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Refresher course on: FOREIGN AID

This is a step-by-step guide on FOREIGN AID

What is Foreign Aid?

Watch this Video and answer the below questions: Foreign Aid and Remittance: Crash Course Economics
#34 - YouTube
(a) What is aid?
(b) What is the purpose of aid.
(c) What are some of the different types of aid?
(d) Distinguish between the following types of aid:
i. Short term and long term aid
ii. Bilateral and multilateral aid
(e) Distinguish between development aid and humanitarian aid.
(f) Distinguish between aid provided by governments and aid provided by private organisations such
as NGOs and smaller private charities.

(g) Explain the role of aid in strengthening

political alliances.
(h) Explain the role played by remittances in helping LEDCs.

(i) What figure is sent back as remittances each year to family members in the host country.
(j) Are long term loans made by Western banks to LEDCs considered a form of aid?

What are the different types of aid?

What are the different types of aid? | World Vision Australia - YouTube
Are rich nations doing enough to help the poor?
This will help in Evaluations. Solution and policies are better to improve on the evaluations.

Bill Gates talks about giving aid to developing nations (Breakfast, 25.1.12) - YouTube

Largest contributors to the worlds aid budget

Complete the table above.

Watch the following two short videos and then answer the question, 'to what extent is aid
effective in promoting development within LEDCs?' Which of the two arguments do you find
most convincing? – Please note this is a common question.

FOR: Aid & Development | The Last 30 Years and the Next 30 - YouTube
AGAINST: Is Aid Killing Africa? Dambisa Moyo talks about Dead Aid on ABC - YouTube

Now, Attempt the question : 'to what extent is aid effective in promoting development within
LEDCs? Write a 15 mark answer.
'Which is the more effective in fostering economic development, providing aid or greater
access to world markets through trade'? Watch the following two short videos and then

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