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Lesson 5: Prepare and Produce Bakery Products

Baker’s Percentage System of Formula Construction

Unlike basic baking wherein we use recipes in cups and tablespoons, the baker's
percentage uses weight in grams and refers to them as "formulas" rather than "recipes".
Each ingredient in a formula, including liquid, is expressed in grams. Thus, each
measurement is much more accurate. The system also enables one to calculate dough of
any size.
Baker's percentage is not the same as true percent. In true percent, the total of the
ingredients always adds up to 100 percent. In baker's percentage, the weight of the flour in
the formula equals 100 percent. All the other ingredients are calculated in proportion to the
weight of the flour.

To fully understand the baker's percentage, see equation below:

Baker’s Percent= Weight of Ingredient x 100

Weight of flour

Baker's Percentage is also applicable to recipes handed down from one generation to
another Simply convert recipes in cups to grams by referring to the Table of Weights and
Measures provided in this book. After converting the recipes in grams, follow Step A (How to
Change a Formula in Grams to Percent) and you will be able to create your own Baker's
Formula. If you have an existing Baker's Percentage Formula and don't know how to
compute for the weight in grams, just follow Step B (How to Calculate the Weight of the
Ingredients if the Weight of the Flour is Given).

STEP A: How to Change a Formula in Grams to Percent

1. Weight of flour is always expressed as 100%. Thus, assign 100% to the flour used.
2. Divide other ingredients by the weight of the flour and multiply the result by 100% to get
the percent value of each ingredient.
All-Purpose Flour 500 grams = 100%
Sugar 150 grams

To compute for sugar: 150 grams x 100%

500 grams
.3 x 100% = 30%
3. Compute for the rest of the ingredients by following this step.
All-Purpose Flour 500 grams 100%
Sugar 150 grams 30%
Salt 10 grams
10 grams x 100%
500 grams
.02 x 100% = 2%

4. If two types of flour are used, add all the amount of flour and use it as your divisor

STEP B: How to Calculate the Weight of an Ingredient if the Weight of the Flour is Given

1. Change the ingredient percentage to decimal form by dividing the percent by 100 or
moving the decimal point two places to the left.
20% = 0.2

2. Do the same with the rest of the ingredients.

3. After converting each percent to decimal, multiply the weight of the flour by this decimal
to get the weight of the other ingredients.
Flour weight is 1 kilo or 1000 grams

Flour 100% 1 x 1000 = 1000

Water .56 x 1000 560

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