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Questionnaire responses

By Sean Spencer
What is this?
This is a questionnaire that I have conducted to ensure I
get the best possible knowledge on sport magazines, and so I
can take all of these ideas into consideration and make my
work the best that it can be.
In the first question that
I asked my audience was
what their age range was.
As a total, 10 people
answered this question and
gave me a wide range of
answers to help me develop
what type of planning I
should do and that I
should be using all the
ages to keep everyone
happy and secure.
In this question that I asked
my audience was what kind of
sports are they interested
in, to try and get a look on
what sports that I will be
adding into my magazines. The
most popular sports that were
chosen were football, and
Rugby League. However, I will
be adding a wide of sports to
add into my magazine because
I want to keep everyone
In the penultimate question, I asked
my audience what kind of prizes they
would like to see in the magazine to
give me a better idea on what they
want to receive for winning quizzes
that will be on the magazine. There
was four people that mentioned
tickets will be the best thing for
the prizes because it gets people
involved with the sport and puts more
bums on seats. There was also a
couple for signed shirts and money to
receive. Someone also said seeing the
players and getting a tour around the
facilities with them. I will be
adding all of these because they are
all great ideas and so there is a
variety of different prizes that
people can earn.
In this question that I asked
my audience was which of the
four following front covers
stands out the most. The one
that got the most votes was
the four-four-two magazine
front cover because it is
vibrant and it stands out
from the other three choices.
By making it colourful and
the writing big makes it
eye-catching and makes people
want to pick up the magazine
and read it.
In the next question, I asked
my audience on what is the
price range that they will be
willing to pay. The options I
gave them as seen above is
£1-£2 which got the second
most votes with 33.3% which
equivalents to 5 votes, with
£3-£4 having a staggering
66.7% of the votes which is
10 votes, with £5 getting no
votes. I will be making my
price range £3-£4 because
that is the range that people
will want to purchase the
In this question that I asked
my audience was what makes
people want to buy magazines,
it is crucial that I know
this so I can spend the most
time to grip the audience's
attention and make them want
to buy the magazine. 60% of
people said front covers
because they are the first
thing that you see in a
magazine and to make it
eye-catching is beneficial.
In this question, I asked my
audience on what kind of
giveaways would they like to
see and 15 people voted with
their being one vote for
things like airpods, shirts,
posters, tickets for
hospitality or big games but
the one who got three votes
was the one where you were
getting a signed shirt and
seeing the players with 42.9%
of the votes.
In this question, I asked my
audience why do people like
reading magazines. I asked
this question because I want
to get to grips on why people
pick up magazines every week
and try and get ideas for
content. The vast majority of
people said they like them
because they are interesting
and informative.
In the penultimate question
that I asked, I went to my
audience and asked them will
they be interested in buying
this sport magazine every
month. Luckily, no-one said
no but I did have some
maybe’s so to try and turn
them into definites yes’ is
crucial in the planning and
production process of the
In this next question, I asked my audience
on which of the following 26 things that I
listed, what would you like to see in a
sport magazine to get an idea on the things
that fans want to see the most and there are
a variety of answers that I got so I can get
a better look on what they want to see in
the magazine. The most popular vote with 13
votes being a monthly round-up of everything
that is involved in sports with reviews of
the games and quotes from coaches. The
second most favourite vote was the interview
with past players because they will want to
get an outlook on their hero's growing up
and what they are doing now. There was two
with 11 votes which what I will also use in
my magazine with a vote of the best shirts
out of three and the predictions for the
next month in order to earn giveaways and
prizes. I will be adding all of these into
my magazine so there is a broad variety of
things that will be pleasing to everyone.

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