Drama Hitch Hiker

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Drama: Hitch-Hiker

The class began when Eak sir asked us about our interesting travel story.
Eak sir used to hitch hiked and asked us if we had also hitch hiked
before. I hadn’t so I didn’t reply. As soon a s I heard the word hitch hike,
I knew we were about to begin ‘The hitch hiker’ by Roald Dahl.
Seven different directors were chosen by Eak sir to create a scene from
the drama. I was selected as the fifth director out of six different
Group division:
Eak sir divided the rest of the class into six different groups and assigned
each group with different directors.
My group performed the part where the narrator helps the hitchhiker and
lets him get in the car. I played the part of the hitchhiker and was also
acting as a director for this play. We also added random non-canon
characters in our drama to make it different from the story. Other groups
also had the same idea, and they also had different characters in their
As for our play, instead of having one driver (the narrator), we added
different drivers as well, who refuse to help the hitchhiker. The narrator
becomes the final person to help the hitchhiker. They have a short
conversation, and the drama ends. Also, we had some farmers farming in
the background to give off a country vibe.

It was a wonderful experience being able to perform in front of the

audience in such a short period of time. It was quite exciting to watch
not just one group but many different groups perform a drama in front of
the class.

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