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"To be a teacher is to be a learner; gain every knowledge and admit you are weaker.

yours truly~ Edmar E. Remata, BPED-2A

I myself have truly wondered what lies in being an educator. Is an educator just a teacher? a
source of knowledge? or someone who facilitates learning and guides students to become
successful? The answer is there, but not clear.

As I interviewed teacher Ducay, I was in awe at the unwavering dedication he poured into
learning and aiding his students, especially those who require special help and specific special
needs. Despite the challenges posed by teaching children, he triumphs over adversity, persisting
for the sake of his calling and the well-being of his students. This insight really affected me:
teachers are soldiers who fiercely navigate a world of efforts, learning, dedication, love, and
devotion for the sake of all who come into their classroom. I also found myself realizing that I
am weak, a mere egg in the nest of professional teachers; I am not yet a chick nor a fledgling, so
I must admit to the ones above. because I am not there yet on the footing that they have rested in
upon the moments of their journey in climbing the mountain of education.

Furthermore, I truly fell in love with education. I wish to illuminate the path of teaching and
become someone who could provide light to people who come in my path as an educator. I wish
to be someone who could become a role model for my fellow youth, to become a contributor to
building my nation, and to be granted the pass to accept the calling of being an educator.

For those who have the same dream as me, bear in mind that "to be a teacher is to be a
perpetual learner; acknowledge your weakness and embrace the ongoing journey of your

Your’s truly~Edmar E. Remata, BPED-2A

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