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Asalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Shalom, Salve, Om Suastiastu, Namo Budaya, Salam Kebajikan. Good morning
and best wishes to all of us. Thanks for the
chance that given to me to deliver my speech. I am the representative from grade XI G

First of all, let’s thanks to almighty God because of His blessing and encouragement, so we can gather
here well and safely.

That I respect Jury, and for all of the audience I respect.

Ladies and gentlemen, In

this change i would like to deliver my speech about “Contribution Of The Younger Generation As The
Agent Of Chance In Achieving The Digital Era”.

Technological developments develop drasticaly and continue to innovation emerge. Technology has an
important role in meeting our lige needs. But before that, what is technology? And why is technology
important? So technology is the entire means of providing goods necessary for human survival

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are the young generation and future nations, were boen in the digital era, where all life systems are
technology-based. Everything is fast, easy, and instant. But in this convencience, do we realize what we
have contributed to this country? What sould we do as young Indonesians living in this increasingly
sophisticated era?

So what can the younger generation contribute as agents of chance in reaching the digital era? As the
young people, we can take actions, such as technological innovation, entrepreneurship, education and
training, contribution, content development,improvement, and the most important thinhs is
participation with a creative spirit. By carrying out these things, we can contribute to realizing a more
advanced Indonesia in the midst of this digital era.

Ladies and gentlemen,

That's why, i want to invite all Indonesian youth, including the audience, to actively participate in this
digital era. As Johann Goethe said " knowing is not enough, we must apply".

That is my speech, let's protect Indonesia future by preparing digital youth. At the and i would like to
say thankyou and sorry if there was an error in delivering my speech.

Thats all and thankyou.

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