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Traverse Control surveying & adjustment Triangulation

 Is determination of the precise position of a number of

stations, usually spread over a large area.
 Control surveying can be
2. vertical
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1. horizontal control survey :is to establish a network of

triangulation stations whose position is specified in
terms of latitude and longitude,
2. vertical control surveys is to provide elevations of fixed
bench marks with respect to the mean sea level datum.
These control points are located where other surveys can be
conveniently and accurately tied into them.

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Traverse Cont.… Triangulation

 The results of the control surveys are used as a basis from which
surveys of smaller extent can be originated.
 Boundary surveys, construction route survey, topographic surveys
and others may be involved.
 Horizontal control can be carried out by:
 precise traversing
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 triangulation

 trilateration
 combination of these methods
 The exact method used depends on the terrain, equipment
available, information needed and economic factor
 Two techniques commonly employed in extending horizontal
control surveys and in setting out are intersection and resection.

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Traverse TRAVERSE SURVEY Triangulation

o A traverse is a series of connected lines of known length

related to one another by known angles.
o The results of field measurements are horizontal
distances and angles.
o The results of office work are X,Y coordinates of the new
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o The process of measuring the lengths and directions of the
sides of a traverse is referred to as traversing.
o Its purposes are to find the positions of certain points.
o The traverse in general consist Reconnaissance, distance
measurement, angular measurement, measurement of one
reference direction, computation.
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Traverse Applications of traversing Triangulation

 The main purposes of traverses are:

 Property surveys to locate and establish boundaries

 _ fore example; to run cadastral survey
 2. Supplementary horizontal control for topographic mapping
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 3. Location and construction layout surveys for highways,
railways, and other private or public works
 4 Ground control for photogrammetric surveys
 It Establishes coordinates for new points, which used as a
framework for mapping existing features

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Traverse Cont…. Triangulation

These new points can then be used as a framework for mapping

existing features
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Traverse Types of traverse Triangulation

1. Closed traverse
This traverse starts and ends at stations of known control.
There are two types of closed traverse
- closed on the starting point
- closed on a second known point
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Closed loop traverse

This type of closed traverse begins at a point of known
control, moves through the various required unknown
points, and returns to the same point.
• Loop traverses are geometrically and mathematically
closed, so it is therefore possible to provide a
mathematical check on the sum of the internal angles
of the traverse.
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Traverse 2. Closed link traverse Triangulation

 Link traverses can also be either

open, starting on a known point and ending on
an unknown point,
or closed, starting and ending on two different
known points.
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Traverse Angles and Directions Triangulation

 Measurement of angles is basic to any surveying operation

 Angle measure needs the following:
1. Reference of starting line
2. Direction of turning
3. Angular value (Value of the angle)
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 Horizontal angle can be

1-Interior horizontal angle (included)
2-Deflection horizontal angles
Interior angles:- can be clockwise or anticlockwise depending
on the direction of turning the upper part of the theodolite.

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Traverse Cont… Triangulation

Units of Measure
Degrees, Min, Sec
Radians -  rad = 180 degrees
Gons – European, 400 Gon/circle
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Traverse Direction of a Line Triangulation

 Direction of a line is the horizontal angle measured from a

reference line called Reference north.
 Same units as Angles
 Meridians – North/South Lines
 True
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 Magnetic

 Grid
 Assumed
 Azimuth
 Bearing

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Traverse Bearing and Azimuth Triangulation

Bearing of a line is an angle with reference to north or south

Bearing can be measured clockwise or anticlockwise.
It is measured with reference to North or south.
The range of bearing is (00 - 900)
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It is an angle measured clockwise from a reference north.
It is always measured clock wise and north direction
Its range is [0,360]
Unlike bearing the direction will not mentioned
Azimuth sometime called Whole Circle Bearing

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Traverse Format of bearing Triangulation

• Bearing in the I - quadrant is

N < angular Value > E
• Bearing in the II – quadrant is
S < angular Value > E
• Bearing in the III - quadrant is
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S < angular Value >W

• Bearing in the IV- quadrant is
N < angular Value > W
• Bearing of OA = N 200 E
OB = S 450 E
OC = S 800 W
OD = N 600 W

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Traverse Range of Azimuth in different quadrants Triangulation

In I Quadrant
Azimuth between 00 - 900
 In II q quadrant
Azimuth is between 900 - 1800
 In III- Quadrant
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Azimuth is between 1800 -2700
 In IV quadrant
Azimuth is between 2700 - 3600

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Traverse The relationship between azimuth and bearing Triangulation
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Traverse Triangulation
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Traverse Back bearing and Back azimuth Triangulation

Back bearing is a reverse bearing.(revers dxn letter)

For example
Forward bearing of line AB is N 600E
Backward bearing of AB is = bearing BA=S 600 W
Back azimuth -is the reverse of forward azimuth.
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Back azimuth of AB = Azimuth of BA

N.B: The angular difference b/n forward and backward
azimuth is equal to 1800
 If a forward azimuth is less than 1800, Backward azimuth =
forward Az + 1800
 If a forward azimuth is greater than 1800, Backward azimuth =
forward azimuth - 1800

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Traverse Cont… Triangulation

o Find the backward azimuth of the following lines having
forward azimuth
Line Forward azimuth
AB 43011’20’’
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BC 1120 20’15’’

CD 1970 18’36’’
DE 3200 17’40’’

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Traverse bearing and Azimuth from coordinates Triangulation

 we can Compute bearing and Azimuth of a line

from the given coordinates
Calculate bearing and azimuth of line DE,
D (200 ,600)
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E (450 .2,155.3)

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Traverse Cont… Triangulation
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Tan Θ = ∆X
Θ = tan -1 [250.2]
Θ = -29021’48’’
Since ∆Y = - ve and ∆X = +ve the line lies in the II
Therefore, Bearing of DE = S 29021’48’’E
Azimuth of DE = 1800 - Bearing of DE
= 1800 - 290 21’48’’
= 150038’12’’

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Traverse Cont… Triangulation

 Exercise
Suppose line KT has the following coordinates.
K (930.2, 825.5
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T (538.4, 331.3)
Calculate bearing and azimuth of line KT.

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Traverse Departure and latitude Triangulation

o In rectangular coordinate system they can be defined as

o Departure: - The difference in x- coordinates between two
points (X)
o Latitude:- The difference in y- coordinates between two
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points (Y)

o Departure and latitude are described and computed in
different coordinate systems as follows:
1.By using rectangular coordinate system

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Traverse Cont… Triangulation

Departure of AB = ΔXAB= XB- XA

Latitude of AB = ΔYAB= YB-YA
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If the coordinates of A= (600.72, 802.93)
Again for line BA
B= (700.00, 891.30)
Calculate departure and latitude of AB and
= 600.72-700.00
= - 99.28
Departure AB = XB-XA
= 802.93-891.30
= 700.00-600.72
= -88.37
= 99.28
Latitude AB = YB-YA
= 891.30-802.93
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Traverse Cont.. Triangulation

2.By using Polar coordinates (distance and azimuth) system

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Departure: - It is the product of the horizontal distance between two points and
the sine of the azimuth of a line joining the two paints.
Dep = distance * Sin of Azimuth
Latitude: - it is the product of the horizontal distance between two points and the
cosine of the azimuth of a line joining the two points.
Lat = distance* cos of Azimuth

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Traverse Cont… Triangulation
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Computation of relative coordinates
Traverse Triangulation

 If the coordinate of one point and departure and latitude of a line that joining this
point to the point we are going to determine its coordinate are known, we can
calculate the coordinate of unknown point.
i.e. X2 = X1 + dep 12
Y2 = Y1 + lat 12
Example 1
Suppose the coordinates of point ‘A’ are (1000.20, 2341.32) and departure and
latitude of line AB are 300.32 and 543.2 respectively, determine the coordinates of
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point B.

XB = XA + dep AB
= 1000.2 + 300.32
= 1300.52
YB = YA + lat AB
= 2341.32 + 543.2
= 2884.52
Therefore; B (1300.52, 2884.52)

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Traverse Cont… Triangulation
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Traverse Balancing the traverse Triangulation

o Balancing the traverse means making adjustment to remove any

visible error. For balancing the traverse the underlying objective is
to adjust the traverse in such away that the sum the latitude and
departure should each equal to zero in closed loop traverse. The
closing error, however it is distributed throughout the traverse such
that the above mentioned objective is achieved this operation is
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called Balancing the traverse.

o There are different methods of balancing the traverse, the following
are main methods:
1) Bowditch rule
2) Transit rule
3) Least square method(advanced adjustment method)

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Traverse Cont… Triangulation

Steps to traverse computation and adjustment

1.Sum up all observed angle and check the sum with the (n-2)* 1800
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Where, (n-2)*1800 = Nominal sum or theoretical sum

n = Number of station

Sum (observed) = Actual (practical)
Then, Error = Nominal – Actual
Correction = Error
Allowable error = 1’ (n) 1/2

2.By using the given azimuth of the first line find the azimuth of all lines.

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Traverse Computation and adjustment of a loop traverse Triangulation

 After collecting all traverse’s planimetric data from the field

such as:
Azimuth of the first line (in case of magnetic azimuth method)
Intersection angles
Traverse’s partial distances
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 The office tasks starts for angular and linear adjustments and

finally, the determination of the adjusted planimetric
coordinated of the traverse.

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Traverse General Step (for a loop traverse) Triangulation

I. Angular Stage
1.Sum up all observed angle and check the sum with the (n-2)* 1800
Where, (n-2)*1800 = Nominal sum or theoretical sum
n = Number of station
Sum (observed) = Actual (practical)
Then, Error(e) = Nominal – Actual
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o Correction(c) = Error n

o Appling the angular correction to interception angles
α(corrected) = α ± c
Allowable error = 1’ (n) 1/2
o Checking the angular correction: ∑α(corrected) = 1800 (n – 2)
2.Computing the azimuth of every line ABC = AAB + α(corrected)
± 1800
*Determining the bearing upon the azimuth of every line.
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Traverse Cont… Triangulation

o If it is right hand traverse, which means the direction of progress is clockwise);

forward AZ = BA AZ+ 1800 - < ß interior angle
o If it is left hand traverse, which means the direction of progress is counter clockwise);
FA AZ = BA+ interior angle- 1800
II. Linear Stage
3.Find the latitude and departure of all lines and sum up to get closure error of departure &latitude.
*Computing the differences in X and Y:
∆X1 = dist1 * sin Azimuth1-2
∆Y1 = dist1 * cos Azimuth1-2
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* Determining the total error in X : X e = ∑∆X total error in Y: Ye = ∑∆Y

* Determining the linear absolute error Ae = √ ∑∆X2 + ∑∆Y2

*Computing the correction for ∆X and ∆y: C = ∑∆X * dist.
C = ∑∆Y * dist.
*Applying the correction to ∑∆X and ∑∆Y : ∑∆X(corrected) = ∆X ± C
∑∆Y(corrected) = ∆Y ± C
*Checking the linear correction now it must be fulfilled That :
∑∆X = 0
∑∆Y = 0
4. Find the coordinates of all points.
5.Compute area of the polygon

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Traverse Travers computation Triangulation
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Traverse Cont… Triangulation
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Therefore; the adjusted angles are
<FAB = 115011’20” - 20” = 115011’00”
<ABC = 95000’20” - 20” = 95000’00”
<BCD = 129049’20” - 20“ = 129049’00”
<CDE = 130036’20“ - 20“ = 130036’00
<DEF = 110030’00” - 20“ = 110029’40”
<EFA = 138054’40“ - 20“ = 138054’20“
∑ 7200 00’00”
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Traverse Cont… Triangulation
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Traverse Cont.… Triangulation
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Traverse Cont… Triangulation
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Traverse Cont… Triangulation
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Traverse Area computation Triangulation

o Area calculation by Coordinate method

In this method, independent coordinates of the points are
used in the computation of areas. For example
Total area of the traverse ABCD can be calculated as follows.
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Traverse Cont…. Triangulation
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Traverse Cont… Triangulation
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