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Descriptive Statistics Quant Design and

Analysis Descript

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Descriptive Statistics Quant Design and Analysis Descriptive Statistics Capella University
ResubmissionofHistogramx2 In Figure 1, the number of females on the y-axis, with the
number of males on the x-axis to illustrate. A skew describes the shape of the data, where
most values occur close to the mean. (George, 2016, p. 114). A histogram in the male
distributions section of the data displays a negative skew and a negative kurtosis. The one
peak on the histogram distribution curve implies that the data is being distributed uniformly
over the value range. It can be seen in the graph that males have lower scores than females.
Examining the data in the graphs, it is important to search for deviations and identify outliers.
An outlier will occur in either the female or the male histogram. According to previous
research, it has been found that there are disadvantages and advantages to v

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