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1 – Meet Joshua

Joshua is a man living in Ancient Greece. Read aloud the following narrative in which he
highlights what he does on an average day in Ancient Greece:

Meet Joshua
I began my day in Ancient Athens. The first task was to visit the
marketplace, the Agora, bustling with activity. Here, in between the chatter
of merchants and the aroma of freshly baked bread, citizens engaged in
commerce, exchanging goods, and discussing politics and philosophy.

After purchasing some essential groceries, I made my way to the

gymnasium for exercise. Physical fitness and athleticism are highly valued
in our society. The gymnasium, a center for athletic and intellectual
pursuits, was where I engaged in wrestling, running, and discussions on
literature and philosophy with fellow Athenians.

By midday, the city, or "polis," was abuzz with various activities. I might
attend a public assembly at the Pnyx, where citizens gathered to debate
laws, policies, and matters of governance. As a participant in democracy, I
had the opportunity to voice my opinions and vote on issues that affected
our city-state.

Alternatively, I might visit the Acropolis, the majestic citadel towering over
Athens, home to temples dedicated to the gods, particularly Athena, the
patron goddess of our city. The Parthenon, a temple adorned with intricate
sculptures, stands as a testament to our devotion to the gods.
Then help Joshua find out the meaning of the following words. Discuss with a partner what
these words might mean and then research their meaning from a dictionary:

I think the word means… The definition in the dictionary means…

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