MUN Project Phase One

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MUN Project phase one

2 “L”

Mercurio Espinosa Sosa

Team members:

Vanessa Capitaine Alvarez (research and redaction)

Cesar Belarmino Gutiérrez (design and correction)

Santiago García Álvarez (research and design)

Leonardo I. Caraveo López (draft and redaction)

Rodrigo Chalico Elías (structure and redaction)


​ 1. Introduction
​ 2. History
​ 3. What they do
​ 4. Formation of the United Nations
​ 5. How they organize their session
​ 6. Bibliography
1. Introduction

The United Nations (UN) holds a significant place in how countries collaborate
globally. It's like a big meeting spot where countries work together to address major
world problems. This report is all about diving deep into what the UN is all about.
We'll explore its history, what it does, how it got started, its structure, and why its
meetings matter so much. By looking at all these different aspects, we'll get a better
understanding of the UN's role in making the world a better place.

2. History

The United Nations began after World War II, a time of great destruction and a
strong wish for peace. Leaders from 26 countries saw the need to prevent future
wars by working together. In 1941, during the war, they wrote down their ideas for a
peaceful world in the Declaration of the United Nations. This declaration marked the
first step in creating the UN. It officially started on October 24, 1945, when
representatives from 51 countries met in San Francisco to sign the UN Charter,
which explained the rules and goals of the organization.
3. ¿What they do?

The United Nations does a bunch of important stuff to help make the world a safer
and better place for everyone. It works hard to keep countries peaceful, make sure
they're getting along okay, help them grow and develop, protect people's rights, and
give help when there are major emergencies or disasters. The UN has all kinds of
special groups and programs that focus on different problems, like wars, lack of
money, climate change, and diseases that spread quickly. By doing all of this, the UN
plays a really big role in making sure the world stays on the right path and deals with
the challenging issues we face.

4. Formation of the United Nations

People from different countries realized they needed a way to talk and work together
to prevent another war from happening. So, they got together and decided to make
the UN. This happened in 1945, and it was like a big meeting where representatives
from many countries signed a special paper called the United Nations Charter. This
paper laid out the basic rules and plans for how the UN would work. It was like the
blueprint for the UN organization. So, the UN was formed to help countries
cooperate and keep peace in the world.

5. How they organize their session

The United Nations has different groups that meet to make decisions. Each group
has its own job in running the UN. The General Assembly is the main group, and it
includes all the countries. They meet every year in New York to talk about important
global problems. Then there's the Security Council, made up of 15 countries. They
have meetings regularly to deal with things that could harm world peace. They can
decide to send peacekeepers or impose penalties. Lastly, there's the UN Secretariat,
led by the Secretary-General. They help with paperwork and make sure decisions
are carried out.
6. Bibliography


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