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vIrvwr (pRwiemrI jmwqW leI)*

18 AprYl, rwj iv`idAk Koj qy isKlweI

2024 kONsl, pMjwb
A`j dw ivcwr- ikqwbW pVHn qoN vDIAw koeI mnorMjn nhIN[
Sbd-AMqwkSrI, AwLy-duAwLy nwL sMbMiDq ivSw (zubwnI), kivqw, bwl gIq aucwrn[
*igAwn ivigAwn*
pRSn- Bwrq dI mudrw (krMsI) ikhVI hY? (rupieAw)
pRSn-KyqrPl p`KoN sMswr dw sB qoN v`fw dyS ikhVw hY? (rUs)
pRSn- pMjwb dy duAwbyy ielwky ’c ikhVy izlHy pYNdy hn? (………….)
pRSn- pMMjwb dw ikhVy Sihr nUM bwZW qy drvwizAW dw Sihr ikhw jWdw hY?
pRSn- Bwrq dw sMivDwn kdoN lwgU hoieAw? (26 jnvrI 1950)
*vwr-vwr bolIey* (Tongue Twister)
ਖੜ੍ਹੇ-ਖੜ੍ੋਤੇ ਚੁੱਪ-ਚਪੀਤੇ - ਖੜ੍ਕਾ ਖੜ੍ਕੇ ਖੜ੍ਾਵਾਾਂ ਪਾ ਕੇ

Words for practice- 1) flock 2) flash 3) floor 4) flour 5) flame

skUl is`iKAw ivBwg, pMjwb

Thursday For Govt. Primary Schools*
April 18, State Council of Educational
2024 Research and Training, Punjab
Thought of the day- There is no better entertainment than reading books.
Sbd-AMqwkSrI, AwLy-duAwLy nwL sMbMiDq ivSw (zubwnI), kivqw, bwl gIq aucwrn[
Knowledge and Science
1. What is the currency of India? (Rupee)
2. Which is the largest country in the world in terms of area? (Russia)
3. Which districts are in the Doaba region of Punjab? (…………..)
4. Which city in Punjab is known as the city of gardens and gates?
5.When did the Constitution of India come into force?(26th January 1950)
Tongue Twister
Toy boat, toy boat.
Words for practice- 1) flock 2) flash 3) floor 4) flour 5) flame

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