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Influence of better incentives for synergy (recruitment, retention, and performance) on

BPO industry in Lipa City; A focused study on contact center agent's viewpoint.
BPOs typically start with a company identifying a non-core business function (like payroll
or customer service) that can be efficiently handled at a lower cost by a specialist company in
another location. They establish infrastructure, hire skilled staff, and secure contracts with client
companies to perform these outsourced tasks. BPO or what we call the Business Process
Outsourcing has different types. These include “Contact Center” which is the most common field
in the BPO industry. As a matter of fact, the Philippines is also known as the world’s “BPO
capital” for more than a decade. The Philippines tops the list of the best outsourcing
Given that the country topped the list for more than a decade, problems are still rising in
its production. With over 700 BPO companies across the archipelago, problems on its synergy
are relevant up to this day due to the number of factors affecting one’s decision and action.
With humans as its main resource for production or productivity, understanding 3
different aspects of human resources is imperative for an improved service or operation for BPO
companies. Understanding the influence of better incentives to other 3 different aspects of
human resource, which are recruitment, retention, and performance in a contact center agent’s
point of view will be a great and valuable study for other BPO Companies struggling on these


- Incentive theory of motivation

The incentive theory of motivation is a behavioral theory that suggests people are motivated by
a drive for incentives and reinforcement. The incentive theory also proposes that people behave
in a way they believe will result in a reward and avoid actions that may entail punishment.
Statement of the Problem
1. How do the influence of better incentives be assessed in terms of:
1.1 Recruitment
1.2 Retention
1.3 Performance
2. How do the synergy (Retention, Recruitment, and Performance) be assessed among the
respondents in the BPO industry in Lipa City
3. Does the dimension of having a better incentive significantly affect the contact center ‘s synergy?
4. What plan of action will be proposed to solve the problem on retention, recruitment, and
performance of Contact centers in Lipa City?
There is no significant difference/relationship in having a better incentive to retention, recruitment, and
performance among Contact center in Lipa City
I. Quantitative Research
II. Descriptive research
III. Causal method
IV. Data collection on selected contact center agents in Lipa City

The level of effectiveness of integrating IT on increased productivity of Fast-food chains

in Lipa City.
The number of Fast-food chains continue to grow as the urbanization develop. More than that, lots of
businesses and restaurants are continue to rise. Looking for an idea or the best strategy that would help
other businesses increase its productivity as one of the keys for sustaining profitability will be a great help
for other businesses. Just like the integration of information technology. Moreover, we all know that the
primary goals of businesses are to generate profit and to be for long term. Understanding the
effectiveness of IT integration on productivity will be a great study for this. Allowing fast-food chains and
other restaurants in Lipa City to make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, enhance customer
experience, and make informed technology investments than can be used as a foundation to improve its
business operation. Which can a key driver of success in the competitive fast-food industry.
Theoretical framework
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM):

One of the best theories that can support this study is this model, which suggests that perceived ease of
use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU) of an IT system influence user adoption. Customers who find
IT solutions easy to use and believe they enhance the experience (e.g., faster service, customization
options) are more likely to adopt them. Higher adoption can lead to improved order processing times and
reduced labor costs.
Statement of the Problem
1. How is the level of effectiveness of integrating IT be assessed in terms of:
1.1 Type of IT Solutions
1.2 System Functionality
1.3 System Integration
2 How do Increased productivity be assessed among the respondents in the Fast-Food Chains in lipa
3 Does the dimension of integrating IT to business operation significantly affect the Productivity?
4 What plan of action will be proposed in solving the problem on productivity of fast-food chains
considering the integration of Information technology in Lipa City?
There is no significant difference/relationship in integrating information technology to operations’
productivity among fast-food chains in Lipa City
V. Quantitative Research
VI. Descriptive research
VII. Causal method
VIII. Data collection on selected fast-food chain staffs in Lipa City
Good day Ma’am,

Here are our proposed titles. Our first approved title which is about, “Self-
ordering Kiosk on Operational Efficiency among Fast-food chain in Lipa City.” is also
included. We would appreciate your feedback and honest opinion about our progress.

You can email me on my,

Personal email: or;
BSU email:

Thank you, Ma’am!

Mark Angelo Guce
OMGT 3202

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