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Given that y is inversely proportional to x2 and that y=12 when x=1/3,

a. Express y in terms of x,
b. Find the positive value of x when y=27
c. Find the percentage increase in y when x is halved.
2. A car travel the first 30 km of its journey at an average speed of 10
m/s and the next part of its journey at an average speed of 90 km/h in
20 minutes. Find
a. The time taken for the first 60 km of the journey, giving your
answer in minutes,
b. The average speed for its entire journey, giving your answer in
3. A map has a scale of 1 cm to 1500 m.
a. Express the scale of the map in the form 1: n, where n is an
b. If the distance between two towns on the map is 14 cm, find the
actual distance.
c. If the actual area of a forest is 600 000 m2, find its area on the
4. In 2022, Mr Gabriel earned a gross annual income of $150.000. of this
income, the amount that will not be subjected to income tax is show
 Personal relief = $3000
 Wife = $2000
 Children = $3500/child
 CPF Contributions = $18 400
 Donations = $1200
for the remaining income that will be taxed, the gross tax
payable for the first $50 000 of his chargeable income is $500
and the tax rate of the remaining chargeable income is 5%. If Mr
Gabriel is Married with 4 children, find his income tax payable.
5. The rates of exchange between American dollar (US$), Indonesian
Rupiah (Rp) and Malaysian Ringgit (RM) in 2022 are US$1=Rp 14 203
and RM1=Rp3204.7.
a. RM262.8,
b. US$523.3
into Indonesian Rupiah, giving your answer correct to nearest
6. A television is priced at $1400. A man buys the televisions on hire
purchase according to the following terms: a down payment of 10%
and the remaining to be paid in monthly installments over 4 years at a
simple interest rate of 5.5% per annum. Calculate
a. His monthly installment,
b. The total amount the man pays for the television.
7. A renovation work requires 120 man hours to complete. Given that
there are 6 men working 9 hours a day, find how long it will take them
to complete the renovation work

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