Compression Members Sample Problems

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Sample Problems
General & Local Buckling

A W14x74 A992 (Fy = 345MPa) steel has a length of 6.0 meters and is pinned at both ends.
Determine (a) the design compressive strength and (b) the allowable compressive strength of the
Check for Global and local stability. Use NSCP 2015 specifications.

Given: Properties of W14x74 section

Ag = 14064 mm2 k = 39.69 mm Fy = 345 MPa
bf = 255.78 mm ry = 62.99 mm E = 200000 MPa
tw = 11.43 mm rx = 153.42 mm L = 6.00 m
tf = 19.94 mm Ix = 331x106 mm4
d = 359.92 mm Iy = 55.8x106 mm4
General & Local Buckling

Given: Properties of W14x74 section

Ag = 14064 mm2 k = 39.69 mm Fy = 345 MPa
bf = 255.78 mm ry = 62.99 mm E = 200000 MPa
tw = 11.43 mm rx = 153.42 mm L = 6.00 m
tf = 19.94 mm Ix = 331x106 mm4
d = 359.92 mm Iy = 55.8x106 mm4

Governing Slenderness ratio:

KL / ry = 1.0(6000) / 62.99 ; use, K = 1.0 (both ends pinned)
= 95.25
Critical Slenderness ratio:
Cc = 4.71 √𝐸/𝐹𝑦
= 4.71 √200000/345
= 113.40
Since KL / r = 95.25 < Cc = 113.40 or KL/r ≤ Cc

….. Eq. 505.3 – 2

Elastic critical buckling stress:

…. Eq. 505.3 – 4

Fy / Fe = 345 / 217.57
= 1.59
Fcr = [0.658 1.59] (345)
= 177.34 MPa

Refer to NSCP 2015 Sec. 505.3

Pn = Fcr Ag .... Eq. 505.3 – 1

= 177.34(14064)
= 2494.11 KN
General and local stability check: (Refer to NSCP 2015 Table 502.4.1)
Note: for W-shape section, General buckling is N/A

Width – Thickness ratio of W14x74:

Unstiffened – elements

Stiffened- elements

Limiting Width – Thickness ratio: (Refer to NSCP 2015 Table 502.4.1)

Design Problem
Select the lightest W14 section available using LRFD method for the service column loads given:
PDL = 600 KN - Use A992 steel with Fy = 345 MPa
PLL = 1000 KN - Use NSCP 2015 specifications
Column is 4.5 meters in long and assumed to be pinned at one end and fixed at the other end.
Design loads (Load combination): Slenderness ratio:
LRFD: Note: assume KL/r = 40 to 60
Pu = 1.2PDL + 1.6PLL = 2320 KN (GOVERNS!) Use, KL / r = 50
Pu = 1.4 PDL = 840 KN
Use Pu = 2320 kN as the basis for the design
Critical Buckling Stress

Elastic Critical Buckling Stress

= 789.57 Mpa

Therefore, Fcr = [0.658 345/789.57 ] (345)

= 287.34 MPa
Try W14x48 section
relevant properties:
Ag = 9100 mm 2
ry = 48.5 mm
rx = 149.0 mm

check for adequacy:

Governing Slenderness ratio:
KL / ry = 0.8(4500) / 48.5 use K = 0.8 (one-end fixed, one end pinned)
= 74.226
Critical Slenderness ratio:

therefore, KL/r < Cc

Since KL / r = 74.226 < Cc = 113.403

Refer to NSCP 2015 Sec. 505.3

Pn = Fcr Ag …. Eq. 505.3 – 1
= 230.558(9100)
= 2098.08 KN
LRFD: (Refer to NSCP 2015 Sec. 505.1)
Ultimate design Compressive strength
Pu = Φ Pn ; Φ = 0.90
Pu = 0.90 (2098.08)
Pu = 1888.27 KN < 2320 KN Since the computed Pu Section FAILED, try next lightest section
Try W14x53 section
relevant properties:
Ag = 10064 mm 2
ry = 48.77 mm
rx = 149.61 mm
check for adequacy:
Governing Slenderness ratio:
KL / ry = 0.8(4500) / 48.77
use K = 0.8 (one-end fixed, one end pinned)
= 73.816
Critical Slenderness ratio:
Cc = 4.71 √𝐸/𝐹𝑦
= 113.403 therefore, KL/r < Cc Refer to NSCP 2015 Sec. 505.3
Pn = Fcr Ag ….. Eq. 505.3 – 1
= 231.584(10064)
= 2330.66 KN
Refer to NSCP 2015 Sec. 505.1
Ultimate design Compressive strength
Pu = Φ Pn use; Φ = 0.90
Pu = 0.90 (2330.66)
Pu = 2097.595 KN < 2320 KN
Section FAILED, try next lightest section
Try W14x61 section
relevant properties:
Ag = 11548 mm 2
ry = 62.23 mm
rx = 151.89 mm
check for adequacy:
Governing Slenderness ratio:
KL / ry = 0.8(4500) / 62.23
use K = 0.8 (one-end fixed, one end pinned)
= 57.8499
Critical Slenderness ratio:
Cc = 4.71 √𝐸/𝐹𝑦 Refer to NSCP 2015 Sec. 505.3
= 113.403 therefore, KL/r < Cc Pn = Fcr Ag ….. Eq. 505.3 – 1
= 270.08 (11548)
= 3118.88 KN
Refer to NSCP 2015 Sec. 505.1
Ultimate design Compressive strength
Pu = Φ Pn use; Φ = 0.90
Pu = 0.90 (3118.88)
Pu = 2806.995 KN > 2320 KN
Section SAFE!
W14x61 section is adequate to carry the given load
Prepared by:

Engr. Cristy M. Malasan, MSCE

Faculty, Civil Engineering Department

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