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ECE 313 Childrens Story ECE 313

Collaboration with Parents


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ECE 313 Childrens Story ECE 313 Collaboration with Parents & Community Childrens
Story Imagine being 2 years old and you do not have the ability to speak as your verbal
language development is just starting and you want a toy another child has. Being a toddler is
hard. How can you ask for the toy? When will you get a chance to have a turn? Because you
are unsure what to do, you become frustrated and begin to cry, take the toy from the other
child, then hit them. Now you are stuck with the consequences of your actions and you have
no idea why. As an educator, it is important to understand the development of young children
and know how frustrating it can be for them, as they are navigating how to handle their
emotions, as well as navigate their ability to express their wants and needs. Due to their
development overtime, they have not mastered certain skills and they are frustrated. It

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