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Single correct question

Let A and B be two points on a parabola y2 = x with vertex V such that

VA is perpendicular to VB and 𝜭 is the angle between the chord VA

and the axis of the parabola. The value of is

A tan 𝜭

B cot2 𝜭

C tan3 𝜭

D cot3 𝜭
Single correct question

Let A and B be two points on a parabola y2 = x with vertex V such that

VA is perpendicular to VB and 𝜭 is the angle between the chord VA

and the axis of the parabola. The value of is

A tan 𝜭

B cot2 𝜭

C tan3 𝜭

D cot3 𝜭
Single correct question

A straight line through A(6, 8) meets the curve 2x2 + y2 = 2 at B

and C. P is a point on BC such that AB, AP, AC are in H.P, then
the minimum distance of the origin from the locus of ‘P’ is

Single correct question

A straight line through A(6, 8) meets the curve 2x2 + y2 = 2 at B

and C. P is a point on BC such that AB, AP, AC are in H.P, then
the minimum distance of the origin from the locus of ‘P’ is

(6 + r cos θ, 8 + r sin θ) lies on 2x2 + y2 = 2
(2 cos2 θ + sin2 θ)r2 + 2(12 cos θ + 8 sin θ)r + 134 = 0
AB, AP, AC are in H.P

Minimum distance from ‘O’ =

Single correct question

Let the chord xcos 𝜶 + y sin 𝜶 = p of the hyperbola

subtends a right angle at the centre. Let diameter of the circle,

concentric with the hyperbola, to which the given chord is a
tangents is d, then d/4 is equal to :

A 4

B 5

C 6

D 7
Single correct question

Let the chord xcos 𝜶 + y sin 𝜶 = p of the hyperbola

subtends a right angle at the centre. Let diameter of the circle,

concentric with the hyperbola, to which the given chord is a
tangents is d, then d/4 is equal to :

A 4

B 5

C 6

D 7
Single correct question
F1, F2 are left and right focus points of the hyperbola

O is the origin, M is an arbitrary

point on C and above the x-axis. H is a point of MF1. Given that

MF2 丄 F1F2, MF1 丄 OH, |OH| = 𝜆 |OF2|, where 𝝀 ∊ (1/3, 1/2). The range
of the eccentricity of the hyperbola C is

A (1, √3)

B (1, √2)

C (√2, √3)

D (√2, 2)
Single correct question
F1, F2 are left and right focus points of the hyperbola

O is the origin, M is an arbitrary

point on C and above the x-axis. H is a point of MF1. Given that

MF2 丄 F1F2, MF1 丄 OH, |OH| = 𝜆 |OF2|, where 𝝀 ∊ (1/3, 1/2). The range
of the eccentricity of the hyperbola C is

A (1, √3)

B (1, √2)

C (√2, √3)

D (√2, 2)
Multiple correct question

If P1P2 and Q1Q2, two focal chords of a parabola y2 = 4ax are

at right angles, then

area of the quadrilateral P1Q1P2Q2 is minimum

A when the chords are inclined at an angle 𝜋/4
to the axis of the parabola

minimum area is twice the area of the

square on the latus rectum of the parabola

minimum area of quadrilateral P1Q1P2Q2

cannot be found.

minimum area is thrice the area of the

square on the latus rectum of the parabola.
Multiple correct question

If P1P2 and Q1Q2, two focal chords of a parabola y2 = 4ax are

at right angles, then

area of the quadrilateral P1Q1P2Q2 is minimum

A when the chords are inclined at an angle 𝜋/4
to the axis of the parabola

minimum area is twice the area of the

square on the latus rectum of the parabola

minimum area of quadrilateral P1Q1P2Q2

cannot be found.

minimum area is thrice the area of the

square on the latus rectum of the parabola.
Multiple correct question

Tangent is drawn at any point (x1, y1) other than the vertex on the
parabola y2 = 4ax. If tangents are drawn from any point on this
tangent to the circle x2 + y2 = a2 such that all the chords of contact
pass through a fixed point (x2, y2), then

A x1, a, x2 are in GP

C are in GP

D x1x2 + y1y2 = a2
Multiple correct question

Tangent is drawn at any point (x1, y1) other than the vertex on the
parabola y2 = 4ax. If tangents are drawn from any point on this
tangent to the circle x2 + y2 = a2 such that all the chords of contact
pass through a fixed point (x2, y2), then

A x1, a, x2 are in GP

C are in GP

D x1x2 + y1y2 = a2
Multiple Correct Question JEE Advanced 2022, P1

Consider the parabola y2 = 4x. Let S be the focus of the parabola. A pair
of tangents drawn to the parabola from the point P = (-2, 1) meet the
parabola at P1 and P2. Let Q1 and Q2 be points on the lines SP1 and SP2
respectively such that PQ1 is perpendicular to SP1 and PQ2 is
perpendicular to SP2. Then, which of the following is/are TRUE?

A SQ1 = 2

C PQ1 = 3

D SQ2 = 1
Multiple Correct Question JEE Advanced 2022, P1

Consider the parabola y2 = 4x. Let S be the focus of the parabola. A pair
of tangents drawn to the parabola from the point P = (-2, 1) meet the
parabola at P1 and P2. Let Q1 and Q2 be points on the lines SP1 and SP2
respectively such that PQ1 is perpendicular to SP1 and PQ2 is
perpendicular to SP2. Then, which of the following is/are TRUE?

A SQ1 = 2

C PQ1 = 3

D SQ2 = 1
Multiple Correct Question JEE Advanced 2015, P2
Let E1 and E2 be two ellipse whose centers are at the origin. The
major axes of E1 and E2 lie along the x-axis and the y-axis,
respectively. Let S be the circle x2 + (y - 1)2 = 2. The straight line
x + y = 3 touches the curves S, E1 and E2 at P, Q and R,
respectively. Suppose that PQ = PR = If e1 and e2 are the
eccentricities of E1 and E2, respectively, then the correct
expression(s) is(are)

Multiple Correct Question JEE Advanced 2015, P2
Let E1 and E2 be two ellipse whose centers are at the origin. The
major axes of E1 and E2 lie along the x-axis and the y-axis,
respectively. Let S be the circle x2 + (y - 1)2 = 2. The straight line
x + y = 3 touches the curves S, E1 and E2 at P, Q and R,
respectively. Suppose that PQ = PR = If e1 and e2 are the
eccentricities of E1 and E2, respectively, then the correct
expression(s) is(are)

Passage Type Question
An ellipse has semi-major axis of length 2 and semi-minor axis of
length 1. It slides between the coordinate axes in the first
quadrant, while maintaining contact with both x-axis and y-axis.
Passage Type Question
An ellipse has semi-major axis of length 2 and semi-minor axis of
length 1. It slides between the coordinate axes in the first
quadrant, while maintaining contact with both x-axis and y-axis.
Q1: The locus of the centre of ellipse is :

A x2 + y2 = 3

B x2 + y2 = 5

C (x - 2)2 + (y - 1)2 = 5

D (x - 2)2 + (y - 1)2 = 3
Passage Type Question
An ellipse has semi-major axis of length 2 and semi-minor axis of
length 1. It slides between the coordinate axes in the first
quadrant, while maintaining contact with both x-axis and y-axis.
Q1: The locus of the centre of ellipse is :

A x2 + y2 = 3

B x2 + y2 = 5

C (x - 2)2 + (y - 1)2 = 5

D (x - 2)2 + (y - 1)2 = 3
Passage Type Question

An ellipse has semi-major axis of length 2 and semi-minor axis of

length 1. It slides between the coordinate axes in the first
quadrant, while maintaining contact with both x-axis and y-axis.
Q2: The locus of the foci of the ellipse is :

Passage Type Question

An ellipse has semi-major axis of length 2 and semi-minor axis of

length 1. It slides between the coordinate axes in the first
quadrant, while maintaining contact with both x-axis and y-axis.
Q2: The locus of the foci of the ellipse is :

Passage Type Question

Consider an ellipse centred at point ‘O’

having AB and CD as its major and minor axes

respectively. If S1 be one of the focus of the ellipse, radius
of incircle of ΔOCS1 be 1 unit and OS1 = 6 units.
Passage Type Question

Consider an ellipse centred at point ‘O’

having AB and CD as its major and minor axes

respectively. If S1 be one of the focus of the ellipse, radius
of incircle of ΔOCS1 be 1 unit and OS1 = 6 units.
Q1: If area of ellipse (E) is Δ sq unit, then the value of 4Δ is

A 63𝜋

B 64𝜋

C 65𝜋

D 66𝜋
Passage Type Question

Consider an ellipse centred at point ‘O’

having AB and CD as its major and minor axes

respectively. If S1 be one of the focus of the ellipse, radius
of incircle of ΔOCS1 be 1 unit and OS1 = 6 units.
Q1: If area of ellipse (E) is Δ sq unit, then the value of 4Δ is

A 63𝜋

B 64𝜋

C 65𝜋

D 66𝜋
Passage Type Question

Consider an ellipse centred at point ‘O’

having AB and CD as its major and minor axes

respectively. If S1 be one of the focus of the ellipse, radius
of incircle of ΔOCS1 be 1 unit and OS1 = 6 units.
Q2: If perimeter of ΔOCS1 is p units, then the value of p is

A 10

B 15

C 20

D 25
Passage Type Question

Consider an ellipse centred at point ‘O’

having AB and CD as its major and minor axes
respectively. If S1 be one of the focus of the ellipse, radius
of incircle of ΔOCS1 be 1 unit and OS1 = 6 units.
Q2: If perimeter of ΔOCS1 is p units, then the value of p is

A 10

B 15

C 20

D 25
Passage Type Question

Consider an ellipse centred at point ‘O’

having AB and CD as its major and minor axes
respectively. If S1 be one of the focus of the ellipse, radius
of incircle of ΔOCS1 be 1 unit and OS1 = 6 units.
Q3: The equation of the director circle of (E) is

A x2 + y2 = 48.5

B x2 + y2 = 97

Passage Type Question

Consider an ellipse centred at point ‘O’

having AB and CD as its major and minor axes
respectively. If S1 be one of the focus of the ellipse, radius
of incircle of ΔOCS1 be 1 unit and OS1 = 6 units.
Q3: The equation of the director circle of (E) is

A x2 + y2 = 48.5

B x2 + y2 = 97

Passage Type Question
A point P moves such that sum of the slopes of the normals drawn
from it to the hyperbola xy = 16 is equal to the sum of ordinates of
feet of normals. The locus of P is a curve C.
Passage Type Question
A point P moves such that sum of the slopes of the normals drawn
from it to the hyperbola xy = 16 is equal to the sum of ordinates of
feet of normals. The locus of P is a curve C.
Q1: The equation of the curve C is

A x2 = 4y

B x2 = 16y

C x2 = 12y

D y2 = 8x
Passage Type Question
A point P moves such that sum of the slopes of the normals drawn
from it to the hyperbola xy = 16 is equal to the sum of ordinates of
feet of normals. The locus of P is a curve C.
Q1: The equation of the curve C is

A x2 = 4y

B x2 = 16y

C x2 = 12y

D y2 = 8x

From Question
Passage Type Question

A point P moves such that sum of the slopes of the normals drawn
from it to the hyperbola xy = 16 is equal to the sum of ordinates of
feet of normals. The locus of P is a curve C.
Q2: If the tangent to the curve C cuts the coordinate axes in A and
B, then the locus of the middle point of AB is

A x2 = 4y

B x2 = 2y

C x2 + 2y = 0

D x2 + 4y = 0
Passage Type Question

A point P moves such that sum of the slopes of the normals drawn
from it to the hyperbola xy = 16 is equal to the sum of ordinates of
feet of normals. The locus of P is a curve C.
Q2: If the tangent to the curve C cuts the coordinate axes in A and
B, then the locus of the middle point of AB is

A x2 = 4y

B x2 = 2y

C x2 + 2y = 0

D x2 + 4y = 0
(4t, t2)

Passage Type Question

A point P moves such that sum of the slopes of the normals drawn
from it to the hyperbola xy = 16 is equal to the sum of ordinates of
feet of normals. The locus of P is a curve C.
Q3: Area of the equilateral triangle inscribed in a curve C having
one vertex as the vertex of curve C.

A 772√3 sq. units

B 776√3 sq. units

C 760√3 sq. units

D 768√3 sq. units

Passage Type Question

A point P moves such that sum of the slopes of the normals drawn
from it to the hyperbola xy = 16 is equal to the sum of ordinates of
feet of normals. The locus of P is a curve C.
Q3: Area of the equilateral triangle inscribed in a curve C having
one vertex as the vertex of curve C.

A 772√3 sq. units

B 776√3 sq. units

C 760√3 sq. units

D 768√3 sq. units

(-4t1, t12) (+4t1, t12)

O (0, 0)
Numerical Type Question JEE Advanced 2021, P2

Let E be the ellipse For any three distinct points

P, Q and Q’ on E, let M(P, Q) be the mid-point of the line segment
joining P and Q, and M(P, Q’) be the mid-point of the line segment
joining P and Q’. Then the maximum possible value of the distance
between M(P, Q) and M(P, Q’), as P, Q and Q’ vary on E, is____.
Numerical Type Question JEE Advanced 2021, P2

Let E be the ellipse For any three distinct points

P, Q and Q’ on E, let M(P, Q) be the mid-point of the line segment
joining P and Q, and M(P, Q’) be the mid-point of the line segment
joining P and Q’. Then the maximum possible value of the distance
between M(P, Q) and M(P, Q’), as P, Q and Q’ vary on E, is____.

Ans: 4
Numerical type question JEE Advanced 2015, P2

Suppose that the foci of the ellipse are (f1, 0) and (f2, 0)

where f1 > 0 and f2 < 0. Let P1 and P2 be two parabolas with a common
vertex at (0, 0) and with foci at (f1, 0) and (2f2, 0), respectively. Let T1
be a tangent to P1 which passes through (2f2, 0) and T2 be a tangent
to P2 which passes through (f1, 0). m1 is the slope of T1 and m2 is the

slope of T2, then the value of is

Numerical type question JEE Advanced 2015, P2

Suppose that the foci of the ellipse are (f1, 0) and (f2, 0)

where f1 > 0 and f2 < 0. Let P1 and P2 be two parabolas with a common
vertex at (0, 0) and with foci at (f1, 0) and (2f2, 0), respectively. Let T1
be a tangent to P1 which passes through (2f2, 0) and T2 be a tangent
to P2 which passes through (f1, 0). m1 is the slope of T1 and m2 is the

slope of T2, then the value of is

Ans: 4
Numerical type question

On the coordinate plane, ellipse and

hyperbola has the same focus points F1 , F2 .

Point P is one of the intersection points of C1 and C2 and PF1 丄 PF2. If e1 is

the eccentricity of C1 and e2 is the eccentricity of C2. Then the minimum
value of 9e12 + e22 is _____.
Numerical type question

On the coordinate plane, ellipse and

hyperbola has the same focus points F1 , F2 .

Point P is one of the intersection points of C1 and C2 and PF1 丄 PF2. If e1 is

the eccentricity of C1 and e2 is the eccentricity of C2. Then the minimum
value of 9e12 + e22 is _____.

Ans: 8
Subjective Question

Two straight lines are at right angles to one another and one of
them touches y2 = 4a (x + a) and the other y2 = 4b(x + b). Prove that
the point of intersection of the lines lies on the line x + a + b = 0.
Subjective Question
Prove that the length of the intercept on the normal at the
point P(at2, 2at) of a parabola of a parabola y2 = 4ax made
by the circle on the line joining the focus and point P as

diameter is
Subjective Question

A straight line PQ touches the ellipse and

the circle x2 + y2 = r2 (b < r < a). RS is a focal chord of the

ellipse. If RS is parallel to PQ and meets the circle at points
R and S. Find the length of RS.

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