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Labiano, Jose Miguel P.

NSTP Module 2

During our second NSTP visit it was a very similar experience to the one that we had
before. But this time I was given one kid to teach instead of sharing the other kid that my friend
was teaching. The kid’s name was Zack if I remember it correctly he told me that he was already
in second grade in elementary school. As I talked to him I realized he was a little bit shy and
also quiet so I tried my best to talk to him in order for him to get a little bit more comfortable with
me. When I asked Zack what he wanted me to teach him he told me he wanted to learn about
math, and so I asked him what they were currently learning about math in their school. It turns
out they were still in addition and subtraction of numbers. I gave him some sample problems
and he answered all of the single digit addition and subtraction problems with no issue. He was
even a little quick when it came to finding the answer. So then I tried to make it a little harder by
using a two digit number and a one digit number to solve the problems. Here in this case he got
a little slower and needed some guidance in order to solve but throughout the teaching process
I can see that he gets a little bit better after solving each problem. After doing that we took a
break and I bought him some juice to reward him for his efforts. Personally I think I contributed a
little to this child's knowledge of basic addition and subtraction and this will be a very valuable
skill he needs in his everyday life. Especially when handling money so that you can know the
exact amount that you need in order to buy the things you want or the things that you need in
your life.

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