alternative Pathways razine (B3 N3 H6 ). (Miranda 2007) has studied the am-
The alternative pathways aim to regenerate ammonia monia borane thermal decomposition reaction along
borane from its hydrolytic or thermolytic by-products, two paths. The hydrogen release along these paths can
such as boric acid (B(OH)3 ), tetrahydroxyborate anion be summarized as follows:
(B(OH)4 − ), ammonium (NH4 + ), and polymeric residue
3.1.1. Route A - The polymeric ammonia-borane cycle
(BNH x ).
The release of hydrogen along this route can be under-

From the borates, the species tri- (B(OCH3 )4 ) and stood by the following three reactions:
tetra-methoxyborate (B(OCH3 )4 − ) can be synthesized Reaction-1: The formation of Polyaminoborane (PAB):
and reacted with ammonium salts and reducing agents,
such as lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4 ), lithium xBH3 NH3(s) → [BH2 NH2 ] x + H2(g) (9)
chloride (LiCl), or aluminium chloride (AlCl3 ), to yield
ammonia borane. The general equations are: Reaction-2: The formation of Polyiminoborane (PIB):

[NH4 + ] x [X x− ] + xB(OCH3 )3 + xLiAlH4 −−−→ [BH2 NH2 ] x → [BHNH] x + xH2(g) (10)

xH3 N−BH3 + Li x X + xAl(OCH3 )3 + xH2 On further heating, this ultimately leads to the forma-
tion of boron nitride.
[NH4 + ] x [X x− ] + xB(OCH3 )3 + xLiCl + xAlCl3
(7) Reaction-3: The formation of boron nitride
−−−→ xH3 N−BH3 + Li x X + xAl(OCH3 )3 + xH2
The second method is a one-pot process where polyb- [BHNH] x → xBN + xH2(g) (11)
orazylene is taken as a model residue. It is represented
The final reaction requires a very large temperature,
with the formula BNH x (x<2). Polyborazylene is sus-
around 1500 K, for hydrogen release. Moreover, the
pended in liquid NH3 at −77o C and reduced by hy-
final product of this reaction, boron nitride, is very sta-
drazine N2 H4 for 24o C at 40o C.
ble and makes the reverse reaction very impractical for
4 BNH + 5 N2 H4 → 4 H3 N−BH3 + 5 N2 (8) hydrogen storage.
3.1.2. Route B - The cyclic polymeric ammonia-borane cycle such as carbon, alumina, silica, or zeolite, or stabilized
Formation of cyclic polymeric compounds like borazine by polymers, such as laurate or PSSA-co-MA. The re-
(B3 N3 H6 ), cyclotriborazane (H2 BNH2 )3 and polybo- action is exothermic and releases about 156 kJ/mol of
razylene ([B3 N3 H4 ] x ) is an alternative route for the de- heat. The reaction rate and the hydrogen yield depend
composition of BH3 NH3 . The hydrogen release reac- on several factors, such as the catalyst type, loading,
tions for this route can be listed as: and support, the reaction temperature, and the water
Reaction-4: Dehydropolymerization of borazine: content. The reaction mechanism is often described by
the bimolecular Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model,
3BH3 NH3(s) → B3 N3 H6(g) + 6H2(g) (12) which assumes that the reaction occurs between the ad-
sorbed species of ammonia borane and water on the
followed by,
catalyst surface. The reaction kinetics are usually first
B3 N3 H6(g) → [B3 N3 H4 ] x + H2(g) (13) order with respect to the catalyst concentration and
zero order with respect to the AB concentration.
Reaction-5: Borazine-cyclotriborazane cycle:
3.2.2. Non-noble metal-based catalysts
B3 N3 H6(g) + 3H2(g) ←→ (H2 BNH2 )3(s) (14) These catalysts, such as Co, Ni, Cu, and Fe, are more
economical and abundant than noble metals and also
Transformation of ammonia-borane into cyclotriborazane: show high activity for the hydrolysis of AB. The cat-
alysts can be prepared by different methods, such as
3BH3 NH3(s) → (H2 BNH2 )3(s) + 3H2(g) (15)
solvated metal atom dispersion, seeding-growth, or in
3.2. Hydrolysis situ reduction. The catalysts can be amorphous or crys-
talline and have different shapes, such as nanospheres,
The hydrolysis of ammonia borane is a process that
nanorods, or core-shell structures. The catalytic activ-
involves the reaction of ammonia borane with water
ity is influenced by the metal particle size, crystallinity,
to produce hydrogen gas and borate salts. This process
composition, and oxidation state.
can be used as a potential method for hydrogen storage
and generation, as ammonia borane has a high gravi- 3.2.3. Synergistic effects of noble and non-noble metal cata-
metric hydrogen density. However, there are some chal- lysts
lenges and limitations associated with this process, such These catalysts, such as Au-Co, Au-Ni, Rh-Ni, Pt-Ni,
as the stability, recyclability, and purity of the reactants and Ir-Ni, combine the advantages of both noble and
and products. non-noble metals and exhibit enhanced catalytic per-
The hydrolysis of ammonia borane can be catalyzed formance for the hydrolysis of AB. The catalysts can
by following metal-based catalysts: be bimetallic alloys or core-shell structures, and have
different metal ratios and distributions. The synergis-
3.2.1. Noble metal-based catalysts tic effects are attributed to the electronic, geometric, or
These catalysts, such as Pt, Rh, Ru, and Pd, show high chemical interactions between the two metals, which
activity and stability for the hydrolysis of AB, which affect the catalytic activity and stability.
can be expressed as:
The main challenge of the hydrolysis of ammonia bo-
NH3 BH3 + 2 H2 O → NH4 + + BO2 − + 3 H2 (16) rane is the recyclability of the borate by-products, which
are highly stable and require harsh reducing conditions
The catalysts can be supported on various materials, to regenerate ammonia borane. Several chemical routes
have been proposed to achieve this, such as using methanol, vironment for the dispersion and stabilization of the
hydrazine, or lithium aluminium hydride as reducing metal nanoparticles, as well as for the adsorption and
agents. However, these methods are still costly and activation of the AB molecules.
complex and may introduce impurities or side reac-
In addition to the hydrolysis of ammonia borane, some
tions. Therefore, further research and development are
recent studies have also developed methanolysis of am-
needed to improve the efficiency and sustainability of
monia borane to generate pure hydrogen at room tem-
the hydrolysis of ammonia borane for hydrogen stor-
perature over various catalysts, such as RuCl3 , RhCl3 ,
age and generation.
CoCl2 , NiCl2 , Pd/C, etc.
3.2.4. Other potential catalysts
NH3 BH3 + 4 MeOH → NH4 B(OMe)4 + 3 H2 (17)
Boron-containing nanocomposites, thin films and
foams: These catalysts are based on the incorporation Hydrogen capacity from the above system is calculated
of boron into different metal or metal oxide matrices, to be about 3.9 wt%, which is lower than that from the
such as Co-B, Cu-B, Co-Mo-B, Co-P, etc. The au- hydrolytic system (about 7.8 wt%).
thors suggest that the presence of boron may enhance
the catalytic activity by facilitating the formation of 4. Regeneration of Ammonia Borane
metal-borohydride intermediates or by modifying the
electronic structure of the metal sites. Some of these The viability of ammonia borane in the field of chem-
catalysts also exhibit magnetic properties, which en- ical hydrogen storage is strongly dependent on the re-
able their easy separation and recycling. cyclability of the spent fuel into the borane. The dehy-
drogenation process typically follows an irreversible
Bimetallic alloy and core-shell nanoparticles: These path, leading to the formation of ammonia (NH3 ) and
catalysts are composed of two different metals, such as polymeric byproducts like polyaminoboranes (PNBs).
Ni-Au, Ni-Pt, Ni-Pd, Au-Co, etc. The authors claim PNBs are complex molecules with lower hydrogen con-
that these catalysts show synergistic effects, where the tent compared to AB. Their decomposition back into
combination of two metals results in higher activity, AB is challenging, hindering the closed-loop cycle for
selectivity and stability than the individual metals. The hydrogen storage using AB. The strategies for poten-
bimetallic catalysts can be prepared by various meth- tial regeneration of AB includes the hydrolysis reac-
ods, such as co-reduction, seeding-growth, replacement tion where the key aspect lies in the formation of am-
reaction, etc. The core-shell structure, where one metal monia borane condensate (NH3 BH3 · H2 O) during hy-
forms a core and another metal forms a shell, may offer drolysis. This ammonia borane condensate can be ther-
additional advantages, such as tunable surface prop- mally decomposed at moderate temperatures (around
erties, enhanced electron transfer, and reduced metal 100°C) to regenerate AB. This suggests a potential closed-
leaching. loop cycle.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): These catalysts However, the complete conversion of AB to ammonia
are porous crystalline materials that consist of metal and regenerable condensate remains a challenge. Op-
ions or clusters connected by organic ligands. The au- timizing the hydrolysis reaction for efficient hydrogen
thors report that some MOFs, such as Ni-based MOF, generation and AB regeneration is crucial. In future,
can act as precursors for the in situ generation of metal exploring alternative regeneration methods beyond hy-
nanoparticles within the MOF matrix during the hy- drolysis and thermal treatment might be beneficial. Chem-
drolysis of AB. The MOF may provide a suitable en- ical reduction or other strategies are some of the poten-
tial areas that could be investigated. structure, researchers can potentially optimize hydro-
gen release characteristics while maintaining high hy-
5. Conclusion and Prospects drogen content. Such tailored derivatives could of-
fer a more controlled and efficient pathway for hydro-
Ammonia borane (AB), a white solid at room tem-
gen release. Additionally, developing efficient and ro-
perature, has captivated researchers in the quest for a
bust catalysts is crucial. Ideal catalysts should oper-
clean and sustainable hydrogen storage solution. Its al-
ate at lower temperatures, promoting selective hydro-
lure lies in its impressive theoretical hydrogen content
gen release and minimizing the formation of unwanted
of 19.6 wt%, surpassing liquid hydrogen and rivaling
many complex metal hydrides. Additionally, the dehy-
Regeneration strategies are also paramount for a viable
drogenation process – the release of hydrogen from the
closed-loop hydrogen storage system. While current
carrier – exhibits favorable thermodynamics, meaning
processes have limitations, research on optimizing hy-
it can occur at relatively low temperatures compared to
drolysis – the reaction of AB with water – and explor-
some metal hydrides. This presents a potential advan-
ing alternative regeneration methods like chemical re-
tage for onboard fuel cell applications. However, the
duction holds promise for improving the reusability of
path to practical utilization of AB for hydrogen storage
AB. Here, engineering considerations play a vital role
is not without its hurdles.
in designing practical systems. Reactor design needs
A central challenge lies in achieving reversible hydro-
to address issues of heat management, controlled de-
gen release. Current dehydrogenation processes often
hydrogenation kinetics, and efficient hydrogen separa-
yield complex polymeric byproducts like polyaminob-
tion. Moreover, integrating ammonia separation and
oranes (PNBs). These byproducts have significantly
its potential reintegration into the hydrogen release cy-
lower hydrogen content and pose difficulties in decom-
cle is critical for maximizing hydrogen yield and min-
position back into AB, hindering the reusability of AB
imizing environmental concerns.
as a hydrogen carrier. Furthermore, dehydrogenation
Unlocking the potential of AB for practical hydrogen
can be an uncontrolled process, releasing hydrogen rapidly
storage demands a multi-faceted approach. Fundamen-
and potentially creating safety concerns. Despite these
tal research delving into dehydrogenation mechanisms
obstacles, the potential benefits of AB warrant contin-
and byproduct formation is essential. Computational
ued research and development efforts. Several avenues
modeling can accelerate the process of identifying and
hold promise for unlocking its full potential. One key
designing efficient catalysts for controlled and selec-
area involves gaining a deeper understanding of the de-
tive hydrogen release. Synthetic chemists can con-
hydrogenation mechanisms and the structure-property
tribute significantly by exploring tailored AB deriva-
relationships governing byproduct formation. Compu-
tives with improved dehydrogenation behavior. Engi-
tational modeling offers a valuable tool in designing
neering advancements in reactor design and byprod-
novel catalysts that promote efficient and selective hy-
uct separation are crucial for translating promising re-
drogen release at lower temperatures. This not only
search into practical applications.
improves the efficiency of hydrogen extraction but also
In conclusion, ammonia borane presents a compelling
aligns with the ideal operating temperature range for
case for a sustainable hydrogen storage solution. Its
fuel cells.
high hydrogen content, favorable thermodynamics, and
Synthetic chemists can contribute significantly by ex-
existence as a solid at room temperature solidify its
ploring methods to tailor AB derivatives. By incor-
potential. However, overcoming challenges associated
porating functional groups or altering the molecular

with irreversible dehydrogenation, uncontrolled kinet-
ics, and byproduct management necessitates a concerted
effort across various scientific disciplines. Through
continued research focused on understanding dehydro-
genation mechanisms, catalyst development, regenera-
tion strategies, and engineering considerations, scien-
tists can unlock the full potential of AB and pave the
way for a clean hydrogen future.

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