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Course/Branch: B. Tech. / CSE, AI&DS

Short answer questions:

1. What are the drawbacks of ER model?

2. Explain total participation and partial participation in ER diagrams with example.
3. Explain strong and weak entity sets with example.
4. Define entity integrity.
5. Evaluate the difference between data independence and logical data independence with example.
6. Define entity and entity sets in ER diagram.
7. Write the difference between DDL and DML.
8. Explain applications of DBMS.
9. Write the types of users of a database system
10. Differentiate between composite and mutivalued attributes.

Long answer questions

1. Differentiate between file system and DBMS.

2. Consider the schema
Emp(id, name, sal, city, age, dno)
Dept(dno, dname, dloc)
Write Sql query for the following
a) Create above table. Make eid as a primary key after creating table.
b) Find the name of all employees whose salary>50000.
c) Find the average salary of employees of each dept.
d) List the name of all employee who has either salary>30000 and belongs to city lucknow.
e) Arrange the record of all employees in descending order of their salary.
f) Find total number of employees in organization.
g) Find the record of employees whose name starts with ‘S’ and ends with ‘T’
h) Find the name of departments located at ‘Ganga Block’.
3. Define the role of a database administrator.
4.Explain DDL and DML with suitable examples
5. Define cardinality in ER diagrams with suitable examples.
6.Explain the primary key, candidate key,and super key with suitable examples.
7.Analyze types of relationship in ER diagram.
8.Explain 3-tier architecture of DBMS.
9. Define data models. Explain Relational model.
10. Explain overall architecture of Database Management Systems.
11. Define Entity Relationship data model. Construct an ER diagram for railway reservation system.
12. Define attributes in ER diagram. Explain all types of attributes.
13. Define Schema and instance of schema of the database. Explain mapping cardinalities in ER

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