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1st Spell ( Final paper )

________________________ Campus
Session (2022 – 2023)
Name: ______________________________ Class: VI Section: ______
Date: _____________ Subject: Computer
Total Marks: 100 Obt. Marks: ________________
Checked by: ________________________ Rechecked by: _____________
Recounted by: ______________________ Invigilated by: _____________
Time allowed: 1:40 Hr.

Q.1: Tick the right answer. /20
1. DVD stand for _____________ .
(A)Digital versatile disc (B) digital vision disc (C) Duplicate disc
2. Pascals calculator was crated in _____________
(A) 1965 (B) 1832 (C) 1642
3. CPU is considered _____________ of the computer.
(A) Heart (B) Brain (C) Eye
4. The result of the processing data is _____________
(A)Data (B) information (C) input
5. The transistor was invented in
(A) 1957 (B) 1947 (C) 1832
6. The evolution of DVD is _____________
(A) Blue-ray disc (B) CD (C) RAM
7. Storage capacity is measured in _____________
(A) Liter (B) bytes (C) kg
8. RAM stands for _____________
(A) Read only memory (B) random access memory (C) solid disc

9. CPU consist of _____________ .
Four (B) three (C) five
10.VT-52 terminal is an example of _____________
(A) Fourth (B) third (C) fifth
11.BLUE-ray Disc can hold up to _____________ of data
(A) 40 GB (B) 45 GB (C) 50GB
12.Old flopy disks are replaced _____________ .
(A) USB (B) Memory card (C) Both
13.In 1965 _____________ computer was presented .
(A) PDP-5 (B) PDP-8 (C) PDP1
14.Main memory of computer is _____________ .
15. A _____________ is text at the top of page
(A) footer (B) header (C) break
16.You can make your documents easier to read by using
(A) Columns (B) tabs (C) a and b
17. To split text into two pages we use
(A) Page rule (B) page break (C) none
18. Microsoft word is _____________ software.
(A) Compiler (B) Programming (C) application
19. A first line indent is way to
(A) formate a paragraph (B) Start a paragraph (C) delet a paragraph
20. Use _____________ to show the title of the docum
(A) Header (B) mac OS (C) both
Q.2 . give the meaning of the following words. /10
Words Meanings
Apple IMac

Personal Computer
Integrated Circuit

Secondary storage

Page number
Q2: Fill in the blanks. /4
i. Pascal calculator was created in ___________.
ii. The UNIVAC was the first ____________ computer.
iii. Rulers are located ___________ the ribbon.
iv. Every __________ has its own meaning and purpose .
v. It make our documents professional we use _________ at the start of documents.
vi. A ________ looks like a little lamp.
vii. Every ___________ has its own meaning and purpose
viii. BLUE-ray Disc can hold up to _____________ of data .

Q3: Write down the full form of the following: /5

ii. DVD:
iii. IC:
iv. PC:
v. ALU:
Q.4 which tab is used in following /4

To insert smart art _____________

To add header _____________

Print layout _____________

To add header _____________

Q4: Identify the Technology: /2


Q5. Fill the given diagram : /3

Q6. Label the smart art : /2

Q1: Short Questions: /20
i. What do you know about ENIAC? /2

ii. Define Microprocessor. /2


iii. What was the use of PC board? /2

iv. What was Babbage’s difference engine? /2

v. How was Pascal’s Pascaline calculator used? /2

vi. What are the measuring unit of storage capacity ? /2

vii. What is central processing unit ? /2

viii. What is information ? /2

ix. Why do we use header.


x. Where page number are usualy placed ?

Q 2: What is the difference between 1st & 2nd Generation of Computer? /6

1st Generation 3rd generation 2nd Generation
Period of



Q4. Define RAM and ROM . /4


Q3 .Practical question . /10

i.How to insert smart art in the documents ?

ii.How can we draw and insert column and tabs in the documents?

Q4. Viva questions /10

1. Where page number of our documents are placed?
2. why do we us header?
3. what kind of shapes you can add in documents?
4. what are the parts of CPU?
5. what are the basic computer operations?

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