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DepEd-National Capital Region

Division of City Schools —

5 Kaypandan Street,
Canumay West,
Valenzuela City

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in


Grade & Section: 9-AGUINALDO Time: 5:30 am – 6:15 am

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Identify the different sanitary practices in preparing desserts and sweet sauces
B. Apply the different sanitary practices in preparing dessert and sweet sauces
C. Value the importance of applying the different sanitary practices in preparing desserts and
sweet sauces.
II. Content Subject Matter:
• Specialization: Cookery
• Topic: Prepare desserts
• Sub-topic: Prepare variety of desserts and sauces using sanitary practices.
• Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, TV, and Laptop
• Reference: Learning Module TLE-9 -COOKERY
III. Procedure:
I. Preparation:
1. Greetings
2. Classroom Management
3. Checking of attendance
4. Review of the past lesson
Topic: (Select and prepare sweet sauces)
Q1. It is suited for a rich dessert
Q2. This sauce is cooked ahead of time, cooled, covered, and put in the refrigerator to chill
Q3. What are the five types of thickening agents for sweet sauces?
II. Presentation:
DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect on
the space provided beside each question.

________1. Cold sauces are cooked ahead of time, cooled, covered, and put in the refrigerator
to chill.
________2. Hot sauces are made just before they are to be used.
________3. Keep nuts unwrapped and store in a refrigerator.
________4. Batter is often rested at cold temperature after it is made to reduce its elasticity so
that it flows more freely over the pan.
________5. Take eggs out of the refrigerator prior to use so they are at room temperature.
________6. Store eggs at a temperature not more than 40 °C
________7. Separate raw and cooked food.
_______ 8. Cook food thoroughly.
______ 9. Choose food after its expiration date.
________10. Use fresh and high-quality ingredients

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Discard- get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable.
Consumption - the using up of a resource
Dispersing – distribute or spread over a wide area.

3. Lesson Proper:
Sanitary practices are important as they ensure that the food you handle, and produce is
safe for consumption. And, when preparing desserts and sauces. And here are some sanitary
practices checklist

• Wash your hands often when you cook to prevent the spread of germs. Your hands can spread
germs in the kitchen, so wash your hands often to prevent cross-contamination.
• All equipment should be well maintained and kept clean.
• Separate equipment and utensils should be used for raw items, i.e., meat and the final
• Wash hands thoroughly before preparing food and when switching to cook something new.
• Discard expired food items.
• Do not buy items that are nearing expiry or have expired.
• Frozen food should always be stored at a specific temperature; ensure that it is also delivered
in a freezer.
• Ensure that your refrigerator is running on the correct temperature.
• Make sure that the person involved in cooking and handling food always wear gloves and

III. Generalization: In order to ensure food safety, it is important to implement food safety
measures in the production of sweet food, particularly the non-hot served ones.

IV. Application:
Directions: Arrange the following steps based on proper ways on washing hands. Write the
numbers 1 -5 on the blanks provided.
_____ Dry hands and arms with a single-use paper towel or a warm-air hand dryer.
_____ Apply soap.
_____ Vigorously scrub hands and arms for at least 10 to 15 seconds.
_____ Wet your hands with running water as hot as you can comfortably stand (at least
100°F [38°C]).
_____ Rinse your hands thoroughly under running water.

V. Values Integration: What is the significance of preparing variety of desserts and sauces
using sanitary practices?

VI. Evaluation
Directions: Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer for each statement.

1. Aling Sofia has a carinderia, she needs to wash her hands after?
A. taking out garbage C. using the restroom.
B. touching the hair, face, or body D. all the above
2. Miko loves to cook, What Miko needs to do after touching his hair, face, or body?
A. change their aprons C. use a hand antiseptic.
B. rinse their gloves D. wash their hands
3. Maria is a cook in a restaurant, and as a cook she need to keep their fingernails:
A. long and painted with nail polish C. short and unpolished.
B. long and unpolished D. short and painted with nail polish.
4. Divine wants to apply the FIFO principle to store food. FIFO stands for.
A. Fly in Fly Out C. First in First Out
B. Fly Inside Fly Outside D. Fist Intake First Outtake
5. If you are suffering from illness like flue or vomiting, what will you do?
A. Ask somebody to do the cooking, to avoid the bacteria to spread out.
B. Rest for a while, then afterwards, start the cooking.
C. Still do the cooking. Just make sure to take the medicine.
D. Still do the cooking and ask only for assistance.
VII. Assignment: Give at least ten safety procedures in workplace.

Learning Module TLE-9 -COOKERY

Prepared by:
Ms. Charlyn T. Bachini

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