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Number Systems

Decimal Number System

MSD(Most Significant Digit) LSD(Least Significant Digit)

5 2 6 . 4 2
Positional values Decimal
102 101 100 Point
10-1 10-2
Binary Number System
MSB(Most Significant Bit) LSB(Least Significant Bit)

1 0 1 . 0 1
Positional values Binary
22 21 20 Point
2-1 2-2
Octal Number System

5 2 6 . 4 2
Positional values Octal Point
82 81 80 8-1 8-2
Hexadecimal Number System

A 6 D . 4 C
Positional values Hexadecimal
162 161 160 Point
16-1 16-2
1. Binary to Decimal number System.
2. Octal to Decimal number System.
3. Hexadecimal to Decimal number System.
A.1:Binary to Decimal number System

Q. Convert (110.1)2 to its Decimal Equivalent

Binary to Decimal number System

1 1 0 . 1
22 21 20 Binary 2-1
1 X 2-1 =1/2=0.5
0 X 20 =0X1=0
1 X 21=1X2=2
1 X 22=1X4=4
(110.1)2 = 6.510
A.2:Octal to Decimal number System

Q. Convert (5016.4)8 into its Decimal Equivalent

Octal to Decimal number System

5 0 1 6 . 4
83 82 81 80 Octal 8-1

4 X 8-1 = 4/8 = 0.5

6 X 80 = 6X1=6
1 X 81 = 1X8 =8
0 X 82 = 0X64 =0
5 X 83 = 5X512 =2560
(5016.4)8 = (2574.5)10
A.3:Hexadecimal to Decimal number System

Q. Convert (AB12.4)16 into its Decimal Equivalent

Hexadecimal to Decimal number System

A B 1 2 . 4
163 162 161 160 point 16-1
4 X 16-1 = 4/16 = 0.25
2 X 160 = 2X1=2
1 X 161 = 1X16 =16
11 X 162 = 11X256 =2816
10 X 163 = 10X4096 =40960

(AB12.4)16 = (6930.25)10
1. Decimal to Binary number System.
2. Decimal to Octal number System.
3. Decimal to Hexadecimal number System.
B.1: Decimal to Binary number System.
Convert 45.7510 to its Binary Equivalent
Sol. First we convert Integer part i.e. 45 as: Now we convert Fractional part i.e. 0.75 as
Integer Part

Top to Bottom
0.75 X 2 1.50 1
0.50 X 2 1.00 1
2 45
2 22 1
2 11 0
2 5 1 Bottom to up
Hence 45.7510 = 101101.112
2 2 1
2 1 0
0 1

hence 4510 = 1011012

B.2: Decimal to Octal number System.
Convert 245.7510 to its Octal Equivalent
Sol. First we convert Integer part i.e. 245 as: Now we convert Fractional part i.e. 0.75 as
Integer Part

Top to Bottom
0.75 X 8 6.0 6

8 245

Bottom to up
8 30 5
8 3 6 Hence 245.7510 = 365.68
0 3

hence 24510 = 3658

B.3: Decimal to Hexadecimal number System.
Convert 1245.7510 to its Hexadecimal Equivalent
Sol. First we convert Integer part i.e. 245 as: Now we convert Fractional part i.e. 0.75 as
Integer Part

Top to Bottom
0.75 X 16 12.0 12(C)

16 1245

Bottom to up
16 77 13(D)
16 4 13(D) Hence 1245.7510 = 4DD.C16
0 4

hence 124510 = 4DD16

1. Binary to Octal number System.
2. Binary to Hexadecimal number System.
C.1: Binary to Octal Number System
The bits of binary integers are grouped into groups of 3
bits starting from LSB. To make a group 0’s can be added
to the left of MSB in integer part but after binary
point,0’s are added to the right.

e.g Convert 101011.112 into its Octal equivalent.

C.1: Binary to Octal Number System
Sol. For the given binary no. 101011.112 ,Make
a group of 3 bits as:
421 421 4 2 1( write with pencil)
101 011 . 110
5 3 . 6 Decimal Equivalents
hence 101011.112 = 53.68
C.2: Binary to Hexadecimal Number
The bits of binary integers are grouped into groups of 4
bits starting from LSB. To make a group 0’s can be added
to the left of MSB in integer part but after binary
point,0’s are added to the right.

e.g Convert 101011.112 into its Octal equivalent.

C.2: Binary to Hexadecimal Number
Sol. For the given binary no. 101011.112 ,Make a
group of 4 bits as:
sol. Make a group of 4 bits as:
8421 8421 8 4 2 1(Write with pencil)
0010 1011 . 1100
2 11(B) 12(C) Decimal Equivalents

hence 101011.112 = 2B.C16

1. Octal to Binary number System.
2. Hexadecimal to Binary number System.
D.1: Octal to Binary Number System
Convert each digit of the octal number to its 3-bit binary
equivalent and combine them to get the result.

Q. Convert 756.38 into it’s Binary Equivalent.

D.1: Octal to Binary Number System
7 5 6 . 3
111 101 110 . 011 Binary Equivalent

Hence 756.38 = 111101110.0112

D.2: Hexadecimal to Binary Number
Convert each digit of the Hexadecimal number to
its 4-bit binary equivalent and combine them to
get the result.

Q. Convert AB.3D16 into it’s Binary Equivalent.

D.2: Hexadecimal to Binary Number
A B . 3 D
1010 1011 . 0011 1101 Binary Equivalent

Hence AB.3D16 = 10101011.001111012

Step 1. Convert Octal to Binary number.
Step 2. Convert the Binary number to Hexadecimal

Q. Convert 456.38 to it’s Hexadecimal equivalent.

Sol. First we convert given Octal number to its Binary
Equivalent as:
4 5 6 . 3
100 101 110 . 011
Now convert the binary number into its Hexadecimal
0001 0010 1110 . 0110
1 2 14(E) 6
Hence 456.38 = 12E.616
Step 1. Convert Hexadecimal to Binary number.
Step 2. Convert the Binary number to octal

Q. Convert ABC.D16 to its octal equivalent.

Sol. First we convert given Hexadecimal number to its
Binary Equivalent as:
A B C . D
1010 1011 1100 . 1101
Now convert the binary number into its octal Equivalent
101 010 111 100 . 110 100
5 2 7 4 . 6 4

Hence ABC.D16 = 5274.648

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