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Name: Uzoegwu Adaeze Grace

Instructor: Celie Eliane Kouassi

Course: COM 1300 A


1. What makes oral communication effective?

There are several factors that contribute to effective oral communication:

 Clarity: speaking clearly, enunciating words properly, and using proper grammar and
 Conciseness: getting to the point and using only the necessary words to convey your
 Non-verbal communication: using appropriate gestures, facial expressions, and
body language to enhance your message.
 Active listening: paying attention to the speaker, asking questions for clarification,
and responding appropriately.
 Preparation: knowing your audience, the purpose of your message, and practicing
your delivery.
 Confidence: speaking with confidence and conviction to establish trust and
credibility with your audience.

By following these principles, you can ensure that your oral communication is clear,
concise, and effective in conveying your message to your audience.

2. What are the demands of a good manager and the governance of an organization?

A good manager possesses certain qualities and skills that enable them to navigate
the complexities of an organization and ensure successful performance. Some of the
demands of a good manager include:

 Effective communication skills

 Strong decision-making abilities
 Excellent leadership qualities
 Ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities
 Positive attitude and willingness to motivate and inspire others

Additionally, effective organizational governance is also crucial for any organization's

success. Good governance involves:

 Establishing policies and procedures that align with the organization's vision and
 Ensuring efficient and effective allocation of resources
 Overseeing and monitoring performance and risk management
 Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations
 Maintaining transparency and accountability

3. Is it true that we can influence but also compromise the understanding of a speech
through non-verbal communication? Explain how

Yes, non-verbal communication can influence and compromise the understanding

of a speech. Non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of
voice can have a significant impact on how a message is received and interpreted by
the audience. For example, a speaker who appears nervous or insincere may
undermine the credibility of their message, while one who uses confident posture
and gestures can enhance its persuasiveness.

4. What is non-verbal communication?

Non-verbal communication is defined as the process of using wordless messages to

generate meaning.

5. How is non verbal communication skills determinant in HR requirements?

Non-verbal communication skills are important in HR requirements because it can

enhance the effectiveness of the HR practitioner’s interpersonal skills. A good
understanding of non-verbal cues such as body language, tone of voice, and facial
expressions can aid in interpreting an employee’s emotions and attitudes. This
information can be utilized to create a more positive and productive work

6. How can a service quality contribute to a successful business thanks to non- verbal

A high level of service quality can contribute significantly to the success of a business
through non-verbal communication. This includes body language, facial expressions,
and other non-verbal cues that customers pick up on. Providing attentive and
positive non-verbal signals can make customers feel welcomed, valued and
appreciated. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth
advertising, and ultimately, increased sales and profits.

7. Give and explain briefly the 2 groups of non-verbal communication and their

1. Body language
Non-verbal communication involves sending and receiving messages through body language.
It presents some advantages: it is more effective in situations where a person has to explain
shapes, directions, inner feelings, and personalities. The signals in non-verbal
communication serve to make the message more powerful and convincing.
 Facial expressions: Facial expressions can convey a wide range of emotions, from
happiness to sadness, anger to surprise.
 Gestures: Gestures include things like hand signals, nodding or shaking your head,
and pointing.
 Posture: Posture can communicate confidence, defensiveness, or relaxation.
 Eye contact: Eye contact can convey interest or disinterest, respect or disrespect.

2. Sign language( visual and audio signs)


-speak a universal language understood by people all over the world and are easy to
grasp and remember.

-It includes the use of posters, drawings, cartoon maps, diagrams, photographs.


-to send message since the early days of civilization.

-Universal in nature.

-Use of drums beating, alarms, hooters, buzzers, whistles, bells, sirens, etc.

 Tone of voice: Tone of voice can convey a speaker's emotions, such as anger,
sadness, or happiness.
 Speech rate: The speed at which someone speaks can convey a variety of things,
from excitement to nervousness.
 Pauses: Pauses can indicate hesitation, confusion, or emphasis on a particular point.
 Volume: Volume can communicate excitement, anger, or boredom.

Both body language and sign language are incredibly important in communication, as
they can convey information that is not transmitted through words. Being aware of
these non-verbal cues can help us better understand others and communicate more
effectively ourselves.

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