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Chapter 1

This dialog is for questions 1 to 3.

Amalia: There is a freelance job vacancy of web content creators. It is about teens' life.

Galih: You should apply for it. You are good at writing articles.

Amalia: You are right, but I am not good at web designing.

Galih Can it be done in a team?

Amalia: It can be.

Galih: Let me help you design the web and you make the content.

Amalia: Thank you, but we have to pass the

selection test.

Galih: What is the test about?

Amalia: We have to submit our work. When we pass the test, we have to publish the web

content weekly.

Galih When is the due date?

Amalia: Next Monday.

Galih: We still have time. Let's start discussing our concept.

Amalia: All right.

1. What does Galih offer?

A. Designing a web
B. Writing articles about teens' life
C Helping share web contents
D. Informing a freelance job vacancy
E. Writing an application letter for the job vacancy
Answer: A. Designing a web

2. What is Amalia's ability?

A. Web designing
B. Content writing
C. Digital marketing
D. Content reviewing
E. Program developing
Answer: B. Content writing

3. What should people do to apply for the job?

A. Work in a team
B. Read many web contents
C Advertise their products
D. Download the application
E. Upload the sample of a web content
Answer: E. Upload the sample of web content

This dialog is for questions 4 to 7.

Dera: Where will you have an internship?

Aldi: I will have an internship at PT Megah Berkarya. And you?

Dera: I haven't got it. The proposals were declined.

Aldi: The Personnel Manager of PT Megah Berkarya said that she still opens an internship program for
students, so please make a new proposal. I will accompany you to meet her.

Dera: That's very kind of you. Thank you.

Aldi: No problem.

4. What are the speakers discussing?

A. Looking for a job
B. Applying for a job
C. Declining a proposal
D. Making a good proposal
E. Attending an internship program
Answer: E. Attending an internship program

5. What does Aldi offer to Dera?

A. To inform a job vacancy
B. To write an internship proposal
C. To give an example of a proposal
D. To look for companies for an internship
E. To accompany her to send a proposal
Answer: E. To accompany her to send a proposal

6. What do Dera and Aldi do?

A. Students
B. Employers
C. Job seekers
D. Personnel Staff
E. Personnel Managers
Answer: A. Students

7. Dera said, "The proposals were declined."

What is the closest meaning of 'declined"?
A. Moved
B. Refused
C. Returned
D. Reviewed
E. Determined
Answer: B. Refused

This dialog is for questions 8 to 10.

Mrs. Nindy: Mr. Deny, have you finished preparing our presentation for tomorrow afternoon's meeting?

Mr. Deny: Not yet. I am making the PowerPoint

and then I have to send it to the participants. I also have to print several documents.

Mrs. Nindy: I have finished my jobs. May I help you?

Mr. Deny: Thank you, but I can handle it. We still have time. I know you are tired after working overtime
recently. You'd better go home and have a rest.

Mrs. Nindy: So, will you work overtime today?

Mr. Deny: Yes, I will work overtime for about two hours, then I will continue it tomorrow morning

Mrs. Nindy: Let me ask the office boy to make you a cup of tea.

Mr. Deny: No, thanks. I will call him later

Mrs. Nindy: All right. I'm going home now. See you tomorrow
Mr.Denny:See you.

8. Where does the dialog probably occur?

A. At the gate
B. In a lobby
C. In a pantry
D. In an office
E. In a meeting room
Answer:D. In an office

9. Why does Mr. Deny refuse Mrs. Nindy's offer?

A. He can handle his jobs himself. B. He will go home with Mrs. Nindy.
C. He will ask another staff to help him.
D. He knows that Mrs. Nindy is in a hurry.
E. He will deliver the jobs to Mrs. Nindy tomorrow.
Answer: A. He can handle his jobs himself.

10. From the dialog we know that

A. Mr. Deny is busy with his jobs
B. Mrs. Nindy will work overtime
C. Mr. Deny will return home early
D. Mrs. Nindy is Mr. Deny's client
E. Mr. Deny and Mrs. Nindy did a presentation
Answer: A. Mr. Deny is busy with his jobs

This dialog is for questions 11 to 13.

Customer representative: Good morning, Ma'am. Please have a seat. What can I do for you?

Mrs. Wanda : Good morning. Thank you. I lost my SIM card and I want to have a new one with the same
phone number.

Customer representative: May I have your identity card, Ma'am?

Mrs. Wanda: sure. Here you are.

Customer representative: Please wait a minute. I will check the data.

Mrs. Wanda: All right.

Customer representative: Ma'am, please fill in the form for re-registration.

Mrs. Wanda: All right. (After a moment Here you are. I have done it.

Customer representative: Please wait a moment. I willactivate your new card.

Mrs. Wanda: Sure

Customer representative: Ma'am, this is your new card. You can use it after 24 hours. Is there anything
else I can do for you?

Mrs. Wanda: No, thanks. How much should I pay?

Customer representative: Rp20,000.00, Ma'am.

Mrs. Wanda : Here you are.

Customer representative: Thank you, Ma'am.

Mrs. Wanda : You're welcome.

11. Why does the customer representative offer help in the opening of the conversation?
A. Mrs. Wanda asks people to help her.
B. Offering help is the customer representative's job.
C. The customer representative likes helping others.
D. Mrs. Wanda is confused with her problems
E. The customer representative sees that Mrs. Wanda is busy.
Answer: B. Offering help is the customer representative's job.

12. Why does Mrs. Wanda meet the customer representative?

A. She will renew her lost SIM card.
B. She will pay for her phone's bill.
C. She will complain about the service.
D . She will buy several new SIM cards.
E. She will change her phone number.
Answer: A. She will renew her lost SIM card.

13. Customer representative asks, "What can I do for you? The underlined expression can be replaced
A. I will help you.
B. May I help you?
C. Let me help you.
D. Do you need help?
E. Do you mind if I help you?
Answer: B. May I help you?

This text is for questions 14 to 16.

Dear Mr. Erwan Santosa:

My name is Seila Indah Pratiwi and I am the manager of the Fotomarket company, one of the most
renowned photo agencies in town for all kinds of commercial photographic studio.

We conducted photographic campaigns that have been in sales since we have professionals with
extensive experiences and we have the latest tools of the moment.

Our creative team will offer the most innovative solutions for their advertising campaigns and be very
pleased with the results. For a complete sample of our work for our services, please contact us at


Fotomarket 7/20/2021 to: PTBB Insan Madani

14. Why is the e-mail sent?

A. To sell photo tools
B. To show the sample photos
C. To offer photography services
D. To introduce a new photo agency
E. To help the company review products
Answer: C. To offer photography service

15. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Fotomarket informs its success.
B. Fotomarket tells Mr. Erwan its contact person.
C. Fotomarket shows the work team.
D. Fotomarket greets the customer warmly.
E. Fotomarket introduces its company profile.
Answer: A. Fotomarket informs its success.
16. Why is PT Insan Madani a potential market?
A. PT Insan Madani and Fotomarket have conducted partnership before.
B. PT Insan Madani probably needs to advertise the product to increase sales.
C. PT Insan Madani invited Fotomarket as its partner for photographic campaigns.
D. PT Insan Madani has announced to hire a photo agency to advertise its products.
E. PT Insan Madani is one of the most renowned photo agencies for commercial photos.
Answer: B. PT Insan Madani probably needs to advertise the product to increase sales.

Chapter 2

This text is for questions 1 and 2.

Dear Mr. Louis:

I would like to apply for the position of Fashion Designer posted on your company's website. I have
attached my application letter, resume, examples of my design as you wish, and other documents for
your review. I had experiences of designing a lot of fashion products when I was at senior high school
and university. I am a member of a young designer association in the city. I believe that my qualification
suits the advertised position. I can be contacted at 08013985966546 or dana I
look forward to hearing from you about scheduling a selection test or interview.

Yours sincerely,

Sadana Putra Purnama

1. How did Sadana find out about the job vacancy?

A From a friend
B. From his e-mail
C. From a newspaper
D. From Mr. Louis recommendation
E. From Mr. Louis' company's website
Answer: E. From Mr. Louis' company's website
2. Why does Sadana attach his designs?
A. To sell them to customers
B. To make his designs popular
C. To complete the requirements
D. To show them to other applicants
E. To prove that he is a famous designer
Answer: C. To complete the requirements

This text is for questions 3 to 5.

Dear Sir/Madam:
I would like to express my interest in position as housekeeper in your hotel. I graduated from a senior
high school and studied at LPK Mampu majoring in hospitality as the best graduate last year. Working
for a hotel as a housekeeper is my dream.

I enclosed my application letter, resume, and other documents on the attachment. I believe I am a
strong candidate for the position.

Please contact me on 080016868548513 or at oceania Thank you for your


Yours faithfully,

Oceania Tania Sara

3. What position does Tania apply for?

A. A manager
C. A chef
E. A waiter
B. A housekeeper
D. Front office staff
Answer: B. A housekeeper

4. What did Tania learn at senior high school?

A. Culinary
B. Fashion
C. Hospitality
D. Food and Beverage Service
E. Management
Answer: C. Hospitality

5. What will Tania probably put as the enclosure?

A. The copy of her employee card
B. A list of tools used in hospitality service
C. Estimated service tips
D. Her certificates of training
E. A report of hotel room damage
Answer: D. Her certificates of training

This text is for questions 6 to 9.

August 30, 2021

H.R. Manager
Gemala Wijaya
Jl. Kemenangan no. 20A
Majalengka 080018987653084
PT Johan and Levi Clothing
Jl. Seroja Barat no 136 Cimahi
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to apply for the post of Embroidery Quality Control Staff, as advertised on your social media
I graduated from SMA Karya Pahlawan.
I attended a sewing course at LPK Harapan Bumi for three months to gain skills and knowledge about
sewing. Having a year work experience as Sewing Production Staff at PT Busana Kita has improved my
skills at sewing. Then, I worked as an operator of embroidery machines for two years using both
mechanical and electronic embroidery machines. My duty was to input embroidery designs and operate
the embroidery machines before the fabrics were sewed by sewing staffs. Therefore, I am familiar with
embroidery machines
I am highly motivated and a fast learner. I am able to work under pressure both in a team and
Individually. I believe I am well qualified for the position.
I am available for an interview any time.
[ can be contacted by phone 080018987653084 or email gemala I look forward to
hearing from you
Yours faithfully,

Gemala Wijaya

as an operator of embroidery machines for two years using both mechanical and electronic embroidery
machines. My duty was to input embroidery designs and operate the embroidery machines before the
fabrics were sewed by sewing staffs. Therefore, I am familiar with embroidery machines
I am highly motivated and a fast learner. I am able to work under pressure both in a team and
Individually. I believe I am well qualified for the position.
I am available for an interview any time.
[ can be contacted by phone 080018987653084 or email gemala I look forward to
hearing from you
Yours faithfully,

Gemala Wijaya

6. What is the vacancy offered?

A. A production manager
B. A quality controller
C. Sewing production staff
D. A quality control manager
E. An embroidery machine technician
Answer: B. A quality controller

7. Where did the applicant learn embroidery?

A. At home
B. At school
C. At PT Busana Kita
D. At LPK Harapan Bumi

E. At PT Johan and Levi Apparel

Answer: D. At LPK Harapan Bumi

8. From the letter we can conclude that Gemala
A. is a fresh graduate
B. is suitable for the position
C. is able to only work individually
D. works for a national company for years
E. sends the letter to the company via e-mail
Answer: B. is suitable for the position

9. What is the requirement for the position?

A. Be familiar with sewing machines
B. Understand various types of embroidery
C. Understand how to input computer designs
D. Know how to operate embroidery machines
E. Know how to repair embroidery machine problems
Answer: D. Know how to operate embroidery machines

This text is for questions 10 to 13.

Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing in response to an announcement recently posted on Sehat Waluyo Hospital's website about
employment opportunities for new physiotherapist graduates. As you can see on my resume, I am a
fresh graduate from STIKES Mulia Agung majoring in Physiotherapy in May 2021.
During my internship, I had opportunities to work for several settings, including doing treatment of
injury and using muscle stimulation devices. My experiences enable me to develop strong skills that
prepare me well for the challenges. In addition to my physiotherapist skills. I have developed my
leadership skills through campus involvement. As the president of the National Student Physiotherapy
Association. I held several community service activities, Including a forum discussion about physical
therapy. Our organization also created a program that provided first aid training to people in the area.
I am very interested in commencing my physiotherapist career at Sehat Waluyo Hospital and believe
that my skills and experience prepare me very well. I can be reached by phone and e-mail.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully.
Fahrani Sekar Utami
Fahrani Sekar Utami
Perum Graha Fajar Blok F no. 4
Resume.pdf (526K) Certificate.jpg (938K)
Identity Card.jpg (745K)
Reference.jpg (395K)

10. What is the letter about?

A. Offering a job
B. Applying for a job
C. Explaining one's skills
D. Stating one's career objective
E. Informing about one's education
Answer: B. Applying for a job.

11. How did Fahrani gain her pharmacy experience at hospital?

A. By attending an internship
B. By working for Sehat Waluyo Hospital
C. By following forum discussions
D. By holding community service activities
E. By joining the National Student Physiotherapy Association.
Answer: A. By attending
an internship.

12. Why does Fahrani meet the requirements? A. She is excellent at leadership.
B. She is active at community service activities.
C. She became the president of a student's association.
D. Her educational background matches the vacant job.
E. She has created a program that provide first aid training.
Answer: D. Her educational background matches the vacant job.
13. What does Fahrani hope for?
A. She can work for Sehat Waluyo Hospital.
B. She will graduate in May 2021.
C. She can send her application letter.
D. The employer accepts her as an internship student.
E The employer opens a new job vacancy for physiotherapy graduates.
Answer: A. She can work for Sehat Waluyo Hospital.

This text is for questions 14 to 17.

Rinto Sailendra
Jl. Soka no. 3 Pekalongan
September 4, 2021

Mr. Bondan Pratama

Personnel Manager
Cahaya Ulung
Jl. Damai Bangsa no. 102 Ungaran

Dear Sir:
I would like to apply for the position of Mechanic for Scooters posted on your company's social media.
As requested, I enclose my resume and other documents in my attachments.
I graduated from Mechanic Engineering of Bangsa University in 2019. I have experiences in handling
projects with tight schedules, under pressure, and team work. I am proficient in repairing scooter
problems and I would be able to impart my skills and gain additional knowledge for professional growth
with your company.
I would appreciate an opportunity to have an interview. I can be reached by phone at 0800057295702.
Thank you for your consideration. Yours faithfully,

Rinto Sailendra

14. Why does Rinto send the letter to Mr. Bondan Pratama?
A. Because Mr. Bondan is the owner.
B. Because Mr. Bondan decides what job is vacant
C. Because Mr. Bondan is the engineer supervisor
D. Because Mr. Bondan is in charge of hiring people.
E. Because Mr. Bondan needs information from Rinto.
Answer: D. Because Mr. Bondan is in charge of hiring people.

15. What is paragraph three about?

A. The applicant's skills
B. The offered job vacancy
C. The enclosed documents
D. The applicant's educational background
E. The applicant's wish to have an interview
Answer: E. The applicant's wish to have an interview

16. From the letter we can conclude that

A. the applicant is good at repairing scooter
B. the applicant can work well, individually
C. the job vacancy is advertised in a newspaper
D. the interview invitation can be sent via e-mail
E. the applicant is a fresh graduate
Answer: A. the applicant is good at repairing scooter

17. "I would be able to impart my skills...." (Paragraph 2)

What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Reach
B. Invoke
C. Acquire
D. Present
E. Exhaust
Answer: D. Present

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