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Worksheets Name

PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 Class

Total questions: 50
Worksheet time: 4hrs 10mins

I have a ....
I need an aspirin


a) Stomechache b) Headache

c) Earache d) Toothache

Vivi : What the matter with you?

Ziki : I have a ....


a) Toothache b) Stomachache

c) Headache d) Earache

Look at the picture!

Mr. John is a .....


a) Driver b) Dentist
c) Patient d) Nurse

Di to drinks too much ice. Now he suLers from ....


a) A cold b) Itch
c) Malnutrition d) Malaria

The right suggestion for the disease is .....


a) Don't run in the slippery Soor! b) Don't go anywhere!

c) Don't eat spicy food! d) Don't eat the candies too much!

It is a .......
It is a .......


a) Stethoscope b) Syringe
c) Crutch d) Thermometer

Dina : What's the matter with Dony?

Dewi : He has got .....
Dina : Oh, poor him.


a) Dizzy b) Fever

c) Cough d) Runny nose

8. When there is wrong with our eyes. We can see a .....

a) Oculist b) Dentist
c) Surgeon d) Physician

9. Read the carefully!!

Mrs. Franda is a nurse. She is works in a hoapital. She takes care of the medical patient who stays in The hospital.
Sometimes she works in the morning but sometimes in the night. She helps doctor stephane in the hospital.
The text above is a about ....

a) Nurse's wants b) Nurse's job

c) Nurse's activity d) Nurse's doing

10. Hesti : I fall down from the cycle when I was cycling.
Sinta : .........
The right expression of sympathy is .....

a) Congratulations! b) Never mind

c) Thank you d) I am sorry to He air that

Father goes to Yogyakarta by ....


a) Bus b) Ship

c) Plane d) Train

Helicopter is a kind of .... Transportation.

Helicopter is a kind of .... Transportation.


a) Land b) Sea

c) Air d) Water

The picture is water transportation. It is called .....


a) Canoe b) Raft

c) Boat d) Submarine

This is a .....


a) Car b) Taxi
c) Cart d) Pedicab

My friends come to my house by ....


a) Taxi b) Bicycle
c) Motorcycle d) Bus

Many people go to Jakarta by .....


a) Ship b) Bus

c) Train d) Plane

My uncle is a ..... driver.


a) Truck b) Taxi
c) Bus d) Ambulance
18. A .... is a long vehicle.

a) Cart b) Car

c) Motorcycle d) Train

19. A pedicap has .... Wheels.

a) Three b) Two

c) Four d) Five

20. We can see .... In Juanda Airport.

a) Train b) Plane

c) Bus d) Ship

Tia : who is He?

Miko : He is a ....


a) Farmer b) Coach

c) Doctor d) Lawyer

Look at the picture!

He is .....


a) Caring the patients b) Planting rice

c) Cutting the hair d) Catching csh

What is he doing?


a) Driving a taxi b) Serving passengers

c) Teaching students d) Flaying a plane

What is She? .....


a) She is hair dresser b) He is barber

c) She is barber d) He is hair dresser

c) She is barber d) He is hair dresser

25. What is a mechanic?....

a) A person who Makes motorcycle b) A person who repairs motorcycle

c) A person who sells motorcycle d) A person who buys motorcycle

26. I work at the street. Sometimes I catch thieves or bad people.

I am ......

a) Policeman b) Postman

c) Architect d) Soldier

27. I work at library. Who am a I?

I am .....

a) Principal b) Student

c) Teacher d) Librarian

28. Mr. Budiman is a doctor. He works ....

a) At school b) In the hospital

c) In the restaurant d) At rice celd

29. He delivers letter everyday to people. He is a .....

a) Postman b) Policeman

c) Fisherman d) Teacher

30. He is my neighbor. His name is Mr. gino. A pedicab driver is his job. He drivers his own pedicab.
He leaves his house early in the morning. He drives his pedicab along the street in my town. He has many costumers
there. They are children, adults and old people.
Mr. Gino goes home at cve in the afternoon. He usually gets thirty thoushand rupiahs a day. Mrs. Zainab, his wife, uses
the money to complete their daily needs.
Who is Mr. Gino?.....

a) A Tadi driver b) A pilot

c) A mechanic d) A pedicab driver

Sinta is playing ....


a) Hopscotch b) Chess

c) Bowling d) Rope skipping

It is a .....


a) Toy train b) Toy tractor

c) Toy plane d) Toy car

They like playing .....


a) Slide b) Swing
c) Ball bath d) Rope skipping

I have a .... in my yard.


a) Slide b) Scooter

c) See saw d) Swing

35. The following are games, except .....

a) b)

c) d)

Oni : what is that?

Mimi : that is a ....


a) Catapult b) Yoyo
c) Dice d) Kite
c) Dice d) Kite

That is your ....


a) Marbles b) Yoyo
c) Spin d) Pin wheel

Tika : Is he Playing .....?

Tiwi : yes, he is.


a) Roller skate b) Skateboard

c) Gunny sack d) Stilts

I like playing .....


a) Gunny snack race b) Hide and seek

c) Tug of war d) Badminton

40. Edi : what are you playing?

Joko : I ..... Playing toy tractor.

a) Am b) Is
c) Are d) Be
41. The symbol of autumn is ......

a) b)

Musing Semi
Musim Panas

c) d)

Musim Gugur
Musim Dingin

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