EDPP PROJECT (A-Study-on-Strategic-Brand-Repositioning) MOHAMMAD FARHAN SIDDIQUI-1

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(Submitted for the Degree of B. Com Honours in Accounting and Finance under
the University of Calcutta)


Brand Repositioning (A Case study on Titan watches)


Name of the Candidate:- Mohammad Farhan Siddiqui

Registration No:- 011-1111-1474-21

CU Roll No:- 211011-21-0337

Name of the College: - Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose College College

UID: - 20210108


Name of the Supervisor: Prof. Supratim Dey

Name of the College: Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose College



This is to certify that MOHAMMAD FARHAN SIDDIQUI a student of B.Com. Honours in

Accounting & Finance of ACHARYA JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE COLLEGE. Under the
University of Calcutta has worked under my supervision and guidance for her Project Work and
prepared a Project Report with the title. BRAND REPOSITIONING-A CASE STUDY ON
TITAN WATCHES which she is submitting, is her genuine and original work to the best of my



Designation: PROFESSOR

Name of the college: ACHARYA JAGADISH


Place : Kolkata

Date: 3rd of May, 2024


I hereby declare that the Project Work with the BRAND REPOSITIONING-A CASE STUDY
ON TITAN WATCHES submitted by me for the partial fulfilment of the degree of B.Com.
Honours in Accounting & Finance under the University of Calcutta is my original work and has
not been submitted earlier to any other University/Institution for the fulfilment of the requirement
for any course of study. I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been
incorporated in this report from any earlier work done by others or by me. However, extracts of any
literature which has been used for this report has been duly acknowledged providing details of such
literature in the references.

Signature: -


Address: - G R E E N F I E L D C I T Y ,
MAHESTALA - 700141

Registration No: - 011-1111-1474-21

Place: Kolkata

Date: 3rd Of May, 2024


It is really a matter of pleasure for me to get an opportunity to thank all the people who contributed
directly or indirectly for the successful completion of the project report on BRAND
college ACHARYA JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE COLLEGE for providing us with this
opportunity and for all its cooperation and contribution. I am grateful to my supervisor, PROF.
SUPRATIM DEY for guiding me. Finally, I am also very thankful to all the friends and all other people
who directly or indirectly helped me in this project.

Serial Particulars Page

number number
1 Chapter 1 – Introduction 1-5
1.1 Background of the study 2
1.2 Literature Review 3
1.3 Objectives of the study 4
1.4 Research Methodology 4
1.5 Limitations of the study 4
1.6 Chapter planning 5

2 Chapter 2 - Conceptual Framework 6-12

2.1 Concept 7-9
2.2 Reason to Reposition a Brand 9-10
2.3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Brand 10-11

3 Chapter 3 – Data Presentation, Analysis 12-26

and Survey Analysis
3.1 Company Profile 13-14
3.2Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation 14-25
3.3 Findings of the survey 26

4 Chapter 4 - Conclusion and 27-33

4.1 Conclusion 28
4.2 Recommendation 28-29

Bibliography 30
Annexure 31-33
The rapid part of change and intense competitive pressure in today’s market place demand that brands
continuously innovate and reinvent themselves to maintain their relevance and market position. In this
context, brand repositioning and their revitalization strategies have become a business imperative for
battling brand erosion. The appeal of brand repositioning is further heightened by the rising costs and
high risk associated with launching a new brand.

The term brand refers to a business and marketing concept that helps people identify a particular
company, product, or individual. Brands are intangible which means you can’t touch or see them. Brands
commonly use identifying marketers to help create brand identities within the marketplace. They provide
enormous value to the company or individual, giving them a competitive edge over others in the same
industry. As such, many entities seek legal protection for their brands by obtaining trademarks.

Repositioning is done to change the way in which products or services of a firms are conceived in the
market. It helps firms develop a competitive position by seizing a prominent market share along with a
huge customer base. Companies can reposition themselves in the market by changing the aspects of the
product, communication strategies, its target market or by using different combinations of the above.
This depends on the firm’s current performance and its future growth prospect.


The concept of strategic Brand Repositioning, Consumer Relationship Management and Brand Loyalty
can be found across a set array of the tactic literature.

Vavra (1992), said that CRM can be termed as a customer retention approach by using various marketing
tactics which leads to customer attachment even after the value is offered.

Prvatiyar & Sheth (2001), based their research on the concept that CRM is an intercession strategy which
is extended in various areas of marketing and strategic decisions used in relationship marketing. It can
further develop as a central perspective of Marketing Management.

Lamb, Hair, McDaniel (2001), defined repositioning as molding consumers' insight of brand associations
into the brand rivalry. There have been instances where companies reposition themselves to support the
growing demand when the market is fading or to correct errors committed during the original positioning.

Dunphy and Stace (1993), concluded that repositioning can be termed as a corporate transformation of the
position of a firm by being an element that responds to the changing dynamic environment.

Aaker in Durianto et al. (2004), discussed that the perceived quality of a product or service reflects the
opinion of the customers relating to the superiority of the product or service with respect of the proposed

Eisenhardt and Brown (1999), in their study concluded that repositioning incorporates different social,
political, economic, environmental, technological and legal aspects to develop a new brand position in
the minds of the customers.

Mohammad (2017) showed that the relationship between customers and the brands is one of the most
imperative themes of branding theory because it results in brand loyalty. Brand loyalty can be seen from
two perspectives, customer behavior and buying behavior, Tong and Hawkey (2009).

To analyze the brand repositioning strategies of Titan watches (based on consumer’s perception).
• To review the brand positioning strategies of different sub-brands of Titan watches
(based on consumer’s perception).
• To study consumer awareness and perception about the brand repositioning strategies of
Titan watches.


The relevant data was collected from both primary sources and secondary sources. The starting
point of my information gathering has been the secondary sources such as internet, books and
journals and so on.

Primary data: data was collected through an interview schedule, consisting of both open ended
and closes ended questionnaire. The schedule covered parameters like reasons for consumer’s
brand preference, recollection of earlier tagline and advertisement.

Secondary data: It will be collected to add the value to the secondary data. This may be used to
collect necessary data and records by different websites, magazines, annual reports, journal,
newspaper, etc.

Sample size: The study population constitutes only 50 respondents.


• There is possibility of sampling errors in the study.

• The responses of the consumers may not be genuine
• The questions included in the questionnaire may not be comprehensive.
• Depending on the scope of the research topic there was little prior research on the same.
• The time available to investigate was constrained by due date of the assignment.


The study has been divided into following chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter covers the background, literature review, objectives, research methodology,
limitations of the study and chapter planning.

Chapter 2: Conceptual framework

This chapter covers conceptual framework of the topic of the project.

Chapter 3: presentation of data, analysis and findings

Company profile, presentation of data, analysis and findings are present in this chapter.

Chapter 4: Conclusion and recommendations

In this chapter conclusion based on the main findings and recommendations is provided.



(2.1) Concept
The implication with the term ‘repositioning’ is that a company modifies something that is already
present in the market and in the consumer's mind. The definition of repositioning changes different
individuals and professions.

To view the different definitions and perceive a greater understanding about this concept, three examples
of repositioning given by individuals in different professions is stated below:

"Repositioning is a change, principally about trigging the vision, mission and value in a new direction
that is more suited for the brand in the future". -Brand manager consultant "Principally, reposition
concerns change the consumer's perception of the brand"
-PR- consultant

"Repositioning is built upon the change unique and differentiated associations with the brand in some
kind of direction, it is about having a balance between the category party and differentiation when using
reposition strategies"
-Leading brand strategist From
these definitions, it is obvious that it repositions is about moving something to a newer and hopefully to
a more attractive a n d relevant position. The purpose ofthe movement differs with regards to what the
company wants to achieve. A company might want to reach out to a larger target group or be involved in
several different positions at the market. There is a also a visible relation between price and quantity
aspects. When a company perceives the market as a demand curve, the purpose is to down stretch or up
stretch in this curve. When moving down it is often spoken of as an expansion downwards, and when
moving up and there is a need for reaching the premium segment and expand upwards. The principle of
repositioning: When striving towards a new position in the market, it is important to understand that
consumers’minds are limited. People’s mind selects what to remember and it is therefore significant to
convince the consumers with great argument.

Corstjens and Doyle (1989) identified three types of repositioning strategies:


Zero repositioning, which is not a repositioning at all since the firm maintains its initial Strategy in
therefore the face of a changing environment.
Gradual repositioning, where the firm performs incremental, continuous adjustments to its
positioning strategy to reflect the evolution of its environment; and
Radical repositioning that corresponds to a discontinuous shift towards a new target market and/or
a new competitive advantage.
After examining the repositioning of several brands from the Indian market, the following types
Neglecting original customers of repositioning have been identified. These are:

• Increasing relevance to the consumer.

• Increasing occasions for use.
• Making the brand serious.
• Falling sales.
• Bringing in new customers
• Making the brand contemporary.
• Differentiate from other brands.
• Changed marketing conditions.

It is not always that these nine categories are mutually exclusive. Often one reason leads to the other
and a brand is repositioned sometimes for a multiplicity of reasons. A four-phased brand
repositioning approach can be followed to achieve the Intended benefits:
Phase 1. Determining the Current Status of the Brand
Phase Il. What Does the Brand Stand for Today?
Phase III. Developing the Brand Positioning Platforms
Phase IV. Refining the Brand Positioning and Management Presentation The benefits that can be
derived from brand repositioning exercises can be
• Updated personality
• Relevant position
• "Up to date" image.

The risks associated with such strategies are:

• Loss of focus
• Neglecting original customers

• Losing credibility for the brand

• Confusing the brand.

Therefore, brand repositioning is more difficult than initially positioning a brand because one must
first help the customer "unlearn" the current brand positioning (easier said than done). Three actions
can aid in this process:
• Carefully crafted communication,
• New products, packaging, etc. that emphasize the new positioning and
• Associations with other brands
Co-branding, Co-marketing, Ingredient branding, Strategic alliances. etc. Those reinforce the new
brand positioning. This exercise is so critical to an organization’s success that the organization's
leadership team and its marketing/brand management leaders should develop it, preferably with the
help and facilitation of an outside brand-positioning expert.


*Sales are declining - The perfect time to take a step back and refresh things is when feel that the
sales are dropping. Taking a step back does not mean that one should stop making efforts, instead,
it needs to take time and find out the problem. Sometimes, the brand may need some changes, or it
can say repositioning. Repositioning of the brand makes it possible for it to come up with something
new for the customers so that the sales could be raised.

*New competitors have a better value proposition - Someone is entering new in the same business.
what will be the first step from their side? They will try to represent something new, something
better,or something that is better than the product. So, not is important to look what the competitors
are presenting and make change according to that. They will try to overcome and then it’s the
responsibility to check out the things that can help to secure the position, and the answer could be
repositioning of the brand.

*Customers think it as outdated instead of established - A brand does good work for a long time and
gets established, people trust them and stay with them. But there is a difference between established
and outdated, so when it does not make changes in the brand people take you as outdated and go
for newer brands that have something new for them. So, look out for the required changes and
reposition the brand such that people consider it as established and not outdated.

*The target audience is no longer the best target - For whom the stuff is being produced? The most
important thing in branding is target audience. Can it expect the same targeted audience to be perfect
all the time? Things change rapidly and it is important to analyze if the target audience is still
interested in the product or not. Invest some time and find out the new target audience if the target
area is no longer perfect. Repositioning help you reposition the target audience along with the brand.




*ATTRACT NEW CUSTOMERS - After being in the market for some time, the image and
company message may have become stagnant, and maybe even irrelevant to the audience. While
the goals and mission as a company may have adapted over time to the customers’ unique needs and
challenges, the brand may not clearly reflect that anymore. By rebranding the image, the company
personality or the target audience you can attract new customers and rekindle an interest from the
existing audience.

*ACHIEVE NEW GOALS - Another benefit to rebranding is that it can significantly shift the focus
of efforts, allowing to achieve new goals. Some of the new goals may be to develop new products
or to improve existing ones. Or, it may decide to have the employees become more involved in
advocating on behalf of the company, in which case a rebrand is a great excuse to get everyone in
the company involved.

*INCREASE ENGAGEMENT - Whenever to add something new and exciting to the product line,
or make a change to the brand, it can make a big splash. It can use a rebrand as a chance to get
people talking about the company on social media. Instead of fearing the change, it can show
existing and potential customers what is great about the changes that are making, and why they are
making them.

*STREAMLINE MESSAGING - Somewhere along the line, the message and brand may have
become diluted or inconsistent. A rebrand offers the opportunity to bring everything back to the
focus again. If getting the online reputation under control has been on the back burner this could be
the perfect time to get to it and kill two birds with one stone.


* CONFUSION BRINGS CHAOS - Change is scary, mainly because no one knows for sure what
the result will be. People can become easily confused or frustrated whenever change occurs. By
publishing press releases, posting announcements to social media and sending email, newsletters
you can keep everyone aware of what’s going on, and what’s coming down the pike.
Communication is crucial during rebranding a project.

*YOU MAY LOSE A FEW CUSTOMERS - If a proper rebranding strategy is not built and
implemented in the right way, it can risk losing some of the existing customers. Unfortunately, even
if it does everything right, there is still a possibility that it could lose customers. Why? People don’t
like change. By explaining the reasons for the rebrand clearly and remaining true to the values and
conscious of the customers’ needs, it can minimize the risk of losing long-time customers.

*BE PREPARED TO SPEND SOME MONEY - Going through a complete rebrand is anything but
cheap. Be prepared to spend money on developing a creative rebranding strategy, new content,
graphic design, as well as marketing and advertising campaigns to support the project. While there
are ways to save money during a rebrand, it is worth investing some money to ensure that it is done
When done right, rebranding a company is worth it. However, it’s important to be clear about what
it can hope to accomplish before it begin, and to be as transparent as possible throughout the
transition. The customers will want to hear how it’s going, so be sure to keep them in the loop.




Titan Industries was established as a joint venture between the Tata Group and Tamil Nadu
Industrial corporation in 1984.

Titan Company is the organization that brought a about a paradigm shift in the Indian. Titan
Industries was established as a joint venture between the Tata Group & Tamil watch market when
it introduced its futuristic quartz technology, complemented be international styling. With India's
two most recognized and loved brands Titan and Tanishq to its credit, Titan Company is the fifth
largest integrated own brand watch manufacturer in the world.

The success story began in 1984 with a joint venture between the Tata Group and the Tamil Nadu
Industrial Development Corporation. Presenting Titan quartz watches that sported an international
look, Titan Company transformed the Indian watch market. After Sonata, a value brand of
functionally styled watches at affordable prices,Titan Company reached out to the youth segment
with Fastrack, its third brand, trendy and chic. The company has sold 150 million watches world
over and manufactures over 15 million watches every year.

With a license for premium fashion watches of global brands, Titan Company repeated its
pioneering act and brought international brands into the Indian market. Tommy Hilfiger, FCUK,
Timberland & Police as well as the Swiss made watch Xylys owe their presence in the Indian market
to Titan to Company. Entering the largely fragmented Indian jewellery market with no known
brands in 1995, Titan Company launched Tanishq, India's most trusted and fastest growing jewellery
brand. Gold Plus, the later addition, focuses on the preferences of semi- urban and rural India.
Completing the jewellery portfolio is Zoya, the latest retail chain in the luxury segment.

Titan Company has also made its foray into eyewear, offering a variety of differentiated products
to the end consumer consisting of frames, lenses, contact lenses and accessories. Frames are
available in both international brands (Levi’s,Esprit, Hugo Boss etc.) and in-house brands Titan,
Eye+ and Dash which is an offering for children. The company has leveraged its manufacturing
competencies and branched into precision engineering components & subassemblies, machine
building and automation solutions, tooling solutions and electronic subassemblies.

With over 1040 retail stores across a carpet area of over 1.4 million sq. ft. Titan Company has India's
largest retail network spanning over 220 towns. The company has over 370 exclusive World of
Titan' showrooms and over 150 Fastrack stores. It also has a large network of over 740 after-sales
service centers. Titan Company is also the largest jewellery retailer in India with over 160 Tanishq
boutiques and 2 Zoya stores, over 30 Gold Plus stores. It also sports over 270 Titan Eye+ stores. In
addition, the company retails personal accessories such as bags, belts, wallets and most recently
perfumes under Skinn Brand.


1. what is your gender ?

Gender of respondents
male female
Responses 30 20
Percentage 60 % 40 %

Gender Respondents

Interpretation : according to demographic profile, out of 50 respondents 60 % of respondents are

male and 40 % of respondents are female.

2. What is your age ?

Age wise respondents

No of respondents percentage
20-30 41 82%
31-40 9 18%
41 or above - -

Age wise respondents

Interpretation: as per survey, out of 50 respondents 82 % of respondents are under the age group
between 20-30 and remaining 18 % are under the age group of 31-40.

3. Which sub-brand of Titan watches do you possess?

Titan sub-brands possessed by respondents

Serial no Sub brands No of respondants percentage

1 Fastrack 29 58%
2 Sonata 6 12%
3 raga 15 30%

Titan sub-brands possessed by respondents

Interpretation: as per survey out of 50 respondents 58% of respondents possesses fastrack sub-brand
of titan, 30% possesses raga and remaining 12% possesses sonata.

4. Since how many months / years have you been using Titan watch?

Period of Titan watch’s use

Serial no Period of usage years No of respondents prcentage

1 2001-2004 1 2%
2 2004-2007 25 50%
3 2007-2010 24 48%

No of respondents

Period of Titan watch’s use

Interpretation: Period of use

The respondents were asked to mention since how long they have been brand loyal to Titan. This
was an open ended question and hence various responses were received. The minimum period of
use was set as one year, as mentioned earlier, while the maximum period of use was determined.
For convenience, the different responses are categorized into three: 2001 year 2004 years, 2004
years 2007 years and 2007 years - 2010 years.50% of the respondents fall into first category, i.e.,
they are using Titan watch in the range of one to four years. 48% respondents are in second category
and the rest 2% are using it for more than seven years.

5.Why do you prefer Titan brand?

Reasons for brand preference

Serial no Reason No of respondents Percentage
1 Attractive designs 26 52%
2 Reasonable price - -
3 Brand image 19 38%
4 Good quality 5 10%

No of respondents

Reasons for brand loyalty

Interpretation: Reasons for brand loyalty

The respondents were asked to select the reasons from the options given for theirpreference for Titan
watches. For this question, multi-responses were received. In which ou of 50 respondents 52% of
respondents prefer Titan brand because of attractive design, 38% prefer because of brand image and
remaining 10% because of good quality.

6. Have you seen the advertisement of Titan watches? In which media have you seen the

Major Advertisement media

Serial no advertisement media No of respondents Percentage

1 Television 35 70%
2 Magazines 12 24%
3 News paper 3 6%

Major Advertisement media

Interpretation: Titan's advertisements

Titan advertises its watches in almost all media vehicles. The advertisements can be seen in
television, magazines, newspaper and so on. All the 50 respondents have seen the advertisements of
Titan watches in various media out of which 705 of respondents have seen in television, 24% have
seen through magazies and remaining 6% through news papers.

7 .How do you rate the new designs of Titan?

Consumer perception of new design

Serial no Consumer perception No of respondents percentage

1 Poor
2 Average
3 Above average
4 Good 29 58%
5 Excellent 21 42%

Interpretation: New designs of Titan

Titan has launched several new designs in 2008 in its existing collections and as perits plans
introduced new product collections also. The respondents were asked to rate the new designs as
"poor", "average", "above average", "good" and "excellent". out of 50 respondents 58% of
respondents rated as good and remaining 42% as excellent.

8 .How do you rate Titans exclusive showrooms?

Consumer perception of store ambiance

Serial no Store ambience No of respondents percentage

1 poor
2 average
3 Above average
4 good 29 58%
5 excellent 21 42%

Consumer perception of store ambiance

Interpretation: Titan's exclusive showrooms

The respondents were asked to rate Titan's exclusive showrooms on 5-point rating scale- Poor,
Average, Above Average, Good and Excellent. The factors related to showrooms that were provided
to the respondents for rating are – store ambiance, sales personnel, after service and display of
watches. 58% of the 50 respondents have rated store ambience as "Good” and 42% of respondents
as “Excellence”. This proves that store ambiance plays an important role in consumer perception of
service quality.

9. How do you rate Titans showrooms sales personnel?

Consumer perception of sales personnel

Serial no Sales personnel No of respondents percentage

1 poor
2 average
3 Above average
4 good 28 56%
5 excellent 22 44%

Consumer perceptiom of sales personnel

Interpretation: Sales Personnel

With respect to sales personnel, 56% of respondents rated them as "Good", while remaining 44%
rated as excellent.

10 . How do you rate after sales service of Titan?

Consumer perception about after sales service

Serial no After sales service No of respondents percentage

1 poor

2 average

3 Above average

4 good 28 56%

5 excellent 22 44%

Consumer perception about after sales service

Interpretation: After sales service

In the survey, 56% out of 50 respondents rated after sales service as “Good”, and 44% of
respondents as “Excellent” .

11. What is your perception about display of Titan watches?

Consumer perception of display of watches

Serial no Display of watches No of respondents percentage

1 poor
2 average
3 Above average
4 good 28 56%
5 excellent 22 44%

No. of respondents

Consumer’s perception of display of watches

Interpretation: Display of Titan watches

Most of the respondents have given high ratings to the display of watches in the Titan showroom.
44% of respondents out of 50 respondents rated it as “Excellent”, 56% of respondents as “Good”.

12.What is your overall perception about Titan showrooms?

Overall perception about Titan showrooms

Serial no Titan showroom No of respondents percentage
1 poor
2 average
3 Above average
4 good 28 56%
5 excellent 22 44%

Interpretation: Overall perception about Titan showroom

The respondents were also asked to give overall rating to Titans exclusive showroom. It was that
out of total 50 respondents, 28 rated as “good” while the remaining considered the showrooms to
be “excellent”.
Around 56% of the respondents rated all the variables related to Titan’s exclusive showroom as
“good”. This shows that the store ambience, sales personnel, after sales service and display of
watches in the showrooms play a major role in determining the customer perception about brand.


• Most of the consumers prefer Titan watches for their attractive design and good quality.
However, there is a misconception about pricing of Titan products among the
consumers. They perceive them to be high priced.

• Logos and taglines are rarely noticed by the watch consumers. Hence, any change in
them also goes unnoticed.

• Advertisement in mass media such as television, newspapers, and magazines are best
meaning to spread awareness about brand.

• Celebrity endorsement of watches not only increases the visibility of the product but also
gives an assurance to the consumers that it is of high quality.

• Titan watches' designs are rated as "good" by 78% of the respondents. This indicates that
they are looking forward for more innovative designs to be introduced by the company.

• Only 50% of the respondents have seen the new campaign launched by Titan watches in
July 2008. This implies that the reach of the campaign in six months has been to half of
the consumers. However, those who have seen the new campaign consider it to be
effective in conveying the message it intended to deliver, i.e., to "be more" in lives.

• The after sales service and behavior of sales personnel have been given low ratings
compared to other variables mentioned in the questionnaire with respect to Titan's
exclusive showrooms.




Repositioning strategies are an influence on the personality of a brand and efficient repositioning
strategies can help in both vertical strategies as well as horizontal growth of a company. Brand
Repositioning can be done by using CRM Strategies as it helps in adapting to the dynamic
environment of changing needs and Repositioning preferences of the customers thus leading to
customer loyalty.
Establishing a brand is a daunting proposition, but over time, it becomes essential that the brand
repositions itself when the chips are down. Through Harappa’s Build A Personal Brand pathway,
learn the techniques that go into successfully establishing a personal brand to make your presence
felt. We will acquaint you with constructive ways of branding yourself. Learn about body language
techniques or nonverbal cues that increase your confidence at work, apart from the process of
building a brand. Personal branding is what you need to succeed today. Start branding yourself now.


The suggestions to improve consumer awareness about brand repositioning strategy of Titan are as

• To increase its visibility, Titan Company can sponsor events like fashion shows

• In which all latest designs launched are displayed. This would have multiplier effect as the
latest by designs launched by the company gets noticed by different segments of
• the customers in varied ways.

• Tie -up with FM radio channels for reminder advertisements and informing customers about
various sales promotion offers from time-to-time.

• Invest more in R&D as customer expectations are changing rapidly. Though Titan has got
more product collections, it should focus on introducing more varieties in already existing
product collections. In other words, having limited but more depth in product collections
would be more advantageous.

• Introduce exclusive collection for working women which is more contemporary and
complements both traditional and western wear.

• Majority of the population in India live in rural areas. So, showrooms should be set up at
places nearer to them. Introduce cheaper and rough use watches for this segment.

• After sales service has to be improved. That is, the process of servicing and repairing of
watches should be made faster. This can be done by ensuring the spare parts availability and
training all sales personnel in Titan showrooms to undertake these in tasks.

• Tie up with international watch brands and make them available locally. Make use of internet
spread awareness among consumers about the brand.



• www.wikipedia.com
• www.brandingstrategyinsider.com
• www.marketingprof.com

Publication of authors are as follows:

• Prvatiya & Sheth (2001) – https://www.iosjournals.org/iosrjbm/papers/vol18-issue/Version-
• Lamb, Hair, McDaniel (2002) – https://www.vitalsource.com/products/mindtap-marketing-
• Dunphy and Stace (1993) – https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/10876421.pdf
• Eisenhardt and Brown (1999) – https://www.academia.edu/36025485/



1. Which sub-brand of Titan watches do you possess?

A. Fast track
B. Sonata
C. Raga
D. Nebula
E. Others, please specify....................

2. Since how many months / years have you been using Titan watch?

3. Why do you prefer Titan brand?

A. Attractive designs,
B. Reasonable price
C. Brand image
D. Good quality

4. Have you seen the advertisement of Titan watches? In which media have you seen the

B. Newspaper
C. Magazines
D. Hoardings
E. Radio

5. How do you rate the new designs of Titan?

A. Poor
B. Average

C. Above Average
D. Good
E. Excellent

6. How do you rate Titan's exclusive showrooms with respect to the following:
(1-Poor, 2-Average, 3-Above Average, 4-Good, 5-Excellent)

A. Ambience
B. Sales personnel
C. After sales service
D. Display of watches
E. Overall showroom

7. How do you rate Titan’s showrooms sales personnel?

A. Poor
B. Average
C. Above Average
D. Good
E. Excellent

8. How do you rate after sales service of Titan?

A. Poor
B. Average
C. Above Average
D. Good
E. Excellent

9. What is your perception about display of Titan watches?

A. Poor
B. Average
C. Above Average
D. Good

E. Excellent

10. What is your overall perception about Titan showrooms?

A. Poor
B. Average
C. Above Average
D. Good
E. Excellent

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