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Sanket Nikam

Machine Learning Intern

* Pune ƒ +91 7066119684 # ï §
Profile Summary
• Entry level Data Scientist with expertise in Predictive Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language
Processing, Computer Vision and Time Series Analysis.
• Proven track record of implementing end-to-end data science projects in production environments.
• Skilled in developing solutions, adept at leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Generative AI, Computer Vision,
Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Core Competencies
• Artificial Intelligence • Data Science • Deep Learning
• Generative AI • Machine Learning • Database Management
Technical Skills
Languages: Python, R, SQL, NoSQL, HTML/CSS.
Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, SciPy, RegEx, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch.
Algorithms: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Ridge and Lasso, k-NN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost,
Naive Bayes, PCA, K-Means Clustering, Time Series Analysis (Auto-Arima, Sarimax, FbProphet).
Computer Vision (CV): OpenCV, Pillow, CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO, Torchvision, LabelImg.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLTK, Gensim, Spacy, RNN, LSTM, GRU, Transformers.
Generative AI/LLMs: OpenAI, Llama2, HuggingFace, Langchain, LlamaIndex.
Cloud Platforms/Services: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, ChromaDB.
Tools/Frameworks: Flask, FastAPI, Streamlit, Postman, Git, GitHub, Docker.

ConstemsAI April 2024 – Present
Software Developer Intern
• As a part of the AI Product Group, helped with different projects, creating use cases, connecting data solutions to

business needs and supporting new ideas.

• Provided daily progress reports to the team with effective communication, documenting tasks completed and current

project status.
Radical X July 2023 – March 2024
AI Engineer Intern
• Executed various predictive analysis initiatives, employing machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

• Demonstrated proficiency in preprocessing diverse datasets to address specific business challenges.

• Implemented advanced statistical analysis methods, including classification and time series, to uncover trends and


Personal Protective Equipment Detection | OpenCV, YOLO, Faster R-CNN
• Created an integrated system for detecting personal protective equipment in industrial and construction environments,

employing object detection methodologies to uphold adherence to safety regulations regarding PPE.
• Performed image preprocessing, dataset annotation, and various preprocessing methods before training the data with

YOLO and Faster R-CNN models.

• Created a rule-based system to verify compliance with safety standards.

Document based Question Answering System | OpenAI, Langchain, ChromaDB, Streamlit

• Illustrated the potential of Generative AI in developing a document-based question answering system through the

implementation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

• Utilized NLP methodologies such as embeddings and sentence transformers through Langchain, it then curates responses

through OpenAI’s gpt-3.5-turbo LLM.

• Created and implemented a chatbot utilizing the RAG framework, seamlessly integrated it with LangChain, and

incorporated the open-source ChromaDB Vectorstore.

Power Demand Forecasting using Time Series Analysis | Auto-ARIMA, SARIMAX, FbProphet
• Created an AI-driven system designed to enhance climate control efficiency and save energy by managing electricity

consumption, thereby increasing availability during peak times and decreasing it during off-peak hours.
• Collected energy consumption data from the client’s database, underwent preprocessing, and performed diverse statistical

• Utilized a range of time series models such as ARIMA, SARIMAX, and FbProphet to address both univariate and

multivariate analysis approaches.

Default Risk Analysis | SMOTE, XGBoost, Random Forest, Flask

• Developed a real-time machine learning model to evaluate customer trustworthiness, expediting loan approvals and

improving delivery channel effectiveness in alignment with the client’s requirements.

• Assessed and prepared credit and financial data to analyze lending risk. Employed appropriate Tree-based machine

learning algorithms to craft customized data models.

• Engaged in every phase of data science and machine learning projects, including exploration, data preprocessing, model

building, testing, deployment, monitoring, debugging, and ongoing improvement.

• Exported the trained model and created APIs using Flask, then deployed them on a cloud platform.

Emotion Detection in Text | NLTK, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Streamlit

• Developed a chatbot capable of analyzing text inputs to determine the associated emotion, then hosted it on a

cloud-based platform.
• Employed a variety of NLP techniques to extract relevant features, preparing the data for analysis, for subsequently

training the model on the preprocessed data.

• Identified suitable machine learning algorithms such as Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression for the emotion detection

task, and selected the most appropriate one.

• Developed a web application with Streamlit that allows users to input text, which it then analyzes and assigns an

associated emotion label. The application has been deployed on cloud.

• Microsoft Certified Azure AI 900 • Intro and Intermediate Machine • Python Bootcamp (Udemy)
• Python Flask Framework Learning (Kaggle) • Git from Basics to Advanced
(Udemy) • SQL (SoloLearn) (Udemy)
• Programming Fundamentals • Modern HTML5 and CSS3 • Introduction to the C Language
(Coursera) Tutorial (Udemy) (Udemy)
M.E.S, Senior College 2020 – 2023
Bachelor of Business Administration and Computer Application (BBA - CA) 89%
Late P. B. Jog. Junior College 2018 – 2020
H.S.C 60%
Late P. B. Jog. Junior College 2018
S.S.C 76%

National Level UIDAI Hackathon UIDAI Aadhaar

• Contributed to a team in a National Level UIDAI Hackathon, focusing on developing a user-friendly portal for updating
addresses using Aadhaar authentication.
• Implemented a secure login system where users received OTPs on their registered mobile numbers, utilizing OTP
Authorization API for generation and Authentication API for verification.
• Designed and integrated functionality enabling users to capture images of address documents, with successful extraction
of address information for record updates.
• Collaborated effectively with team members to leverage provided APIs and develop a streamlined solution within the
hackathon’s timeframe, showcasing adaptability and problem-solving abilities.

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