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Cyber System Integrity: Tracing Anomalies

and Thwarting Cyber-Attacks

Sidharth Sharma Hemanjali Reddy
Integrated MTech – CSE Integrated MTech - CSE
Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore, India Vellore, India

I . Abstract III. Literature Review

As more and more sensitive information is kept and 1. Soft computing for anomaly detection and
communicated online, cyber-attacks and prediction to mitigate IoT-based real-time abuse:To
abnormalities in cyber systems have grown to be a recognize and stop potential security threats or
major issue for businesses and individuals. Cyber resource misuse, anomaly detection and prediction in
systems are becoming more complicated and IoT systems is a crucial responsibility. Using soft
interconnected, which leaves them open to a variety computing approaches, which are a collection of
of attacks and abnormalities that could seriously harm computational methods created to approximatively or
their reputation and finances. It's critical to establish model complicated and uncertain systems, is one way
reliable techniques for spotting cyberattacks and to deal with these problems. The application of soft
anomalies in order to reduce these dangers. computing approaches for anomaly detection and
This study investigates the detection and prediction in IoT systems will be the main topic of the
analysis of network cyberattacks using softcomputing literature review.
approaches. It examines several strategies, including IoT systems frequently use artificial neural networks
network traffic detection, classification, clustering, (ANNs) for anomaly detection. For instance, the
and anomaly analysis, as well as the data sets and authors of [1] presented an ANN-based anomaly
methods used in various studies. detection solution for Internet of Things systems by
combining an extreme learning machine and an
II. Introduction: adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system.
The suggested strategy produced a low percentage of
This report stresses how new and different cyber false alarms and a high detection accuracy. The
threats have emerged as a result of the extensive use authors of [2] suggested a deep belief network-based
of the internet and its integration into vital ANN-based anomaly detection solution for industrial
infrastructure. It highlights how crucial it is for control systems. The suggested strategy produced a
network traffic to be monitored for these dangers by low percentage of false alarms and a high detection
cyber security. This study includes the literature accuracy.
reviews of the studies that we used as references. In IoT systems, fuzzy logic has also been applied to
In this article, neural networks and fuzzy the detection of anomalies. For instance, the authors
logic two commonly used techniques for identifying of [3] suggested a fuzzy logic-based anomaly
cyberattacks and anomalies—are discussed. We also detection method for Internet of Things (IoT) systems
go over the drawbacks of each of these approaches utilizing a combination of fuzzy c-means clustering
and suggest a brand-new model dubbed the AFG and fuzzy rule-based system. The suggested strategy
model. produced a low percentage of false alarms and a high
The model's MATLAB implementation detection accuracy. Using a mix of fuzzy c-means
follows, which demonstrates why it is superior than clustering and the fuzzy rule-based system, the
the alternatives. This study also contains Challenges, authors of [4] developed a fuzzy logic-based anomaly
recommendations and future research directions for detection method for Internet of Things (IoT)systems.
the detection of cyber-attacks and anomalies. The suggested strategy produced a low percentage of
false alarms and a high detection accuracy.
Keywords In [5], the authors proposed a hybrid approach that
combines fuzzy logic with ANN for anomaly
 ANN (Artificial neural network) detection in IoT systems. The suggested strategy
 Fuzzy Logic produced a low percentage of false alarms and a high
 Genetic Algorithm GA detection accuracy. In [6], the authors proposed a
 Automated Process Control Systems hybrid approach that combines fuzzy logic with ANN
 Fuzzy rule-based system for anomaly detection in IoT systems. The suggested
 Epoch strategy produced a low percentage of false alarms
 Mean Squared Error (MSE)
and a high detection accuracy. required to assess how well these algorithms operate
in practical settings and to create more reliable
ANNs and fuzzy logic, in particular, have been defenses against cyberattacks.
extensively used for anomaly detection andprediction Information security technology for computer
in IoT systems, according to the literature. These networks is a vital area of research that has recently
techniques have demonstrated great detection generated a lot of interest due to the increasingly
precision and minimal false alarm occurrence. sophisticated cyber-attacks. For the classification of
Additionally proposed and demonstrated to enhance cyberattacks, the use of soft computing techniques
the efficacy of anomaly detection and prediction in has been proposed as a solution. Soft computing,
IoT systems are hybrid approaches that combine which is ideally suited for dealing with non-linear,
ANNs and fuzzy logic. uncertain, and incomplete data problems, is acategory
Identification and prevention of security threats and of computer techniques that includes fuzzy logic,
resource misuse in IoT systems depend on anomaly artificial neural networks, and evolutionary
detection and prediction. Artificial neural networks algorithms. Studies have shown that these techniques
(ANNs), a type of soft computing approach, are can classify cyber-attacks with a high degree of
frequently employed for this task and have been accuracy. To determine how well these algorithms
found to produce excellent detection accuracy and a perform in real-world scenarios and to develop more
low false alarm rate. Performance has also been dependable defenses against cyberattacks, more
demonstrated to be enhanced by hybrid approaches research is necessary.
combining ANNs.
3. Using GRU neural network for cyber-attack
2. Information security technology for computer detection in automated process control systems:
networks through classification of cyber-attacks Automated Process Control Systems (APCS) are
using soft computing algorithms: widely utilized in many different sectors, including
Network information security technology is a crucial manufacturing, transportation, and energy. These
topic of study that has attracted a lot of attention systems' internet integration has nevertheless also
recently. Traditional security measures are showing rendered them susceptible to cyber-attacks, which can
to be unable to defend networks from these threats as result in serious malfunctions and safety risks.
cyberattacks get more complex. The use of soft Therefore, it is essential to create efficient techniques
computing algorithms for the classification of cyber- for APCS cyberattack detection. The use of Gated
attacks is one of the solutions that have been Recurrent Unit (GRU) neural networks for cyber-
suggested to deal with this problem. attack detection in APCS has been suggested as a
A group of computer methods known as "soft solution to this problem. In order to handle
computing" includes evolutionary algorithms, sequential data, such as network traffic, which is
artificial neural networks, and fuzzy logic. These frequently utilized in cyber-attack detection, GRU
strategies work well for tackling issues like is a form of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
uncertainty, imperfect knowledge, and non-linearity architecture.
that are challenging to solve with conventional The application of GRU neural networks for cyber-
strategies. attack detection in APCS has been the subject of
The use of soft computing techniques for the numerous studies. One study, for instance, suggested
classification of cyberattacks has been the subject of employing a GRU neural network to recognize and
numerous studies. For instance, one study classified categorize cyber-attacks in APCS. The technique was
network attacks based on characteristics of network evaluated using a dataset of network traffic, and the
traffic by combining fuzzy logic and artificial neural results demonstrated that it was capable of precisely
networks. The findings of this investigation identifying and categorizing various kinds of cyber-
demonstrated that the suggested strategy was highly attacks.
accurate at identifying various sorts of attacks. Another study put forth a GRU neural network-based
Another study put up an evolutionary algorithm- approach for APCS cyberattack detection. The
based classification scheme for cyberattacks. framework was put to the test on an artificial power
The framework was put to the test on a dataset of system, and the findings showed that it was successful
network traffic, and the findings revealed that it was in identifying and categorizing cyberattacks there.
able to detect various sorts of assaults with high Additionally, some studies have suggested using
accuracy. In other instances, the use of genetic GRU neural networks for anomaly detection in
algorithms for intrusion detection has also been SCADA systems. The outcomes of thesestudies have
suggested. The outcomes of these experiments have shown that these networks can be used to accurately
demonstrated that very accurate genetic algorithms identify and categorize various cyberattack types
can be used to identify and categorize various kinds while also offering a quick way to spot attacks.
of cyber-attacks. Overall, the research points to GRU neural networks
The majority of the research points to soft computing as a promising method for detecting cyberattacks in
techniques as a useful tool for classifying computer APCS. These neural networks operate well with
network cyberattacks. These algorithms are highly sequential data, like network traffic, which is
suited for dealing with the complex and dynamic frequently used to identify cyberattacks. However,
nature of cyber-attacks because they can handle additional investigation is required to assess how well
uncertainty, incomplete information, and non- GRU neural networks perform in practical situations
linearity. However, additional investigation is
and to create more reliable defenses against cyber- detecting cybersecurity anomalies has to beimproved,
attacks. Automated Process Control Systems (APCS) and additional research is required to provide more
are vulnerable to cyber assaults since they are used reliable ways for evaluating cybersecurity dataset
extensively across many industries. This issue has properties.
been addressed by the use of Gated Recurrent Unit Neural network algorithms have received a lot of
(GRU) neural networks in APCS for cyber-attack interest recently as a way of detecting cybersecurity
detection. GRU is a type of recurrent neural network anomalies since they have shown to be effective in
(RNN) architecture designed to handle sequential spotting trends and abnormalities in large datasets.
input, such as network traffic, which is widely used But the performance of these algorithms depends on
in cyber-attack detection. Research has shown that the nature and characteristics of the cybersecurity
GRU neural networks are capable of correctly dataset used for training and testing. It is necessary to
identifying and classifying a variety of cyber-attacks evaluate the cybersecurity dataset's characteristics in
in APCS. order to apply them to neural network.
Studies that have recommended approaches
and frameworks have examined the quality and
4. Evaluation of Cybersecurity Data Set representativeness of cybersecurity datasets using
Characteristics for Their Applicability to Neural metrics including class imbalance, feature relevance,
Networks Algorithms Detecting Cybersecurity and feature redundancy. These studies have shown
Anomalies: that the characteristics of the cybersecurity dataset
Since they have proven to be successful in spotting strongly influence the performance of neural network
patterns and abnormalities in huge datasets, neural algorithms. More research is needed to improve the
network algorithms have drawn a lot of attention in efficiency of neural network algorithms for
recent years as a means of detecting cybersecurity identifying cybersecurity anomalies and to create
anomalies. The quality and characteristics of the more dependable techniques for evaluating
cybersecurity dataset used for training and testing, cybersecurity dataset features.
however, affect how effective these algorithms are.
As a result, a crucial area of research is the evaluation IV. Detection of cyber attacks
of cybersecurity dataset properties for their
application to neural network methods. A. Using neural networks:
The evaluation of cybersecurity dataset
properties for their relevance to neural network By identifying patterns and abnormalities in massive
algorithms has been the subject of numerous studies. datasets, neural networks are able to identify
For instance, based on the availability of pertinent cyberattacks. This is accomplished by teaching the
features and the balance of the classes, one study neural network on a dataset of well-known assaults,
suggested a method for assessing the quality of enabling the network to discover the traits and
cybersecurity datasets. Several cybersecurity properties of various attacks. After being taught, the
datasets were used to evaluate the strategy, and the neural network can be used to examine fresh data,
findings revealed that the neural network algorithms' such network traffic, to find possible intrusions. A
performance was significantly impacted by the possible attack will be flagged by the neural network
quality of the dataset. if it notices any similarities between the incoming
Another study has forward a strategy for data and the patterns and features it learned during
assessing the cybersecurity dataset’s applicability to training. The neural network is finding data that is
neural network algorithms and their different from what it has previously seen, which
representativeness. The framework was put to the test could suggest a cyberattack. This process is known as
on a dataset of network traffic, and the findings anomaly detection.
revealed that the dataset's representativeness had a big
impact on how well the neural network algorithms
performed. Furthermore, several research have
suggested employing metrics like class imbalance,
feature relevance, and feature redundancy to assess
the properties of cybersecurity datasets. These
research' findings have demonstrated that these
measures can be used to assess the dataset's quality
and applicability for neural network algorithms.
In conclusion, the research points to a
substantial relationship between the effectiveness of B. Using fuzzy logic:
neural network algorithms for identifying
cybersecurity anomalies and the properties of the By defining a set of rules for what defines a
cybersecurity dataset utilized for training and testing. cyberattack, fuzzy logic can be used to detect them.
In order to make sure that the neural network These guidelines are based on the traits and
algorithms are capable of accurately identifying characteristics of recognized cyberattacks, like
patterns and abnormalities in the data, it is crucial to certain patterns in network traffic or peculiar actions
assess the quality and representativeness of the from a device. These rules are used by the fuzzy logic
dataset. system to analyze fresh data, like network traffic, and
The performance of neural network algorithms for
compare it to the set of rules to see whether any performance criterion.
patterns or features of a cyberattack are present.
In order to group similar data together, fuzzy logic Here's a high-level outline of the steps involved in
systems can also use clustering techniques like the using a GA to optimize a fuzzy logic system:
Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) method. Using this, it is
possible to spot trends or anomalies in the data that 1) Define the fuzzy logic system, including the
might point to a cyberattack. inputs, outputs, and rules.

A fuzzy rule-based system (FRBS) can be used by 2) Define the performance criterion that the GA
fuzzy logic systems to make judgements based on the will optimize. This could be a measure of the
data they are fed. The FRBS decides whether the data accuracy of the system, a measure of the
it receives qualifies as a cyberattack or not using a interpretability of the system, or a trade-off
series of if-then criteria. between accuracy and interpretability.

3) Encode the parameters of the fuzzy logic

system as a set of genes in a chromosome.
4) Create an initial population of chromosomes.

5) Evaluate the performance of each chromosome

in the population using the performance

6) Apply evolutionary operations, such as

selection, crossover, and mutation, to evolve
the population towards a better solution.

7) Repeat steps 5-6 until the stopping criteria are

met, such as a maximum number of generations
In conclusion, fuzzy logic systems determine whether or a satisfactory solution is found.
data represents a cyberattack or not by analyzing it,
comparing it to a set of predefined rules and patterns 8) Extract the best set of parameter values from
that are characteristic of known cyberattacks, and the final population and use them to configure
using clustering algorithms and fuzzy rule-based the fuzzy logic system.
systems. Decisions about whether the data constitutes
a cyberattack or not. 9) By using a GA to optimize the parameters of a
fuzzy logic system, it is possible to improve the
V. Proposed model accuracy and interpretability of the system, as
well as its ability to handle complex, real-world
AFG model is a combination of ANN , Fuzzy logic problems.
and GA to detect anomalies.

In this model ANN is used to calculate rules in the

fuzzy logic.

VI. Results and Discussion

With the help of : (Reference)

Genetic algorithms (GAs) can be used to optimize the
parameters of a fuzzy logic system. The goal is to find Mehdi Ghasri (2023). Hybrid Artificial Neural
the best set of parameter values that produce the best Network with Genetic Algorithm
results for a specific problem. (
In a typical implementation, the parameters of the genetic-algorithm),
fuzzy logic system are represented as a set of genes in MATLAB Central File Exchange.
a chromosome. The GA then uses evolutionary Retrieved February 14, 2023.
operations, such as selection, crossover, and
mutation, to evolve a population of chromosomes
We implemented our ANN-fuzzy-GA model with
towards a solution that optimizes a specific
the help of MATLAB

Hybrid ANN and fuzzy provides the search space and

utilizes GA to find the best solution by tuning the
weights and biases required to achieve lower error
rates. The error between the model output and the
exact training data can reach a minimum value by
iterating the GA until the desired error is met.


Number of hidden layers: 2

Maxit for GA: 20
Npop for GA: 10
Method: Roulette wheel Selection
Cross over percentage: 0.8
Mutation percentage: 0.2

Target epoch value was 100 but we stopped at 26 as

we got a good result and the training is completed

20 Validation checks completed.

We got values of gradient, mu

We got regression values for all data

actual values in a model is shown visually in an error

As you can see, we got zero error during the second


B. Performance

The average squared difference between the

anticipated and actual values of a dependent variable
is measured by the mean squared error (MSE), which
is a commonly used metric in regression analysis.

This is used as a model evaluation measure for

regression models and the lower value indicates a
better fit.

When comparing the values of a dependent variable's

anticipated and actual values, regression analysis
frequently uses the metric known as root mean
squared error (RMSE).

We got best validation performance of value 223.46

(lowest MSE among all epochs) at epoch 6.
C. Network diagram

Notice how the RMSE value decreased as the number

of iterations increased indicating the difference
between predicted values and actual values decreased
over the time.

A. Error Histogram

The distribution of errors between anticipated and

VII. Challenges, recommendations and future new and evolving threats, and the use of advanced
research directions technologies to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of security solutions.
1. Adapting to a remote workforce
2. Emerging 5G applications VIII . Conclusion
3. Blockchain and cryptocurrency attacks
4. Ransomware evolution In this research, we discussed about cyber security
5. IoT attacks attacks and anomalies, types of cyber-attacks,
6. Cloud attacks machine learning methods to detect anomalies. We
7. Phishing and spear-phishing attacks also discussed about challenges recommendations
8. Software vulnerabilities and future research directions. We also implemented
9. Machine learning and AI attacks Each a Hybrid ANN- fuzzy logic and GA model with
challenge is explained in detail, and some MATLAB tools and we also best validation
solutions are provided for each. performance.

The main solutions include cloud-based IX. References

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