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Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

Article · August 2020

DOI: 10.1002/9781119143802.ch131


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4 authors, including:

Chathurika Jayasekara Eresha Mendis

University College of Matara University of Peradeniya


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Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

Chathurika Jayasekara1, Eresha Mendis2 and Se-Kwon Kim3,4
Department of Applied and Natural Sciences, University College of Matara, Sri Lanka
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Department of Marine Life Sciences, Korean Maritime and Ocean University, 727 Taejong-ro, Yeongdo-Gu, Busan 49112, Republic of Korea
Kolmar Korea Co., Ltd., 18, Saimdang-ro, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, 137876, Republic of Korea

131.1 ­Introduction above the continental shelf and in waters

not exceeding 200 m in depth (e.g. anchovies,
The definition of seafood denotes a variety of sardines, swordfish, tuna, mackerel), while
groups of biologically divergent vertebrate and demersal species live and feed on or near the
invertebrate aquatic animals consisting not bottom of seas (e.g. cod, haddock, whiting,
only of fish, whether of freshwater, estuarine, halibut).
or marine habitats, but also of shellfish, which Since ancient times seafood has been consid-
include crustaceans and mollusks. Crustaceans ered an important source of food in the world
mainly comprise crayfish, crab, shrimp, and because of its well-known nutritional and
lobster. Mollusks include univalves (abalone, health attributes, sensory attributes, and easy
snail, and conch) bivalves (mussel, oyster, and digestibility. Seafood is much preferred by the
scallop), and cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish, world’s population, particularly in developing
and octopus). Seafood does not in its definition countries. For example, fisheries and aquacul-
include aquatic mammals (e.g. whales and dol- ture supply over 1.5 billion people with almost
phins), aquatic reptiles (e.g. turtles and croco- 20% of their average animal protein intake
diles), echinoderms (e.g. sea urchins and and 3 billion people with at least 15% of their
starfish), jellyfish, and aquatic plants. average animal protein intake (Food and
Therefore, seafood includes basically finfish Agriculture Organization, 2010). According to
and shellfish species (European Food Safety Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sta-
Authority, 2014). Sea vegetables, which are tistical data as shown in Figure 131.1, seafood
commonly referred to as algae or seaweed, are consumption in the world has gradually
indeed included in the broader definition of increased over the past few ­decades. In 1992,
seafood. seafood was able to provide 24 kcal/capita/day
Based on the habitat fish can be categorized and in 2011 it had increased up to 34 kcal/­
as pelagic and demersal species. Pelagic fish capita/day which clearly indicates increased
species, which is a diverse group of mainly seafood consumption.
planktivorous fishes, share the same habitat, According to recent FAO statistical data,
the surface layers of the water column, usually people in Africa, Asia, Europe, America,

Encyclopedia of Marine Biotechnology: Five Volume Set, First Edition. Edited by Se-Kwon Kim.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
2940 131 Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health






Figure 131.1 Seafood consumption pattern from 1990 to 2011 worldwide (Source: FAO statistical data, 2015).







World World
Fish, Seafood Meat

Figure 131.2 Comparison of meat and seafood consumption pattern from 1990 to 2011 worldwide
(Source: FAO statistical data, 2015).

and Southeastern Asia consume seafood, considerable increase in ­seafood consump-

­providing 20, 36, 47, 24, and 63 kcal/capita/ tion. Therefore, the need for increasing aware-
day, respectively, in their diet. However, as ness regarding the beneficial effects of seafood
shown in Figure 131.2, when seafood con- has become crucial, considering the nutri-
sumption is compared with the average meat tional and health demands of the current
consumption in the world it does not reflect a consumer.
131.2 ­Composition of Seafoo 2941

Since ancient times, sea vegetables have chlorophyll derivatives, and mycosporine-like
been widely consumed globally, especially in amino acids, They are also rich in vitamins
countries located by the sea, including the (especially vitamin B12), minerals (e.g. iodine
U.K., Ireland, Norway, the Pacific Islands, and selenium), proteins, PUFA, and dietary
African countries, and the USA. Gradually, sea fibers (Jaspars and Folmer, 2013).
vegetables have become primarily associated The incorporation of seafood in the daily
with Asian cuisine (Jaspars and Folmer, 2013). human diet would be beneficial in providing
Currently, human consumption of green algae most of the aforementioned essential nutri-
(5%), brown algae (66.5%), and red algae (33%) ents. This chapter is intended to discuss in
is high in Asia, mainly in Japan, China, and brief the extent of available nutrients and a
Korea (Dawes, 1998). However, demand for variety of human health endpoints that may be
seaweed as food has now also extended to influenced by nutrients available in seafood.
North America, South America, and Europe
(Manivannan et al., 2009).
Seafood is a good source of energy and pro- 131.2 ­Composition of Seafood
tein with high biological value, and contributes
to the intake of essential nutrients such as vita- Seafood is categorized as a nutrient-dense food
min B, iodine, selenium, calcium, zinc, phos- group of the human diet with respect to their
phorus, iron, copper, and fat-soluble vitamins A chemical composition. The nutritional benefits
and D. Seafood also provides therapeutically of fish are mainly due to the content of high
important n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated quality, balanced, and easily digestible proteins,
fatty acids (LCPUFA). Seafood contains four vitamins, fatty acids, and other important
of the main n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids essential nutrients (Stancheva et al., 2013).
(PUFA). They are alpha linolenic acid (ALA; The quality of seafood is a function of body
18:3Δ9c,12c,15c), eicosapentaenoic acid compositions and energy values of particular
(EPA; 20:5Δ5c,8c,11c,14c,17c), docosahexae- organisms. It varies among different species,
noic acid (DHA; 22:6Δ4c,7c,10c,13c,16c,19c) sex, age, season, feed intake, habitat, and the
and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA; environmental conditions in which the fish/
22:5Δ7c,10c,13c,16c,19c). According to the shellfish are caught. Finfish are basically two
research conducted in recent years focusing on types. The chemical and nutritional composi-
seafood, the available nutrients link to well- tions of seaweeds are also determined by spe-
established health benefits. cies and environmental conditions such as
Sea vegetables include the large macroalgae habitat, light, water temperature, and salinity
and microscopic, usually unicellular microal- (Wong and Cheung, 2000). Climate, pH, geo-
gae. Macroalgae are classified into three main graphical differences, and season are some
groups: brown, red, and green algae. Brown other factors that affect the composition.
algae (Phaeophyta tend to be very large and About 98% of the total mass of most fish
olive green or brown in color. Red algae meat is comprised of water, proteins, and lipids
(Rhodophyta) are typically smaller algae. Their and the other approximately 2% consists of
color ranges from greenish to dark purple. minor constituents that include carbohydrates,
Green algae (Chlorophyta) are small and thin- vitamins, and minerals (WHO/FAO, 2011).
layered algae found close to the water surface.
They are particularly rich in chlorophyll a and
131.2.1 Moisture Content
chlorophyll b (Jaspars and Folmer, 2013).
Seaweeds are rich in antioxidants such as The main constituent of fish flesh is moisture.
carotenoids, phlorotannins, ascorbic acid (vita- Generally, average finfish species contain 67.23
min C), tocopherol (vitamin E), polyphenols, to 80.48% w/w (wb) of moisture in their
2942 131 Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

c­ omposition (Kumar et al., 2014; Stancheva 131.2.2 Protein Content

et al., 2013). Mary et al. (2015) studied the
The majority of fish have average protein con-
composition of several finfish species collected
tents between 15 to 24% (Stancheva et al.,
from Mimisal, on the southeast coast of India,
2013). Freshwater fish have been reported to
and reported an average amount of 79.1%
contain slightly higher moisture and lower
moisture content in finfish composition. The
protein contents than marine fish. Among
moisture content in demersal species is higher
commonly consumed fish categories, 100 g
than that in the pelagic species (Stancheva
raw edible parts of tuna, mackerel, anchovy,
et al., 2013).
cod, and herring contain 23.5g, 17.4g, 21.1g,
Nurnadia et al. (2011) reported some approxi-
17.6g, and 17.3g of protein, respectively
mate composition data of seafood from the west
(European Food Safety Authority, 2014). Coral
coast of peninsular Malaysia, and the data were
reef fishes of the genera Lutjanus, Nemipterus
given in wet basis (Table 131.5). Shellfish, for
and Scolopsis have higher protein contents
example cuttlefish, showed a moisture content
than 21% (Kumar et al., 2014). Mary et al.
of 83.68 ± 0.80% while oyster was 77.73 ± 0.00%.
(2015) carried out a study regarding the com-
Golden snapper and Malabar red snapper which
position of several finfish species collected
can be categorized under the demersal fish cat-
from Mimisal in the southeast coast of India,
egory showed 80.21 ± 1.02 % and 78.00± 2.76%
and according to the reported data, protein
moisture content, respectively. Among pelagic
content ranged from 7.66g 100g–1 to 13.33g
fish, spanish mackerel showed 82.12 ± 5.19%
100g–1. The myofibrillar protein contents of
and Indian mackerel contained 76.58 ± 2.27% of
fish reported to range between 65 and 75%,
whereas sarcoplasmic proteins including
The percentage of water in the composition is
enzymes are in the range of 20–35%. Myosin
a good indicator of the relative energy, protein,
protein constitutes approximately 50–58% of
and lipid content; that means lower the percent-
the myofibrillar proteins of finfish.
age of water, the greater the lipid and protein
The protein contents of crustaceans and
content and the higher the energy density of the
mollusks do not vary as greatly as those of fin-
fish (Aberoumad and Pourshafi, 2010).
fishes. Crustacean flesh, including crab,
Manev et al. (2013) reported that brown sea-
shrimp, and oysters is slightly higher in pro-
weed (Cystoseira barbata) collected from the
teins. Crustaceans such as crabs, lobster,
Shabla region of Bulgaria contained 187.6 g
prawns, and shrimps contain 20.4%, 17.3%,
kg–1 dry weight while brown seaweed collected
17.6%, and 16.7% w/w protein contents respec-
from the Rusalka region of Bulgaria contained
tively. Cuttlefish is a mollusk containing 16%
272.7 g kg–1 dry weight. Moisture contents of
w/w protein in its composition (European
Gracilaria fisheri and G. tenuistipitata, two red
Food Safety Authority, 2014).
seaweed species collected in summer and rainy
The crude protein content of different spe-
seasons, were found to have the dry weight
cies of red seaweed is reported to be within the
(DW) within the range of 3.6–5.5% (Benjama
range of 10–47% (Fleurence, 1999). Total pro-
and Masniyom, 2012). In a study conducted by
tein content and the total free amino acid con-
Hwang et al. (2013) with Laver, red algae, they
tent of the green alga Ulva rigida was found to
reported that the moisture content of Porphyra
be 6.64% and 8.9%, respectively (Satpati and
tenera and Porphyra haitanensis were 3.66%
Pal, 2011). A study conducted with two red sea-
(db) and 6.74% (db), respectively. Some red sea-
weed species (Gracilaria fisheri and G. tenuis-
weeds (Hypnea japonica and H. japonica) have
tipitata) collected from the Pattani bay in
been found to have higher moisture contents,
southern Thailand found that the protein
ranging from 9.95∼10.9% (db) (Wong and
­content of G. tenuistipitata (21.6% db) was
Cheung, 2000).
131.2 ­Composition of Seafoo 2943

s­ ignificantly higher than G. fisheri (11.6% db) mal sources, and a slightly higher value for
(Benjama and Masniyom, 2012). Protein Digestibility Corrected for Amino Acid
Score (PDCAAS) and in vitro digestibility was Seafood is a High-quality reported in seafood compared to animal sources.
Protein Source Sea vegetables also provide important amino
Seafood is a good source of high-quality protein acids in the human diet. Benjama and
(American Heart Association, 2012). The nutri- Masniyom (2012) found that Gracilaria, a red
tive quality of a food protein source is defined as seaweed species, contained different essential
the capacity to supply the quantity and propor- amino acids ranging from 3.43 to 8.96 mg 100
tion of essential amino acids to meet the require- mg–1 DW. These essential amino acids
ments of the species that consumes it. For (EAA) included methionine, leucine, isoleu-
humans, food proteins that contain as much cine, lysine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, arginine,
essential amino acids to meet requirements and threonine, and valine. Noticeable amino acids
an acceptable percentage of digestibility are contained in Gracilaria tenuistipitata were glu-
classified as high-quality proteins (Barrón- tamic acid (2.13 mg 100 mg–1 DW), aspartic
Hoyos et al., 2013). Fish proteins are considered acid (1.9 mg 100 mg–1 DW) and leucine (1.51
easily digestible and are rich in essential amino mg 100 mg–1 DW). Large amounts of aspartic
acids (e.g. lysine, methionine, cystine, threo- and glutamic acids are responsible for the spe-
nine, and tryptophan) which cannot be synthe- cial flavor and taste of these seaweeds.
sized in the body (Costa, 2007). Among them
methionine and lysine contents become signifi-
131.2.3 Fat Content
cant. The importance of seafood is appreciated
due to this fact, contrasting with most proteins Lipid fraction of marine organisms is com-
from plant sources which lack adequate posed of triacylglycerols, phospholipids, ster-
amounts of one or more essential amino acids. ols, wax esters, and unique lipid groups such as
Seafood is a particularly good source of lysine, glyceryl esters, glycolipids, sulfolipids, and
which is severely restricted in cereals, the most hydrocarbons. Most of the variations in lipids
important staple food in the world. However, are found in the triacylglycerol fraction while
according to the reported data there are no sig- the phospholipids show much less variation.
nificant differences in the amino acid composi- The fat content of seafood species varies widely
tion of freshwater and marine fish. Certain from 0.24 to 14.72% (Kumar et al., 2014;
marine fish such as mackerel, tuna, etc. may be Stancheva et al., 2013). Fish species can be
exceptionally rich in the amino acid, histidine. classified into four categories based on fat con-
(Usydus et al., 2009). The enhanced digestibility tent: high fat (> 8.0 g 100 g–1 w.w.); medium fat
of fish proteins mainly results from the absence (4–8 g 100 g–1 w.w.); low fat (2–4 g 100 g–1 w.w.);
of strong collagenous fibers and tendons in fish and lean (< 2 g 100 g–1 w.w.). In terms of
muscle compared to land animals. means, herring contain 13g of fat per 100g edi-
The excessive consumption of animal pro- ble part which can be categorized as high fatty
tein sources is also associated with various dis- fish while cod contains 0.6g of fat per 100g
eases (mainly cardiovascular) due to their high edible part and can be categorized as lean fish.
lipid contents (Barrón-Hoyos et al., 2013). Crustaceans like crab and lobster have 1.5% fat
Seafood is a better solution for high-quality content whereas mussels have 2.1% and clams
protein without or having lesser risk of high have 1.1% fat content (European Food Safety
lipid contents in the diet. Authority, 2014). Even though fish contain low
As shown in Table 131.1, Barrón-Hoyos et al. calorie contents, some fatty fish species con-
(2013) reported approximately similar composi- tain a high amount of energy, mainly due to
tion of amino acids in seafood sources and ani- their fat contents (Kumar et al., 2014).
2944 131 Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

Table 131.1 Approximate composition of different types of seafood.

Moisture Ash Protein Fat Carbohydrate

Mean percentage (%)

Shellfish Cuttlefish 83.68 ± 0.80 0.90 ± 0.17 13.94 ± 2.42 1.35 ± 0.28 0.87 ± 1.04
Prawn 79.47 ± 1.29 1.35 ± 0.14 19.12 ± 1.44 1.06 ± 0.10 0.0 ± 0.00
Oyster 77.73 ± 0.00 1.27 ± 0.00 13.31 ± 0.00 1.24 ± 0.00 6.45 ± 0.00
Demersal Fish Golden snapper 80.21 ± 1.02 1.11 ± 0.26 19.41 ± 2.22 1.29 ± 0.41 0.0 ± 0.00
Sixbar groupe 78.69 ± 3.28 0.96 ± 0.29 18.87 ± 1.72 3.46 ± 3.46 0.0 ± 0.00
Japanese 79.39 ± 0.95 1.13 ± 0.30 18.17 ± 1.36 2.70 ± 0.37 0.0 ± 0.00
threadfin bream
Indian threadfin 80.13 ± 0.97 1.09 ± 0.03 19.59 ± 0.29 0.85 ± 0.21 0.0 ± 0.00
Malabar red 78.00 ± 2.76 1.46 ± 0.25 20.45 ± 1.16 1.37 ± 1.10 0.0 ± 0.00
Pelagic Fish Indian mackerel 76.58 ± 2.27 1.26 ± 0.11 20.51 ± 1.93 1.80 ± 0.62 0.0 ± 0.00
Dorab 80.32 ± 6.10 1.39 ± 0.28 20.83 ± 2.50 1.22 ± 0.22 0.0 ± 0.00
Fringescale 74.76 ± 5.85 1.59 ± 0.30 19.01 ± 0.52 3.00 ± 2.40 3.07 ± 0.63
Spanish 82.12 ± 5.19 1.24 ± 0.17 19.77 ± 4.29 1.05 ± 0.06 0.0 ± 0.00

(Source: Nurnadia et al., 2011).

Pelagic fish species ordinarily known as ­ alibut contain approximately 40 mg of cho-

sardines (e.g. Clupeidea, Osmeridae) are usu- lesterol (USFDA. 2015).
ally high in lipid content and energy levels (kJ Suseno et al. (2014) have shown that some
100g–1 raw tissue), although demersal species small pelagic fish species contain palmitic acid
(e.g. Gobiidae, Cottidae) generally have lower as the major saturated fatty acid in their com-
lipid and energy values (Ball et al., 2007). position and the value was around 15–20% of
Even though seafood contain negligible the total fatty acid content. Oleic acid and pal-
amounts of saturated fat compared to animal mitoleic acids were ample mono-unsaturated
sources, some pelagic fish species such as fatty acids (5–6%). DHA is a PUFA available in
anchovy, bluefin tuna, pilchards, and differ- fish as a percentage of approximately 12–22%
ent mackerels contain higher cholesterol lev- (Suseno et al., 2014).
els that range may be up to 150 mg 100 g–1 of The lipid content of seaweeds has been
meat. Further, in roe and liver this can be reported in a study conducted with different
increased as high as 250–650 mg. Further, groups of seaweeds from Vedalai coastal
cooked (by moist or dry heat with no added waters (Gulf of Mannar), southeast coast of
ingredients) edible weight portion (84g) of India, and found the lipid contents ranged
shellfish contains considerable amounts of from 0.26 ± 0.07 to 3.53 ± 0.25%. In the
cholesterol. The amounts are 170 mg in study, the maximum lipid content was
shrimp, 95 mg in blue crab, 80 mg in oyster, recorded from green alga Hypneatuna (3.53
80 mg in clams and 70 mg in salmon, respec- ± 0.25%) followed by red seaweed G. crassa
tively. However, rockfish, swordfish, and (1.99 ± 0.12%), G. acerosa (1.94 ± 0.06%), and
131.2 ­Composition of Seafoo 2945

Table 131.2 Total amino acid content and indicators of protein quality in some seafood and animal

Examples of seafood sources Examples of animal sources

Shrimp Tilapia Sole Shark Beef Chicken Pork Turkey

Amino acids (g/16 gN)
Lys 10.20 8.07 7.42 7.37 10.20 8.07 7.42 7.37
Met 3.32 2.59 2.49 2.54 3.32 2.59 2.49 2.54
Cys 1.66 1.30 1.25 1.27 1.66 1.30 1.25 1.27
Thr 3.85 3.39 3.43 3.06 3.85 3.39 3.43 3.06
Ile 5.32 4.31 4.08 4.16 5.32 4.31 4.08 4.16
Leu 8.32 6.53 6.29 6.42 8.32 6.53 6.29 6.42
Val 5.66 4.65 4.42 4.43 5.66 4.65 4.42 4.43
Phe 4.58 3.42 3.33 3.37 4.58 3.42 3.33 3.37
Tyr 3.80 2.70 2.69 2.60 3.80 2.70 2.69 2.60
Asp 8.93 7.29 7.22 7.19 8.93 7.29 7.22 7.19
Pro 5.82 4.46 3.60 3.95 5.82 4.46 3.60 3.95
Glu 15.81 12.67 13.09 13.08 15.81 12.67 13.09 13.08
Ser 2.69 2.07 2.28 2.15 2.69 2.07 2.28 2.15
Hist 3.34 3.12 3.98 3.00 3.34 3.12 3.98 3.00
Gly 5.17 4.27 4.11 4.19 5.17 4.27 4.11 4.19
Arg 6.68 5.71 5.40 5.66 6.68 5.71 5.40 5.66
Ala 6.35 5.17 4.95 5.14 6.35 5.17 4.95 5.14
PDCAAS 52.58 70.34 71.99 76.20 76.52 69.00 69.79 63.49
In vitro Digestibility % 83.46 83.36 82.36 83.69 79.58 81.07 81.58 82.91

PDCAAS: Protein Digestibility Corrected for Amino Acid Score.

(Source: Barrón-Hoyos et al., 2013).

brown seaweed T. ornate (1.67 ± 0.14%) greater than the saturated fatty acids (Satpati
(Manivannan et al., 2009). The crude lipid and Pal, 2011).
content of red seaweeds (Hypnea japonica
and H. japonica) was reported to be 1.4∼1.5% Omega-3 Fatty Acids
(Wong and Cheung, 2000). Yaich et al. (2011) As given in Table 131.2, in the fish species most
reported the lipid content of Ulva lacturca commonly consumed in the world, mean n-3
seaweed collected in Tunisia to be 7.8%. A LCPUFA content varies from 200 mg 100 g–1
study which has been carried out with the (cod and whiting) to 2500 mg 100 g–1 (herring
green marine algae Ulva rigida has deter- and tuna). Also, Atlantic salmon provides n-3
mined the fatty acid composition of total LCPUFA in high amounts (1800 mg 100 g–).
lipid by gas chromatography and reported The most consumed freshwater fish, i.e. carp
the major fatty acids in total lipid were and trout, have an n-3 LCPUFA content of
C16:0 (12.2%), C18:2(10.2%), C18:3(10.3%), around 300 and 600 mg 100 g–1, respectively.
C22:0(8.6%) and PUFA (20.2%) in the ­sample. Concentrations of n-3 LCPUFA in crustaceans
The amount of unsaturated fatty acids was are in the range of 370–520 mg 100 g–1, with
2946 131 Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

the exception of crayfish (60 mg 100 g–1), and Table 131.3 Omega-3 fatty acids in some
are lower in mollusks (160–350 mg 100 g–1) common seafood species.
(European Food Safety Authority, 2014).
The green alga Ulva rigida was reported to Species EPA + DHA (mg 100g–1 fish)
contain ALA (10.3%), EPA (1.8%), and DPA
Tuna (all, average) 630
(2.9%) as n-3 LCPUFAs (Satpati and Pal,
Salmon 1590
Mackerel 1790
Sardines 980
131.2.4 Ash Content
Swordfish 580
The average ash contents of most finfishes are Shrimp 390
less than 2% (Kumar et al., 2014). According to Scallops 270
Nurnadia et al. (2011) the ash content of Lobster 360
prawn, oyster, golden snapper, Malabar red
Clams 240
snapper, Indian mackerel, and Spanish mack-
Oysters 350
erel are 1.35 ± 0.14%, 1.27 ± 0.00, 1.11 ± 0.26,
1.46 ± 0.25, 1.26 ± 0.11, and 1.24 ± 0.17 respec- (Source: Mahaffey et al., 2011).
tively. These findings show that ash contents of
different seafood species do not vary much.
Ash content characterizes the major minerals Lutjanidae generally contain high calcium
available in seafood such as magnesium, values of 846–1026 mg 100 g–1 and 721–1887
iodine, selenium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, mg 100 g–1 respectively. The majority of fish
iron, and copper. Mineral content in common contain the average calcium content between
seafood compared to animal meat is shown in 500 and 1000 mg 100 g–1. (Kumar et al., 2014).
Table 131.3. The mineral content of shellfish is The study carried out by Nurnadia et al. (2013)
nearly twice the amount as finfish and specifi- taking the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia
cally bivalves like oysters are rich in zinc, iron, as the location of study has reported that the
and copper. Most fresh marine fish sources are range of calcium content in all fish samples
considered to contain moderately low sodium was found to be in between 12.89 and 127.59
delivering approximately 140 mg sodium per mg 100g–1 in wet weight basis. Among the spe-
serving. cies included in the study, Dorab wolfherring
and long-tailed butterfly ray have shown Calcium higher calcium content compared to others, at
Fish meat generally contains higher calcium mean concentrations of 116.63 and 127.59 mg
content than animal meat (Kumar et al., 2014) 100g–1 respectively in wet weight basis.
and it varies among species. Calcium concen- According to the study carried out by Irwandi
trations have been reported to be between and Farida (2009) have reported calcium con-
15–20 mg 100 g–1 in Atlantic salmon, cod, and centration in the range of 0.57–3.03 mg 100g–1
tuna and 100–135 mg 100 g–1 in anchovy and of study samples, with significantly lower cal-
herring. Calcium concentrations in both crus- cium values in five common samples of golden
taceans and mollusks are about 30–100 mg snapper (0.57 mg 100g–1), Indian mackerel
100 g–1 (European Food Safety Authority, (1.51 mg 100g–1), sixbar grouper (3.03 mg
2014). The average calcium contents in 100g–1), Japanese threadfin bream (1.04 mg
selected medium-sized marine finfishes col- 100g–1), and Spanish mackerel (1.02 mg 100g–1).
lected from the Thoothukudi coast of India have Among other sources, oysters, clams, and
been reported to range from 64 to 1887 mg%. shrimp contain more calcium than fish and
The fish of the families Clupeidae and meat.
131.2 ­Composition of Seafoo 2947 Iron concentrations have been reported to be

According to Kumar et al. (2014) the average between 21 μg 100 g–1 (trout) and 75 μg 100 g–1
iron contents of the finfishes collected from (tuna), with most values falling between 25
the Thoothukudi Coast of India varied widely and 30 μg 100 g–1. Mean zinc concentrations
from 0.05 to 28.46 mg 100 g–1 while the major- of different species are mostly in the range of
ity of the fishes had the average iron contents 0.3–0.7 mg/100 g–1 with the highest concentra-
< 5 mg%. Chirocentrus dorab, Dussumieria tions (1.1 mg and 2.2 mg 100 g–1) reported for
acuta, Lujantus quinquelineotus, and herring and anchovy, respectively. As for fish,
Epinephelus areolatus fish species had high selenium and zinc concentrations are less vari-
iron contents of 11.50, 14.18, 18.69, and 28.46 able among species, with a range of 20–75 μg
mg 100 g–1, respectively. Nurnadia et al. (2013) 100 g–1 for crustaceans, of 50–65 μg 100 g–1 for
have reported that there was a wide variation mollusks for selenium, and of 1.4–2.5 mg
of iron contents in seafood samples they 100 g–1 for zinc (for both crustaceans and mol-
selected, the lowest being 175.62 + 0.36 μg lusks) except for crab, which has higher zinc
100g–1 (large-scale tongue sole), and the high- content (6.5 mg 100 g–1) (European Food Safety
est at 6208.55 + 23.63 μg 100g–1 (cockles) in Authority, 2014). According to Nurnadia et al.
wet weight basis. These values are in agree- (2013), the zinc content in fish samples they
ment with a previous study carried out by studied ranged between 147.8–464.47 μg 100 g–1
Guerin et al. (2011) which reported iron val- on wet weight basis. According these findings
ues of 7830 μg 100g–1 sample in cockles, and cuttlefish, prawn, cockles, and oyster con-
442 μg 100 g–1 in fish samples. According to tained 413.83, 573.91, 817.65, and 14671.24 μg
Nurnadia et al. (2013), other than cockles, 100 g–1 of zinc respectively in wet weight basis.
oysters also contained significantly iron They have further reported that cockles and
­content compared to other samples, with the oyster had significantly higher zinc levels
mean concentration of 3954.83 + 1.04 μg among all samples. Irwandi and Farida (2009)
100g–1 on wet weight basis. have also reported higher zinc contents in
golden snapper, indian mackerel, sixbar Iodine grouper, japanese threadfin bream, and
Iodine content in the commonly consumed Spanish mackerel with mean concentration of
freshwater fish species (carp, trout) is lower 4939, 3433, 3870, 3723, and 3881 μg 100 g–1
(around 2–12 μg 100 g–1) than in sea fish (30– respectively. Nurnadia et al. (2013) highlight
160 μg 100 g), with the highest concentrations the fact that all study samples contained
observed in cod (160 μg 100 g–1) and hake and zinc lower than the limit set by FAO/WHO
mackerel (110 μg 100 g–1 each). In crustaceans, (150 ppm or 15000 μg 100 g–1), but oyster was
the highest iodine concentrations have been found to contain zinc higher than the
reported for lobster (around 360 μg 100 g–1) and ­permissible limit set by Malaysian Food
the lowest for crayfish (around 65 μg 100 g–1). Regulations (100 ppm or 10000 μg 100 g–1).
In mollusks, the iodine content of squid,
­octopus, and cuttlefish has been reported at Phosphorus
20 μg 100 g–1, and that of clams and mussels A study done with 23 medium-sized marine
at 120–140 μg 100 g–1. Iodine varies greatly finfishes collected from the Thoothukudi coast
both among crustaceans and among mollusks of India have found that most of the fishes had
(European Food Safety Authority, 2014). invariably high phosphorus content between
200 to 400 mg 100 g–1 (Kumar et al.,2014). Selenium and Zinc According to a study conducted in Botswana by
Concentrations of selenium and zinc are less Mogobe et al. (2015), phosphorus levels in
variable among fish species. Mean selenium fish samples collected from a lagoon showed
2948 131 Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

significant concentration variability between 3108 μg g–1, 700 μg g–1, and 204 μg g–1, respec-
­species ranging from 435–1375mg 100g–1, the tively, on dry weight basis.
highest, 1375 mg 100 g–1, in a small fish species
(Barbus Poechii) which is consumed whole.
131.2.5 Carbohydrate
The phosphorus concentration range they
obtained in their study has been found to be Carbohydrate formed a minor percentage of
higher than the FAO range of 68–550 mg 100g–1. the total composition of seafood. The amount
However, these values are also higher than the of carbohydrate was much lower when com-
results reported in other studies conducted involv- pared to protein and lipid and range between
ing freshwater fish species. Alas et al. (2014) 0.16 g and 0.57 g (Mary et al., 2015).
reported in the range of 232–426 mg 100 g–1 and Carbohydrate is basically found in fish flesh as
Tao et al. (2012), in the range of 198–240 mg glycogen.
100 g–1, respectively. Several other studies con- Sea algae contain polysaccharides as the
ducted by Mohamed et al. (2010) have obtained major carbohydrate. The major polysaccha-
phosphorus levels ranging from 727 to 935 mg rides found in sea algae are alginates, carra-
100 g–1 and Luczynska et al. (2009) got results geenans, agars, fucanes, laminarans, ulvans,
ranging from 1047 to 1261 mg 100 g–1. and floridean starch. These are referred to as
phycocolloids due to their hydrocolloid prop-
erties (Jaspars and Folmer, 2013). Ulvan is a Ash Content of Seaweeds
sulfated polysaccharide found in green algae
Seaweeds, for example Ulva lactuca and U. per-
and composed of rhamnose, xylose, glucose,
tusa, were found to contain 24.6% and 24.7%
uronic acid, glucuronic acid, and iduronic acid
ash by dry weight, respectively (Portugal et al.,
as its main constituents.
1983). The brown seaweed Cystoseira barbata
Seaweeds are rich sources of dietary fibre.
collected from the St. Atanas region of Bulgaria
Benjama and Masniyom (2012) carried out a
is reported to contain 162.8 g kg–1 ash content
study on biochemical composition and physic-
in its composition (Manev et al., 2013). Since
ochemical properties of two red seaweeds
the mineral contents in seaweed are shown by
(Gracilaria fisheri and G. tenuistipitata) from
their ash contents, it is worth analyzing avail-
the Pattani bay in southern Thailand and
able different types of minerals.
found 57.5–64.0% total dietary fiber, 15.6–
Magnesium is the most abundant mineral
18.8% soluble dietary fiber, and 38.9–45.2%
available in seaweed’s composition. The brown
insoluble dietary fiber in the two seaweed spe-
seaweed Cystoseira barbata collected from the
cies on dry weight basis.
Carevo region of Bulgaria is reported to contain
1803.26 mg kg–1 magnesium content. According
to the study the lowest magnesium content was
131.2.6 Vitamins
reported as 199.39 mg kg–1 in the brown sea-
weed Cystoseira barbata collected from Shabla As shown in Table 131.4, as compared to
region. The highest phosphorus content was ­animal meat, seafood is a rich source of several
131.12 mg kg–1 and it was reported with the vitamins. Fatty fish species are generally rich
brown seaweed Cystoseira barbata collected in fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins D and
from the Shabla region (Manev et al., 2013). A. Among water-soluble vitamins, the content
According to Hwang et al. (2013) the most of vitamin B12 is particularly high.
abundant mineral element found in red algae Vitamins A, D, and the B vitamin complex are
was potassium which ranged from 27 340 μg found in significant amounts in many fish spe-
g–1 to 28 020 μg g–1 based on dry weight basis. cies such as the small indigenous fish species
The highest sodium, magnesium, calcium, from Bangladesh, mola (Amblypharyngodon
iodine, iron, and selenium contents were mola), which is reported to contain over 2500 μg
found as 7811 μg g–1, 6120 μg g–1, 4606 μg g–1, Retinol Activity Equivalent of vitamin A in 100 g
131.3 ­Health Benefits Associated with Seafood Consumptio 2949

Table 131.4 Mineral content in common seafood compared to animal meat.

Calcium (mg Iron Magnesium Zinc Selenium Iodine

100 g–1) (mg 100 g–1) (mg 100 g–1) (mg 100 g–1) (μg 100 g–1) (μg 100 g–1)

Seafood Haddock 19 0.1 27 0.3 30 –

Cod 8 0.1 29 0.5 30 253
Wolffish 13 0.2 20 0.9 50 60
Turbot 16 0.2 19 0.6 30 35
Halibut 6 0.2 16 0.3 40 0.1
Mackerel 12 0.9 27 0.6 30 84
Herring 38 1.0 38 0.5 50 24
Oysters 22 3.1 19 42 60 60
Shrimps 61 0.1 43 1.0 30 17
Lobster 138 0.7 45 4.1 80 700
Animal Lamb 8 2.6 24 2 4 –
meat (sirloin)
Beef 3 2.1 24 4 7 1.1
Pork 10 0.7 17 2 14 –
Chicken 4 0.2 31 1 8 0.4
(breast fillet)

(Source: Norwegian Food Safety Authority, 2006).

of fish, making it possible for 140 g of this fish to body functions. Seafood is comprised of a sig-
cover a child’s weekly need of vitamin A (Roos nificant proportion of high-quality, easily
et al., 2007). digestible proteins that are rich in essential
Vitamin D concentrations in different fish amino acids (e.g. lysine, methionine, cystine,
species also vary widely, from around 0.5–2 μg threonine, and tryptophan). Important vita-
100 g–1 in carp, hake, mackerel, and plaice to mins (A, D, and B) and minerals (iodine, sele-
around 10–18 μg 100 g–1 in trout, anchovies, nium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper,
and herring. Vitamin D concentrations in crus- manganese, etc.) available in seafood also con-
taceans and mollusks are low (0–0.5 μg 100 g) tribute to a healthy diet.
except for clams and mussels (around 5 μg 100 g–1) Fats in foods render important functionali-
(European Food Safety Authority, 2014). ties to food such as including flavor and texture
enhancement. However, with the awareness of
consumers developed through diet-related
131.3 ­Health Benefits Associated research, people are giving high emphasis to
with Seafood Consumption the amount and type of fat they intake through
the diet, as an ideal fat level in adults is
A healthy diet is important to maintain good ­important in maintaining health and preven-
health, and according to reported research tion of diseases. In this context, consumers are
data seafood consumption provides diverse aware of the negative effects of saturated fats
health benefits for humans. They provide and are moving to oils containing unsaturated
many nutrients which are essential for healthy fatty acids. Scientific models supported by a
2950 131 Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

Table 131.5 Vitamin content in common seafood compared to animal meat.

Vit Vit B1 Vit B2 Vit B3 Vit B9 B12
Vit A D Vit E Thiamine Riboflavin NE Vit B6 Folic Cobalamin
RE (μg) α-TE (mg) (mg) Niacin Pyridoxine(mg) acid (μg) (μg)

Seafood Haddock 2 0.7 0.5 0.05 0.11 7.0 0.5 9 2

Cod 2 1.4 1.1 0.05 0.11 5.3 0.2 12 1
Wolffish 27 1.8 1.1 0.07 0.08 5.6 0.3 5 2
Turbot 4 1.7 0.6 0.05 0.11 5.0 0.3 11 2
Halibut 0 18.0 1.0 0.04 0.06 7.4 0.5 9 1
Mackerel 14 12.5 0.6 0.11 0.36 12.8 0.8 1 12
Herring 6 11.5 0.6 0.04 0.30 7.1 0.5 9 12
Oysters 38 3.1 1.1 0.20 0.20 3.7 0.2 10 14
Shrimps 2 3.5 5.3 0.01 0.07 6.6 0.1 4 5
Lobster 26 0 4.3 0.10 0.06 4.6 0.1 17 1
Animal Lamb 1 0 0.4 0.12 0.15 11.8 0.26 1 1.1
meat (sirloin)
Beef 3 0 0.2 0.04 0.14 10.9 0.25 4 1.1
Pork 4 0 0.3 0.82 0.10 8.8 0.32 2 0.4
Chicken 5 0 0.7 0.22 0.14 18.3 0.82 11 0.5

(Source: Norwegian Food Safety Authority, 2006).

large and compelling body of evidence link the and sepsis, all of which have inflammation as a
health benefits of fish and fish oils with the key component of their pathology (Hossain
longevity and coronary health of native and Takahashi, 2010).
Greenland Eskimos. These investigations led
to the conclusion that the longevity and coro-
131.3.1 Mechanism of Action
nary health of Eskimos was related to their
diet, who consume an average 450 g of fatty Fish oils are an excellent source of long-chain
fish per day. PUFA (omega-3 fats such as DHA n-3 PUFAs. After consumption, n-3 PUFAs can
and EPA) found in seafood provides a number be incorporated into cell membranes and
of health benefits. There is increasing evidence reduce the amount of arachidonic acid availa-
to support regular seafood consumption (par- ble for the synthesis of pro-inflammatory eicos-
ticularly oily fish) as a protective measure anoids (e.g., prostaglandins, leukotrienes).
against several aged-related health conditions Likewise, n-3 PUFAs can also reduce the pro-
(McManus et al., 2010). Considerable research duction of inflammatory cytokines, such as
has been conducted to evaluate the potential tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1, and
therapeutic effects of fish oils in numerous interleukin-6 (Hossain and Takahashi, 2010).
conditions, including arthritis, coronary artery When humans ingest fish or fish oil, the EPA
disease, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, and DHA from fish or fish oil lead to a
131.3 ­Health Benefits Associated with Seafood Consumptio 2951

decreased production of prostaglandin E2 A recent cohort study of women in the

(PGE2) metabolites; a decrease in ­thromboxane United Kingdom (Cade et al., 2010) found that
A2, which is a potent platelet aggregator and post-menopausal women who consumed fish
vasoconstrictor; a decrease in leukotriene B4 experienced a significantly reduced risk of
formation, which is an inducer of inflamma- breast cancer when compared with red meat
tion and a powerful inducer of leukocyte consumers. Fish consumption is reported to
chemotaxis and adherence; an increase in reduce the risk of prostate and lung cancers in
thromboxane A3 which is a weak platelet males (McManus et al., 2009; Zhang et al.,
aggregator and a weak vasoconstrictor; an 2000). In a study conducted with a 30-year fol-
increase in prostacyclin PGI3, leading to an low-up time, men who did not eat fish had a
overall increase in total prostacyclin by increas- 2–3 times higher frequency of prostate cancer
ing PGI3 without a decrease in PGI2 (both than those who ate moderate or high amounts
PGI2 and PGI3 are active vasodilators and of fish. This result supports the hypothesis that
inhibitors of platelet aggregation); and an fish consumption lowers the risk of prostate
increase in leukotriene B5 which is a weak cancer (Terry et al., 2001). Each additional
inducer of inflammation and a weak chemot- daily intake of 0.5 g of marine fatty acids from
actic agent. Omega-3 fatty acids modulate food is reported to be associated with a 24%
prostaglandin metabolism and decrease tri- decreased risk of metastatic cancer
glycerides and, in high doses, lower cholesterol (Augustsson et al., 2003).
and have antithrombotic and anti-inflamma- Harris et al. (2009) states that most evidence
tory properties (Simopoulos, 2002). available for the anticarcinogenic effects of
Consumption of fish oil has been proven to EPA and DHA are weak despite some data
maintain the elasticity of artery walls, prevent from animal models and cultured tumor cells.
blood clotting, reduce blood pressure, and stabi- However, a meta-analysis of fish consumption
lize heart rhythm. Further, results obtained from and prostate cancer risk has found a significant
studies conducted using experimental animals 63% reduction in prostate cancer-specific mor-
suggest that consumption of fish oil lowers tality (Szymanski et al., 2010).
serum-total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and
131.3.3 Seafood Consumption
during Pregnancy
131.3.2 Seafood Consumption
The health benefits of seafood consumption
and Cancer Risk
during pregnancy depend on the maternal
Undeland et al. (2009) summarized the bene- nutritional status, and subsequently the role of
fits of seafood consumption, stating that obser- essential fatty acids of seafood in the develop-
vational studies on fish consumption have ment of fetal brain, central nervous system,
shown protection for risk of digestive tract- and retinal growth in infants during pregnancy
related cancers (oral cavity and pharynx, have been clearly identified. Seafood signifi-
esophagus, stomach, colon, and rectum) and cantly contributes to meeting the requirements
also for ovary, pancreas, larynx, and endome- of such nutrients during pregnancy compared
trial cancers. McManus et al. (2010) reviewed to other food sources. Consumption of about
that high fish intake has been associated with 1–2 servings of seafood per week and up to 3–4
significantly reduced risk of ovarian and colo- servings per week during pregnancy has been
rectal cancer. Increased consumption of sea- associated with better functional outcomes of
food is also linked to protection against the neurodevelopment in children compared to no
development of esophageal cancer in males consumption of seafood (European Food
aged 45 years and older in large population- Safety Authority, 2014). Fish consumption
based studies (Fan et al., 2008). does not adversely affect infant gestation and
2952 131 Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

birth size at a population level (Buck et al., for CHD mortality was calculated for an aver-
2003). Seafood consumption during pregnancy age EPA and DHA intake of 566 mg day–1.
has a potential to protect some children from DHA and EPA in the diet is also connected
asthma (Salam et al., 2005). with reduced risk of fatal CHD by reducing
Maternal intake of very-long-chain n-3 fatty cardiac arrhythmias (Harris et al., 2009). Based
acids during pregnancy and lactation has a on the quantitative benefit analysis performed
potential favorable effect for later mental devel- by Mozaffarian and Rimm (2006), consump-
opment of children (Helland et al., 2003), while tion of 250 mg day–1 of DHA and EPA (a serv-
low seafood intake during pregnancy could ing size of 100 g seafood was assumed) reduces
lead to fetal deficiency in essential long chain CHD mortality by 36%. DHA and EPA con-
n-3 fatty acids, resulting in adverse effects on sumption favorably affects many physiological
neurodevelopment (Hibbeln et al., 2007). measures of cardiovascular disease (CVD)
Seafood are potential sources of exposure to risk including blood pressure, resting heart
pollutants such as methylmercury that may rate, and triglyceride levels (Harris et al., 2009).
adversely affect pregnancy outcomes. A cohort study conducted for 12 follow-up
Therefore, seafood consumption during preg- years with USA adults aged over 65 years and
nancy requires consideration of potential ben- free of coronary heart failure (CHF) at the
efits as well as risks (Xue et al., 2007). beginning found that the consumption of
broiled or baked fish is associated with lower
incidence of CHF. It has found a 20% lower
131.3.4 Seafood Consumption and
risk of CHF with the consumption of broiled
Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke Risk
or baked fish 1–2 times per week, 31% lower
The cardiovascular effects of seafood con- risk with the consumption of 3–4 times per
sumption and n-3 LCPUFAs have been com- week, and 32% lower risk if consumed more
prehensively investigated in a large number of than 5 times per week compared with the
human studies, as well as in animal experi- intake of once per month. Fatty fish compared
ments and in vitro studies. The cardiovascular with non-fatty fish consumption is associated
effects are associated with protein, n-3 fatty with lower CHD mortality (Oomen et al.,
acids, and vitamins (especially vitamin D) 2000), while the consumption of fried fish is
available in seafood (Undeland et al., 2009). reported to have a positive association with
Consumption of 1–2 servings of seafood per CHF (Mozaffarian et al., 2004).
week and up to 3–4 servings per week has been Seafood in the healthy diet favorably affect
associated with a lower risk of coronary heart dis- cardiovascular health by lowering triglyceride
ease mortality in adults by 20 to 30%. (European levels; improving blood vessel elasticity; main-
Food Safety Authority, 2014; Costa, 2007). taining normal heart rhythm; making the
A meta-analysis involving five cohort studies blood thinner, which is less sticky and less
and one case-control study conducted in the likely to clot; and reducing blood pressure
United States among subjects free of coronary (Simopoulos, 2002).
heart disease (CHD) at baseline addressed Most meta-analyses of prospective cohort
the relationship between the consumption of studies have reported a consistent decreased
n-3 LCPUFA from seafood and risk of CHD risk of total stroke, and in particular of ischae-
mortality (Harris et al., 2008). In the five stud- mic stroke through increased consumption of
ies showing an association, the EPA and DHA seafood as compared to no seafood consump-
intake with the lowest risk of CHD mortality tion (Larsson and Orsini, 2011; Chowdhury
ranged from 90–163 mg day–1 to 919 mg day–1, et al., 2012; Xun et al., 2012).
with an average of 496 mg day–1. According to Meta-analyses indicate a 30% lower risk of
the results, an overall 37% reduction of the risk ischemic stroke with fish intake of higher than
131.3 ­Health Benefits Associated with Seafood Consumptio 2953

1 serving per week compared with lower than fish intake. The effect was more pronounced
1 serving per month (Harris et al., 2009). for non-processed lean fish and fatty fish. The
A cohort study conducted with USA adults association between total intake of seafood
aged over 65 years who were free of cerebro- and cognition were strongly dose-dependent
vascular disease at baseline found 27% lower and the maximum effect was observed at an
risk of ischemic stroke with consumption of intake of 75 g per day (Nurk et al., 2007).
broiled or baked fish 1–4 times per week and
30% lower risk if consumed more than 5 times
131.3.6 Seafood Consumption
week (Mozaffarian et al., 2005).
and Inflammatory Disease Risk
Among the fatty acids, it is the omega-3 PUFA
131.3.5 Seafood Consumption
which possess the most potent immune modu-
and Mental Health
latory activities, and among the omega-3 PUFA,
The n-3 PUFA, DHA, is the primary compo- those highly available in seafood (EPA and
nent of membrane phospholipids in the brain, DHA) are more biologically potent than ALA.
and it is particularly abundant in the more The potent immune modulatory activities
metabolically active areas of the cerebral cor- include the amount and types of eicosanoids
tex, mitochondria, synaptosomes, and synaptic made, and eicosanoid-independent mecha-
vesicles (Morris, 2003). It plays a critical role in nisms, including actions upon intracellular
the development and function of the central signaling pathways, transcription factor activ-
nervous system (Logan, 2004). Smaller ity, and gene expression (Simopoulos, 2002).
amounts of DHA can be synthesized endoge- According to animal experiments and clini-
nously through a process of desaturation and cal intervention studies seafood consumption
elongation of its precursor n-3 fatty acids, ALA might be useful in the management of inflam-
and EPA, otherwise it can be directly con- matory and autoimmune diseases. Coronary
sumed from fish in the diet (Morris, 2003). heart disease, major depression, aging, and
There is growing evidence that fish and n-3 cancer are characterized by an increased level
fatty acids protect against mental disorders. of interleukin 1 (IL-1), a proinflammatory
Several prospective studies found that fish cytokine. Similarly, arthritis, Crohn’s disease,
consumption was inversely associated with ulcerative colitis, and lupus erythematosis are
risk of Alzheimer’s disease (Morris, 2003). autoimmune diseases characterized by a high
Seafood as a source of n-3 FAs helps to retard level of IL-1 and the proinflammatory leukot-
the decline in cognition over time hence is riene LTB4 produced by omega-6 fatty acids
important in Alzheimer disease management (Simopoulos, 2002).
(Connor & Conner, 2007). According to Morris There are a number of clinical trials assess-
et al. (2003) in a study, the participants who ing the benefits of dietary supplementation
consumed fish more than once per week had with fish oils in several inflammatory and
60% less risk of Alzheimer disease compared autoimmune diseases in humans, including
with those who rarely or never ate fish. rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcera-
Fish/seafood consumption also correlated tive colitis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus,
with protection against postpartum depression multiple sclerosis, and migraine headaches.
(Logan, 2004), while regular fish consumption Many of the placebo-controlled trials of fish oil
is reported to have an association with a lower in chronic inflammatory diseases reveal sig-
risk of dementia (Samieri et al., 2008). nificant benefit, including decreased disease
A cohort study conducted with 70–74-year- activity and a lowered use of anti-inflamma-
old Norwegian elders concluded that most cog- tory drugs (Simopoulos, 2002). For instance, a
nitive functions were positively influenced by cohort study conducted for 5.3 follow up years
2954 131 Seafood in the Human Diet for Better Nutrition and Health

revealed that consumption of 30 g fatty fish per lowering the acidity levels in the body, prevent-
day is associated with 49% reduced risk of ing the development of degenerative illnesses
rheumatoid arthritis (Pedersen et al., 2005). such as cancer and heart disease (Jaspars and
Folmer, 2013).
Phycocolloids which are known as polysac-
131.3.7 Seafood Consumption
charides found in seaweeds, function as solu-
and Osteoporosis Risk
ble dietary fibers. The average fiber content of
During aging there is a reduced capacity to red algae (6 g per 100 g of wet algae), is twice
synthesize provitamin D3 in skin and to the amount of fiber found in fruits, vegetables,
hydroxylate vitamin D3 in kidneys, hence and cereals (Jaspars and Folmer, 2013). They
many face vitamin D deficiency. This defi- offer a wide range of beneficial physiological
ciency directs to lower calcium absorption functions, together with increased satiety,
resulting in reduced bone mineral density and increased gut transit time, reduced cholesterol
finally osteoporosis. Seafood is a rich source of and glucose absorption in the gastrointestinal
both calcium and vitamin D, which are impor- tract, and reduced risk of coronary heart dis-
tant for bone building and development. ease (Fitzgerald et al., 2011).
Vitamin D-rich seafood, being a high-quality, The regular consumption of even small
bioavailable source of vitamin D, can play an amounts of algal polysaccharides is reported to
important role in the maintenance of bone have a major impact on the growth of benefi-
mineral density during aging. A diet high in cial probiotic bacteria such as bifidobacteria
oily fish prevents vitamin D deficiency. Seafood and lactobacilli (Jaspars and Folmer, 2013).
provides rich reserves of calcium combined Algal polysaccharides have been shown to pos-
with optimal amounts of Vitamin D to aid its sess anticoagulant and antithrombotic proper-
absorption, protecting bone mineral density ties (Luten, 2009). Therefore, they are used for
(BMD). High intake of seafood is associated the prevention and treatment of inflammation,
with greater bone mass and lowers osteoporo- coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular dis-
sis risk in women, especially those consuming ease, cancer, and strontium intoxication
more than 250 g of seafood per week (McManus (Kraan, 2012). When considering algal poly-
et al., 2010). saccharides, alginates are reported for their
benefits to reduce the absorption of cholesterol
in the gut, promote wound healing, and inhibit
131.4 ­Health Benefits the growth of cancer cells (Laurienzo, 2010;
of Seaweed Consumption Kraan, 2012). Carrageenan is particularly val-
ued for its microbicidal properties. Carrageenan
Seaweeds are low in fat, low in calories, and has been clinically proven to inhibit human
rich in essential minerals, vitamins, and pro- Papilloma virus (HPV) (Jaspars and Folmer,
tein. The mineral content of seaweeds is very 2013). Porphyran agar which is found in
significant and is likely to explain many of Porphyra sp. and it possesses anticancer, blood
their beneficial effects on health. pressure-lowering, and cholesterol-lowering
Selenium, which is abundantly found in sea- properties. Fucoidans are polysaccharides
weeds, is an essential micronutrient for ani- which have the potential to stimulate both the
mals and humans, and it plays important innate and the adaptive immune system and
biological roles as an antioxidant, a regulator prevent replication of viruses, including HIV,
of thyroid hormone metabolism, and as an herpes simplex virus, and poliovirus, by modi-
anticarcinogenic agent. fying cell surface properties. Fucoidans have
Several studies have shown that the alkalin- also been shown to have potent antioxidant,
ity of seaweed confers numerous health bene- anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties
fits, such as improving thyroid function and (Kraan, 2012). Laminarin is also reported to
 ­Reference 2955

have the same properties as fucoidans (Kraan, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer,

2012). Ulvans is a sulfated polysaccharide and antidiabetic, and antiobesity agents. Bioactive
it plays key roles in collagen synthesis and the compounds that are most extensively
formation of cartilage (Cooksley, 2007). researched with regard to seaweeds include
Many species of brown algae contain man- sulfated polysaccharides, phlorotannins, and
nitol which is considered a sugar alcohol. diterpenes, which have been reported to pos-
Mannitol has less energy content than sucrose. sess strong antiviral, antitumor, and anticancer
Mannitol is incompletely absorbed into the properties (Gupta and Abu-Ghannam, 2011).
bloodstream from the small intestine. As a
result, it has little effect on the blood glucose
levels, and it acts as a mild laxative. Mannitol 131.5 ­Summary
does not contribute to tooth decay as it is not
metabolized by oral bacteria (Jaspars and Seafood as a whole food is considered highly
Folmer,2013). nutritious. The nutritional composition of sea-
Omega-3 PUFAs such as EPA and DHA com- food has been studied intensively in the recent
monly found in sea algae have been shown to past. It has been reported that the unique nutri-
have beneficial effects on cancer, inflammation, tional properties of seafood render a range of
cardiovascular diseases, psychiatric disorders, nutritional benefits in humans which has led to
and cognitive aging (Shahidi and Young, 2008). a considerable level of popularity for seafood
Taurine is an amino acid abundant in brown among consumers. Health benefits associated
and red algae. It is essential for cardiovascular, with the consumption of seafood for humans
central nervous system, retina function, and for are noted for multiple bodily organs and physi-
skeletal muscle development. Due to the pres- ological functions. Seafood compares favorably
ence of taurine, sea algae would be beneficial with other protein sources, as it offers high-
for vegans and for formula-fed premature quality proteins combined with healthy n-3
babies, as reported by Shahidi and Young (2008). LCPUFAs, and a wide array of highly bioavaila-
The tripeptide eisenin (L-pyroGlu-L-Gln-L-Ala) ble micronutrients. Epidemiological studies
found in the brown alga Eisenia sp. and lectins, have established a positive correlation between
which are particularly abundant in red and marine food consumption and a reduced risk of
green algae, are well known for their immune common chronic diseases, mainly CVD, stroke,
stimulatory effects, especially after radiothera- cancers and osteoporosis. Very clear evidence
peutic cancer treatments. Phycobiliproteins also supports the potential benefits associated
such as phycoerythrin and phycocyanin found with seafood during pregnancy and mental
in microalgae and in red algae are widely used health. Scientific studies continue to explore the
in dietary supplements as anti-inflammatory, relationship between the unique composition of
anticancer, neuroprotective, and hepatoprotec- nutrients found in seafood in the prevention or
tive agents (Shahidi and Young, 2008). mitigation of common chronic diseases, which
Algae are rich in carotenoids such as fucox- would pave the path for higher interest in
anthin and asthaxanthin which are potent ­consumers for seafood consumption.


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