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What are common causes of slips, trips, and falls on a construction

site that can lead to injuries?
a) Wet or slippery surfaces from spills or weather conditions
b) Uneven flooring or debris obstructing walkways
c) Lack of proper lighting in work areas
d) All of the above
2. How can workers prevent slips, trips, and falls on a construction
a) Wear appropriate footwear with slip-resistant soles
b) Keep work areas clean and free of clutter
c) Use caution signs to warn of potential hazards
d) All of the above
3. Describe the potential consequences of slip, trip, and fall incidents
in a construction environment.
a) Sprains, strains, and fractures
b) Head injuries or concussions
c) Back or spinal cord injuries
d) All of the above
4. What measures should be taken to maintain safe walking surfaces
and prevent slip hazards on a construction site?
a) Promptly clean up spills or debris
b) Install anti-slip mats or coatings in high-risk areas
c) Clear snow and ice from walkways during winter months
d) All of the above
5. Explain the importance of proper housekeeping practices in
reducing slip, trip, and fall risks on a construction site.
a) Minimizes clutter and obstacles in work areas
b) Ensures clear pathways for safe movement
c) Reduces the likelihood of accidents and injuries
d) All of the above
6. How can workers identify potential slip, trip, and fall hazards on a
construction site?
a) Conduct regular inspections of work areas
b) Look for wet or slippery surfaces
c) Check for loose cables or cords across walkways
d) All of the above
7. Discuss the role of safety barriers and guardrails in preventing falls
from elevated surfaces on a construction site.
a) Provides physical protection and prevents accidental falls
b) Ensures compliance with fall protection regulations
c) Alerts workers to hazardous areas near edges or openings
d) All of the above
8. What precautions should be taken when working on scaffolding or
ladders to prevent falls?
a) Use fall arrest systems such as harnesses and lanyards
b) Inspect scaffolding and ladders for stability and integrity
c) Maintain three points of contact when climbing or descending
d) All of the above
9. Describe the importance of proper training and certification for
working at heights to reduce fall risks on a construction site.
a) Ensures workers understand safe practices for working on
elevated surfaces
b) Reduces the likelihood of falls and fall-related injuries
c) Promotes a culture of safety and compliance with height safety
d) All of the above
10. How can workers protect themselves from falling objects on a
construction site?
a) Wear hard hats or head protection
b) Secure tools and materials properly when working at heights
c) Establish exclusion zones around overhead work areas
d) All of the above
11. What steps should be taken in the event of a slip, trip, or fall
incident on a construction site?
a) Report the incident to a supervisor or safety officer
b) Provide first aid or medical assistance as needed
c) Investigate the root cause of the incident to prevent future
d) All of the above
12. Explain the importance of proper lighting in work areas to enhance
visibility and reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls.
a) Illuminates potential hazards and obstacles
b) Helps workers navigate safely in dimly lit areas
c) Improves overall safety and reduces accident rates
d) All of the above
13. How can workers ensure the safe use of stairs and stairways on a
construction site?
a) Maintain clear pathways and handrails
b) Avoid carrying bulky items that obstruct vision
c) Ascend and descend stairs facing forward
d) All of the above
14. Discuss the significance of conducting risk assessments to identify
and mitigate slip, trip, and fall hazards in a construction
a) Identifies high-risk areas requiring preventive measures
b) Guides the implementation of control measures to reduce
c) Helps prioritize safety improvements based on identified risks
d) All of the above
15. Why is it crucial for workers to communicate and coordinate
movements in shared work areas to prevent collisions and tripping
a) Avoids congestion and overcrowding in workspaces
b) Promotes awareness of other workers’ activities and movements
c) Reduces the risk of accidental collisions or trips
d) All of the above
16. What measures should be taken to secure temporary walkways or
access routes on a construction site to prevent slips, trips, and falls?
a) Use barricades or cones to mark off hazardous areas
b) Ensure temporary flooring is stable and slip-resistant
c) Provide adequate lighting along temporary pathways
d) All of the above
17. How can workers protect themselves from slippery conditions
caused by rain or inclement weather on a construction site?
a) Use absorbent mats or rugs at entry points to absorb moisture
b) Wear waterproof footwear with good traction
c) Implement additional safety measures such as warning signs or
d) All of the above
18. Discuss the importance of wearing appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE) such as safety shoes to prevent slip, trip, and fall
a) Provides traction and stability on slippery surfaces
b) Protects feet from impact injuries or punctures
c) Reduces the risk of slips, trips, and falls in hazardous
d) All of the above
19. How can workers contribute to maintaining a safe work
environment by promptly reporting and addressing slip, trip, and fall
a) Notify supervisors or safety officers of potential hazards
b) Participate in safety inspections and hazard identification
c) Take proactive measures to eliminate or mitigate hazards
d) All of the above
20. Why is it essential for workers to be vigilant and aware of their
surroundings to prevent slip, trip, and fall incidents in a construction
a) Promotes a safety-conscious mindset and behavior
b) Helps identify and address hazards before accidents occur
c) Ensures a safer work environment for all workers
d) All of the above

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