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ECO 535 Economic Concentration Evaluation

Central Californ

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ECO 535 Economic Concentration Evaluation Central California winemaking industry

University of Phoenix ECO/535 The Central California winemaking industry is one of the
largest wine-producing regions of the United States. California produces approximately 81%
percent of all wine produced in the USA and is the 4th largest wine producer in the world.
California wine business is appx. $114B, with $43.6B in retail and $1.36B in export. 95% of
all wine that is exported from the United States is from California. In addition, almost 800K
jobs are created from California wine production. The business of growing grapes and
making wine in California contributed $57.6 billion to the state economy California wineries,
grape growers, and businesses serving the industry annually contribute $57.6 billion to the
states economy and $114.1 billion to the U.S. economy. The wine business in the main t

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