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Quarter 2 – Module 2:

ICT as Platform for Change

ICT Project for Social Change

Compiler/Contextualizer: Wilfredo R. Tura Jr.

Quarter 2 - Module 2, Week 2
ICTs as Platform for Change & ICT Project for Social

Content Standard : The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. ICT as a tool, medium, and force in bringing
about action and mobilizing change in a
population, society, or culture.
2. How to work with peers and external
publics/partners for the development of an ICT
project that advocates or mobilizes for a specific
Social Change or cause.
Performance Standard : The learners:
1. Independently articulate how ICT tools and
platforms have changed the way people
communicate, and how social change has been
brought about by the use of ICTs.
2. Collaboratively participate actively in the
creation and development of an ICT Project for
Social Change relating to an issue in specific
professional tracks.

Competencies : Share anecdotes of how he/she has used ICTs to

be part of a social movement, change, or cause to
illustrate aspects of digital citizenship.
: Identify a local or regional cause or issue for
Social Change related to specific professional
tracks that can be addressed or tackled using an
ICT Project for Social Change.

Learning Objectives :
1. Discuss how ICT tools and platforms have
changed the way people communicate and how
social change has been brought about using
2. Share personal experiences in using ICT to be
part of a social movement, change, or cause.
3. Identify a local issue for social change that can
be addressed using an ICT Project for Social

What I Know

Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What online petition platform allows the online community to create or
sign petitions?
A. Weebly C.
B. Pinterest D.
2. What series of protests that happened during August 22 to 26, 2013
that was caused by the misuse of the pork barrel?
A. EDSA Tres C. Million People March
B. EDSA Dos D. Digital Revolution
3. Which radio station did Cardinal Sin use to call on the Filipino people
to support the rally against President Marcos?
B. Radyo Veritas D. ABAM
4. Which of the following created “The Yolanda People Finder” that was
used to locate individuals during and after the storm?
A. GMA 7 C. Google
B. ABS-CBN D. Microsoft
5. What process of supporting and enabling people in expressing their
views and concerns, defend and promote their rights and
A. Advocacy C. Digital Citizenship
B. D. People Finder
6. Which of the following refers to the utilization of Information
Technology to engage in society, politics, and government?
A. Advocacy C. Digital Citizenship
B. D. People Finder
7. What made EDSA Dos protest successful?
A. Facebook Social Campaign C. A radio broadcast
B. Text brigades D. none of the above
8. Which of the following deals with the understanding of the dangers and
benefits of online buying, using credit cards online, etc?
A. Digital Access C. Digital Communication
B. Digital Commerce D. Digital Literacy
9. Which of the following means that citizens must take measures to be
safe by practicing using difficult passwords, virus protection, etc?
A. Digital Access C. Digital Communication
B. Digital Commerce D. Digital Security
10. Which of following is not a principle of Digital Citizenship?
A. Choose consciously C. Know your online world
B. Engage positively D. Recognize risks

What I Need to Know

This module is designed for you to be able to examine how ICT tools
and platforms have changed the way people communicate, and how social
change has been brought about using ICTs. It covers the following topics of
ICT as a medium for advocacy and developmental communication, the social
power of social media, and digital citizenship and the Filipino people.

What’s In

Think of a website or portal that you are to create towards the end of
the semester. Imagine how you would like it to appear. What possible
combination of features that you will include in developing that website to
increase its interactivity?

What’s New

Have you imagined our country without ICT? Does the Philippines we
know today become what it is without ICT? When it comes to technological
advancements, most people would claim that we are far behind by other Asian
countries but, that does not mean that we have not used what we have to our
benefit. For a moment, imagine the Internet has disappeared and will never
be back. What do you think will happen?
List down your thoughts. ___________________________________________

There are far bigger things this world would have missed without the
Internet. In fact, ICT in general has played a key role in our history.

What is It

The Role of ICT in Recent History

Throughout recent history, the Philippines has been one of a few nations
that demonstrates unity for a call to action or social change. These campaigns
for social change would not have been successful if it were not for ICT.

1. EDSA (People Power Revolution). The People Power Revolution lasted
from 1983 to 1986. During a
radio broadcast of Radyo
Veritas, Cardinal Sin
encouraged the Filipinos to
help end the regime of then
President Ferdinand Marcos. A
major protest took place along
EDSA from February 22 to 25,
1986 involving two million
Filipinos from different sectors.
These included civilians,
political parties, the military,
and religious groups. The radio
broadcast helped change the
course of history. Without it, Filipinos would not have been
moved into action.

2. EDSA DOS. This is also known as the 2001 EDSA Revolution,

happened during January 17
to 21, 2001. It was fueled after
11 prosecutors of then
President Joseph Estrada
walked out of the impeachment
trial. As a result, the crowd in
EDSA grew over the course of a
few days through text brigades.
Like the first People Power
Revolution, EDSA DOS would
not have been successful
without the text brigades. revolution-dos

3. Million People March. This is a series of protests that mainly took

place in Luneta Park from
August 22 to 26, 2013. There
were also several
demonstrations that happened
around key cities in the
Philippines and some locations
overseas. It was to condemn
the misuse of the Priority
Development Assistance Fund
(PDAF). Though dubbed as the
Million People March, the
number of total attendees was
only around 400,000. Despite
that, it was still considered a success and clearly
demonstrated how powerful
social media campaigns are.
The organizers and promoters of the Million People March used
Facebook and as their mediums.

4. Yolanda People Finder. Recent storms in Philippine history gave birth
to the People finder database
powered by Google. During the
super typhoon Yolanda, the
People Finder was a vital tool
for people across the globe to
track the situation of their
relatives. This proved to be
successful and is now adapted
by more organizations to help
people track relatives during

ICT as a medium for Advocacy

Ritu R. Sharma (1997) from the Academy for Educational Development

in her book “An Introduction to Advocacy Training Guide” describes advocacy
as a tool for “putting a problem on the agenda, providing a solution to that
problem and building support for acting on both the problem and the
This definition expresses an important idea: In a digital and networked
age, advocacy is not just about influencing public policy, but also and first of
all about influencing public opinion.
Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to express
their views and concerns, access information and services, defend and
promote their rights and responsibilities. is dubbed as the “world’s platform for change” where

anyone from the online community can create a petition and ask others to
sign it. During the past times, petitions were only done through signing a
paper, usually done by a group asking for signatures via travel.
gives access to more people by allowing the online community to affix their
digital signatures on a petition.’s mission is to help people from around the world create

the change they want to see. For years, hosted several petitions
that help solve the following problems: economic problems, criminal injustice,
abuse of human rights, lack of education, environmental concerns, animal
abuse, human health concerns, and world hunger.

Signing an Online Petition

1. Visit
2. works this way. If this is your first time to use,
click Sign up or log in with Facebook. Otherwise, just input your log-
in details.
3. You can then start your own petition, but for now, click on any petition
you want under popular petitions.

Figure 1. Popular petitions from

4. Read the petition description to see if this petition matters to you. If it
is, sign the petition by filling up the information on the right side of the

5. Share the petition on Facebook to promote it.

Alternatively, you can check out petitions of your friends on Facebook, then
click on those petitions to read about it and sign it.

Digital Citizenship

It refers to the utilization of information technology (IT) to engage in

society, politics, and government.
K. Mossberger, define digital citizens as ‘those who use the
internet regularly and effectively’.

Digital Citizenship Principles

1. Engage positively.
• Respect the rights of others to participate and have an opinion.
• Ask before tagging other people or posting photos.
• Report offensive or illegal content
• Stand up and speak out about cyberbullying
• Do not respond to hurtful or nasty comments
• Speak to your parents or trusted adult about upsetting online
• Report threats of violence to the police and collect evidence to
show them.

2. Know your online world.

• Learn how new skills will help you explore the online world.
• Recognize online risks and how to manage them.
• Look out for suspicious emails and scams.
• Use secure websites for financial and retail services.
• Keep passwords secret, strong and unique.
• Know how to report bullying behavior on social media sites.

3. Choose consciously.
• Choose privacy and security settings carefully and check them
• Choose friends wisely online.
• Regularly review your connections and remove people.
• If you have made a mistake, apologize, and take down offensive
material as soon as possible.
• Ask for permission before uploading pictures of your friends.

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Access. This is perhaps one of the most fundamental blocks to

being a digital citizen. However, due to socio-economic status, location,
and other disabilities, some individuals may not have digital access.
Digital access is available in many remote countries via cyber cafés and
small coffee shops.

2. Digital Commerce. This is the ability for users to recognize that much
of the economy is regulated online. It also deals with the understanding
of the dangers and benefits of online buying like in Shopee, using credit
cards online, online banking like G-cash etc.

3. Digital Communication. This element deals with understanding the

variety of online communication mediums such as email (Gmail, Yahoo
mail), instant messaging, FB messenger, the variety of apps, etc. There
is a standard of etiquette associated with each medium.

4. Digital Literacy. This deals with the understanding of how to use

various digital services. It is the ability and knowledge needed to learn
and teach using technology tools.

5. Digital Etiquette. This is the expectation that various mediums

require a variety of etiquette. Certain mediums demand more
appropriate behavior and language than others.

6. Digital Law. This is where enforcement occurs for illegal downloads,

plagiarizing, hacking, creating viruses, sending spams, identity theft,
cyberbullying, etc.

7. Digital Rights and Responsibilities. This is the set of rights that

digital citizens have such as privacy, speech, etc.

8. Digital Health and Wellness. Digital citizens must be aware of the

physical stress placed on their bodies by internet usage. They must be
aware to not become overly dependent on the internet causing eye
strain, headaches, stress problems, and so on.

9. Digital Security. This simply means that citizens must take measures
to be safe by practicing using difficult passwords, virus protection,
backing up data, etc.

What’s More

Answer the following questions:

1. Share your stories of how you have used ICTs to be part of a social
movement, change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship.
Examples of such are creating poetry online, writing blogs on belief
systems, politics, or about environmental concerns, and participating
in a clean-up drive or a fund-raising for typhoon victims.

If you have no social change or cause involvement, any social event like
a class project, a family affair, or a celebration where you have used
ICTs to contribute your knowledge to make an announcement, a meme,
or a video clip. In a paragraph form, write your experiences on a 1 whole
sheet of paper.
2. How was your ICT experience? Was it positive or negative?
3. How did ICT change the way people communicated?

4. Compare and contrast how things would have been done had there
been no ICTs used and had ICTs been used.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in the blanks to complete the thought expressed from the text
below. Choose your answer from the terms provided.

Facebook Radyo Veritas Text Brigades People Finder Filipinos

ICT has helped improved communication when ___________

needed it the most. _____________ helped in the success of the
People Power Revolution. ____________ helped in the success of
Social media sites like ____________helped in the success of
the Million People March. Finally, technologies like the __________
helped bring comfort to families looking for their loved ones
during calamities like Yolanda.
__________ is an online petition platform that allows the
online community to create or sign a petition. To create or sign a
petition, log in to’s website then click on a petition
that you want to sign in.

What I Can Do

Let us now start to conceptualize your social campaign.

1. What are the things that you think help your school or community to
become better? List down five (5) things. You may also interview the
members of your family or community. (example: Proper Garbage
Disposal, Anti-Flooding Movement, etc.)
2. Choose one of the five things you have listed that you think is of
highest priority and demands immediate action of change.
3. Create a write-up about this problem similar to petitions.


Fight Against COVID-19

Safe Haven

We should be aware of what is happening around us. In this very

confusing and unfortunate time, the deadly virus COVID-19 continues to
infect all the people around the world. Currently there are more than 700,000

cases of people who have the virus, this is what COVID-19 has done. Right
now, others would call this as a war against a virus. As we all know, there is
currently no vaccine to prevent the disease from spreading so precautionary
measures are being implemented in every country.
We cannot be silent about what is happening. Everyone is affected by
this Coronavirus, there are front liners who are risking their lives because
they have to work in order to live, and there are the majority who are locked
down or isolated from people to protect themselves from the virus. The first
thing that these people can do to help the world is to take care of their hygiene.
Starting with one’s own hygiene can protect themselves and the people around
them. Here are some tips:
1. ALWAYS wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, it is advised to wash
them with soap.
2. Cough or sneeze into your ELBOW (if there is no tissue around) to avoid
someone getting infected.
3. If your hands are dirty, DO NOT touch your face or any part of your
body, wash them first.
4. Always keep SAFE DISTANCE with anyone who is around you
especially those who may be sick.
5. Stay at HOME if you can.
6. If you are experiencing any symptoms of the virus, please go to your
nearest health center to get yourself TESTED.
7. DRINK warm water every now and then.
8. Always wear MASKS, and if necessary, also wear GLOVES.
9. Drink VITAMIN C, to help boost your immune system.
10. Always SANITIZE everything you use.
Lastly, watching credible news to be informed about this pandemic event
is recommended, as you can be guided with the proper information and to
avoid spreading confusion among your people. We cannot let this virus defeat
our will to live.

Sources: worldometer, World Health Organization


Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What online petition platform allows the online community to create or
sign petitions?
A. Weebly C.
B. Pinterest D.
2. In what year did EDSA Dos take place?
A. 2001 C. 2003
B. 2002 D. 2004
3. Which of the following is a series of protests that happened during
August 22 to 26, 2013 that was caused by the misuse of the pork
A. EDSA Tres C. Million People March
B. EDSA Dos D. Digital Revolution
4. Which radio station did Cardinal Sin use to call on the Filipino people
to support the rally against President Marcos?
B. Radyo Veritas D. ABAM
5. The People Power Revolution protest mainly happened along EDSA
from February 22 to 25 of what year?
A. 1983 C. 1986
B. 1985 D. 1988
6. Which of the following created “The Yolanda People Finder” that was
used to locate individuals during and after the storm?
A. GMA 7 C. Google
B. ABS-CBN D. Microsoft
7. What process of supporting and enabling people to express their views
and concerns, defend and promote their rights and responsibilities?
A. Advocacy C. Digital Citizenship
B. D. People Finder
8. Which of the following is dubbed as “the world’s platform for change”?
A. Weebly C.
B. Pinterest D.
9. Which of the following refers to the utilization of Information
Technology to engage in society, politics, and government?
A. Advocacy C. Digital Citizenship
B. D. People Finder
10. What made EDSA Dos protest successful?
A. Facebook Social Campaign C. A radio broadcast
B. Text brigades D. none of the above
11. Which of the following deals with the understanding of the dangers
and benefits of online buying, using credit cards online, etc?
A. Digital Access C. Digital Communication
B. Digital Commerce D. Digital Literacy
12. Which of the following means that citizens must take measures to be
safe by practicing using difficult passwords, virus protection, etc.
A. Digital Access C. Digital Literacy
B. Digital Commerce D. Digital Security

13. The Million People March was a series of protests around key cities in
the Philippines and around the world. Where did the Million People
March happen mainly?
A. New People’s Park C. Mendiola
B. EDSA D. Luneta Park
14. Which of the following is not a principle of Digital Citizenship?
A. Choose consciously C. Know your online world
B. Engage positively D. Recognize risks
15. The Million People March never reached a million. What was the
estimated number of protesters for this protest?
A. 400k C. 600k
B. 500k D. 700k

Answer Key 6.
People Finder 5.
Facebook 4.
Text Brigades 3.
Radyo Veritas 2.
Filipinos 1. Answers vary…

What I Have Learned What’s More


Diokno, E. (2016). EDSA People Power Revolution of 1986, retrieved October

28,2020 from

EDSA People Power Revolution of 1986 (n.d.), retrieved October 28, 2020 from
Innovative Training Works, Inc. (2016). Empowerment Technologies. Manila,
Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Ruiz, L. (2013). Million People March, retrieved October 28, 2020 from

Safe Haven (2020). Fight Against COVID-19, retrieved October 29, 2020 from

Shaiekh, M. (2019). Media Advocacy, retrieved October 29, 2020 from

Tacloban Typhoon Haiyan 2013-11-14.jpg-Wikimedia Commons, retrieved

October 28, 2020 from

Yuvienco, J., Gonzales, J., DepEd Management Team. (2016). Empowerment

Technologies Student Reader. DepEd Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig
City, Philippines: DepEd – Bureau of Learning Resources

Yuvienco, J., Limson-Santos, C., Gonzales, J., DepEd Management Team.

(2016). Empowerment Technologies Teacher’s Guide. DepEd Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines: DepEd – Bureau of Learning


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