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Effects of just-in-time (JIT) inventory system on efficiency, quality and flexibility among

manufacturing sector, small and medium enterprise (SMEs) in Batangas

Theoretical framework
Effect of Total Quality Management Practices and JIT Production Practices on Flexibility
Performance in Manufacturing Industry

Theoretical Framework

To study the moderating effect of TQM on the relationship between JIT production and flexibility, we focus on TQM
practices that have been highlighted in the cited literature as process control, customer involvement, and supplier
involvement. Process control is often regarded as the critical element of internal quality management, which is
concerned with the utilization of tools and techniques such as statistical process control to manage the manufacturing
process and meet the needs of production. Furthermore, process control contains safety activities that ensure
employee’s protection, and there is no equipment breakdown. Supplier involvement is considered an upstream quality
management practice, which assists firms in making certain the quality of raw materials and utilize suppliers’ capabilities
in quality improvement. Customer involvement has been viewed as important and a necessary practice because it helps
increase customer’s acceptance and customer satisfaction. Specifically, customer involvement helps firms detect quality
problems through customer feedback, which also develops new product ideas by cooperating with customers. This study
investigates such JIT production practices, which have been highlighted in JIT literature as Setup time reduction, JIT
delivery by suppliers, and JIT link with customers. As described in the research of Matsui, setup time reduction is how
the firms take measures to shorten time of preparation before production, as well as reduce lot sizes to enable JIT
production. JIT delivery by suppliers and JIT links with customers ensure firms to receive and make frequent delivery,
which also integrate suppliers and customers via the JIT system. In this study, we consider flexibility at an aggregate
level, so that flexibility performance is measured as the ability of firms to satisfy customers’ needs regarding flexibility.
Statement of the Problem

1. How may TQM be assess and JIT production practices be asses in terms of flexibility performance in
manufacturing companies
2. How may flexibility performance be assess among the respondents
3. Do the dimensions of TQM and JIT practices significantly affects the flexibility performance of manufacturing
4. What plan of action will be proposed to solve the problem
5. Based on the study what would be the cause of action and assessing the effectiveness of TQM and JIT practices
on flexibility performance in manufacturing companies

There is no significant effects in TQM and JIT production practices on the flexibility performance in
manufacturing companies

Brief Methodology
 Quantitative research design
 Causal
 Descriptive research
 Participants
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