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Homework Problem Set 3

Due Friday February 11 2022 by 11:59pm EST

on Gradescope

1. The graphs of two functions f and g are given below.

3 f 3 g

2 2

1 1

−3 −2 −1 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3

−1 −1

−2 −2

Evaluate each limit; if the limit does not exist, say why.

(a) lim [f (x) + g(x)] (e) lim [f (x) − g(x)]

x→0 x→2

(b) lim [f (x) + g(x)] (f) lim [g(x)]2

x→1 x→1

(g) lim [f (x) · cos x]

(c) lim [f (x) · g(x)] x→0

(d) lim [f (x) · g(x)] (h) lim
x→2 x→1 f (x)

2. (a) Ashley is trying to find the limit lim sin(π/x). She says:

I plugged in a bunch of values for x (both positive and negative, since this is a two-sided
limit) closing in on zero. I made this table:
x π/x sin(π/x)
1 π 0
0.1 10π 0
0.01 100π 0
0.001 1000π 0
0.0001 10000π 0
0.00001 100000π 0
−1 −1π 0
−0.1 −10π 0
−0.01 −100π 0
−0.001 −1000π 0
−0.0001 −10000π 0
−0.00001 −100000π 0

Since sin(π/x) = 0 for all the values I plugged in, and the values I plugged in get closer
and closer to 0, lim sin(π/x) must be zero.

Is Ashley’s reasoning correct? Explain why or why not.

(b) Bob sees Ashley’s work and says, “If I plug x = 0 into sin(π/x), the inside π/0 is undefined, which
shows that lim sin(π/x) does not exist.” Is Bob’s reasoning correct? Explain why or why not.

Use a calculator or computer to graph sin(π/x); based on the graph, what do you think lim sin(π/x)
is? Explain your reasoning.

3. In each part, sketch a function f (x) with the specified properties.

(a) lim f (x) exists, but f (1) does not.


(b) lim f (x) and f (1) both exist, but they are not equal.

(c) lim f (x) does not exist, but f (1) does.


4. For each of the following functions, find all values a in (−∞, ∞) at which the function is discontinuous
(if there are any). At each such value, compute the two one-sided limits

lim f (x) and lim f (x),

x→a+ x→a−

and say what type of discontinuity (removable discontinuity, jump discontinuity, vertical asymptote,
or other) occurs at a. If there is a removable discontinuity, explain how you could redefine the function
at that point to make it continuous.

e−x 1

(a) h(x) = (b) g(t) = ln |et − 4| (c) f (x) = cos x (d) g(x) = arctan x
ln |x|

You are encouraged to check your answers by using a calculator or computer to graph each function,

but keep in mind that calculators and computers have limitations when it comes to showing removable
5. Let f (x) = .
|x| + 1

f (x) − f (0)
(a) Show algebraically that f is not differentiable at 0, by showing that lim does not
x→0 x−0
exist. (Hint: Calculate the left- and right-handed limits separately.)

(b) Use a calculator or computer to graph f (x), and explain how the fact that f ′ (0) does not exist is
reflected in the graph of f .

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