Government Intervention and The Earned Income Tax Credit

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Government Intervention and the Earned

Income Tax Credit


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Government Intervention and the Earned Income Tax Credit University of Phoenix
ECOCB/535: The Digital Economy Government Intervention and the Earned Income Tax
Credit The Earned Income Tax Credit was established in 1975 to better support low income
families and specifically encourage single mothers to work. The Child Tax Credit was
established much later in 1997 to support working families with raising children. Both pieces
of legislation have been topics of much discussion over the years and most especially during
the Great Recession time period when many Americans were struggling. Several alterations
and expansions have been made or proposed as well (Komro et al., 2020). During the Great
Recession that began in 2008, the government intervened in the US economy because of the
financial market failures and the impact they had on working families. The intervention
expanded on ex

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