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onant effect and molecular length is less criti- in solid films, the molecules could find appli- energy that can be harnessed. Recent studies
cal. However, it is challenging to design mol- cation as some of the first high-performance, (7, 8) have shown that charge separation can be
ecules with the required electronic structure. low-cost all-optical switches. achieved at lower energetic cost through use of
Hales et al. now report a breakthrough in The work of Hales et al. demonstrates that donor polymers with in-chain donor-acceptor
the design and synthesis of a polymethine-type the design and synthesis of functional pi-conju- character, possibly by polarizing the excited
dye molecule capped with aromatic selenium gated materials for specific purposes is reach- state during the charge-transfer step. Given
(Se)–containing end groups. The aromatic end ing a new maturity. Similarly striking achieve- these advances, technological applications of
groups allow the frontier molecular orbitals ments have been made recently in other fields. these sophisticated materials should not take
to extend beyond the polymethine chain; they For example, use of conjugated polymers long to be realized.
thus effectively increase the conjugation length in electrically pumped lasers requires high
References and Notes
and reduce Eg without the symmetry-breaking charge mobilities as well as high luminescent 1. S. Gunes et al., Chem. Rev. 107, 1324 (2007).
problem encountered in long chains. More- efficiency. A recent study showed that polyflu- 2. S. R. Forrest, Nature 428, 911 (2004).
over, the Se substitution increases the dipole orene polymers with a small fraction of short 3. R. H. Friend et al., Nature 397, 121 (1999).
4. J. M. Hales et al., Science 327, 1485 (2010); published
moment above the value expected for the given side chains can achieve both goals, because online 18 February 2010 (10.1126/science.1185117).
polymethine chain length. These factors result the side chains increase interchain hopping 5. J. L. Bredas et al., Chem. Rev. 94, 243 (1994).
in exceptionally high γ values. In addition, and raise charge mobility by almost two orders 6. B. K. Yap et al., Nat. Mater. 7, 376 (2008).
7. Y. Liang et al., Adv. Mater. 10.1002/adma.200903528
two-photon absorption losses at telecommu- of magnitude, but do not reduce the lumines-

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nications wavelengths are minimized in these cence efficiency (6). Similarly, in organic solar 8. T. M. Clarke, J. R. Durrant, Chem. Rev. 10.1021.cr900271s
molecules because of a gap in the two-photon cells, a free-energy difference between the (2010).
absorption spectrum at 2hω. The combination photoexcited donor or acceptor molecule and 9. S.A.H. thanks the Royal Society for a RS-University
Research Fellowship. J.N. thanks the Royal Society for a
of high γ and low absorption losses results in the separated charged state is required to drive RS Industry Fellowship. We thank P. Stavrinou for helpful
an unprecedented ratio of γ to absorption. If efficient charge separation. This free-energy discussions.
these results for solution can be reproduced difference limits the electrochemical potential 10.1126/science.1188291


Fairness in Modern Society What features of a society motivate individuals

to behave fairly?

Karla Hoff

xperiments in psychology and eco- to the other player, who is passive. Pure self- By varying the rules of the Dictator
nomics have demonstrated that in interest would lead the dictator to send zero Game, studies have shown that one motiva-
industrialized societies all over the to the other player. Henrich et al. now show tion for sharing is the desire not to violate
world, a substantial fraction of individuals a strong and robust positive relationship standards of expected behavior. For exam-
will be fair in anonymous interactions and between the mean amounts sent in 15 societ- ple, in one variant of the Dictator Game, the
will punish unfairness (1, 2). However, it ies, including foraging and nomadic hunter- dictator, after making an allocation decision,
has not been clear whether this benevolent, gatherer bands, and the level of the society’s is given the option to exit the game and keep
prosocial behavior depends on innate human market integration. This is convincing evi- the full stake less a small amount. The exit
psychology or norms peculiar to industri- dence that societal standards of behavior in option leaves the other player with zero but
alized societies. Henrich et al. explored the anonymous interactions have coevolved with also ensures that he never knows that a Dic-
motivation for fairness in anonymous inter- market institutions. tator Game was to be played. One-third of
actions across dramatically diverse societies the dictators take the exit option (4).
and on page 1480 of this issue (3), they report Thus, some participants are willing
that this behavior increases with the level of to pay a price to avoid a situation
the society’s market integration, measured as in which they are expected to share
households’ average percentage of calories because they dislike not doing so
that are purchased. in that situation. In another variant
A game used to study how people behave of the Dictator Game, the dictator’s
toward others who are not linked to them by choice set is enlarged to include tak-
kinship or friendship is the Dictator Game, ing money from the other player. If
in which an individual (the “dictator”) is the dictator’s choice set ranges from
matched with an anonymous person. The –$5 to +$5 instead of from zero to
pair is allocated a stake of 10 monetary units $5, the proportion of positive offers

(equal to 1 day’s wage in the study by Hen- falls from 71 to 10% (5). This sug-
rich et al.). The dictator decides how much gests that another motivation for
of the stake to keep and how much to send Economic game. A “Third-Party Punishment Game” was used sharing is a desire to avoid the most
by Henrich et al. to assess preferences across different societ- selfish feasible action. This motive
World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, MC3-301, Washington, DC ies. An experimenter is shown demonstrating such a game in a would lead dictators to share when
20433, USA. E-mail: remote region of Papua New Guinea. the choice set ranges from zero SCIENCE VOL 327 19 MARCH 2010 1467

Published by AAAS

to $5 but not to share when the choice set social complexity. These findings predict that A society is not just a random group of
includes negative values. denying members of a group the possibility to people with a shared territory. It is a group
It has been argued that Britain’s leadership enjoy social status and participate in commu- that shares cognitive frames and social
in the Industrial Revolution—the onset of nity rituals and religion will interfere with the norms (10, 11). We cannot know for certain
modern economic growth—depended on the emergence of altruistic norm enforcement. An how fairly our ancestors in foraging bands
unusual strength among European countries experiment in India (9) examined the effect of behaved in situations lacking relationship
of its informal norms against opportunism in caste status on the willingness to punish vio- information, but Henrich et al. bring us a
business. Although markets were highly com- lations of the norm to reciprocate cooperation. closer understanding by studying people in
petitive, businessmen displayed a high degree The norm was held by both caste groups that simple societies that may be very like those
of class solidarity, defined as “sufficient trust participated in the experiment—the low castes, of our early ancestors. These findings call into
in one another so that pairwise cooperative who had been subject to the practice of exclu- question the standard assumption in econom-
behavior was expected and maintained” (6, sion (so-called “Untouchability”), and the high ics that preferences are innate and stable, and
7). In this secure environment, unprecedented castes. Although there were controls for indi- suggest instead that cultural conditioning of
levels of cooperation occurred between indi- vidual wealth, education, and political partici- the expression of human selfishness is a part
viduals with commercial acumen and those pation, low-caste individuals exhibited a much of the process of economic development.
with technical skills. The exceptional cheat- lower willingness to punish norm violations References
ers risked punishment in the form of the that hurt members of their own caste, suggest- 1. C. Camerer, Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in

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exclusion from social groups. ing a cultural difference across caste status in Strategic Interaction (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ,
In many settings, maintaining cooperation the concern for members of one’s own commu- 2. E. Fehr, S. Gachter, Am. Econ. Rev. 90, 980 (2000).
when interactions are impersonal is greatly nity. Low-caste individuals adopted an attitude 3. J. Henrich et al., Science 327, 1480 (2010).
enhanced by “altruistic punishment” of norm toward norm enforcement that was closer to 4. J. Dana, D. Cain, R. Dawes, Organ. Behav. Hum. Decis.
Process. 100, 193 (2006).
violations. Games in which disinterested par- pure self-interest than did individuals at the top
5. J. A. List, J. Polit. Econ. 115, 482 (2007).
ties have the opportunity, at a cost, to punish of the caste hierarchy. There was, however, no 6. E. Posner, Law and Social Norms (Harvard Univ. Press,
norm violators provide a measure of such altru- caste difference in norm enforcement when the Cambridge, MA, 2000).
ism (see the figure). An open question, however, victim was not a member of one’s own commu- 7. J. Mokyr, The Enlightened Economy: An Economic History
of Britain, 1700–1850 (Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, CT,
is how specific features of a society shape the nity—both low- and high-caste members pun- 2010).
willingness of individuals to engage in altruis- ished little in that case. Because low castes were 8. R. Willer, Am. Sociol. Rev. 74, 23 (2009).
tic norm enforcement. Experimental evidence traditionally denied the possibility of any social 9. K. Hoff, M. Kshetramade, E. Fehr, World Bank Policy
Research Working Paper no. 5040 (2009).
indicates that selective social status is accorded status and entry to temples, these results sup- 10. M. Douglas, How Institutions Think (Syracuse Univ. Press,
to those who altruistically contribute to group port the idea that altruistic norm enforcement Syracuse, NY, 1986).
welfare and that such status enhances individu- is learned, not innate. The findings also suggest 11. D. North, Understanding the Process of Economic
als’ willingness to contribute to the group in the that groups denied free cultural expression are Change (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005).

future (8). Henrich et al. report evidence that at a disadvantage with respect to norm enforce-
group solidarity rituals have coevolved with ment and collective action. 10.1126/science.1188537


Expanding the Repertoire An iron alloy may open up new applications for
strong materials that are also capable of large
of Shape Memory Alloys reversible shape changes.

Ji Ma and Ibrahim Karaman

he exceptional properties of many memory”; they are strong but can recover Superelasticity is the term used to describe a
materials often come at the expense from being deformed when heated. This pro- particular mechanical response of shape mem-
of limited performance in other areas. cess seems counterintuitive, but these alloys ory alloys, or SMAs. When a stress is applied
For example, conventional metals and their take advantage of solid-to-solid “diffusion- to an SMA—for example, through pulling or
alloys are strong—they are good at resist- less” phase transitions: The atoms rearrange bending—a phase transition is induced, most
ing stress (i.e., an applied load)—but they how they pack into crystals in an orderly fash- commonly from a high-symmetry solid called
tolerate only a very small amount of strain ion, and this process changes the material’s austenite to a solid with lower symmetry,
(i.e., deformation) before they are irrevers- macroscopic shape. Few other materials pos- called martensite. When this applied stress is
ibly deformed. Rubber can easily return to its sess this combination of strength and flexibil- removed, the material fully recovers its original
original shape, even after large deformations, ity (see the figure), and clever engineering shape. Because superelasticity is stress-driven,
but is much weaker than conventional metals. has exploited these properties—for example, it must compete with other deformation mech-
However, some metal alloys exhibit “shape in implanted medical devices such as stents. anisms such as dislocation motion and defor-
On page 1488 of this issue, Tanaka et al. (1) mation twinning. The victor will be the process
Materials Science and Engineering Interdisciplinary Pro- report on a superelastic alloy that almost dou- that is triggered by the least amount of stress.
gram and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA. E-mail: bles the useful range of deformation that can Superelasticity appears only when the; be induced in such alloys. temperature is high enough for austenite to

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