CMV: Pro-Shipping Is Just A Way To Excuse Pedophilia: U/Omega - Gamingcrew

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r/changemyview 3 yr. ago

by [deleted]

CMV: Pro-shipping is just a way

to excuse pedophilia
Lately on twitter, in due part to some mutuals of mine,
I've been seeing content involving the topic/community
of "Pro-shippers" and "anti-shippers", after having
seen this content on and off for about 2 weeks, I've
come to the conclusion that Pro-shippers only exist to
defend the idea that it's okay to sexualize fictional
characters, which are, more often than not, underage
characters and children.

Now whether you consider that to be a qualification of

being a pedophile is up to you, but I definitely consider
the sexualization of minors, fictional or otherwise, to be
a trait of being a pedophile.

I'm wondering if this is just a small part of the

community (as all communities have the nasty
degenerate 5%), but as this is all I've seen, it's hard to
think of it as anything but a reason to excuse
pedophilia (and a poor one at that).

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HeftyRain7 • 3 yr. ago

Pro-shipping extends to a lot of other things

besides talking about underage characters or even
sexualizing characters. It tends to be more of a "let
people ship" sort of thing. So it's more of "there
was a love triangle between characters a, b, and c
on the show. Just because you prefer the ship of a
and b doesn't mean you should call a and c
problematic. People have different opinions and
that's okay," type of deal.

Now, most of the time that argument has been

used on me, I'm trying to point out reasons I
personally dislike the ship or aspects I find
problematic, so I don't particularly agree with pro
shippers. However, it's certainly not just about
underage characters or sexualizing anyone.

edit: grammar
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leftzoloft • 3 yr. ago

Why does "pro-shipping" automatically mean that

someone is pro-sexualizing children? Even if you
"ship" minors, that doesn't mean your sexualizing
children. There is plenty of media out there in
which teens engage in a romantic relationship.
Stranger Things had plenty of romance between
minors. Romantic feelings between underage
people is generally normal, the problem is
obviously when adults get involved or impose
sexual shit on them. But I feel like there's a big
difference between an adult watching a show like
Stranger Things and thinking "oh haha that's
would be a cute relationship" vs an adult drawing
explicit pornography between minors (which would
be wrong because it's sexualization).
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RelaxedApathy • 3 yr. ago

Awkward romantic relationships between young

people are adorable, even if only because they can
remind us of ourselves at that age and the feelings
we discovered as the world of romance and
attraction opened up before us and seemed like
the most important thing in the world. Seeing a
young couple can make us smile and chuckle,
thinking "Ahahah, I remember being a young idiot

I might not be a part of shipping culture, but surely

it is more a matter of "They are a cute and
adorable couple and the thought of their
blossoming relationship makes me want to
dispense hugs and head-pats" and less a matter of
"Lol I am going to explicitly imagine those fictional
characters doing the sex because reasons"

Now whether you consider that to be a

qualification of being a pedophile is up to
you, but I definitely consider the
sexualization of minors, fictional or
otherwise, to be a trait of being a pedophile.

Actually, no, it is not up to you or me to define

what a pedophile is, because pedophilia actually
has a medical definition, and thinking that two 17-
year-olds would make a cute couple is nowhere in
there. As per Wikipedia, the ICD-10 defines
pedophilia as "a sexual preference for children,
boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or
early pubertal age". The person must also have a
persistent or predominant sexual preference for
prepubescent children at least five years younger
than them. The ICD-11 defines pedophilic disorder
as a "sustained, focused, and intense pattern of
sexual arousal—as manifested by persistent sexual
thoughts, fantasies, urges, or behaviors—involving
pre-pubertal children." It also states that for a
diagnosis of pedophilic disorder, "the individual
must have acted on these thoughts, fantasies or
urges or be markedly distressed by them. This
diagnosis does not apply to sexual behaviors
among pre- or post-pubertal children with peers
who are close in age."
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[deleted] • 3 yr. ago

The weirdest thing is mostly on reddit people

seeing pedophia in every harmless thing literally no
one outside the internet finds weird.
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iamintheforest • 3 yr. ago

It really just depends on the ideation of the person.

There are absolutely people who fetishize
something because it is fictional. You accept that
the rape fantasy doesn't mean that someone has
any desire to be raped in the real sense of that.
You accept that fantasizing about a 9-some
doesn't mean you really think you'd enjoy that in
the real world. There simply is a real fantasizing
thing that happens where the actual "getting off"
depends entirely on it being fictional.

This doesn't preclude the idea that some people

are using it as a sort of "safe proximation" like
putting your hand on the stomach but not making
it to the boob - you really want the boob, you're
just being shy. But, I think probably most
fantasizers of most things require the thing they
are fantasizing about to be fantasy, not reality. The
fantasticalness is an import part of fetish.
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[deleted] • 3 yr. ago

[deleted] • 3 yr. ago

You should explain better what pro shippers are

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JuliaTybalt • 3 yr. ago

1. Shipping has nothing to do necessarily with

minors at all. Shipping can (and does) include
adult characters. Oliver Queen is ....31 in
Season 8 of Arrow? If I want to ship him with a
29 year old Kara Danvers from
Supergirl...that's nothing to do with minors.
Shipping is about the relationships between
characters. That's where the "ship" part
comes from.
2. So, a "pro-shipper" will say "Let Person X
ship whoever they want." An "anti-shipper" is
usually against a certain ship. To use my prior
example: "Oliver only belongs with Felicity
and Kara isn't even from Oliver's Earth so
your ship shouldn't exist/is bad. A "shipper" is
someone who likes a pairing. So an "Olicity
shipper" in this case is also a "SuperArrow or
Kariver anti-shipper."
3. Especially on some sites [like]
many of the writers are minors themselves,
writing about relationships they enjoy or want
to see together. It should hardly be surprising
that fourteen year olds with access to the
internet want to go "NOW KISS" with their
favourite characters, just like adults do. These
will ultimately skew some ships younger.
4. Not all shipping or stories are sexual. "Fluff"
for example, will often include no sex at all,
though some will.
5. Many of these characters are already
6. Wanting to see two characters get together or
be together in fiction, often in non-sexual
scenarios, has nothing to do with sexual
7. My best friend. us a lesbian A great many of
her favorite ships are heterosexual. Does that
make her straight? No.
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