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Discussing different company situations, strategic choices, corporate strategy, objectives, strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats as well as Majid Al Futtaim Properties LLC (MAF) competitive advantages is the aim
of this strategic audit report. This study also concentrates further on market sizes, company sales and market
shares of (MAF) Group, customer preference analysis, ethics and corporate social responsibility, and prognosis
to offer recommendations and implementation process of various strategies. The Emirati conglomerate Majid Al
Futtaim, which was founded in 1992, has expanded dramatically and become well-known in the retail,
entertainment, and shopping mall sectors throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. With their varied
portfolio and astute growth plans, they have become a significant player in the global market. First, at the input
stage, the competitive profile matrix (CPM), internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE), and external factor
evaluation (EFE) were used among other analytical methods to help determine the main advantages,
disadvantages, prospects, and risks of MAF. Moreover, significant results were obtained from both the internal
and external investigation; the latter showed how e-commerce is becoming more and more important and how it
affects physical retailers. The company's performance is further greatly influenced by the economic conditions
of the MENA region, which also brought to light the effectiveness of competitors in the retail and real estate
sectors as well as the growing demand from consumers for immersive retail experiences and entertainment
options. Remarkably, when one looks at MAF's internal resources, one finds that Majid Al Futtaim's
performance is driven by its competitive advantages, which include a solid reputation and brand awareness in
the MENA region, as well as a varied portfolio that includes hotels, shopping malls, movie theatres, and
entertainment options. Moreover, the company gains from a sophisticated and effective supply chain and
logistics network.
Moving on to the second stage of the framework for formulating strategies, Majid Al Futtaim is shown to be in
the aggressive quadrant after considering the four dimensions (two internal and two external) of the Strength-
Weaknesses Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix, which helps to identify many possible strategies. Apart
from that, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix helped to categorise MAF items based on their market
share and rate of growth, offering guidance on how the company may manage its varied portfolio successfully.
It was also made easier to determine which quadrant MAF belongs in by the InternalExternal (IE) Matrix.
Besides, the Grand Matrix assesses the degree of market growth and MAF's competitive position. Two strategy
alternatives were shown by consistency among all five analysis methods.
The appropriate plan is generated by the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) using the outcomes of
the two earlier phases. According to the findings, Majid Al Futtaim has to put the market development plan and

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