Genchem Week 3 1

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Principles and Modern Applications TENTH EDITION


Atoms and the

Atomic Theory
Atoms and the
Atomic Theory 2-1 Early Chemical Discoveries and
the Atomic Theory
2-2 Electrons and Other Discoveries
in Atomic Physics
2-3 The Nuclear Atom
2-4 Chemical Elements
2-5 Atomic Mass
2-6 Introduction to the Periodic Table
2-7 The Concept of the Mole and the
Avogadro Constant
2-8 Using the Mole Concept in
2-1 Early Discoveries and the Atomic Theory

Lavoisier 1774 Law of conservation of mass

Proust 1799 Law of constant composition

Dalton 1803-1888 Atomic Theory

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Law of Constant Composition

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Law of conservation of mass

The total mass of

substances present after a
chemical reaction is the
same as the total mass of
substances before the
This law says that mater
can neither be created nor
destroyed in a chemical
Mass is conserved during a chemical reaction
Law of constant composition
All samples of a compound have the same composition – the
same proporties by mass of the constituent elements.

For water: %11.19 H and %89.91 O

Example: 0.1 g sample of magnesium, when

combinied with oxygen, yields 0.166g of
magnesium oxide. A second magnesium sample
with a mass of 0.144 g is also combined with
oxygen. What mass of magnesium oxide is
produced from tihs second sample?
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
If two elements form more than a single compound, the masses of one
element combined with a fixed mass of the second are in the ratio of
small whole numbers.

• In forming carbon
monoxide, 1.0 g of carbon
combines with 1.33 g of

• In forming carbon dioxide,

1.0 g of carbon combines
with 2.66 g of oxygen.

Consequences of Dalton’s theory

2-2-a Discoveries of Electrons

Faraday discovered cathode rays, a type of radiotian emitted by

the negative terminal or cathode that crossed the evacuated tube
to the positive terminal or anode.
The observation about
cathode rays is that
they are deflected by
electric and magnetic
fields in the manner
expected for
negatively charged
particles. Cathode
rays subsequently
become known as
J.J. Thomson thought that the positive charged
needed to counterbalance the negative charges of
electrons in a neutral atom was in the form of a
nebulous cloud. Electrons, he suggested, floated in
this diffuse cloud of positive charge.

Electron m/e = -5.6857 × 10-9 g coulomb-1

Millikan’s oil-drop experiment

 From 1906-1914 Robert Millikan showed ionized oil drops can

be balanced against the pull of gravity by an electric field.

The charge is an integral multiple of the electronic charge, e.

X-Rays and Radioactivity

Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of

radiation from a substance.

• X-rays and g-rays are high-energy light.

• a-particles are a stream of helium nuclei, He2+.
• b-particles are a stream of high speed electrons
that originate in the nucleus.
2-3 The Nuclear Atom • The majorty of α
particles penetrated
to foil undeflected
Geiger and Rutherford • Some α particles
1909 experienced slight
• A few suffered rather
serious deflections as
they penetrated the
• A similar number did
not pass through the
foil at all but
«bounced back» in
the direction from
The scattering of α particles by metal foil which they had
• Most of the mass and all of the positive
charge is concentrated in a small region
called the nucleus . The atom is mostly
empty space.

• The magnitude of
the positive
charge is different
for different atoms
and is
approximately one
half the atomic
weight of the

• There are as many electrons outside the

nucleus as there are units of positive
The particle experiment charge on the nucleus. The atom as a
whole is electrically neutral.
protons 1919

James Chadwick
neutrons 1932

The nuclear atom – illustrated by the helium atom

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Scale of Atoms

The heaviest atom has a mass of only 4.8 x 10-22 g and a diameter of
only 5 Å.
Useful units:

• 1 amu (atomic mass unit) = 1.66054 x 10-24 kg

• 1 pm (picometer) = 1 x 10-12 m
• 1 Å (Angstrom) = 1 x 10-10 m = 100 pm = 1 x 10-8 cm

Biggest atom is 240 amu and is 50 Å across.

Typical C-C bond length 154 pm (1.54 Å)
Molecular models are 1 Å /inch or about 0.4 Å /cm
Two or more atoms having the same atomic number but
different mass numbers are called isotopes.

When an atom either loses or gains electrons, the species
formed is called an ion and carries a net charge.
Removing one or more electrons results in a positively charged
ion. Adding one or more electrons results in a negatively
charged ion.
2-4 Chemical Elements

To represent a particular atom we use symbols:

A= mass number Z = atomic number

The atomic mass unit is defined as exactly 1/12 of the mass of the atom known as carbon -12.
The number of proton in an atom is called the atomic number or the proton number, Z. The
number of electron is also equal to Z for netural atoms. The total number of protons and neutrons
in an atom is called the mass number, A. The number of neutrons, the neutron number is A-Z
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2-5 Atomic Mass
The atomic mass of element is the average of the isotopic masses
weighted according to the naturally accruing abundances of the isotopes
of the element.

Weighted fractional atomic fractional atomic

= abundance x mass of + abundance x mass of + ……
Atomic Mass of of isotope 1 isotope 1 of isotope 2 isotope 2
an Element

Aave = x1 x A1 + x2 x A2 + …… xn x An

where x1 + x2+ ….. xn = 1.0

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Alkali Metals The Periodic table Noble Gases

Alkaline Earths Main Group


Transition Metals

Main Group Lanthanides and Actinides

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2-7 The Concept of the Mole and the
Avogadro Constant
Avogadro constant, NA

• The mole is an amount of substance that

contains the same number of elementary
entities as there are carbon-12 atoms in
exactly 12 g of carbon-12.

NA = 6.02214179 x 1023 mol-1

Molar Mass

The molar mass, M, is the mass of one mole

of a substance.

1 mol of carbon = 6.02x1023 C atoms = 12.011 g

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