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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Sumpong, Malaybalay City
Tel No. (088) 221-3965 / (088) 813-3634



Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________ Score: ________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Read the following items. Encircle the letter of the answer of your choice.
For items 1-5
Africa My Africa
Africa of proud warriors in ancestral Savannahs
Africa of whom my grandmother sings
On the banks of the distant river I have never known you
But your blood flows in my veins
Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields
The blood of your sweat
The sweat of your work
The work of your slavery
Africa, tell me Africa
Is this your back that is unbent
This back that never breaks under the weight of humiliation
This back trembling with red scars
And saying no to the whip under the midday sun?
But a grave voice answers me
Impetuous child that tree, young and strong
That tree over there
Splendidly alone amidst white and faded flowers
That is your Africa springing up anew
springing up patiently, obstinately Whose fruit bit by bit acquires The bitter taste of liberty.
1. To whom is the speaker trying to speak to?
A. African C. Filipino
B. Japanese D. Korean

2. What figure of speech is the “beautiful black blood”?

A. alliteration C. metaphor
B. apostrophe D. personification

3. How did the speaker describe the Africans in his poem?

A. It described Africans as slaves.
B. It described Africans as hard workers.
C. It described Africans as hard workers who sweat with backs bent in the field and suffering heat.
D. It described Africans as hard workers who sweat with backs bent in the field and suffering humiliation.

4. Why does the poet claim that "black blood flows in his veins”?
A. Since there is no blood in Africa that is black in color, the black blood is African.
B. Since there is no blood in Africa that is black in color. the black blood is African nature.
C. Since there is no blood in Africa that is black in color, black blood in this poetry represents African nature
and how they were abused by co-Africans.
D. Since there is no blood in Africa that is black in color, black blood in this poetry represents African nature.
Thus, he demonstrates that despite growing up in France, he is conscious of his African identity.

5. How do the past’s effects of colonialism shaped the Africa’s present?

A. The socio-political state of Africa today was seriously affected on that time.
B. The socio-political and economic state of Africa today was seriously affected during colonial time.
C. The socio-political and economic state of Africa today was seriously affected during colonial time. So
was paralyzed and all died, like a withering wheat in the field.
D. The socio-political and economic state of Africa today was seriously affected during colonial time. So
was paralyxed and is just starting afresh as a young tree while the colonisers are well off.

6. Which of the following term that occurs when the voice changes in pitch and tone while speaking?
A. intonation C. stress
B. timbre D. rhythm

7. What are the prosodic features of delivering persuasive speech?

A. juncture, pitch, and speech C. juncture, pitch, and stress
B. juncture, pitch, and speed D. juncture, pitch, and speak

8. Why do you think are prosodic features important in any speaking activity?
A. It helps you comprehend easily.
B. It can express the speaker’s attitude or feeling of something.
C. It gives information beyond just the meaning of the words, it can express the speaker’s attitude or feeling of
something. Further, we can use these in communicating with other people.
D. It gives information beyond just the meaning of the words and it can express the speaker’s attitude or feeling
of something. Further, we can use these in reading other people’s real intention and predict their behaviour.

9. How can prosodic features affect the way we speak?

A. It provides context.
B. It provides context and gives meaning to words.
C. It provides context, give meaning to words, and keeps listener engaged in speaking.
D. It provides context and gives meaning to words, and keeps listener engaged in listening more without
speaking back.

For items 10-13

10. What time will the festival begin?
A. 11 a.m. C. 2 p.m.
B. 10 a.m. D. 1 p.m.

11. What jobs will be done the day before the festival begin?
A. make posters and clean up gym C. make posters and set up gym
B. make posters and help performers D. make posters and welcome the guest

12. If you were a student, would you volunteer in the event?

A. Yes. It is because it would help in my studies.
B. Yes. It is because I wanted to extend my help to the school.
C. No. It is because I would be a busy student.
D. No. It is because I don’t like to serve other people.

13. Based on the text, what would be the generalization using the providing data?
A. Making schedule of an activity is very effective.
B. Making schedule of an activity is a guide that we must follow.
C. Making schedule of an activity is the design of the event that the leader plan ahead. It makes the even
successful. Indeed, independence is better than reliance.
D. Making schedule of an activity is very effective. The flow of the program will be smooth. It makes the event
successful. Indeed, team work is essential in handling an event.

14. The lithe girl was successful in the basketball try-outs, unfortunately, the chubby girl was unsuccessful.
A. chubby C. tall
B. lean D. sick

15. The ornithologist, equipped with binoculars and a field guide, spent the day observing various species of
birds. What does ornithologist mean?
I. spent the day
II. a field guide
III. observing various species of birds
IV. equipped with binoculars and a field guide

A. I and II C. II and IV
B. I and III D. III and IV

For items 16-19

The following is an excerpt from the selection ``There`s a Teenager in the House`` by Kerima Polotan

There’s a teenager in my house. Until a few years ago, he was my son. But when he turned thirteen, he also
became this tall stranger with new pimples around his nose and insolence in his manner. For nearly two years,
there’s been an undeclared war between him and me. He wins the skirmishes, but he loses the battles. He may
get his way every now and then, but he knows that I make the big decisions. I am always tempted to punish
him, and I am sure that he thought of fighting back. We are suddenly to each other two people we don’t like
very much. He has ideas that shock me, and I have standards that appal him.

16. Who is the speaker in the selection?

A. a mother who has undeclared war with his son
B. a mother who wants freedom from her chores
C. a son who has undeclared war with his mother
D. a son who wants freedom from his mother

17. What are the characteristics of the teenager based on the excerpt?
A. physically fit, has good hygiene and well-behaved
B. undergoes mental changes, independent and responsible
C. undergoes physical changes, insolent in manner and rebellious
D. mentally active, has good communication skills and well-mannered

18. “I am always tempted to punish him, and I am sure that he thought of fighting back. We are suddenly to
each other two people we don’t like very much. He has ideas that shock me, and I have standards that appal
Based on these statements, we can infer that _________________________.
A. The speaker has a different way of dealing the teenager`s behavior towards her.
B. The speaker has a negative way of treating the teenager`s attitude.
C. The speaker hates the teenager and gives passive treatment.
D. The speaker holds back her emotions by treating the teenager unfairly.

19. The main point of this excerpt is _______________________________.

A. Communicating and embracing the mistakes of a teenager is necessary in preventing family conflicts.
B. Developing a supportive and welcoming atmosphere is an obligation of every family.
C. Maintaining a firm and controlling parental guidance is a must to avoid family problems.
D. Understanding and addressing the needs of a teenager is crucial in maintaining harmonious relationships in
the family.

20. Which propaganda technique is used when an author only presents information that supports their argument
while ignoring or downplaying opposing viewpoints?
A. Bandwagon C. Glittering Generalities
B. Card stacking D. Testimonial

For items 21-23


21. McCafe Ice-Coffee is a perfect blend of cold coffee, milk, and sugar, served chilled and garnished with
whipped cream. Using the glittering generalities propaganda technique, select the best taglines to use in selling
the product.
A. ‘‘Creamy and Icy!’’ ‘‘Dreamy and Chocolatey!”
B. ‘‘Join the crowd!’’ ‘‘McCafe Ice-Coffee is trending now!’’
C. ‘‘Drink before you speak!’’ ‘‘Choose McCafe Ice Coffee’’!
D. “Avoid boring drinks!” “McCafe Ice Coffee-creamy and icy!”

22. The above advertisement uses glittering generalities propaganda technique. Transform the taglines using the
testimonial of an avid customer.
A. “I always order the newly improved McCafe Ice Coffee! My everyday comfort drink.”
B. “I always dream of drinking the McCafe Ice Coffee since I was still a teenager. Now that I am working, my
dream is now a reality.’’
C. “Most of my friends love McCafe Ice Coffee. Now, I am one of them. Creamy and dreamy, icy and
chocolatey! That’s McCafe Ice Coffee!”
D. “My all-time favorite drink is McCafe Ice Coffee. No one will beat this creamy, dreamy, icy and chocolatey
drink. My number 1 drink!”

23. Based on the advertisement, we can expect that __________________.

A. An advertisement that uses glittering generalities evoke positive emotions but lacks specific information or
B. An advertisement that uses glittering generalities hides certain facts to fool the target audience.
C. An advertisement that uses glittering generalities persuades the target audience through positive words.
D. An advertisement that uses glittering generalities pleases common people to purchase the product and
eventually gain more sales.

24. What is the function of a suffix in a word?

A. indicates the word`s grammatical function
B. modifies the meaning of the root word
C. provides additional information
D. separates the word into syllables\

The scientist used his microscope to carefully examine the microorganisms in the water sample.
Through his meticulous observation, he discovered the presence of both harmful and beneficial microbes.
The laboratory report highlighted the importance of microbial diversity and suggested strategies for
effective disinfection to eliminate pathogenic organisms. The findings were instrumental in developing a
comprehensive approach to water treatment.

25. What are the words present in the passage that use suffixes?
A. Microscope, meticulous, microbes
B. Microorganisms, microscope, and disinfection
C. Observation, harmful, and beneficial
D. Observation, disinfection, microorganisms

26. Which of the following shows a series of steps or events in order in which they will take place?
A. Flow Diagram C. Tree Diagram
B. Network Diagram D. Venn Diagram

27. As shown in the concept map, the following are benefits we can gain we plant trees except _____________.

A. Trees increase air pollution, soil erosion and wildlife abuse.

B. Trees enhance aesthetics, food source and resource conservation.
C. Trees improve human health, wildlife habitat and food production.
D. Trees provide sustainable resource, biodiversity support and economic benefits.

28. The flowchart below organizes the main points of a scientific article. Integrate your understanding of the
results of the flowchart based on a real-life situation.

A. A passerby, with a fearful nature, is very likely to hesitate in helping others since they are
B. A group of passersby with helpful nature, is very likely to help since many people are watching
them in helping a stranger.
C. A group of passersby with fearful nature, is very likely to hesitate in helping a stranger since
many people might think negatively of their assistance.
D. A passerby, with a helpful nature, is very likely to help without hesitation, while others are less
inclined to assist strangers, are unlikely to offer any help at all.

29. When might a speaker use informal language to connect with the audience?
A. in a casual conversation C. in a job interview
B. in a formal presentation D. in a scientific lecture

30. Why is it important for a speaker to understand the interests and preferences of the target audience?
A. to maintain a formal tone.
B. to demonstrate his/her expertise.
C. to tailor the message for better reception.
D. to impress with the advanced vocabulary.

1. A 11. C 21. A
2. D 12. B 22. D
3. D 13. D 23. A
4. D 14. D 24. C
5. D 15. D 25. C
6. A 16. A 26. A
7. C 17. C 27. A
8. C 18. A 28. D
9. C 19. D 29. A
10. B 20. B 30. C

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