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Ethics ETH2223-2502: Amna Iqbal Butt

Date Created 19 Jan 2023

Date Submitted 27 Jan 2023
Date of last resubmission 20 Feb 2023
Researcher Amna Iqbal Butt
Student ID 100591379
Category Postgraduate Taught Student
Supervisor Nicole Green Vella
Project The impact of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) in lower primary
grades in Saudi Arabia
College College of Arts, Humanities and Education
Current status Approved

Ethics application
Project information
Project title
The impact of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) in lower primary grades in Saudi Arabia

What is the aim of your study?

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of task-based learning strategies on lower primary
students in Saudi Arabia

What are the objectives for your study?

The objective of this study is to:
* Examine the effect of task-based learning strategies on lower primary students
* How task-based learning strategies assisted in the life-learning goals of the lower primary students

Are there any research partners (NOT including your supervisor) within the University of
Derby involved in the project?

Are there any research partners external to the University of Derby involved in the project?

If yes, please provide details

Who is your supervisor for this study?

Nicole Green Vella

Project start date

10 Nov 2022

Project end date

15 Mar 2023

Course module

Initial screening
Does this project involve human participants?

If yes, should your research adhere to the British Psychology Society (BPS) code of ethics
and conduct?

Does your study involve data collection with any persons who could be considered
vulnerable (under 18 years or the elderly, or those with physical or mental disabilities)?

Does your project involve collecting data within NHS organisations or from any NHS
employees or patients?

Does it involve collecting or analysing primary or unpublished data about people who have
died, other than data that is already in the public domain?

Does your study involve direct access to an external organisation?


Does your study involve species not covered by the Animals Scientific Procedures Act

Does your study involve ionising radiation?


Does your study involve the evaluation of medical devices, or the testing of medicinal and
pharmaceutical products?

Does your study involve Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service?

Does your study involve serving offenders, professionals who work with them, or questions
relating to criminal offences?
Does your study involve a need to see, acquire or store material that could be viewed as
illegal or that may attract the interest of the police, security or intelligence services?

Will your study have any impact on the natural or built environment?

Funding and previous applications

Has this research been funded by an external organisation (e.g. a research council or public
sector body)?

If yes, please provide the name of funder:

Has this research been funded internally?


Name of internal fund

Funding amount

Term of funding

Date funding agreed

Have you submitted previous requests for ethical approval to the Committee that relate to this
research project?

If yes, please provide previous application reference:

Brief review of relevant literature and rationale for study
TBLT is a language teaching method that provides students with the likelihood of involvement in
authentic usage of the target language through activities. As a central element of TBLT, this activity
provides the primary emphasis and context of learning. It boosts language utilization, similar to the
language utilized beyond lower secondary schools (Liu & Guo, 2020). It should be noted that
students learn the language and establish competencies as they complete tasks, which encourages
them to expand their attainable language resources. The different opinions and objectives of
academicians and teacher educators studying projects and TBLT have led to varying purposes of
projects in the literature (Sholeh, 2020). The following instances portray the scope of the definitions
but do not imply exhaustiveness. Dao (2022) states: "A task is always an activity in which the learner
uses the target language for communicative purposes (a goal) to achieve success". It has been
observed that a role-playing game involves a group of entrepreneurs disagreeing about a case study
to solve a problem, which is an instance of a project since it contains an objective. However, a role
play in which students act out a role in practising a prescribed grammar point would not count as an
assignment. Willis' definition includes the regular use of English (Spada, 2022). The benefits of TBLT
have been well described in the literature. It has been observed that TBLT is vital since students
learn language through interactive interactions while involving in significant activities. It is also
considered that TBLT is pertinent to the requirements and interests of students, as it facilitates
language learning and skill development inherent to performing tasks that students might experience
beyond the classroom. Ahmed & Lenchuk (2020) further noted these advantages, noting that
students utilize self-selected language in the study, which facilitates them in emphasizing the
essence of the information for completing it. Certain language elements are not compulsory for the
students, which indicates that the language does not control them. Students use the language they
have instead of practising assigned language items.

Cited references for any sources in the sections on rationale, methods etc.
Ahmed, A., & Lenchuk, I. (2020). Making sense of task-based language teaching in the Omani EFL
context. Asian EFL Journal, 24(3), 6-27.
Dao, H. (2022). Perspectives from Task-Based Language Teaching on EFL Textbook Use: A
Participatory Action Research Study at a Vietnamese University (Doctoral dissertation, Open Access
Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington).
Liu, C., & Guo, R. (2020). A Study of Localization of Task-Based Language Teaching in China.
Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 43(2), 205-218.
Sholeh, M. B. (2020). Implementation of task-based learning in teaching English in Indonesia:
Benefits and problems. Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature, 15(1), 1-9.
Spada, N. (2022). Reflecting on task-based language teaching from an Instructed SLA perspective.
Language Teaching, 55(1), 74-86.

Outline of study design

The study employs the observation forms wherein the teacher records the effect of task-based
learning activities on students in the classroom. Then, the student feedback is taken as a verbal

Outline of study methods

This study employs a qualitative research method where data is collected through observation and
student interviews.
Roughly 12-15 interviews would be done with the students from my classroom. It will be a sem-
structured interview which will allow the students to openly discuss their feedback regarding the
activities conducted in the classroom.
There would be two observations. One before the TBL tasks were implemented and one after the
TBL tasks were implemented.

Please provide a detailed description of the study sample, covering recruitment, selection,
number, age and if appropriate, inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The study sample consists of 15 lower primary students between the age of 8-10 years old who are
studying British English (Cambridge Key Stages) curriculum.
There is non-probability sampling used in this study in which students are from my classroom.

Are payments or rewards/incentives (e.g. participant points) going to be made to the


If yes, please provide details

Do you propose to carry out your project partly in a non-English language?


If yes, please provide details

Ethical considerations
A consent form will be shared with the parents, and the students will also be asked for their consent
to participate in the study.
The students can withdraw from the study anytime and they'd sign the assent form (in the

There is no deception involved in the study

A debriefing sheet will include how the data will be accessible to the students and parents, in case
they want to view. While there is no deception in the study, the students will have access to their own
data and also the right to destroy or withdraw from the study at any point of the study.

Withdrawal from the investigation

The participants will be allowed to withdraw at any point of the study, even during the data collection.
In case the data has been recorded and the participant wishes to withdraw, the data related to the
participant will be destroyed immediately.

Anonymity and confidentiality

Complete anonymity and confidentiality will be maintained throughout the study. Pseudo-names will
be used to maintain the confidential personal information of the participants.
The file stored on the computer will also be password-protected.

Protection of participants
The participants are not at risk of physical, psychological or emotional harm during the study.

Observation research
The research will be conducted after taking consent from the parents, school and the students.
There is a template for the observation which will be followed through the study. The impact of TBL
on student engagement and skill development will be observed.
All the students will be observed at the same time.
Two observations will be done: one pre-TBL activity/without TBL-activities; one after the TBL activity
was conducted.
Duration of the observation is 45 minutes and it will be for an English vocabulary lesson.

Giving advice
No advice will be given to the students throughout the study.

Research undertaken in public places

The research is not taking place in public. It is taking place in a school

GDPR - collecting personal data

No personal data is collected during the study. Data collection will follow the GDPR guidelines.

Basis for collecting data

Not applicable (only use when no data is being collected)

Data retention
The data will be stored for a period of six months, and it will be stored on the cloud server and a
USB, after which it will be destroyed by erasing the data and throwing the USB safely.
Data will be stored in the password protected file on the mediafire server and it will be password
protected. It can only be accessed through my personal computer.

Rights of data subject

The participant has the right to be informed about how the study is taking place and will also have
access to the data. They also have the right to rectify the information they offer and erase the data.
The participant has the right to object and can raise an issue if a decision seems unfeasible or not
agreeable by them.

Commercial sensitivity
The data will not be shared with any commercial companies or entities for publicity.

Are you using non-standard software to store or analyse data?


Are there other ethical implications that are additional to this list?

If yes, please provide details

Have/do you intend to request ethical approval from any other body/organisation?
If yes, please provide details

Do you intend to publish your research?


Have the activities associated with this research project been risk-assessed?

Cover letter/invitation to participants
Informed consent forms for participants
Participant Information Sheet
Debriefing material
Informed consent from other parties/organisations
Relevant testing materials

Attached files







Consent Withdrawal Form_Amna.docx



You are invited to participate in a research project being conducted by

Amna Iqbal, a graduate student in the MA Education (TESOL) at University
of Derby, UK.

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of task-based learning

strategies on lower primary students in Saudi Arabia

If you decide to participate, you will be asked to participate in the in-class

activities and post feedback for the activities. Those participating will need
to sign the consent forms (both parent and child-assent forms). The names
of the participants will be hidden and only pseudonyms will be used to
address them in the study. It is mandatory for all the students to participate
in the study. However, those not participating, their data or information will
not be recorded.

The survey should take no more than 30 minutes per class and I hope to
recruit 15 participants. The survey will not collect any identifiable
information and no one will be able to connect your responses to you.

Your anonymity is further protected by not asking you to sign and return a
consent form. Your completion of the survey will serve as your consent.

Please keep this cover letter for future reference.

If you have any questions about this study, you may call me at +966

Thank you for your participation.


Amna Iqbal
Senior Grade 2 Teacher
MA. Ed student, University of Derby, UK
Parental Permission for Children Participation in Research



The purpose of this form is to provide you (as the parent of a prospective research study
participant) information that may affect your decision as to whether or not to let your
child participate in this research study. The person performing the research will describe
the study to you and answer all your questions. Read the information below and ask any
questions you might have before deciding whether or not to give your permission for
your child to take part. If you decide to let your child be involved in this study, this form
will be used to record your permission.

Purpose of the Study

If you agree, your child will be asked to participate in a research study about Task-based
Teaching. The purpose of this study is to study the impact of task-based language
teaching activities on students

What is my child going to be asked to do?

If you allow your child to participate in this study, they will be asked to participate in
class activities and will be observed. These will be a part of the lesson that she will be
studying and will require taking her feedback as well. This study will take approximately
a week and there will be fifteen students more from this classroom. There will be post-
feedback taken from the students as to how they felt about the activity.

Note: If participants might be audio/video recorded include the following:

Your child may be [audio/video] recorded.

There are no risks involved in this study.

What are the possible benefits of this study?

This study will help in refining the teaching practices in English language teaching in this
school which will make the students feel more valued and make informed decisions about
their learning practices.

Does my child have to participate?

No, your child’s participation in this study is voluntary. Your child may decline to
participate or to withdraw from participation at any time. Withdrawal or refusing to
participate will not affect their relationship with The University of Texas at Austin
(University) in anyway. You can agree to allow your child to be in the study now and
change your mind later without any penalty.

NOTE: If research is part of a classroom activity, state: This research study will take
place during regular classroom activities; however, if you do not want your child to
participate, an alternate activity will be available with a substitute teacher.

What if my child does not want to participate?

In addition to your permission, your child must agree to participate in the study. If you
child does not want to participate, they will not be included in the study and it is
absolutely fine. If your child initially agrees to be in the study they can change their
mind later too, with no issues whatsoever.

Will there be any compensation?

NOTE: If the study does not provide compensation. However,

The participants can receive bonus points on “active participation” rubric along
with a participation certificate.

How will your child’s privacy and confidentiality be protected if s/he participates in
this research study?

Your child’s privacy and the confidentiality of his/her data will be protected by me
wherein all the data is exclusively recorded and used for my university dissertation
research only. No names will be collected or personal details be used.

NOTE: If audio/video recordings will be made include the following statements:

If you choose to participate in this study, your child [will be/may choose to be]
[audio and/or video] recorded. Any [audio and/or video] recordings will be stored
securely and only the research team will have access to the recordings. Recordings
will be kept for a period of six months and then erased.

Whom to contact with questions about the study?

Prior, during or after your participation you can contact me, Amna Iqbal, for any
questions or if you feel that you have been harmed.

You are making a decision about allowing your child to participate in this study. Your signature
below indicates that you have read the information provided above and have decided to allow
them to participate in the study. If you later decide that you wish to withdraw your permission for
your child to participate in the study you may discontinue his or her participation at any time.
You will be given a copy of this document.

NOTE: Include the following if recording is optional:

______ My child MAY be [audio and/or video] recorded.
______ My child MAY NOT be [audio and/or video] recorded.

Printed Name of Child

_________________________________ _________________
Signature of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian Date

_________________________________ _________________
Signature of Investigator Date
Participant Information Sheet
{Elementary School Students}


I would like to invite you to take part in a research project. Before you decide you need
to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve for you. Please
take the time to read the following information carefully and ask questions about
anything you do not understand. Talk to others about the study if you wish.

What is the purpose of the study?

The purpose of this study is to study the impact of task-based activities on elementary
school students studying in an international school in Saudi Arabia.

Why have I been invited to take part in the study?

You have been invited to take part in this study as you are an elementary school
student who are a part of my study.

Do I have to take part?

No, you do not have to participate. There will be no adverse consequences in any way,
if you decide not to participate or withdraw at a later stage. You can withdraw your
participation at any time.

If you withdraw from the study this will mean the following for your participation and

All identifiable data or tissue collected would be withdrawn from the study. Any data
recorded will be destroyed.

What will my involvement require?

If you agree to take part, we will then ask you to sign a consent form. If you do decide
to take part you will be given this information sheet to keep and a copy of your signed
consent form. The research will last 6 weeks but your involvement would only be for
4 days. During this time, you will be asked to participate in the activities and offer
your feedback.

What will I have to do?

You will have to participate in the activities by the teacher and give your post-feedback
to the activities.

What will happen to data that I provide?

Research data are stored securely for at least 6 months following their last access and
project data (related to the administration of the project, e.g., your consent form) for at
least 6 months.

What if there is a problem?

Any complaint or concern about any aspect of the way you have been dealt with during
the course of the study will be addressed; please contact Nicole, my supervisor at

Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?

Yes. Your details will be held in complete confidence and we will follow ethical and
legal practice in relation to all study procedures.

Your personal data will be accessed, processed and securely destroyed by [members
of the research team {including external collaborators}/principal and co-
investigators/student and supervisors*]. In order to check that this research is carried
out in line with the law and good {research/clinical/other*} practice, monitoring and
auditing can be carried out by independent authorised individuals. We will anonymise
any documents or records that are sent from the University of Derby, so that you cannot
be identified from them.

Who is organising the research?

This research is organised by Amna Iqbal, Student in Masters in Education (TESOL)

at the University of Derby, UK.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Information Sheet.


I have been informed that my parent(s) have given permission for me to

participate, if I want to, in a study concerning Task-based Language
Teaching activities.

My participation in this project is voluntary and I have been told that I may
stop my participation in this study at any time.

Name of the child: _____________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________

CPHS #[insert CPHS protocol ID no. here] Page 1 of 1

Debriefing Form

Thank you for participating in this research study. There was some information about
the study that we were not able to discuss with you prior to the study because doing
so would have influenced your actions and thus biased the study results. This is a full
explanation of the study’s purpose.
In this study, I am interested in understanding the impact of task-based teaching
practices in an English language teaching classroom setting.

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of task-based learning strategies on lower
primary students in Saudi Arabia

The objective of this study is to:

* Examine the effect of task-based learning strategies on lower primary students
* How task-based learning strategies assisted in the life-learning goals of the lower
primary students

It is important that you do not discuss this study with anyone else until the study has
been completed. Our efforts will be greatly compromised if participants come into this
study knowing what it is about and how the ideas are being tested.

If you have any questions or concerns about the research study, contact me at

Thank you again for your participation!

Consent to facilitate research

I……………………………………… voluntarily agree to help facilitate this research study

entitled, “The impact of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) in lower primary grades
in Saudi Arabia”

I understand that even if I agree to help now, I can withdraw at any time without any
consequences of any kind.

I have had the purpose and nature of the study explained to me in writing and I have
had the opportunity to ask questions about the study.

I understand that I will assist in approving the activities required to be conducted for the

I understand that all data collected in this study is confidential and anonymous.

I understand that I am free to contact any of the people involved in the research to seek
further clarification and information.

Name of the gatekeeper: ____________________________________

Signature of gate keeper: ____________________________________

Parental Permission for Children Participation in Research



The purpose of this form is to provide you (as the parent of a prospective research study
participant) information that may affect your decision as to whether or not to let your
child participate in this research study. The person performing the research will describe
the study to you and answer all your questions. Read the information below and ask any
questions you might have before deciding whether or not to give your permission for
your child to take part. If you decide to let your child be involved in this study, this form
will be used to record your permission.

Purpose of the Study

If you agree, your child will be asked to participate in a research study about Task-based
Teaching. The purpose of this study is to study the impact of task-based language
teaching activities on students

What is my child going to be asked to do?

If you allow your child to participate in this study, they will be asked to participate in
class activities and will be observed. These will be a part of the lesson that she will be
studying and will require taking her feedback as well. This study will take approximately
a week and there will be fifteen students more from this classroom. There will be post-
feedback taken from the students as to how they felt about the activity.

Note: If participants might be audio/video recorded include the following:

Your child may be [audio/video] recorded.

There are no risks involved in this study.

What are the possible benefits of this study?

This study will help in refining the teaching practices in English language teaching in this
school which will make the students feel more valued and make informed decisions about
their learning practices.

Does my child have to participate?

No, your child’s participation in this study is voluntary. Your child may decline to
participate or to withdraw from participation at any time. Withdrawal or refusing to
participate will not affect their relationship with The University of Texas at Austin
(University) in anyway. You can agree to allow your child to be in the study now and
change your mind later without any penalty.

NOTE: If research is part of a classroom activity, state: This research study will take
place during regular classroom activities; however, if you do not want your child to
participate, an alternate activity will be available with a substitute teacher.

What if my child does not want to participate?

In addition to your permission, your child must agree to participate in the study. If you
child does not want to participate, they will not be included in the study and it is
absolutely fine. If your child initially agrees to be in the study they can change their
mind later too, with no issues whatsoever.

Will there be any compensation?

NOTE: If the study does not provide compensation. However,

The participants can receive bonus points on “active participation” rubric along
with a participation certificate.

How will your child’s privacy and confidentiality be protected if s/he participates in
this research study?

Your child’s privacy and the confidentiality of his/her data will be protected by me
wherein all the data is exclusively recorded and used for my university dissertation
research only. No names will be collected or personal details be used.

NOTE: If audio/video recordings will be made include the following statements:

If you choose to participate in this study, your child [will be/may choose to be]
[audio and/or video] recorded. Any [audio and/or video] recordings will be stored
securely and only the research team will have access to the recordings. Recordings
will be kept for a period of six months and then erased.

Whom to contact with questions about the study?

Prior, during or after your participation you can contact me, Amna Iqbal, for any
questions or if you feel that you have been harmed.

You are making a decision about allowing your child to participate in this study. Your signature
below indicates that you have read the information provided above and have decided to allow
them to participate in the study. If you later decide that you wish to withdraw your permission for
your child to participate in the study you may discontinue his or her participation at any time.
You will be given a copy of this document.

NOTE: Include the following if recording is optional:

______ My child MAY be [audio and/or video] recorded.
______ My child MAY NOT be [audio and/or video] recorded.

Printed Name of Child

_________________________________ _________________
Signature of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian Date

_________________________________ _________________
Signature of Investigator Date
Consent Withdrawal Form

To the Research Representative, Amna Iqbal

Research Title: The impact of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) in lower primary grades in Saudi Arabia

I hereby request to withdraw from the study, although I have agreed to participate in the
study above.

Date of Withdrawal ( (mm-dd-yyyy)

Signature (

Date of Withdrawal ( (mm-dd-yyyy)

Signature (the Legal Representative)(

Relation to the participant(( (

I confirmed that the participant above withdrew from the study.

Confirmation Date of Withdrawal( (mm-dd-yyyy)

Signature (
Focus on Task-based Teaching Activities

Date: ___________________

A. What are the students doing? Amount of Time

On Activity:
_____Receiving information __________________
_____Applying Skills __________________
_____Practicing new skills __________________
_____Participating in collaborative activities __________________
_____Doing homework __________________
_____Taking test or quiz __________________
_____Using technology (Specify:__________) __________________
_____Viewing videos __________________
_____Presenting information __________________
_____Using resources other than textbook __________________

B. As you observe, what do the students demonstrate?

_____Interest in subject _____Competency in reading, writing, or mathematics

_____Critical thinking skills _____Ability to follow directions
_____Time management skills _____Respect for others
_____Self-discipline _____Participation from all students
_____Expression of personal _____ ________________________

C. Identify the ESLRs exhibited by the students during the visit.

(The specific characteristics of the ESLRs are listed on the back of this form.)
_____Academically Competent Learners _____Culturally Aware Individuals
_____Effective Communicators _____Productive Individuals
_____Involved Citizens _____Perceptive Individuals

1. What are students DOING? (Receiving information, applying skills, practicing newly
acquired skills, time on task.????)

2. What are students PRODUCING?

3. What interactions are going on between teacher/student and/or


4. How are students REWARDED OR RECOGNIZED by the teacher and/or other


5. Overall impact of the lesson

Possible questions for student interview

1. When do you feel smart?

_____ when I put effort into a project, assignment or
_____ when I finish first
_____ when I do not understand right away but do after
more work
_____ when I figure out something new
_____ when I do not make mistakes
_____ when the task is easy for me
_____ when not much effort is required

2. Please list your top three choices:

I like the following activities in our lessons


3. How much time do you spend on the task?

4. How often outside of the classroom do you read?

5. Do you share what you are reading with others?

If yes, with whom?

If no, why not?

6. Name something you are very good at (or) name something you
know very well from the activities you did

Rank your top three choices of activities:

Individual work group presentation

Group work independent presentation

Hands-on learning independent research project

Open-ended problem-solving group research project

Worksheets whole class discussion

Small group discussion peer assessment

Self-assessment silent reading

If you could change anything that goes on in your classroom, what

would it be?

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