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Mahankali Anandsagar Public School, K.


Annual Exam 2021-22

Class-VI Marks- 80

Sub-English Time-3 hrs

Student Name- Roll No-


Q.1.A. Write the meaning of the following words. 5 Marks.
1) self-contained- 3) gloomily-
2) crown- 4) mansion-
B. Complete the following sentence. 6 Marks
1) The dying father made his children promise to___________
2) The three caretakers had never visited the Red Room because_______
3) Shantu was an abandoned boy of.............
4) Madame Loisel was always unhappy with her life because__________
5)Wali Dad decided to send gift to queen___________
6) The practice of making children work called________

C. Answer the following questions. (Any 5) 5 Marks

1) What shock did Madame Loisel receive in the end?
2) Why was the Red Room of the Lorraine Castle was infamous?
3) What is the practice of making children work called?
4) How did the youngest brother survive in the winters?
5) How are parents tricked into sending their own children off to work?
6) Why was Shantu left behind by his own family?

D. Give the answer in 2/3 lines. (Any two) 4 Marks

1) Write two examples that shows Wali Dad was not caring about wealth?
2) In what kinds of work/ factories are small children employed?
3) What are the responsibilities of good family members?


Q.2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
5 Marks

One afternoon, my neighbour's children were playing hide-and-seek in the street just
out side the post office. Young Raju, who is only five years old, found the perfect place

to hide. His sister, Radha, had shut her eyes and was counting up to ten when Raju
noticed that the small metal door of the letter box had been left open. The postman
had just taken all the letters out and had gone into the post office to see if there were
any parcels. Raju climbed into the letter box and pulled the door from inside so hard
that it locked. Upon realising¹ what he had done, he became very frightened and
started crying.

Meanwhile, Radha was looking for him everywhere, but could not find him. It was
lucky she happened to stop outside the letter box and hear her brother's cries. She
immediately ran to tell the postman who hurried out to unlock the metal door. Raju
was now free, but he had such a fright that he could not stop crying. The postman,
however, soon found a way of making him laugh again. He told him that next time he
wanted to enter a letter box, he should remember to affix* a stamp on himself!

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What were the children playing outside the post office?
2. Where did Raju hide?
3. Where was the postman?
4. Do as directed:
(a) The postman had taken out all the letters.(Change into Passive Voice)
(b) The postman hurried out to unlock the metal door.
(Underline the to- infinitive.)


Q.3.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow –

A LONE LODGE STOOD on the banks of a lake in a remote place. One evening when
the sun was about to set, an elder daughter, two sons and a wife stood around the bed of a
man who was about to die. The family had all tried all kinds of medicines known by the
Ojibwa, but nothing could save the man now. The dying man at the end gained a silver of
spirit from the fresh wind blowing through the door of the lodge. He whispered to his
‘ I decided to bring you all to this remote place so that we may live in peace away from the
evil ways that many people follow. There is unkindness, ingratitude and wickedness
surrounding our people. By living away from them I protected your innocence. I have
protected you from becoming selfish and proud. It has not been easy to stay away from
others. We all have suffered from a lot of discomfort. But I tried my best to feed you all
and look after you. But now I am dying. Your mother will not live long and will die after
me. My children, you will be left alone to look after your selves. I give you the charge to
look after your mother and your youngest brother, who is not strong. I charge you never to
forsake your younger brother. As soon as the words ended, the spirit of the man took
flight. The two older children looked after their mother and the youngest brother. After six

moons had passed, the mother too died. The two brothers and one sister were left alone to
look after one another.
For some time it was easy for the eldest brother to take care of his family. But soon he
became restless and wanted to do things for himself. He decided to leave his sick brother
under the care of his sister and go out to make his mark in the world. The elder brother
married after some time and forgot about his promise to his dead father.

I) Answer the following questions: 5 Marks

i) Where a Lone Lodge stood?
ii) Which type of the medicines the family had tried?
iii) Which promise to made the dying father his children?
iv) Why was the father choose to keep his family away from other people?
v) Write the first form of the verb given bellow:
i) protected- ii) suffered -

Q.4.A. Answer the following questions. 3 Marks
i) What does ‘Not one in respectable and unhappy over the whole earth’ mean?
ii) What kinds of mood would most people watching the circus dog an ‘educated dog’?
iii) The poem ‘Life ‘is about---------------

B. Correct and rewrite the following statements. Use the following words given in the
bracket. (boy, joyful, educated dog, horse). 4 Marks
i) The dapples acrobat gallops round the ring.
ii) The elephant is looping the loop.
iii) The juggler is tearful.
iv) The Indian-rubber man is jumping through the hoop.

C. Write summary of the poem 'Self-Contained'. 2 Marks

D. Write the rhyming words given below: 1 Mark

i) ran- ii) thing-


Q.5.A. Fill in the blanks with the past indefinite or the past continuous forms of the
given verb. 3 Marks
i) I ………(go) to bed early last night.
ii) He ……..(play) with my little brother.
iii) She ……..(go) to school.

Q.5.B. Fill in each blank an Infinitive with or without to. 2 Marks
i) I was too tired…………. .(walk)
ii) The sums were easy…….. .(solve)

Q.6.Write V2 forms of given verbs. 3 Marks

i)Catch- ii) Give- iii) Put-

Q.6.B. Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliaries. 2 Marks

i) You ………go now.
ii) I ………. never go there.

Q.7. A) Make words by using Prefixes and Suffix. 3 Marks

i) auto- ii) dis- iii) in-
iv) -ful v) -tion vi) –ess

Q.7. B) Write the Antonyms of given words: 2 Marks

i) Ancient ii) always iii) adult iv) belief

Q.8.A. Change in Active voice into Passive voice. 3 Marks

i) He opens the door.
ii) She pays a lot of money.
iii) I draw a picture.
Q8.B. Combine each pair of sentences by using a to- infinitive. 2 Marks.
i) Raman has no Money. He can't buy a bike.
ii) They use kerosene. They cook their food with it


Q.9.Write a letter to your friend telling him about historical place you visited last
week. 10 Marks

Q.10 Write an Essay on about 100/120 words. 10 Marks

* My Dream in Life
*Write a Diary Entry on how you celebrated your birthday.

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