Answer: (B)

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Q1/ The force method can be used to compute the deflections for

A. In statically determinate structure only.

B. For any type of structures.
C. At the point under the load only.
D. For truss only.
E. For frame only.
Answer: (B)

Q2/ When, a load crosses a through type Pratt truss in the direction left to right,
the nature of force in any diagonal member in the left half of the span would

A- Always is compression.
B- Always is tension.
C- Change from compression to tension.
D- Change from tension to compression.
E- None of the above.
Answer: (C)

Q3/ The width of the analogous column in the method of the force method are

A- 1/EI
B- 1/2EI
C- 2/EI
D- 1/4EI
E- 1/8EI
Answer: (A)

Q4/ The method of three moment's equation are applicable when

A- The beam is prismatic.

B- The structure is frame.
C- No settlement in supports.
D- The structure is truss.
E- No discontinuity such as hinge within the span.

Answer: (E)

Q5/ The degree of static indeterminacy up to which force method can be used is
A- 2
B- 3
C- 4
D- 6
E- 8
Answer: (B)

Q6/ The maximum deflection of a simply supported beam of span (L), carrying
a point load (P) at the center of the span. Flexure rigidity (EI) is

A- PL3/3EI
B- PL3/8EI
C- PL3/24EI
D- PL3/48EI
E- PL3/96EI
Answer: (D)

Q7/ A cantilever of length (L) is subjected to a bending moment (M) at its free
end. If (EI) is constant, the deflection of the free end is

C- ML2/2EI
D- ML2/3EI
Answer: (D)

Q8/ A simply supported beam A carries a point load at its mid span. Another
identical beam B carries the same load but uniformly distributed over the entire
span. The ratio of the maximum deflections of the beams A and B, will be

A- 2/5
B- 3/5
C- 8/5
D- 5/8
E- 3/8
Answer: (C)

Q9/ The vertical reaction for the cantilever beam loaded by uniform distributed
loaded (W), its length (L)
A- WL/2
B- WL/4
D- 0
E- None of the above
Answer: (C)

Q10/ Pick up the correct statement from the following

A- For a uniformly distributed load, the shear force varies linearly

B- For a uniformly distributed load, B.M. curve is parabola
C- For a load varying linearly, the shear force curve is parabola
D- For a load varying linearly, B.M. curve is parabola
E- All the above
Answer: (E)

Q11/ In case of simply supported I-section beam of span (L) and loaded by
center point load (P), the length of elasto-plastic zone of plastic hinge is

A- L/2
B- L/3
C- L/4
D- L/5
E- L/6
Answer: (D)

Q12/ For beams of uniform strength, with constant depth, the relationship
between width (b) and shear force (V)

A- b α V
B- b α √V
C- b α 3√V
D- b α 1/V
E- b α 2/V
Answer: (A)

Q13/ which of the following methods of structure analysis is a force method?

A- Moment distribution method.

B- Slope deflection method.
C- Equilibrium method.
D- Method of consistent deformation.
E- None of the above.
Answer: (D)

Q14/ One of the following is not the displacement method?

A- Moment distribution method.

B- Equilibrium method.
C- Method of consistent deformation.
D- Real work method.
E- Kanis method.
Answer: (C)

Q15/ The deflection at any point of a perfect frame can be obtained by applying
a unit load at the joint in

A- Vertical direction.
B- Inclined direction.
C- Horizontal direction.
D- The direction in which the deflection is required.
E- None of the above.
Answer: (D)

Q16/ The principle of virtual work can be applied to elastic system by

considering the virtual work of

A- External forces only.

B- Internal force only
C- External and internal forces.
D- All the above
E- None of the above.
Answer: (C)

Q17/ One of the following methods of structural analysis are a displacement


A- Three moment equation.

B- Moment distribution method.
C- Method of consistent deformation.
D- All the above
E- None of the above.
Answer: (B)

Q18/ If in a pin-jointed plane frame (m + r) > 2j, then the frame is

A- Unstable.
B- Stable and statically determinate.
C- Stable and statically indeterminate.
D- Stable.
E- None of the above.
Answer: (C)

Q19/ In the displacement method of structural analysis, the basic unknowns are

A- Force.
B- Displacement.
C- Moment.
D- Displacement and force.
E- None of the above.
Answer: (B)

Q20/ In moment distribution method, the sum of distribution factors of all the
members meeting at any joint is always (

A- Zero.
B- Less than one.
C- One.
D- Greater than one.
E- None of the above.
Answer: (C)

Q21/ In the column analogy method, the area of an analogous column for a
fixed beam of span (L) and flexural rigidity (EI) is taken as

A- L/8EI
B- L/4EI
C- L/3EI
D- L/2EI
Answer: (E)

Q22 / Which, of the following units are used to measure moments

A- kN
B- kN/m2
C- kN.m
D- N/mm2
E- kN/m3
Answer: (C)

Q23/ Which, of the following units are used to measure the displacement

A- mm
B- kN
C- mm2
D- kN/m2
E- kN.m
Answer: (A)

Q24/ The carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is fixed is

A- 0
B- 3/4
C- 1/2
D- 1
E- None of the above.
Answer: (C)

Q25/ Effects of shear force and axial force on plastic moment capacity of a
structure are respectively to

A- Decrease and increase.

B- Decrease and decrease.
C- Increase and increase.
D- Increase and decrease.
E- None of the above.
Answer: (B)

Q26/ Number of unknown internal forces in each member of a rigid jointed

plane frame are
A- 1
B- 2
C- 3
D- 4
E- 6
Answer: (C)

Q27/ Number of unknown internal force in a hinge joint are

A- 1
B- 2
C- 3
D- 4
E- 6
Answer: (B)

Q28/ The number of independent equations to be satisfied for static equilibrium

in a space structure is

A- 2
B- 3
C- 4
D- 6
E- 8
Answer: (D)

Q29/ A simply supported beam deflect by 5 mm when it is subjected to a

concentrated load of 10 kN at its center. What will be deflection in a 1/10 model
of the beam if the model is subjected to a 1 kN load at its center (
A- 0.5mm
B- 1.5mm
C- 5mm
D- 2mm
E- 0.05mm
Answer: (C)

Q30/ A pin-jointed plane frame is unstable if

A- (m+r)<2j
B- (m+r)=2j
C- (m+r)>2j
D- (m+r)=j
E- None of the above
Answer: (A)

Q31/ In the slope deflection equations, the deformations are considered to be

caused by
A- Bending moment.
B- Shear force.
C- Axial force.
D- Axial force and shear force.
E- Bending moment, shear force and axial force.
Answer: (A)

Q32/ The deformation of a spring produced by a unit load is called

A- Stiffness
B- Flexibility
C- Influence coefficient
D- Unit strain
E- None of the above
Answer: (B)

Q33/ A simply supported beam 8m long carry a uniform distributed load of

12kN/m. The maximum bending moment is

A- 96kN.m
B- 64kN.m
C- 384kN.m
D- 192kN.m
E- None of the above
Answer: (A)

Q34/ A simply supported beam 8m long carry 120kN a point load at its center.
The maximum bending moment is

A- 96kN.m
B- 240kN.m
C- 380kN.m
D- 160kN.m
E- None of the above
Answer: (B)
Q35/ A compound truss may be formed by connecting two simple rigid frames,

A- Three bars.
B- Two bars.
C- Three parallel bars.
D- Three bars intersecting at a point.
E- None of the above.
Answer: (A)

Q36/ A truss containing (j) joints and (m) members, will be a simple truss if

A- m=2j-3
B- j=2m-3
C- m=3j-2
D- j=3m-2
E- j=3m-1
Answer: (A)

Q37/ For beams breadth is constant

A- Depth (d) α (M)

B- Depth (d) α (2M)
C- Depth (d) α (√M)
D- Depth (d) α (1/M)
E- None of the above
Answer: (C)

Q38/ The ratio of lateral strain to axial strain of a homogeneous material is

A- Yield point
B- Hooks law
C- Poisons ratio
D- Plastic ratio
E- None of the above
Answer: (C)

Q39/ The forces in the members of simple trusses may be analyzed by

A- Graphical method
B- Method of joints
C- Method of sections
D- Method of force
E- All the above
Answer: (E)

Q40/ The moment of inertia of triangular section (height h, base b) about its
base is (

A- bh2/12
B- b2h/12
C- bh3/12
D- b3h/12
E- b2h2/12
Answer: (C)

Q41/ The moment of inertia of rectangular section (height h, base b) about its
base is

A- bh3/12
B- b2h/12
C- bh3/3
D- b3h/12
E- b2h2/12
Answer: (C)

Q42/ The ratio of the deflections of the free end of a cantilever due to a point
load at 1/3, and 2/3 of the span

A- 1/7
B- 2/7
C- 3/7
D- 4/7
E- 5/7
Answer: (B)

Q43/ If ΣH and ΣV are the algebraic sums of the forces resolved horizontally
and vertically respectively and ΣM is the algebraic sum of the moments of
forces about any point, for the equilibrium of the body acted upon

A- ΣH = 0
B- ΣV = 0
C- ΣM = 0
D- All the above
E- None of the above
Answer: (D)

Q44/ Beam composed of more than one material, rigidly connected together so
as to behave as one piece, are known as

A- Composite beams
B- Compound beams
C- Determinate beams
D- Indeterminate beams
E- Rectangular beams
Answer: (A)

Q45/ For beams of uniform strength, with constant depth, the relationship
between width (b) and moment (M)

A- b α M
B- b α √M
C- b α 3√M
D- b α 1/M
E- b α 2/M
Answer: (A)

Q46/ A body is said to be in equilibrium if

A- It moves horizontally
B- It moves vertically
C- It rotate about its center of gravity
D- It rotate about its fixed
E- None of the above
Answer: (E)

Q47/ The ratio of moment of inertia of the triangular section about its base and
about the centroidal axis parallel to its base

A- 1
B- 1.5
C- 2
D- 2.5
E- 3
Answer: (E)

Q48/ The ratio of moment of inertia of the rectangular section about its base and
about the centroidal axis parallel to its base

A- 1
B- 1.5
C- 2
D- 3
E- 4
Answer: (E)

Q49/ The stress may be defined as

A- Force per unit length

B- Force per unit volume
C- Force per unit area
D- Force by unit length
E- None of the above
Answer: (C)

Q50/ The moment may be defined as

A- Force by unit length

B- Force per unit length
C- Force per unit volume
D- Force per unit area
E- None of the above
Answer: (A)

Q51/ The vertical reaction for the simply supported beam loaded by uniform
distributed loaded (W), its length (L)

A- WL/2
B- WL/4
C- WL2/2
D- WL2/4
E- None of the above
Answer: (A)
Q52/ The horizontal reaction for the simply supported beam loaded by uniform
distributed loaded (W), its length (L)

A- WL/2
B- WL/4
C- WL2/2
D- 0
E- None of the above
Answer: (D)

Q53/ At any point of a beam, the section modulus may be obtained by dividing
the moment of inertia of the section by

A- Depth of the section

B- Depth of the neutral axis
C- Maximum tensile stress at the section
D- Maximum compressive stress at the section
E- Width of the section
Answer: (B)

Q54/ In case of simply supported rectangular beam of span (L) and loaded by
center point load (P), the length of elasto-plastic zone of plastic hinge is

A- L/2
B- L/3
C- L/4
D- L/5
E- L/6
Answer: (B)

Q55/ Which of the following loads are not applied commonly to a building?

A- Live load
B- Dead load
C- Rain load
D- Snow load
E- Environmental load
Answer: (C)
Q56/ Which of the following is statically indeterminate structure?

A- Continuous beam
B- Simply supported beam
C- Cantilever beam
D- Double overhanging
E- All the above
Answer: (A)

Q57/ Which of the following material is not used in making trusses?

A- Metal bars
B- Concrete
C- Wooden struts
D- Channel
E- Wires
Answer: (B)

Q58/ Which of the following is carried by truss members?

A- Flexural load
B- Bending load
C- Axial load
D- Shear load
E- Shear and bending load
Answer: (C)

Q59/ Which of the following methods of structural analysis is a force method?

A- Three moment equation

B- Slope deflection method
C- Column analogy method
D- Moment distribution method
E- Moment area method
Answer: (C)

Q60/ For a two-hinged arch, if one of the supports settles down vertically, then
the horizontal thrust
A-Is increased
B-Is decreased
C-Remains unchanged
D-Becomes zero
E-None of the above
Answer: (C)

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