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ffi (ffi G tFl fiq*, rjs8, qrf ifun, ffi +6, frd-110006
riro ila ,:riq gfwr m.r {.i qz q o-rrq. frr qrqi qrdqqf,{s{ dt :rrqtq+'ar e,
q+,'#'d6"fi il;,'3=q5rt,;.ft+{ dqlr 6q rqffq n fuq +{R, q-*=
TitFI qt # q€tfdd qTrqrsT} 6 6q^qqfq grer{I €f,Iq
"qilt*r * mqt
;;'"tf "H i *rr(, errortrerffi ri{enq n4qft6 de
#';;+ ;i'*,rF.*", fi ffir EwI qrsqftrqq qE er{
htto:// t erwrfrs +t u1 Sqa {oqqr effiu qQ'
Hf,";ilffi-.*G d#; *-fr zF6 ffi-t qrq otr iwrq a.rt fr
iiF,q Paft io .ioz$g qq{tqq 04:00 qQ ro tr

1. qrd{s, u,tffirq 12oo-18oo RKd d<odd

2. frq-.rqs ft\rq-ll Xs-'fr-q looo-15oo Rffi {Freraft
3. dqer-oa, .frffi' fti*', TE'fiq looo-15oo frffi frqarqr€t
4. nT{ *qter qfiqq loOO-15OO frd sanrersff
5. tq Rr& 'rfurqrq 12oO-18Oo frffi srtr€
(at*q ngq - wrq q{ +to)
orrHl(NSRTH a cimnnr) o[0, mgg, nisl F[ooR, cHmtoturcnowK, DELHI'110006

Central Bank of lndia requires premises admeasuring carpet area in sq.ft. as given !.19ry,
in ready possession /ready for possession within 3 months as below mentioned
on the giounO floor with adequate parking space for their proposed branches. No brokers
or interinediaries please. Priority will be accorded to Government / Semi Govt. bodies or
public sector undertakings. Kindly download the formats / terms and conditions from the
website or collect the same from Central Bank of
lndia Regional Office North & Central, Chandni Chowk, Delhi. The last date for
submission of offers is 26.10.2023 Upto 04:00 P.M.
in Sq I.EIEI
x.l ll

1. Charmwood, Faridabad L2OO-18OO DelhiCentral/Metro

2. DLF PH-ll Gurgaon IOOO-15OO DelhiCentral/Urban
3. Sec-63 Golf Link, Gurgaon lOOO-15OO DelhiCentral/Urban
4. Greater Noida West lOOO-15OO DelhiNorth/Urban
5. Wave City Ghaziabad 1,2OO-l.8OO DelhiNorth/Metro
(Regional Head - North & Central)
Ro(c)/GAD/23-2024/ tol -
s )

- ta/70/2023

Annexu re 6

Central Bank of lndia, Regional office (CENTRAL), DELHI , invites sealed tenders for suitable premises
on long term lease basis for carpet floor area of 92.90 to 139.35 sq.m (J15%) SEC - 63. GOLF LINK.
GURGAON (HARYANA) bra nch /Office premises from lnterested owners / Power of Attorney holders
ofp renlises in and around SEC - 63, GOLF LINK, GURGAON (Harvana) - 122002 locali ty prefera bly in
the ground floor with proper front entry to the premises and with all facilities including KVA power
connection and pa rking.

The Technical Bid and Financial 8id Formats can be downloaded from Bank's website The formats are also available at our Regional Office and can be
collected during office hours.

The minimum criteria for prequalification will be as under:

a. The Applicant(s) should be the bonafide Owner(s) or Power of Attorney Holder(s) of the premises;

b. The Applicant(s) should be an lncome Tax assessee(s) with PAN No. and its Tax returns must be
up to-date.

c. The building should be constructed as per the sa nction ed/a pproved Plan of the competent
development Authority. The building should be well maintained and not older than 20 years.

d. The Premises should be situated in good residentia l/commercial locality preferably on ground
floor/1st floor with proper accessibility and provision for dedicated parking.

e. The building should be free from special Hazards like fire, water logging, flood, etc.

f. Supply of adequate potable water round the clock should be available at the premises and
appropriate approvals/sanctions from the local municipal authorities should be in hand.

g. The landlord should clear all the dues and other statutory obligations of Municipality, Corporation
as well as of revenue authorities.

h. The occupancy certificate of the premises (in case of Apartments) from the local authorities
should be available for leasing the premises.

i. The landlord should be in a position to give vacant procession of the premises immediately after
carrying out necessary c ha nges/a lteratio ns as required by the Ba nk.

l.Method of submitting Tenders: Tenders should be submitted only in sealed covers 6

Tender covers will have three parts.
a ! or {t9
. First cover - Technical Bid cover - This cover should contain Part I of application duly filled and
signed by the bidder/s in all pages, along with necessary enclosures. The cover should be closed and
sealed and super scribed as "Technical bid (as per Annexure A) for sEc - 63 GOLF LINK GURGAON
HARYANA branch /office premises" and should also contain the name and address of the bidder on
the cover

. Second cover - Financial Bid cover - This cover should contain Part ll of the application duly signed
by the bidder/s in all pages. This cover should be closed and sealed and super scribed as "Financial
Bid (as per Annexure B) SEC - 63. GOLF LINK. GURGAON (HARYANA) branch / Office premises" and
should also contain the name and address of the bidder/s on the cover.

r Third cover - Both the first and second cover should be placed in the third cover and should be
OFFICE PREMISES and to be addressed to Central Bank of lndia, BSD/GAD deptt., Regional Office
(DE tH I-CENTRAL), 1398, 1't floor, ChandniChowk, Delhi 110006

2. Last date for submission of Tender: 26/10/2023 upto 16:00 hours

Deptt., 1398, 1" floor, Chandni chowk, Delhi 110006

4. Tenders will be opened at RegionalOffice (central), 1398, 1't floor, Chand ni Chowk. Delhi 110006

oi 27 /1.o/2o23 or at any date decided by the Bank in due course

5. Bidder should ensure that the tender is received by the Bank before the date and time specified
and no consideration whatsoever shall be given for postal or any kind of delay. Tenders received
after the specified date and time are liable to be rejected and the decision is at the sole discretion of
the Bank.

6. central Bank of lndia reserves the right to accept or reject or cancel any or all tenders without
assigning any reason thereof and also reserve the right to place the order to any technicall',/ suitable
Bidder/s who may not be the lowest as it deemed fit and proper.

7. only unconditional tenders will be accepted. Any conditional tender will be liable for rejection.
Any bidder desire of imposing any condition having financial implication should load the tender
appropriately and should not put any condition in the tender.

8. Bank will shortlist the offers based on information provided in Technical Bid tender in accordance
with Bank's requirement, viz., locality of the proposed site, area of the premises offered, accessibility
from main road, parking space provided, amenities & other infrastructure provided (like lift, back up
DG set etc) and other essential requirements spelt out in Technical Bid.

9. The Financial Bid would be opened after short listing of Offers based on Technical Bid. Financial
bid would be opened only for those short listed offers, on a future date and will be intimated to the
short listed bidders at a later date.

10. Banks decision on selection of the prospective offer is final.

11. ln case of d ispute the decision of the Ba nk will be fina! and binding on a ll.

12. Rent: The Bank shall start paying the rent from the date of taking of possession from the
landlord. Before taking possession, it shall be ensured that necessary occupancy certificate
obtained from the appropriate authorities by the landlord and alterations agreed to be carried

0 o'
by the landlord have actually been carried out to the bank's satisfaction. Joint measurement of the
premises will be taken based on floor area.

13. Execution of the lease Documents: Once the premises is taken on lease by the Bank, the lease
deed as per the Bank's Standard lease format shall be executed and it shall be registered with the
appropriate authorities. The stamp duty charges relatin8 to the registration shall be borne by the
landlord and Bank on 50:50 basis.

14. Landlord will be responsible for construction of stronb room as per the requirement of the bank
at his cost for which specifications will be provided at the time of finalization of premises.

15. Earnest Money for Bidding in URBAN ( Rs.5000/- Five thousand Only).

TENDER R EFER ENCE RO/Delhi-Centra l/GAD/2O23-24/t a I - dated 10.10.2023

tAST DATE 26.1,0.2023
E M D AMOUNT RS 5000/- DD/BC in favour of "Central bank Of lndia", Payable at
t CONTACT TE LE PHON E NO o11-41028979

- Earnest money of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 1 month of after completiorr
of process.

- ln case, after completion of process, successful bidder backs out, earnest deposit will be
forfeited and fresh advertisement will be floated.

lor Len I Bank of lndia,


l-,t y'u
6 :n-iE?
Itt st\ st PP()trl t)EP.\It l'\tll-\'1 . c'!lNl'lt.\1. ol-I'lCE, !lt \lB.\l

Anntru|c A
(Proforma lor Technical Bid)

I{egional Head.
( cntrrl Bank of India.
Rrgional Ollice,

l{l-l(i: Tcchnical [3id fi.rr premises al ..

l{EI': Y()ur advenisement dated--_--,--jublished in Ncrvs Papcr and at Barrk's


i NAMES & ADDRESSI]S Of THE OWNERS Ic[-ph0nc/ erra il

N'lobile No

Whctlre| P A holder has powers to gran( premises on

lcasc/sub lcase : YES / NO
Namc & Addrcss ofPA holder
Tclephonc / N'lobile No
cnruil adcl ess
l'age (r0 ol 75

I'r'crrrises l'oli(\ rrrr,(lilirrl ride I]orrd Agrndriltlrt\r,. Btl/7.16/202 2 -2-1/ l0/( AT-2/3.1)(, dxt((l \lxrcI l;.?1,13
tlt sI \ t._ss s
t, IrT l)t. t).\lt | \t1..\1' cENl'It,\L Or. l.'r(l }l \llr.\l
i Any outsttnding chalges
(rrortgages/lease/easement/gifi/any other interest in the
Any pending th.res on the property (Arrears of
tJxcs e['ctricity,]teleplrone etc)
Wlrcther Ioan required? ilso details
L lass of constl tlction
l-ikely date of possession of premise
YeaI of construction
ol build inly'construction Dclails ofConslnrction
ol rhc Building.

RC'C Constmction or Load Bcaring Blick Construction
(please mention)
Whether plans are approved by the local authorilies
(attach copy 01'sanctioned
Illdg, Plan ) - Yes,il.lo.

Whcthcr NOf lionr thc dcpartmcnt obtained Ycs/No.

Whether occupation certificate has been received (attach
copy) - Yesn{o.


Whether direct access is available from the main road -

Whcthcr lift litcility is availablc - Ycs/No.
Titlc Deed (attach copy of title deed)
Whether all statutory obligations are cleared (Please
enclose IT Retuln. Municipality Tax Receipt - Cunent
and other supporting docunrents) - YesAllo.

l,(lcill t0n
l vpc of BLLilding Rcsidcntial/ lnstitLrtional/lndustrial

Dctrils oleivil amenities viz., Schools, Colleges,

llospitals available in ancl around the premises

Details ofother financial illstitutions in and around the


Proximity tionr policc station. tirc station, post ollice

nd transport ccnhe

Pagr.' 6l of 75

PrcrIi\rs I,,,li(\ nrodil'icd vidc llo!rd .\gcn(lll itenr \ o. lll\|'t 16/2O22-2ftt01( AT-2/-1.06 (txrr(t U:rr(h 17.202:}
F=5'Iti l\t. t,
It'I t)
L; -?.o
Yro )a, 3,
\l ll.\1. ot l.l
Locatctl in an area which is not considered crime prone
or rulncrable and is not an isolated area.

Wlrether the locality ofthe premises is liee from Special

I Iazards like fire, floor, water logging etc. Yes,No.

l(l I loor and arcir

Built up area in sq.mtrs- / Sq.Ft

Lxrpct area in sq.rntrs. / Sq.Ft
Gnryr Floor

I irst floor
Other'. if any
'l otal ('arpct rrca in sq.rrtrs./ Sc1.Ft
('eiling lleight
Dctails oftenancy olother floors
Agrecable to construct RCC strong room as per RBI YES
spccilications with security arrangements

ljor instlllinu ATM

Sprce lo install V-SAT anteuna on roof-top (applicable
lbr Rural / Semi-Urban)
Availability of 3-phase Power supply for installation of
ATM Mae lrinr'.
Statutory approvals from local authorities (ifapplicable)

Watcr ticility available YES / NO
Parking facility for Bank's Staff/ Customers available YES sq.rntrs / sq.ft

Whethcr 3 phase( kva) power supply available / will

bc supplicd
Separate toilets tbr ladies and gents
Acccssibility throughout the ycar YES / NO
II Proper Ventilation available
I)ctails of othcr utilitics availablc

Flontagc (at least (r- 8 mtrs. 120-25 ft)

l\rssibility of making rarnp tionr road to branr.h

Lollapsible shLrtters on outer doors, grills on windows

and ventilators on outer walls,

F One main entrance with the regular door and an

additional / collapsible gate.
Whethel propcr sanitary/sewage system is available.

['age 62 of'75

Prenrises Poli(t modilied ride Borrd Agcnda itrnr No. BMl746/2022-23ll0,tCAT-2/3.06 d.rlcd ) t7.2023
E@ -t EEI=E!
IJT SI\I.,SS SI.,PPOR I'D PAITT}IE\1' ENt'ttAl- 0l't-ICu t\t u ll B.\ I
Whether Porver/Electric Supply - Yes/No
(Adequate power supply) is availablc - Yes/No
Whcther anti-lightening devicc is provided YesA'lo

Whether captive power supply (gerrerator) is available

whethcr adcquate water supply is available - Yes,4.lo

The tcnder (both Technical and tinancial bids) has been

signcd on all pages only bythc authorized signatory.

Rent quoted shtll be net inclLrsive ofall taxes, cesses,

parking charges etc. related to the premises, till the
tcnure of lcase. including extended tenure, ifany, as per
tlnancial bid fonnat only by filling up all three columrs
(undcr Ratc. Carpet Area. Total Rent Payable) and
signc-d only by premises Owncr / Power of Atlomey
Holder only.

I / We llnher agree to construct the strong room as per

vour Bank's specifications and ready to carry out
r:rodifications as required by the Bank including
constructions ofATM civil structure in thc proposod
prcmiscs at our expenses.

The otler subrnitted by mc valid for Four months tiorn

thr"- datc of opcnir.rg of Price Bid.


Aglee to execute the Lease Deed agreement in Bank's

standard lormat (Standard format enclosed).

Euhancenrclt in rcnt expccted after the end ofthe For _ ycars with 5
original lcasc periodot' years. NOTE: Quote ycars ccrtain u,ith 2 options of
in percentage only 5 years each with increase @
_% hike in rent during
each optiou periotl. (only
pcrceltage and alrrount should
not be filled up)
Any other ternrs arrd conditions (Please specify).

(a) Additional tinancial bcaring

(tr) Non- Financial bearing:
Anv other relevant inlbrmation

Page 63 of 75

I\'(nriscs I'(,licv rn,dilicd virlc Bourd Ag{:ndr itcm \o . BNI 17 46/2022-23lttllc A1'-2/3.06 d.rtcd V!r'ch 17. 2023
e-Eara--'Gt aL ,*al vo {., .*I--tts+ -tiDl,rl
ti trs tN I rPPOtt',t' DE CT]N'I'RAL OF }'I Nt u \l B,\ I
The carpct area of any tloor shall be the covered floor area worketl out excluding thc tbllowing
portions of the building
Sarlitary accommodation. except ntctrtioncd Otherwise in a specific case. Verandahs. escept whcre
lirlly cncloscd aud used as internal passages and corlidors, Corridors antl Passages. exccpt whcre
us(ld as iltcrlal passagcs and corridors exclusive to thi unit, Enfancc halls and porches. vertical sun
brrkcs box louvcrs, Staircase, Shafts and machine rooms for lifts, Barsaties*, lofts .Garagcs,
Air-ct_rnditioning ducts and air-conditioning plant rooms, shatls lbr sanitary piping and garbage ducts
nlore than 2 sq. mtrs. in area.

lltttt's.should nol b!! mcnlioned hert'or anvt'here in Technicul Bi.t.


I , We contirm that the above particulars are correct to the best of oLrr knowledge. I / We will give
llle consent as per yotlr Banks standard Performa ifyou find our premises suitable'

l,l ,\( l:: SlGNr{l Lll{E:


I rril
l. l)ocunrcnts fbr proofol r.rrvrcr ship (Tax rcceip,Eluctricity tsilll

l. [-ocirtiotr rtrap lncl bttiltling nlltp.

l. Skctch Plan dritu'n to scale

-1. Photographs shttu'iug cxtcriot as wcll as interior

5. ( onrplction cefiitlcate
b. l)crtttissittn 1o constrtlcl

7. Building use pcrnrissiott

ll. Celtiticates lrom competcnt atlthoritics

(l-his is I prolbrnta. Rcgionrl Otlicc can make chatrges rvithin thc policy. as pcr thc spccitic
tcquir cmcnl in thc locirtion)

Page 64 of'75

Prenrircs Poti(I nodilicd lidt Bo:rrd Agend! ittm No. BM 111612022-27lllllc A'f -213.06 drltd \larch 17. 20!3
.e-Lr_!_!l..aL: 'r.o =roi, I tE -a::a

Annexule B

(Profbrma for Financial Bid)

Rcgional Hcad,
( cntral Brnk of India.
Regional Otlice,

lll:G: Filancial tsicl lirrpremiscs at ..............

REF: Your advertisement dated published in News Paper and at Bank's


Dcar Sir-

lr continuation with the Technical Bid submitted by me / us in respcct ofpremises situated at

I \\'e herc offer the remises orr lease / rental basis as under :

Floor Rent per sq. m of Carpet Total Renl

Area (Pa.r'able per mon!h in Rupees)


Thc rate quotcd is inclusivc of all taxcs, ccss. scrvice charges.parking charges etc., per sq. ft. ofcarpcl
t'loor arca calculated as per point
ofTcchnical bid.

Yours faith hrlly,

( Nanre ........................)

I'lucc : .


Pag,: 6:', of 75

I'rrmiscr Policv rnodilied vide Board Agenda ir(nr No . BNt /11612022-23/uyc,\'f-2lj.06 dir cd \I I ?. 2021
?-A ":r- ll> YiCD .' l-{l
a) Full A

b) (-lass of Ilon

c) Ycirr tl struction.

d) l)clit floor-wise carpet area / Built- up area as under :-

e) I] nes :-

)'ottrs tirlly.

(o t:RS i

l) ll

ANN Rlr-3

TI IIS INDENTURE made at th is day of

BETWEEN , ,,, , ,,=
which exPression shall
*t .**itt,*.ont"^t * namits include his successors, representatives, tmstees, heirs, executors,
admiristrutors and assigns) of the ONE PART and CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA' having its Head
Otfice/ Registerecl Ofirce ut Chandermukhi, Nariman Point. Mturbai, and a Branch interalia al
(hcrcinafter callcd the
uhich cxprcssion shall wherever the context so admits include its sLtcccssors and assigns) of the

\\,HEREAS the Lessor is absolutely seized and possessed of and othenvise well and sufficiently
entirled to the hereditaments arrd premises described in the Schedule and,

\\'HEREAS Thc Lcssee needs a suitable premisds for its bunking busincss at its blanch at
n]*i"r,, .t"" banking or commerce covering the adoption of updated Inf<rrmation Technology
tbr its diversified delivery clrannels and business components and devices such as ATM's , [nternet
Banking. Phone banking, computerization fully or partially and centralized Banking Solutions, or
any othir technological r.rpgraded in coming in vogue hereinafter and,

\\'HIll{Ens thc lcssor has the rcquircd premiscs in his larvtirl posscssion with a right to demisc und
llr\ r! cleilr antl un-cncuntberecl lr:gll title ovef the premises otlsretl $ithin the lantl or property as
nrcrrtio erl in tlre ScherlLrle anLl is rvilling to providc all necessar! antl secure pretrliscs, plitcetncnts
antl sprccs to lcconlrodate the actuat requirenrents of thc lcssce for its banking rcquiremcnts as
atbrcsaid and Bank's right to use the premises should not bc affected by the landlord
transl'erring the orvnership of the premises in any manner and the new o$-ner should be
bound bl thc terms of the existing r€nt agrcement.

t'age 49 ol 75

Prcr i\cs Policr rrodilicd vide Board Agcnda iteu No. BM 1746121t22-23lllllc|T-2/3 06 d:rted U:rrch l7' 2023
f @ e-aa_'t_r}^.a- '!_ rE> YoirJ 6aaia-- _t rED I -r
WHEITIAS the lessor reprcsents and warrants that thcrc is no bar or restriction tbr demising thc
rcrlLriretl premises under any Law. Rule or Regulation of Local Renl Acts or Municipal Authority or
irrry- Bodl- oI ALrthority created by any Act of State/Certrul Govt.

\\'HERIIAS thc Lcsscc has applictl to the lcssor for a Leasc of

being a part of the premiscs described in the Schedule

hcreto (which part is hereinafter unless otherwise distinguished tbr brcvity's sake called ' the demised
premises') tbr a term of_ years certain from
I llc d"y ol' with one / two o ptions of _
years to
rhc Lcssce to rencw the Lease with _o/oincrease in rent during each option period as hereinafter
rrrcntioncd AND WHEREAS thc Lessor has agreed to grant to
the Lessee the Lcase ofthe demised
lrlrmisc" as rrcntit.rncd hcreinuftcr.

NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the rent and the Lessee's
cotenants hereinafter contained tlre Lessor doth hereby demise upto the Lcssee the demised
prcnriscs alongu'ith the- secured placc fbr fixing tlre V-sat or othcr Antcnnas/Disc al thc roof top or at
any othcr appropriate placc in thc premises and installing A'fM at its dcsircd and suitablc placc
alongu,ith thcir cablings and acccssorics or for Automation of thc branch and

lixing rclated deviccs, with thc use of the conveniences and appurtenants cnjoycd in connection
rhcr-ervith and theright ol'ingress and egress for the Lessee and its cmployees. customers and all
othels, tbr its advantage to and fl om the staircase, passages and corridors of the premises described in
thc Schcdule hereto hold the same ulto the Lessee for a term of _ _ _ ,___ ears cer1ain lrom the
_duy ol_with option to th€ Lessee to renew the period as hereinafter mentiorted:

he Lessor shall have to providc necessary consent/permission fiom society, Association, Company,
Co-orvncr, Co-possessor, Builder or any othcr person what so evcr, as the case may be, at their cost to
install lhc Generator, Antenna,/Disc alongu'ith their cabling and accessories or fixed related devices
etc. on tl're terrdce or ny other srritable and appropriate place in the building lbr Genetutor, V-SAT or
r\'l N'l or Automation antl core banking solutiorrs of the branch and the cost of installation of
(lcretrtor, Antcnna /Disc cabling, acccssories or fixed rclated tleviccs, V-SAT, ATM or automation
ol branch in prescnt or in f'uturc shall be bonre by the lessee.

L Thc Lessec doth hereby agree and covenants with the Lessor as follows:
a) To pay to the Lessor rent for the demised prenlises at the rate of {_ per
nronth from the day ol' regularly every month.

b) To keep the Lessor informed from time to time of all repairs that the demised
prcrnises may require so that the Lessor may be able to do thc sanrc and for this
purpose to permit the Lessor his Agents with or without workmcn or othcrs at all
reasonable time but after'previous notice in writing to the Lessee to enter upon thc
demised premises and to view the tondilion thercof and to exccute all nccessary
repairs and if such repairs are not carried out by thc Lessor withirr a period of fifteen
days aflcr recsipt of noticc fiom the Lessse in this bchalf then the Lcssec shall bc
entitled to have the same done and in that event the Lessee shall be entitled to recover

I'age 50 of 75

Prrorises I'olir]'nrf,difird lid€ Borrd Agendr it(nr No. BM/71612022-73lllllCAT-2l3.{}6 drlcd \t:rrch I?.2023
'rc Y.ot
I] I SI \ -Eia'rF.aa-
=I=-EEE\tt \t It.\l
the costs thereof tiom the Lessor in any manner including by dcducting the samc
tl om the rent payable under these prcsents.

c) To pernrit thc Lessor, his Agents, workmen ard seryants at all rcasonable times but
after previous lrotice in writitlg to enter tlle denlised premises to examine the
condition thcreof.

d) To remove at the time of vacating or earlier if the Lessee so desires the strong room
door and all other trttings and fixturcs as might bc bclonging to the Lessee.

e) The Lessee shall be at liberty at its own costs and cxpenses to have such fixtures
and devices for automation, ATM, V-sat or other Antennas/ Disc with all accessorics
as it may desire for the convenient use of demised premises and shall be at liberty to
remove the said fixtures and devices at the end or sooner determination of the term
hereby granted or sooner than that ifthe lessee so desires.

1) Thc Lcssee shall bc at liberty to aflix, pl:rcc or display namc-boards' signboards'

advertisement boartls aud any advertisemeDts aud sigrrs of any nature rvhatever in
relation to its busincss, at any part inside or oulside ofthe demised prcmiscs.

g) That tlre lessee shall be desirous of leaving the premises during the currency of
lease pcriod, lessee shall do so by giving atleast thirty days notice in

writing to the lessor of its such intention of tenninalion of tenancy without paying
any compcnsation.

2. The Lessce shall be at liberty to assign or sublet the whole or any parts of the dcmiscd
premises either fbr the whole or any part of the term hereby granted rvilh the consent in
vyriting ofthc Lessor, such consent howevcr not to be tnreasonably withheld.

J. The Lessor doth hereby covenant with the Lelsee as lbllows:

a) To bear, pay and discharge all existing and future rates, taxes, assessments' dues,
duties, impositions and outgoings, whatsoever imposed or charged upon the demised
premiscs and whcther payable by the owncr or occt'tpicr hereof.

b) To paint tlre walls with distenrper and doors and windows of the dentised premises
with vamish evcry threc year during the period hereby granted.

c) To permit the Lessee to install the Generator within the premises at any suitable and
appropriate place.

d) For any reason. if the conslruction loan sanctioned to lesser is not liquidated with
upto date interest during the certain pcriod of lcase. it (certain period) will gct
automatically extended till such time the loan rvith uptodate interest is adjusted l'ully.
No increase in rcnt will bc allowed during the extended pcriod.

I'age 5l of 75

Prr|niscs Polic)'nr{,dilied vidc Borrd Agcnd:r item No. Rl\t /11ttl2ll22-23llll/C AT-2,/3.06 dattd }Iarch 17,2023
llt's l\ st'PP() R l' t) E 1,.\ l{l'\l ll \ 'l'. ('EN Tt{AL ()l't ICt.. MU}IBAI
c That the Lcssee paying the rent hereby tes erved and Pcrforming thc several
covenants and stipulations on its part herein contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy
thc demised prcmises during thc terms hcreby grarlted without any intcmrption by
the Lcssor or any Person claiming 'from.under or in trust for him, them or any ol

t) In case the demised or any part thereof shall at any time during the term hereby
grantcd be destroycd or damaged by fire or in any other manner so as to be unfit lbr
the Lessee's use then the rent hereby reserved or nt the Lessee's option a fair and
proportion thereo{'accortling to the uature of the damage sustained shall until the
rJcmiscd premises have bcen rebuilt or reinstated and rendered tit for the Lessee's use
be suspended and ccase to be payable.

g) That is the Lessee shall be desirous of continuing the term hereby granted for a
tirrthcr tcrnt of fiom thc day ot at thc cxpiration of the
pcriod hereby granted and shall atlcast thirq' days bcforc the day ol
earlier give to the Lessor a notice in writing of such of its desirc and shall pay the

rcnt hcreby rcservcrl and perform the scvcral stipulations hcloin conlainud and on its
part to be obsewed Ltpto the termination of the ternl hereby granted then the lessor
shall dcmise the demised premises to thc Lcssce for a further term of
ears trom day ol-uPon thc same terms and conditions as
are hcrein containcd including this covcnant lbr rencwal

In case tltc lessee thils to give such notice of intention within the stipulated period, it
shall be decmed that the lessee has exercised the option to rencw thc lease for a
fi.rrthcr terms of years upto the same tcms and conditions as hercin contained
including thc covenant tbr renewal.
h) That lessor shall - secure and will keep secured all the fixtu'es, V-sat or other
Antennas and ATM alongwith thcir cablings and accessories Put at root top or other
open places as tar as practically possible (as if an orvner would do tbr his orvn

Thc tessor ancl the lcsscc do hcrcby accept, acknowledgg and agrr'e with thc covcnants madc with
cach other here-in-abovc.

Schedule ofproperry herein below shall be treated as part ofthis lease deed'

WITNESS WHEREOF ttle parties to these presents have set their respective hands the day and year
tlrst abovc written.


I'tgc 52 ot 75

pr.tnriscr Prrtirr rtx,dilicd ri{le Bo,rrd Agend! itrm:'io.B\1114612072-23 10/( AT-2l3.06 (ldtcd \l.rrth 17,2023
tgtS rra'r_rFi
a- -r.E' -- G> rl, -*l'a{ec l->r l
Sisnaturc Signaturc
Ntmc Name
I)cs i-gnltt iott ( )rvne r, Larlcllot tl
()n l)(lrlltol ( urttll llartk ol'lrldra

1if rcquired under law)

\\ itncss l- Namc, Address and Signaturc

\\'itness f- Name, Address and Signanrrc


l. Localior and lddless

2. Area in sq.m / sq.ft. and meters.

3. Built up components as rooms, halls, cabins toilets

4. Surounded by dcscription ofthe properties surrounding demised

* I / We do hcreby accept, acknowledge and agree with the ten'ns and conditions betu,een the lessor
and lessec as dctrilc-cl and signed hcrc-in-above.


Name/Body :

Date :


*(ln case concurrcnce for the aforesaid lease deed or consent/ permission from any other person. co-
o\\'rer, co-possessor, socicty. buildcr or any other body under any local / spccial act, is required).

Page 53 ol75

Prrrrrirr:r Polio rrrodilied vidc Ro.rrd ,\gtnd.r i(tnr \o . R\t/?{6/21122-:-3110/CA l -213.06 d:tttd \l rrc h 1 7. 2(123

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