ENG2613 Assignment 05

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Name: Charley Maxine Reed

Adress: 20 Essenhout str. Kanonkop Middelburg


Student Number: 13752820

Module: ENG2613

Supplementary Exam

Assesment no. 05

Due date: 19 January 2023

Student number: 13752820

Stundent number: 13752820
Section A

Question 1

1.1 Literature can be referred to human’s body of shared expression in any forms, shapes
or sizes. Literature is a body of shared text that has cultural meaning and value’s.
Literature has existed for many years, generations of people have shared stories through
texts, histories and even through songs. Literature have been passed on from one
generation to the next. Many cultural stories and history is passed on through
literature.The reason why there is a plural form for literature, namely literature’s, is
because there isn’t just one way of writing or creating literature. Different people and
cultures use different forms of literature, every culture also sees literature differently. This
plural form reminds us of diversity. It also remind us of change, over time literature
changes stories change, but there will always be a diversity in literature. This is important
in a multi-cultural classroom because every person deserves to honour and to know their
own culture. Teaching to different learners requires teachers to be diverse and to respect
and treat every culture the same.

1.2 There are three main types of genres, namely prose, poetry and drama. Prose uses
chapters to divide the different sections of a text. Prose can be fiction of non-fiction and the
language that is used sounds like everyday type of language. An example is a short story,
The Yellow Wallpaper and the author Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Poetry uses stanzas to
divide the texts. It can be written in lines of different lengths and form. They have different
patterns of sounds and rhythms. Example Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?,
William Shakespeare. Lastly drama uses different types of acts for different sections, and
sections can be divided into scenes. These can change the time or places of the story. An
example Romeo and Juliet.

1.3 Children gain a lot from literature, they gain vocabulary and language development.
This enables them to understand experiences, different emotions and even different types
of relationships. Language makes sense in their lives. Literacy motivates children to read
more. It expands their imagination, this allows children to be curious, to think, question and
to challenge their own skills. It learns children to cope with emotions and how to handle
relationships and different situations. Lastly literature gives meaning and understanding to
children. They understand how the world works, literature shapes moral values and a
sense of what is right and what is wrong. Good is always better than evil.

Question 2

2.1 This is a poem.

2.2 There is an end-rhyme in this poem. It has a coupled rhyme.

2.3 Firstly this is a short and easy poem, childen will easily read this poem, there isn’t any
complicated or difficult words. Secondly children will be able to understand this poem, they
will know that what the poem is talking about os true. They know the months of the year.

2.4 I could use this poem to teach children about rhythm, rhyme, repetitions of sounds and
the form of the poem

2.5 I would do some research about the months of the year, just to let the learners fully
understand the poem. They have to know which months have hoe many days and the
need to know what leap-year is for the to understan this poem fully. I will have to explain
Stundent number: 13752820
the rhyme of the poem. That each of the word ending is rhyming with each other. I will be
using multinidal techniques such as visuals, having the poem infront of the learners, oral
explaining and answering any questions thats being asked and I would even use an audio
that could read the poem out loud. After the poem has been read to them they will have to
read the poem on their own.

Question 3

3.1 This is fiction. This is because it didn’t really happen. This is fantasy.

3.2 There is unreal events taking place. Characters, such as the turtle, are unreal and
have unreal abilities. The story is humorous and entertaining, especially for children.

3.3 This story is inappropriate because this is not true and will make them believe in inreal
events. This story also teaches children to lie, just like the turtle lied to the chief. And lastly
this story is quite violent, because the people could talk to the animal but still wanted to kill
and eat him.

3.4 Firstly the script, the script is there to guide the learners who will be in the play, this will
help them memorise their lines and the actions they must do while being in the play.
Secondly the set, this is how everything will look in the play, for example there will have to
be a river for the turtle, a huge pot, and some other props that is appropriate for this play.
The learners will he the characters, there needs to be a turtle, men who capture the turtle,
and a chief. There must be a scenery, this will create a particular visual setting for the play.
Lastly the dialogue, it needs to be appropriate and it has to match the actions and the story
line of the play.

Section B

Books capture the most important historical moments of our past, our cultures and our
heritage. The stories that are told from books, dramas and poems are very important for
each and every learner, fiction or non-fiction, each story has an importance to it. It does
not only give each learner a sense of belonging but it also teaches every learner about the
importance of different cultures and to respect one another’s religions and believes.

As a teacher I would love to learn children about the importance of different types of
literatures. I would teach children that each type of literature such as dramas and poetry
have different types of importance to them, and that there is a big difference between
poems and dramas. For instance poems are more about having rhythm and rhyme.
Poems are more free and creative because it doesn’t follow grammar rules and it uses
figurative language. Dramas can be fiction or non-fiction, it has a different cast of
characters which teaches the children about different types of people and different types of
actions, good and bad.

Books help expand a child imagination. It helps children learn valuable life lessons without
having to actually live through the situations. It also teaches children about knowing the
diffraction between right and wrong. It learns children compassion and to think about other
people and how their situations and lifes are. I will be handeling a lot of poems with my
learners. Also alot of dramas and storybook’s, I will also be reading traditional stories from
different cultures to create multi diversity in the classroom. This will make every child feel
important and give them a feeling of belonging.

Stundent number: 13752820


Books are a great way to teach children various types of ways to react and behave. Books
and stories help children to understand different actions and situations. It also creates an
escape for most children, to help them forget about what is going on in the real world.

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Name: Charley Maxine Reed
Student number: 13752820
Signature: charleyreed
Date: 19/01/2023

Stundent number: 13752820


Stundent number: 13752820

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