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local print = cheat.

notify local menu = ui local randomz local pitchch =

ui.get_int("0Antiaim.pitch") local int = 0 local A=0 local keybindss =
render.setup_font("Verdana", 12) local default = render.setup_font("Verdana", 14)
local defaultsmall = render.setup_font("Verdana", 13) cheat.notify("open console!")
cheat.notify("open console!") cheat.notify("open console!") cheat.notify("open
console!") cheat.notify("open console!") cheat.notify("open console!")
cheat.notify("open console!") cheat.notify("open console!")
console.execute_client_cmd("clear") console.print_color("|
***|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|coder's discords:
guccish#2018 Cyanide#7344 |\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|infinity.lua best free rawetrip 最
佳 LUA )))) |\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|infinity alpha
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|Hello, about changelogs!
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|-Invert on Air Fixed
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|-Fixed Low Desync Range on DT
(Changed Desync + Yaw) |\n",, 195,
250)) console.print_color("|-Fixed Yaw Presets + Added New Features
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|-Added Low AntiAim Range on
dt |\n",, 195,
250)) console.print_color("|-Completely Removed Anti-Aim Types: presets + Added New
Desync Presets |\n",, 195, 250))
console.print_color("|-Removed Lagsync Cuz new AA Presets More OP
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|-Added Slowwalk Speed
Modifier |\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|-Removed AA Jitter on Because
Broken + Useless (use invert aa on) |\n",, 195,
250)) console.print_color("|-Added Lagsync Options on AA Presets
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|-Fixed Some Optimizations
Problems |\n",,
195, 250)) console.print_color("|-Fixed Some Crash Problems
|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("|
***|\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("\n",, 195,
250)) console.print_color("\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("\n",, 195, 250)) console.print_color("\n",, 195, 250))
console.print_color("\n",, 195, 250)) cheat.notify("infinity.lua
loaded, have fun!") ui.add_sliderint(" -||- ")
ui.add_sliderint("Rage Settings") ui.add_checkbox("Adaptive Ragebot")
ui.add_checkbox("Ideal Tick") ui.add_checkbox("Resolver") ui.add_checkbox("Desync
on Shot") ui.add_sliderint("Anti-Aim Settings") ui.add_combobox("Desync Presets:",
{"None","Adaptive","Low Range","High Range","Jitter"}) ui.add_combobox("AA
Presets",{'None', 'False LagSync','Anti OT','Lag Breaker'}) ui.add_combobox("Yaw
Presets:",{"None","Adaptive","Low Range","High Range","Randomize"})
ui.add_combobox("AA Jitter Range:",{"None","Low Range","Mid Range","High Range"})
ui.add_combobox("Body Lean Presets:",{"None","Adaptive","Low Range","High
Range","Jitter"}) ui.add_combobox("Fake Lag Randomizer",{"None","Random 5-
16","Random 10-16","Switch 8-16","Switch 10-16"}) ui.add_checkbox("AntiBrute
Force") ui.add_combobox("AntiBrute Force:",{"On Shot"}) ui.add_checkbox("Fake
Flick") ui.add_checkbox("Low desync range on dt") ui.add_checkbox("Pitch Zero")
ui.add_checkbox("Invert on Air") ui.add_checkbox("Invert on Move")
ui.add_checkbox("At Targets in Air") ui.add_checkbox("Slowwalk Speed Modifier")
ui.add_sliderint("Slowwalk Speed", 0, 155) ui.add_checkbox("Leg Breaker")
ui.add_sliderint("Visuals") ui.add_checkbox("Enable keybinds")
ui.add_colorpicker("Color") ui.add_sliderint("x", 0, engine.get_screen_width() -
110) ui.add_sliderint("y", 0, engine.get_screen_height() - 19)
ui.add_sliderint("Indicators Type") ui.add_checkbox("Skeet Indicators")
ui.add_checkbox("infinity New") ui.add_colorpicker("infinity New color")
ui.add_checkbox("Viewmodel in scope") ui.add_sliderint("Miscellaneous")
ui.add_checkbox("Infinity Clantag") ui.add_checkbox("infinity Killsay")
ui.add_checkbox("infinity Watermark") ui.add_colorpicker("color filled") local
d=0;local e=0;local f=0;local g=0;local h=0;local i=0;local j=0; local switch =
false local function invertaaon() local local_player =
entitylist.get_local_player() local is_alive = local_player:is_alive() if
ui.get_bool("Invert on Air") and cmd.get_send_packet() and
engine.get_active_key(0x20) then if switch then switch = false else switch = true
end if switch then ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, true) else
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, false) end end if ui.get_bool("Invert on
Move") and cmd.get_send_packet() and engine.get_active_key(0x44) then if switch
then switch = false else switch = true end if switch then
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, true) else
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, false) end end if ui.get_bool("Invert on
Move") and cmd.get_send_packet() and engine.get_active_key(0x41) then if switch
then switch = false else switch = true end if switch then
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, true) else
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, false) end end if ui.get_bool("Invert on
Move") and cmd.get_send_packet() and engine.get_active_key(0x57) then if switch
then switch = false else switch = true end if switch then
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, true) else
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, false) end end if ui.get_bool("Invert on
Move") and cmd.get_send_packet() and engine.get_active_key(0x53) then if switch
then switch = false else switch = true end if switch then
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, true) else
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, false) end end end local function
slowwalk() local speed = ui.get_int("Slowwalk Speed") if ui.get_bool("Slowwalk
Speed Modifier") then if ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.slowwalk) then
console.set_int("cl_forwardspeed", ui.get_int("Slowwalk Speed"))
console.set_int("cl_backspeed", ui.get_int("Slowwalk Speed"))
console.set_int("cl_sidespeed", ui.get_int("Slowwalk Speed")) else
console.set_int("cl_forwardspeed", 450) console.set_int("cl_backspeed", 450)
console.set_int("cl_sidespeed", 450) end else console.set_int("cl_forwardspeed",
450) console.set_int("cl_backspeed", 450) console.set_int("cl_sidespeed", 450) end
end local function aadesyncpresets() local local_player =
entitylist.get_local_player() local is_alive = local_player:is_alive() if
ui.get_bool("Low desync range on dt") and ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap)
and ui.get_bool("Desync on Shot") and events.register_event("weapon_fire") and
cmd.get_send_packet() == true then else if switch then switch = false else switch =
true end if switch then if ui.get_int("Desync Presets:")==0 then end end if switch
then switch = false else switch = true end if ui.get_int("Desync Presets:")==1 then
if switch then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",math.random(5,10))
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range",math.random(5,10)) else
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range",math.random(5,10)) end end if switch
then switch = false else switch = true end if ui.get_int("Desync Presets:")==2 then
if switch then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",math.random(7,17))
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range",math.random(7,17)) else
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range",math.random(7,17)) end end if switch
then switch = false else switch = true end if ui.get_int("Desync Presets:")==3 then
if switch then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",math.random(21,27))
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range",math.random(21,27)) else
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range",math.random(21,27)) end end if switch
then switch = false else switch = true end if ui.get_int("Desync Presets:")==4 then
if switch then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",math.random(23,48))
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range", math.random(23,48)) else
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range", math.random(23,48)) end end end end
local function lagsynctype() local print = cheat.notify local menu = ui local
client = cheat local lagsync_type = menu.get_int('AA Presets') if lagsync_type == 0
then return end if lagsync_type == 2 then for i = 0, 3 do if
globalvars.get_tickcount() % 3 < 1 then
menu.set_int(string.format('%sAntiaim.body_lean', i), 10)
i), 10) menu.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",math.random(0-54))
else menu.set_int(string.format('%sAntiaim.body_lean', i), 25)
menu.set_int(string.format('%sAntiaim.inverted_body_lean', i), 25)
menu.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",math.random(20,56)) end end
menu.set_int('0Antiaim.desync', math.random(0, 2)) elseif lagsync_type == 1 then
for i = 0, 3 do menu.set_int(string.format('%sAntiaim.range', i), math.random(10,
20)) menu.set_int(string.format('%sAntiaim.yaw', i), math.random(1, 2))
menu.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",math.random(22,42)) end
menu.set_int('0Antiaim.desync', 2) elseif lagsync_type == 3 then for i = 0, 3 do
menu.set_int(string.format('%sAntiaim.range', i), math.random(0, 30))
menu.set_int(string.format('%sAntiaim.yaw', i), math.random(1, 2))
menu.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",math.random(18,32)) end if
globalvars.get_tickcount() % 3 < 1 then menu.set_int('Antiaim.fake_lag_limit', 5)
else menu.set_int('Antiaim.fake_lag_limit', 15) end
menu.set_int('Antiaim.fake_lag_type', math.random(0, 1))
menu.set_int('0Antiaim.desync', math.random(1, 2)) end end local function fakelag()
if ui.get_int("Fake Lag Randomizer")==0 then end if ui.get_int("Fake Lag
Randomizer")==1 then ui.set_int("Antiaim.fake_lag_limit", math.random (5,16)) end
if ui.get_int("Fake Lag Randomizer")==2 then ui.set_int("Antiaim.fake_lag_limit",
math.random (10,16)) end if ui.get_int("Fake Lag Randomizer")==3 then if swtich
then swtich = false else swtich = true end if switch then
ui.set_int("Antiaim.fake_lag_limit",8) else ui.set_int("Antiaim.fake_lag_limit",16)
end end if ui.get_int("Fake Lag Randomizer")==4 then if swtich then swtich = false
else swtich = true end if switch then ui.set_int("Antiaim.fake_lag_limit",10) else
ui.set_int("Antiaim.fake_lag_limit",16) end end end local function aayawpresets()
local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() local is_alive =
local_player:is_alive() if ui.get_bool("Low desync range on dt") and
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) and ui.get_bool("Desync on Shot") and
events.register_event("weapon_fire") and cmd.get_send_packet() == true then else if
ui.get_int("Yaw Presets:")==0 then end if ui.get_int("Yaw Presets:")==1 then
ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset", math.random(-8,12)) end if ui.get_int("Yaw
Presets:")==2 then ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset", math.random(0,10)) end if
ui.get_int("Yaw Presets:")==3 then ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset",math.random(-
21,21)) end if ui.get_int("Yaw Presets:")==4 then ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset",
math.random(-30,35)) end end end local function bodyleanpresets() local
local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() local is_alive =
local_player:is_alive() if ui.get_bool("Low desync range on dt") and
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) and ui.get_bool("Desync on Shot") and
events.register_event("weapon_fire") and cmd.get_send_packet() == true then else if
ui.get_int("Body Lean Presets:")==0 then end if ui.get_int("Body Lean Presets:")==1
then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.body_lean",math.random(3,9))
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean", math.random(3,9)) end if ui.get_int("Body
Lean Presets:")==2 then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.body_lean",math.random(11,16))
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean", math.random(11,16)) end if
ui.get_int("Body Lean Presets:")==3 then
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean", math.random(17,26)) end if
ui.get_int("Body Lean Presets:")==4 then
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean", math.random(31,46)) end end end local
function aajitterpresets() local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() local
is_alive = local_player:is_alive() if ui.get_bool("Low desync range on dt") and
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) and cmd.get_send_packet() == true then
else if switch then switch = false else switch = true end if switch then if
ui.get_int("AA Jitter Range:")==0 then end end if switch then switch = false else
switch = true end if ui.get_int("AA Jitter Range:")==1 then if switch then
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.yaw",1) ui.set_int("0Antiaim.range",math.random(5,10)) else
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.yaw",1) ui.set_int("0Antiaim.range",math.random(5,10)) end end
if switch then switch = false else switch = true end if ui.get_int("AA Jitter
Range:")==2 then if switch then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.yaw",1)
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.range",math.random(10,15)) else ui.set_int("0Antiaim.yaw",1)
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.range",math.random(10,15)) end end if switch then switch =
false else switch = true end if ui.get_int("AA Jitter Range:")==3 then if switch
then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.yaw",1) ui.set_int("0Antiaim.range",math.random(25,35))
else ui.set_int("0Antiaim.yaw",1) ui.set_int("0Antiaim.range",math.random(25,35))
end end end end function adaptiveragebot() if ui.get_bool("Adaptive Ragebot") then
ui.set_int("0Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (50,62))
ui.set_int("0Ragebot.minimum_visible_damage", math.random (45,55))
ui.set_int("0Ragebot.minimum_override_damage", math.random (5,15))
ui.set_int("0Ragebot.max_misses_amount", math.random (0,3))
ui.set_int("1Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (35,44))
ui.set_int("1Ragebot.minimum_visible_damage", math.random (10,30))
ui.set_int("1Ragebot.minimum_override_damage", math.random (1,5))
ui.set_int("1Ragebot.max_misses_amount", math.random (0,3))
ui.set_int("2Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (30,42))
ui.set_int("2Ragebot.minimum_visible_damage", math.random (15,35))
ui.set_int("2Ragebot.minimum_override_damage", math.random (1,5))
ui.set_int("2Ragebot.max_misses_amount", math.random (0,3))
ui.set_int("3Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (30,42))
ui.set_int("3Ragebot.minimum_visible_damage", math.random (15,35))
ui.set_int("3Ragebot.minimum_override_damage", math.random (1,5))
ui.set_int("3Ragebot.max_misses_amount", math.random (0,3))
ui.set_int("4Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (50,55))
ui.set_int("4Ragebot.minimum_visible_damage", math.random (35,55))
ui.set_int("4Ragebot.minimum_override_damage", math.random (1,5))
ui.set_int("4Ragebot.max_misses_amount", math.random (0,2)) if
(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.damage_override)) then
ui.set_int("4Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (20,35)) end
ui.set_int("5Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (70,83))
ui.set_int("5Ragebot.minimum_visible_damage", math.random (70,82))
ui.set_int("5Ragebot.max_misses_amount", math.random (0,3)) if
(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.damage_override)) then
ui.set_int("5Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (10,30))
ui.set_int("5Ragebot.minimum_override_damage", math.random (1,15)) end
ui.set_int("6Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (75,85))
ui.set_int("6Ragebot.minimum_visible_damage", math.random (100,103))
ui.set_int("6Ragebot.minimum_override_damage", math.random (10,15))
ui.set_int("6Ragebot.max_misses_amount", math.random (0,1)) if
(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.damage_override)) then
ui.set_int("6Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (20,30)) end
ui.set_int("7Ragebot.hitchance_amount", math.random (10,15))
ui.set_int("7Ragebot.minimum_visible_damage", math.random (10,35))
ui.set_int("7Ragebot.minimum_override_damage", math.random (10,15))
ui.set_int("7Ragebot.max_misses_amount", math.random (0,3)) end end function
pitchzero(cmd) if ui.get_bool("Pitch Zero") == false then return end if
entitylist.get_local_player() == nil then return end flag =
entitylist.get_local_player():get_prop_int("CBasePlayer","m_fFlags") if flag == 256
or flag == 262 then int = 0 end if flag == 257 or flag == 261 or flag == 263 then
int = int + 4 end if int > 45 and int < 250 then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.pitch", 0)
else ui.set_int("0Antiaim.pitch", pitchch) end end local function idealtick() local
local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() local is_alive =
local_player:is_alive() if ui.get_bool("Ideal Tick") then if is_alive == true then
if ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.automatic_peek) then
ui.set_bool("Ragebot.slow_teleport", false) ui.set_bool("Antiaim.freestand", true)
else ui.set_bool("Ragebot.slow_teleport", true) ui.set_bool("Antiaim.freestand",
false) end end end end local fonts = {calibri = render.setup_font("calibrib", 24)}
math.round = function(num, numDecimalPlaces)local mult = 10 ^ (numDecimalPlaces or
0);return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult;end local visual_controller = {}
visual_controller.offset = 0 visual_controller.choke = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
visual_controller.create_indicator = function(string, color) local size =
render.get_text_width(fonts.calibri, string) local screen = {x =
engine.get_screen_width(), y = engine.get_screen_height()} render.gradient(11,
screen.y - 340 - 37 * visual_controller.offset - 6, math.floor(size / 2), 33,, 0, 0, 5),, 0, 0, 80)) render.gradient(11 + math.floor(size
/ 2), screen.y - 340 - 37 * visual_controller.offset - 6, math.floor(size / 2), 33,, 0, 0, 80),, 0, 0, 5)) render.text(fonts.calibri, 16,
screen.y - 344 - 37 * visual_controller.offset + 3, color, string, true)
visual_controller.offset = visual_controller.offset + 1 return (screen.y - 340 - 37
* (visual_controller.offset - 1)) end visual_controller.indicators = function()
local player = entitylist.get_local_player() if player == nil then return end if
not player:is_alive() then return end if ui.get_bool("Skeet Indicators") then
visual_controller.offset = 0 local body_yaw =
antiaim.get_body_yaw(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync)) local body_yaw_aa
= math.max(-60, math.min(60, math.round(body_yaw, 1))) local in_air =
player:get_prop_int("CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags") & (1 << 0) == 0 local r, g, b = 192
- (math.abs(body_yaw) / 60 * 71), 32 + (math.abs(body_yaw) / 60 * 146), 28 local
fake = visual_controller.create_indicator("FAKE",, g, b, 255))
render.arc(80, fake + 12, 6, 10, -90, 360,, 33, 33, 255))
render.arc(80, fake + 12, 6, 10, -90, math.abs(body_yaw_aa) / 58 * 360,, g, b, 255))
local fl = visual_controller.create_indicator("FL",, 121, 241, 255))

render.arc(53, fl + 12, 6, 10, -90, 360,, 33, 33, 255))

render.arc(53, fl + 12, 6, 10, -90, visual_controller.choke[1] / 17 * 360,, 121, 241, 255))
visual_controller.choke[6], visual_controller.choke[5], visual_controller.choke[4],
visual_controller.choke[3], visual_controller.choke[2]),, 255, 255,
255)) if(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.body_aim)) then
visual_controller.create_indicator("BAIM",, 16, 4 , 255)) end
if(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.safe_points)) then
visual_controller.create_indicator("SAFE",, 176, 41 , 255)) end if
ui.get_bool("Resolver") then visual_controller.create_indicator("DA",, 176, 41 , 255)) end if ui.get_bool("Antiaim.freestand") then
visual_controller.create_indicator("FS",, 176, 41 , 255)) end if
in_air and not ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) then
visual_controller.create_indicator("LC", in_air and, 195, 16, 255))
end if in_air and ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) then
visual_controller.create_indicator("LC", in_air and, 0, 0, 255)) end
if ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.fakeduck) then
visual_controller.create_indicator("DUCK",, 210, 210, 255)) end if
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) and globalvars.get_dt_recharging() then
visual_controller.create_indicator("DT",, 0, 0, 255)) elseif
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) and not globalvars.get_dt_recharging()
then visual_controller.create_indicator("DT",, 210, 210, 255)) end if
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.hide_shots) then
visual_controller.create_indicator("ONSHOT",, 195, 16, 255)) end end
end visual_controller.update_choke = function() if cmd.get_choked_commands() <
visual_controller.choke[1] then visual_controller.choke[2] =
visual_controller.choke[3] visual_controller.choke[3] = visual_controller.choke[4]
visual_controller.choke[4] = visual_controller.choke[5] visual_controller.choke[5]
= visual_controller.choke[6] visual_controller.choke[6] =
visual_controller.choke[1] end visual_controller.choke[1] =
cmd.get_choked_commands() end local function attargets() if ui.get_bool("At Targets
in Air") then if engine.get_active_key(0x20) then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.base_angle",
1 ) else ui.set_int("0Antiaim.base_angle", 0 ) end end end local function
fakeflick() if ui.get_bool("Fake Flick") then local inverter =
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync) local tickcount =
globalvars.get_tickcount() % 60 if tickcount == 14 or tickcount == 17 then if
inverter == true then ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset", -90) else
ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset", 90) end else ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset", 0)
end end end local function Legbreak() local local_player =
entitylist.get_local_player() local is_alive = local_player:is_alive() if
ui.get_bool("Leg Breaker") and cmd.get_send_packet() == true then if is_alive ==
true then if switch then switch = false else switch = true end if switch then
ui.set_int("Misc.leg_movement", 0) else ui.set_int("Misc.leg_movement", 1) end else
ui.set_int("Misc.leg_movement", 1) end end end local function paint2() local sc = {
x = engine.get_screen_width(), y = engine.get_screen_height() } local size =
render.get_text_width(font) offset = 10 if ui.get_bool("Viewmodel in scope") then
if ui.get_keybind_state( "misc.third_person_key" ) then
console.set_int( "fov_cs_debug", 0 ) else console.set_int( "fov_cs_debug", 90 ) end
else console.set_int( "fov_cs_debug", 0 ) end end
events.register_event("player_death", function(e) if ui.get_bool("infinity
Killsay") then local attacker = e:get_int("attacker") local attacker_to_player =
engine.get_player_for_user_id(attacker) local lp_idx =
engine.get_local_player_index() if attacker_to_player == lp_idx then phrases =
{" infinity beta best free rawetrip lua",
" tired of being an unknown doggie? try our rawetrip
lua!", "want cfg for any cheat really? join our discord server: ))))", " infinity.lua -
infinite possibilities"} randomz = math.random(1,4) console.execute_client_cmd("say
" .. phrases[randomz]) end end end) local function getvector() if not
entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end local sc = { x =
engine.get_screen_width(), y = engine.get_screen_height() } local dtsize =
render.get_text_width(font, "dt") local hidesize = render.get_text_width(font,
"hide") local dmgsize = render.get_text_width(font, "dmg") local offset = 10 local
color1 = menu.get_color("infinity New color") local r, g, b= color1:r(),
color1:g(), color1:b() local local_player = entitylist.get_local_player() local
is_alive = local_player:is_alive() local body_yaw =
antiaim.get_body_yaw(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync)) local body_yaw_aa
= math.max(-60, math.min(60, math.round(body_yaw, 1))) local body_yaw_abs =
math.abs(body_yaw_aa) local body_yaw_gay = math.floor(body_yaw_abs) if
ui.get_bool("infinity New") then if body_yaw_aa >= 10 then
render.text(defaultsmall, sc.x/2 +6, sc.y/2+23,,255,255,255), "°")
offset = offset + 5 render.text(defaultsmall, sc.x/2 -9, sc.y/2+23,,255,255,255), body_yaw_gay) offset = offset + 5 elseif body_yaw_aa <
10 then render.text(defaultsmall, sc.x/2 +6, sc.y/2+23,,255,255,255),
"°") offset = offset + 5 render.text(defaultsmall, sc.x/2 -8, sc.y/2+23,,255,255,255), body_yaw_gay) offset = offset + 5 end if is_alive ==
true then if body_yaw_aa > 0 then render.gradient(sc.x/2, sc.y/2+ 40, body_yaw_aa,
1,,g,b),, 0, 0, 0)) render.gradient(sc.x/2 - body_yaw_aa,
sc.y/2 + 40, body_yaw_aa, 1,, 0, 0, 0),,g,b))
render.text(default, sc.x/2 - 35, sc.y/1.95 +28,, 255, 255,255),
"infinity",true,false) render.text(default, sc.x/2 + 10 , sc.y/1.95 +28,,g,b), "YAW",true,false) elseif body_yaw_aa < 0 then
render.gradient(sc.x/2, sc.y/2+ 40, body_yaw_aa, 1,,g,b),,
0, 0, 0)) render.gradient(sc.x/2 - body_yaw_aa, sc.y/2 + 40, body_yaw_aa, 1,, 0, 0, 0),,g,b)) render.text(default, sc.x/2 - 35,
sc.y/1.95 +28,,g,b), "infinity",true,false) render.text(default, sc.x/2
+ 10, sc.y/1.95 +28,, 255, 255,255), "YAW",true,false) end if
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) then render.text(defaultsmall, sc.x/2-5 ,
sc.y/2 + 34 + offset,,251,70,255), "DT",true,false) offset = offset +
12 end if ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.hide_shots) then render.text(defaultsmall,
sc.x/2-23, sc.y/2 + 34 + offset,,251,70,255), "ON-SHOT",true,false)
offset = offset + 12 end if ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.damage_override) then
render.text(defaultsmall, sc.x/2-10 , sc.y/2 + 34 + offset,,251,70,255), "DMG",true,false) offset = offset + 12 end end end end
local function lowdrange() local ibl ui.get_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean")
local bl ui.get_int("0Antiaim.body_lean") local ds
ui.get_int("0Antiaim.desync_range") local ids
ui.get_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range") local aay
ui.get_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset") if ui.get_bool("Low desync range on dt") and
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap) then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.desync_range",
14) ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range", 14)
ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset", 0) ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean", 0)
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.body_lean", 0) end end local strings_value = 14 local labels =
{ "inf", "infi", "infin", "infini", "infinity", "infinity.l", "",
"infinity.lua", "gg/gXDMVaKXpZ", "gg/gXDMVaKXpZ" } local first = 0 local second = 0
local function Clantag() if ui.get_bool("Infinity Clantag") then if first <
globalvars.get_tickcount() then second = second + 1 if second > strings_value then
second = 0 end engine.set_clantag(labels[second]) first =
globalvars.get_tickcount() + 20 end end end events.register_event("weapon_fire",
function(e) if ui.get_bool("Desync on Shot") then if switch then switch = false
else switch = true end if switch then ui.set_int("0Antiaim.body_lean", 100)
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_body_lean", 100)
ui.set_int("0Antiaim.inverted_desync_range",60) ui.set_int("Antiaim.yaw_offset"-20)
end end end) local watermarkfont = render.setup_font("Verdana", 12) local x_wat = 0
local clor = ui.get_color("color filled") local screen_w =
engine.get_screen_width() local screen_h = engine.get_screen_height() local
userdata = engine.get_gamename() local datetime = globalvars.get_time() local
serverip = globalvars.get_server_address() local sundwat =
render.get_text_width(watermarkfont, "infinity | " .. userdata .. " | " ..
globalvars.get_ping() .. "ms" .. " | " .. datetime.. " | ".. "IP:".. serverip)
local function watermark() if not ui.get_bool("infinity Watermark") then return end
if ui.get_bool("infinity Watermark") then local clor = ui.get_color("color filled")
render.rect_filled(screen_w - sundwat - 10 + x_wat, 10, sundwat + 4, 17,,0,0,120)) render.rect_filled(screen_w - sundwat - 10 + x_wat, 10,
sundwat + 4, 2, clor) render.gradient(screen_w - sundwat - 10 + x_wat, 10, sundwat
+ 4, 2, clor, clor) render.text(watermarkfont, screen_w - sundwat - 10 + 2 + x_wat,
13,,255,255,255), "infinity | " .. userdata .. " | " ..
globalvars.get_ping() .. "ms" .. " | " .. datetime.. " | ".. "IP:".. serverip) end
end local function keybi() if ui.get_bool("Enable keybinds") then local x =
ui.get_int("x") local y = ui.get_int("y") local offsett = 15 local clor =
ui.get_color("Color") local hsmode = ui.get_keybind_mode(keybinds.hide_shots) local
dtmode = ui.get_keybind_mode(keybinds.double_tap) local apmode =
local spmode = ui.get_keybind_mode(keybinds.safe_points) local aamode =
ui.get_keybind_mode(keybinds.flip_desync) local baimode =
ui.get_keybind_mode(keybinds.body_aim) local swmode =
local fdmode = ui.get_keybind_mode(keybinds.fakeduck)
local ejmode = ui.get_keybind_mode(keybinds.edge_jump) local dmgmode =
ui.get_keybind_mode(keybinds.damage_override) if ui.get_bool("Enable keybinds")
then render.rect_filled(x, y, 120, 2, clor) end render.rect_filled(x, y + 2, 120,
15,,0,0, 180)) render.text(keybindss, x + 40 , y + 3,,255,255), "[infinity]") if
(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.double_tap)) then render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y +
3 + offsett,,255,255), "double tap") render.text(keybindss, x + 110 -
5 - 5 - 2,y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett =
offsett + 15 end if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.hide_shots)) then
render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "hide
shots") render.text(keybindss, x + 110 - 5 - 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett = offsett + 15 end if
(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync)) then render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y +
3 + offsett,,255,255), "Invert AA") render.text(keybindss, x + 110 -
5 - 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett =
offsett + 15 end if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.body_aim)) then
render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "body aim")
render.text(keybindss, x + 110 - 5 - 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett = offsett + 15 end if
(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.slowwalk)) then render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y + 3
+ offsett,,255,255), "slow walk") render.text(keybindss, x + 110 - 5
- 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett =
offsett + 15 end if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.fakeduck)) then
render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "fake duck")
render.text(keybindss, x + 110 - 5 - 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett = offsett + 15 end if
(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.edge_jump)) then render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y + 3
+ offsett,,255,255), "edge jump") render.text(keybindss, x + 110 - 5
- 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett =
offsett + 15 end if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.automatic_peek)) then
render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "auto peek")
render.text(keybindss, x + 110 - 5 - 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett = offsett + 15 end if
(ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.damage_override)) then render.text(keybindss, x + 2,
y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "damage override") render.text(keybindss,
x + 110 - 5 - 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]")
offsett = offsett + 15 end if (ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.safe_points)) then
render.text(keybindss, x + 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "safe
points") render.text(keybindss, x + 110 - 5 - 5 - 2, y + 3 + offsett,,255,255), "[" .. "on" .. "]") offsett = offsett + 15 end end end
local function abf(shot_info) if not engine.is_in_game() then return end if not
entitylist.get_local_player():is_alive() then return end local abf = { switch =
ui.get_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync) } if ui.get_bool("AntiBrute Force") and
ui.get_int("AntiBrute Force:")==0 then if abf.switch then
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, false) end if not abf.switch then
ui.set_keybind_state(keybinds.flip_desync, true) end end end local function onp()
paint2(); adaptiveragebot(); lowdrange(); Clantag(); watermark(); keybi();
visual_controller.indicators(); fakelag(); getvector(); end local function cm()
visual_controller.update_choke(); pitchzero(); idealtick(); aayawpresets();
attargets(); aajitterpresets(); bodyleanpresets(); fakeflick(); Legbreak();
invertaaon(); lagsynctype(); aadesyncpresets(); slowwalk(); end
cheat.RegisterCallback("on_shot", abf) cheat.RegisterCallback("on_paint", onp)
cheat.RegisterCallback("on_createmove", cm)

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