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Shape It Statement of Accounts

01.01.23 To 31.12.23

Account Summary

Opening Balance $ 157.53

Invoiced Amount $ 2,363.50

Amount Paid $ 2,422.00

Balance Due $ 99.03

Date Transactions Details Amount Payments Balance

01.01.23 157.53 157.53

05.01.23 Invoice 1043 - due on 31.01.23 25.00 182.53

05.01.23 Invoice 1046 - due on 31.01.23 12.50 195.03

12.01.23 Invoice 1075 - due on 31.01.23 15.00 210.03

$7.00 for payment of 741
$35.00 for payment of 775
$15.00 for payment of 794
Payment $25.00 for payment of 823
17.01.23 138.00 72.03
Received $25.00 for payment of 824
$25.00 for payment of
consignment note 747
$6.00 for payment of
consignment note 876

19.01.23 Invoice 938 - due on 31.01.23 25.00 97.03

19.01.23 Invoice 942 - due on 31.01.23 32.50 129.53

26.01.23 Invoice 979 - due on 31.01.23 25.00 154.53

27.01.23 Invoice 983 - due on 31.01.23 27.50 182.03

Date Transactions Details Amount Payments Balance

02.02.23 Invoice 1032i - due on 28.02.23 25.00 207.03

02.02.23 Invoice 1038i - due on 28.02.23 18.00 225.03

$25.00 for payment of 1043
$12.50 for payment of 1046
$15.00 for payment of 1075
07.02.23 $17.97 for payment of 938 90.00 135.03
$0.53 for payment of
consignment note 452
$19.00 for payment of
consignment note 876

09.02.23 Invoice 1072i - due on 28.02.23 25.00 160.03

09.02.23 Invoice 1076i - due on 28.02.23 33.00 193.03

16.02.23 Invoice 1140 - due on 28.02.23 25.00 218.03

16.02.23 Invoice 1143 - due on 28.02.23 24.00 242.03

23.02.23 Invoice 1171 - due on 28.02.23 25.00 267.03

23.02.23 Invoice 1174 - due on 28.02.23 21.00 288.03

$25.00 for payment of 1032i
$12.97 for payment of 1038i
01.03.23 $7.03 for payment of 938 130.00 158.03
$32.50 for payment of 942
$25.00 for payment of 979
$27.50 for payment of 983

02.03.23 Invoice 1229 - due on 31.03.23 25.00 183.03

02.03.23 Invoice 1233 - due on 31.03.23 24.00 207.03

09.03.23 Invoice 1266i - due on 31.03.23 25.00 232.03

09.03.23 Invoice 1270i - due on 31.03.23 24.00 256.03

17.03.23 Invoice 1239i - due on 31.03.23 25.00 281.03

17.03.23 Invoice 1244i - due on 31.03.23 24.00 305.03

23.03.23 Invoice 1320a - due on 31.03.23 25.00 330.03

23.03.23 Invoice 1325a - due on 31.03.23 21.00 351.03

Date Transactions Details Amount Payments Balance

$5.03 for payment of 1038i
Payment $25.00 for payment of 1072i
27.03.23 98.00 253.03
Received $33.00 for payment of 1076i
$25.00 for payment of 1140
$9.97 for payment of 1143

30.03.23 Invoice 1289a - due on 31.03.23 25.00 278.03

30.03.23 Invoice 1292a - due on 31.03.23 21.00 299.03

Payment $14.03 for payment of 1143
05.04.23 50.00 249.03
Received $25.00 for payment of 1171
$10.97 for payment of 1174

06.04.23 Invoice 1409a - due on 30.04.23 25.00 274.03

12.04.23 Invoice 1503a - due on 30.04.23 21.00 295.03

13.04.23 Invoice 1441a - due on 30.04.23 25.00 320.03

$10.03 for payment of 1174
$25.00 for payment of 1229
20.04.23 $24.00 for payment of 1233 113.00 207.03
$4.97 for payment of 1239i
$25.00 for payment of 1266i
$24.00 for payment of 1270i

20.04.23 Invoice 1531a - due on 30.04.23 25.00 232.03

20.04.23 Invoice 1537a - due on 30.04.23 24.00 256.03

27.04.23 Invoice 1478a - due on 30.04.23 25.00 281.03

27.04.23 Invoice 1483a - due on 30.04.23 12.00 293.03

04.05.23 Invoice 1490a - due on 31.05.23 25.00 318.03

04.05.23 Invoice 1496a - due on 31.05.23 18.00 336.03

11.05.23 Invoice 658a - due on 31.05.23 25.00 361.03

12.05.23 Invoice 1500a - due on 31.05.23 18.00 379.03

Date Transactions Details Amount Payments Balance

$20.03 for payment of 1239i
$24.00 for payment of 1244i
$25.00 for payment of 1289a
$21.00 for payment of 1292a
$25.00 for payment of 1320a
Payment $21.00 for payment of 1325a
12.05.23 293.00 86.03
Received $25.00 for payment of 1409a
$25.00 for payment of 1441a
$25.00 for payment of 1478a
$11.97 for payment of 1483a
$21.00 for payment of 1503a
$25.00 for payment of 1531a
$24.00 for payment of 1537a

18.05.23 Invoice 712a - due on 18.05.23 18.00 104.03

18.05.23 Invoice 707a - due on 31.05.23 25.00 129.03

26.05.23 Invoice 762a - due on 31.05.23 54.00 183.03

01.06.23 Invoice 1712 - due on 30.06.23 24.00 207.03

01.06.23 Invoice 1718b - due on 30.06.23 18.00 225.03

08.06.23 Invoice 1760a - due on 30.06.23 25.00 250.03

09.06.23 Invoice 1764a - due on 30.06.23 30.00 280.03

15.06.23 Invoice 1789a - due on 30.06.23 18.00 298.03

15.06.23 Invoice 1794a - due on 30.06.23 25.00 323.03

$0.03 for payment of 1483a
$25.00 for payment of 1490a
$18.00 for payment of 1496a
Payment $18.00 for payment of 1500a
15.06.23 200.00 123.03
Received $16.97 for payment of 1712
$25.00 for payment of 658a
$25.00 for payment of 707a
$18.00 for payment of 712a
$54.00 for payment of 762a

22.06.23 Invoice 1862a - due on 30.06.23 25.00 148.03

23.06.23 Invoice 1873a - due on 30.06.23 24.00 172.03

29.06.23 Invoice 1902b - due on 30.06.23 25.00 197.03

29.06.23 Invoice 1908b - due on 30.06.23 18.00 215.03

06.07.23 Invoice 1799a - due on 31.07.23 33.00 248.03

Date Transactions Details Amount Payments Balance

$7.03 for payment of 1712
$25.00 for payment of 1760a
$30.00 for payment of 1764a
Payment $18.00 for payment of 1789a
06.07.23 190.00 58.03
Received $25.00 for payment of 1794a
$17.97 for payment of 1862a
$24.00 for payment of 1873a
$25.00 for payment of 1902b
$18.00 for payment of 1908b

13.07.23 Invoice 2002a - due on 31.07.23 25.00 83.03

13.07.23 Invoice 2007a - due on 31.07.23 18.00 101.03

20.07.23 Invoice 2050a - due on 31.07.23 25.00 126.03

20.07.23 Invoice 2055a - due on 31.07.23 30.00 156.03

27.07.23 Invoice 2091b - due on 31.07.23 25.00 181.03

27.07.23 Invoice 2098a - due on 31.07.23 12.00 193.03

03.08.23 Invoice 2130a - due on 31.08.23 25.00 218.03

03.08.23 Invoice 2134a - due on 31.08.23 18.00 236.03

$33.00 for payment of 1799a
$7.00 for payment of 1862a
04.08.23 $25.00 for payment of 2002a 135.00 101.03
$18.00 for payment of 2007a
$25.00 for payment of 2050a
$27.00 for payment of 2055a

10.08.23 Invoice 2176a - due on 31.08.23 25.00 126.03

10.08.23 Invoice 2180a - due on 31.08.23 18.00 144.03

17.08.23 Invoice 2240a - due on 31.08.23 25.00 169.03

17.08.23 Invoice 2244a - due on 31.08.23 18.00 187.03

Consignment2096 - due on
22.08.23 Invoice 25.00 212.03

Consignment2100 - due on
22.08.23 Invoice 21.00 233.03

31.08.23 Invoice 2420aa - due on 31.08.23 25.00 258.03

31.08.23 Invoice 2424a - due on 31.08.23 36.00 294.03

Date Transactions Details Amount Payments Balance

$18.00 for payment of 1718b
$0.03 for payment of 1862a
$3.00 for payment of 2055a
05.09.23 $25.00 for payment of 2091b 120.00 174.03
$12.00 for payment of 2098a
$25.00 for payment of 2130a
$18.00 for payment of 2134a
$18.97 for payment of 2176a

07.09.23 Invoice 2467 - due on 07.09.23 24.00 198.03

07.09.23 Invoice 2469 - due on 30.09.23 25.00 223.03

14.09.23 Invoice 2522 - due on 30.09.23 25.00 248.03

14.09.23 Invoice 2528 - due on 30.09.23 18.00 266.03

21.09.23 Invoice 2576 - due on 30.09.23 25.00 291.03

25.09.23 Invoice 2596 - due on 30.09.23 24.00 315.03

$6.03 for payment of 2176a
$18.00 for payment of 2180a
$25.00 for payment of 2240a
$18.00 for payment of 2244a
$25.00 for payment of
$36.00 for payment of 2424a
28.09.23 $24.00 for payment of 2467 290.00 25.03
$25.00 for payment of 2469
$25.00 for payment of 2522
$18.00 for payment of 2528
$23.97 for payment of 2576
$25.00 for payment of
$21.00 for payment of

28.09.23 Invoice 2627 - due on 30.09.23 25.00 50.03

28.09.23 Invoice 2629 - due on 30.09.23 18.00 68.03

05.10.23 Invoice 2685 - due on 31.10.23 25.00 93.03

05.10.23 Invoice 2689 - due on 31.10.23 21.00 114.03

12.10.23 Invoice 2729 - due on 12.10.23 25.00 139.03

13.10.23 Invoice 2736 - due on 31.10.23 24.00 163.03

19.10.23 Invoice 2782 - due on 31.10.23 25.00 188.03

Date Transactions Details Amount Payments Balance

19.10.23 Invoice 2784 - due on 31.10.23 36.00 224.03

26.10.23 Invoice 2826 - due on 31.10.23 25.00 249.03

26.10.23 Invoice 2830 - due on 31.10.23 21.00 270.03

$1.03 for payment of 2576
Payment $24.00 for payment of 2596
31.10.23 89.00 181.03
Received $25.00 for payment of 2627
$18.00 for payment of 2629
$20.97 for payment of 2685

02.11.23 Invoice 2872 - due on 30.11.23 25.00 206.03

02.11.23 Invoice 2878 - due on 30.11.23 30.00 236.03

$4.03 for payment of 2685
$21.00 for payment of 2689
Payment $25.00 for payment of 2729
03.11.23 157.00 79.03
Received $24.00 for payment of 2736
$25.00 for payment of 2782
$36.00 for payment of 2784
$21.97 for payment of 2826

09.11.23 Invoice 2918 - due on 30.11.23 24.00 103.03

16.11.23 Invoice 2964 - due on 30.11.23 25.00 128.03

16.11.23 Invoice 2969 - due on 30.11.23 45.00 173.03

23.11.23 Invoice 3019 - due on 30.11.23 25.00 198.03

23.11.23 Invoice 3024 - due on 30.11.23 39.00 237.03

$3.03 for payment of 2826
$21.00 for payment of 2830
Payment $25.00 for payment of 2872
28.11.23 134.00 103.03
Received $30.00 for payment of 2878
$24.00 for payment of 2918
$25.00 for payment of 2964
$5.97 for payment of 2969

30.11.23 Invoice 3058 - due on 30.11.23 25.00 128.03

01.12.23 Invoice 3074 - due on 31.12.23 45.00 173.03

07.12.23 Invoice 3118 - due on 31.12.23 25.00 198.03

07.12.23 Invoice 3123 - due on 31.12.23 21.00 219.03

14.12.23 Invoice 3165 - due on 31.12.23 25.00 244.03

Date Transactions Details Amount Payments Balance

$39.03 for payment of 2969
$25.00 for payment of 3019
20.12.23 $39.00 for payment of 3024 195.00 49.03
$25.00 for payment of 3058
$45.00 for payment of 3074
$21.97 for payment of 3118

21.12.23 Invoice 3220 - due on 31.12.23 25.00 74.03

28.12.23 Invoice 3245 - due on 31.12.23 25.00 99.03

Balance Due $ 99.03

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